Monday, July 27, 2009

Little one...

Little one,
I made you smile, 
I made you cry. 
I played with your love like a dial, 
but when I lost you I could’ve died. 
But don’t worry, 
be happy! 
I’m sorry, if I acted sappy. 
I love you!

Lips as potent...

Lips as potent as a drug,
eyes as intoxicating as alcohol,
skin as soft as a baby,
sends shock waves through my mind,
explodes my senses.

Eyes of fire,
burn in my memory,
soft kisses beckon me
back into your arms.

Arms outstretched,
welcome me with,
with the warmth I yearn for.

Soft silky hair,
caressing my chest
makes me feel,
like I’m flying.

Wind beneath my feet,
holding your hand,
makes me feel whole,
wanting your every touch,
desiring to see your every move,
addicted to your love.

Needing your passion,
your scent driving me wild,
tasting your lips,
I fly high.

Drinking in your eyes,
sends my mind a sway,
shocked by your every touch,
nerve ends explode.

Your arms and soft kisses,
burns my mind,
with heated passion,
flying me higher then a kite could ever hope to go.

With your love,
in my heart,
I can change the world.

My drug is you,
my love is you,
desire is what,
your name should be.

Your love more powerful then death,
tender kisses draw me near to your body,
my want.

Your name my desire,
long kisses,
soft touches,
wanting you,
needing you,
loving you.

Addict me my drug,
for it is you,
I need.

Life is the hardest struggle.

Life is the hardest struggle.
Tears fall to the ground.
Mother earth hears your call,
gently blowing your pains away.
Kissed by father time,
everything stands still,
the tears fade away,
just because they love you.
Don’t destroy them or their trust,
raping mother earth for your benefit is wrong.
Just let her be,
take the time father time gives you,
to enjoy life and the earth in all her beauty.
Because life is hard for us,
and them.

Life is...

Life is so short,
without a dream to chase,
life seems boring,
without a goal to try for,
life is lonely,
without someone to love,
even though life is;
Short without a dream to chase.
Boring without a goal to try for.
Lonely without someone to love.
Life seems so sweet at times
it doesn’t matter how short life is,
or boring and lonely life is.
As long as the sun comes up every morning,
and shines on my face,
I have no cares in the world.


Life is too short for anger,
Life is too long for worrying,
Life goes by faster with a little fear,
and a lot of love.
Arguments stop the fun and make others happy that you are not.
Music is all we have until the end,
Makes life easier to bear.
Makes death a little more easy.
Where would we be without love and music,
In our own personal hell.
Life is too short to have nothing to listen to or to love.



Knock, knock,
nobodies home.
Let me hide,
from the pain.
Knock, knock,
let me in.
Pain all around,
can’t stand the torture,
of the hate of others,
now directed towards me.
I am just like you,
except I try harder to be liked,
but all I get,
is the hate.
Knock, knock,
please open up.
Let your kindness show.
I’m different,
but same inside as you.
Knock, knock,
knock, knock, knock, knock,
nobodies home...

Why me......

Just like you

To loose someone,
is to loose a part of you.
You don’t know what to do,
you’re hurting to the bone,
your voice a different tone.
Your face has a frown,
don’t be down.
Smile and make the best of it,
don’t throw a fit.
That person still likes you.
Even tho your heart feels like a ton,
they don’t know what to do,
Just like you.

Join the ranks...

Join the ranks,
of the broken hearted.
We are all friends here,
sufferers of broken hearts,
say they won’t love again,
they do.

Protect our hearts,
with walls and barriers,
hide the pain,
just the same.

Hearts shattered,
when told goodbye.
Hearts break,
when the love is gone.
Hearts needing love,
wonder when they’ll have it.

Had it once,
lost it completely,
never understood,
the last goodbye.

I join the ranks,
of the broken hearted,
sufferers of broken hearts
saying we won’t love again,
we do...

Join me...

Join me in the fire,
with crystal eyes,
covering the fire,
that I face.

Burning out of control,
I can’t handle the flames,
I can remember the smile on your face,
and the glow in your eyes.

The fire hasn’t been drenched,
hidden behind crystal eyes,
join me in the fire,
That I face.


Is this the end

Is this the end,
of our relationship,
of the good times we had,
and the bad times we shared?

Do I have to go through the pain,
of losing you forever,
of not seeing you more?

Don’t close the door of your heart,
leave it open,
for the light to shine on me,
for our love to grow more.

Is this the end,
Or just,
The beginning?

Fantasy land

Is this a fantasy land,
of dreams we dream,
on the stage of life,
a set behind the flats,
a different world,
behind the scenes.

Leekos shine,
fresnels gleam,
strips showing off their colors,
it’s show time,
behind the scenes.

Actors making final arrangements,
crew adjusting scenery,
running around,
break a leg! is said,
it is a fantasy land,
on the stage,
and behind the scenes.

In my heart I feel pain

In my heart I feel pain,
rolling like a freight train.
The tears rolling down my face,
I’m in this rat race,
Til I die.
I will never break our tie.
Our love is strong and full,
love is a lot of push and pull.
When we’re near each other,
we are together,
no one to bother us,
we are alone.
I feel like I’m on a throne,
when you’re by my side.
It feels like high tide.
The pain is great,
let’s not debate.
In my heart I feel pain,
when we are on a train,
going our opposite ways.
I’ll count the days,
that in my heart,
I feel pain...

I'm lost without you

I’m lost without you...

All I need is a little wish
to help be get you back
lost you in the wind
to fly away and grow
now I know
that I was wrong
could have held on strong
if I had my wish
I’d have you in my arms
I don’t need any lucky charms
all I need is a little wish
to help me get you back
lost you in the wind
to fly away and grow
I wish on a different star
wishing you never left my arms
I know now what I missed when you left
I need your loving arms around me
you are the only one I care for
all I need is a little wish
to help me get you back
lost you in the wind
to fly away and grow.

...I can only grow with you.

I'm afraid

I’m afraid.
I’m scared of losing you.
I’ve paid my dues,
I really don’t want to loose you.
I love your sweet kiss,
I love your gentle caress.
Why do I feel rejection?
I’m shaking inside with emotions,
we never talk,
we are never alone.
When we are alone,
away from each other,
all I can remember is when we are together.
You lead me on,
then you drop me like a bomb.
We don’t need sex to keep our relationship going on.
All we need is each other,
and time to be alone with one another.
Not to be with your sister or brother.
All we need is to be together,
and time to be alone.

I want to break free

I want to break free,
to live in peace,
to have love,
to live in harmony.

Free to live,
as I see fit.
To live if I want to,
or die if I want to.

Ah to be free to live and love.
No hate or pain.
To love someone forever,
or to find love,
unbound love.

Peace in my heart,
hate in my blood,
death on my mind,
set me free from this turmoil.

Taunt me no more,
play with my mind never again.
Leave me in peace,
set my future free.
Forgetting the past,
a past of hate and heartbreak.
Love me,
so I can be free,

I didn’t mean to make you cry,

I didn’t mean to make you cry,
I feel like I want to die.
When the tear fell from your eye,
as I said goodbye.
My heart fell,
you’re my southern bell,
I could not tell,
how it would make you feel.
I feel like a heel,
I want to make an appeal,
I love you.
What can I do,
to get you back in my arms.
I love you til the end of time,
to keep you like a shiny dime.
I wish I could put a stitch in time,
so I can have you as mine.
What can I do,
to get you back into my arms...

I didn’t mean...

I didn’t mean to hurt you,
I didn’t mean to cheat on you,
I love you,
with all my heart.

Please don’t deprive me,
of the love I once had
with you,

I need you more now,
I needed you then,
don’t leave me,
without your love,
without your warmth.

I swear,
I’ll never hurt you,
or cause you pain...
...ever again.

Hush puppy eyes

Hush puppy eyes
make me forget the pain
I once had.

Am I but an illusion
to make you happy
then you omit me
when not needed?

I am not an illusion
but someone to love
lead around by your love
by the need for your eyes
for you.

Maybe this love will last until...


Hoping for freedom,
looking for love,
soft clouds above,
hide another kingdom.

Where there is not colored people,
where there is not white people,
they are all the same,
and no one has a name.

It’s hello friend,
hello buddy,
no one grows old,
no one is different,
all the same.

Get me out of this hell hole,
into a place better then this world...

hold me close...

Hold me close, 
hold me tight, 
all through the night, 
cold and brisk, 
without your love. 

 I need you close, 
I need you near, 
loving me true, 
loving me forever.

Hold me...

Hold me softly,
kiss me with care,
my wounds are not yet healed,
the gashes run deep still,
my reasons to love,
still running out.

So gentle are you,
healing my wounds,
with your love.
Can you heal the pain,
the pain of a broken heart?
Say that you will love me,
say that the love I feel,
is the same as you do.

Together to heal,
the wounds of others,
together to be there,
in times of need or not.
not alone,
but to love,
as lovers,
and friends do,


Hold me close,
touch me softly,
kiss my lips,
with your tenderness.
Hold you in my arms forever,
love you in my hold,
holding me in yours.

Wait til eternity,
for your love,
never falling out,
of your hold.


Hiding behind mirrors,
looking from behind,
a wall of glass.

Finding out who are friends,
weeding out enemies,
from glass mirrors.

Mystery man hidden,
never showing himself,
afraid they might see,
the pain hidden in his eyes,
and the hidden flames...
...behind mirrors.

Hidden smiles...

Hidden smiles,
covered up by a frown,
few show through ever,
less are given,
to friends,
or people you love.

Can’t show smiles,
afraid of emotions,
wanting them dearly,
covered up by a frown.

wipe away the frown,
don’t hide the emotions,
show love with a smile,
show happiness with a smile,
show anything,
besides hidden smiles.



Negative force control me
people messing with my mind
why do people want total control
why do they want to control

Blood pulses through my brain
rushing my thinking
drowning my thoughts with hate
getting raw power
from hatred.

Eyes filled with rage
mouth spitting out flames
fight off the enemy
resist all.

I can’t think
I don’t know what I’m saying
pain in my brain
killing me...


Free your mind...

Free your mind,
and the rest will follow,
the struggle of remembering will be defeated.
Life will have better meaning for you,
opening yourself to a higher realm of awareness.
A new you will appear,
better and more powerful in the mind.
Beautiful inside and out,
truly peaceful and calm.
This freedom of mind and body,
to be the perfect you,
free your mind,
and the rest will follow.

Fake world

Fake world,
is the perfect world,
in my dreams.

Flying ships,
sailing above,
rockets on rails,
whizzing by,
faster then my dreams.

Elevator rugby,
laser tennis,
are some sports,
in a fake world.

When I dream,
it’s another world,
fake and unreal,
it is to me...
... a perfect world.


is what love is,
is what love will always be.
is the pain,
that people cause.
To me,
to you,
some people only want love,
never give anything but

Eyes sparkle

Eyes sparkle like morning dew,
glisten in the sun,
saying I love you,
is all I can do.

Flowing hair,
sparkles in the moonlight,
silently falling on my chest,
with love you lay on my shoulder,
to rest.

Hand and hand,
walking through flowers,
with no thoughts of hate,
only love.

Why me,
why not us,
together this time...

Eyes of glass...

Eyes of glass,
heart of crystal,
cracked windows,
shattered lives.

Strong but fragile,
clear but misty,
fading past,
fogging the road,
blocking the path.

Not letting me past,
holding me there,
with glass eyes,
And a heart turned to stone.


not a sound,
never to be seen.
A single tear,
falls from my eye,
onto you chest,
glistens in the light,
then runs away,
down your chest.
there is romance and beauty,
but none to remember,
like that single tear upon your chest.


Embraced by your love,
immortal passion yearns for quenching.
Kindred spirits on a quest for happiness,
for each other,
for a haven for the love,
the passion.
Masquerade unneeded, unwanted.
Love is a feeling that comes in many ways,
the scent of a woman,
the taste of her sweet lips,
the heat from his breath,
the scent of his skin,
you can hear her heart pounding,
you can see the gleam in her eyes when you say, “I love you.”
and you can touch her silky smooth skin.
How in this world,
when we stimulate our senses with false pleasures,
can we loose sight of the pleasure that one person can bring you,
and make you feel as if you just let your mind have the real pleasure it wants,
it needs,
The love of one, the one true pleasure.


Driving me crazy,
heading for insanity,
full steam ahead,
no time to enjoy,
no time to reconsider.

Pushing it aside,
for success,
no time to think,
it’s rush, rush, rush.

Driving for knowledge,
driving for financial gain,
no time to enjoy,
the thing shown to me.

Everyone wanting,
always taking,
no giving,
having no time to enjoy,
while it’s driving me crazy,
heading for insanity,
Without it.



How can I sleep,
With a love so deep,
Burning in my soul,
Taking its' toll...

Night turns to day,
In dreams we play,
Reality lost,
Reality found,
As I lay here on the ground...

Twist and turn,
My soul burns,
Laying in my bed,
Thoughts racing through my head...

How can I sleep,
With a love so deep,
Burning in my soul,
Taking its' toll...

Don’t leave me,

Don’t leave me,
don’t ever let go.
Stay with me forever,
never leave for another.
My heart broke,
as you walked away from me.
Leaving me,
never coming back.
Wanting my love,
taking it always.
Only you never understood,
why I loved you.
Don’t ever leave me,
all I need is you.
You make my heart strong,
with love that has never been seen,
in me.
They tore you away from me,
saying that you shouldn’t see me anymore.
I’m controlled by a master,
held from you,
controlled from somewhere.
Trying to prepare,
for the final conflict,
need your love,
so I have a reason to fight,
to stay strong in my battle,
to win over the master,
and have you rule,
by my side...
So please...
...come back to me.

Don't confuse me...

Don’t confuse me,
I’m fragile,
my mind is full.
Brain pounding,
bells in my ears sounding,
tell me I’m still alive.

Hold me please,
don’t be a tease.
My heart is breaking,
beneath my feet,
the earth quaking,
Or is it me,

Tell me you need me,
tell me you love me,
I want to know,
what you are thinking,
tell me before I blow my mind!


Separate worlds,
different lives,
no one wants the other.
Thought to be different,
Fight for freedom,
to be equal,
one in the same.
Hate spread out,
love taken,
let us end this war,
and be one world,
with no differences...


Difference in my life
is what you made
changing me
helped to find
a love I never knew.

Mind trapped
by thoughts of you
no one else
mind wanders
to visions of your face
and the smile
that you have.

Life wracked with pain
you have repaired some
giving me strength
to live once again.

Hold me forever
daring the future
being together with me

Death for me,

Death for me,
will be and end,
to the problems,
that will never end.
I turn a bend,
to find a way,
to control the past,
so it won’t bother me as much.
To end it would be,
a way to end the problems,
that won’t die,
to end the screaming pain,
inside my head,
My ears ring,
with the scream,
my eyes water,
with the pain in my heart,
my mind.
So as I said,
death for me,
would be an end,
of problems that can’t be solved,
no matter what I do.

Death by your own hand,

Death by your own hand,
ending the suffering and the pain,
but yet you are creating more,
silent screaming never heard,
shout it out,
don’t shut it in,
uncontrollable pain ripping through your mind,
as you consider,
death by your own hand.

Set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?

You held me close, tightly,
we made love nightly.
All we wanted we had,
then you called me a cad!

You’re mad!
If you think,
you can make me mad or sad!
You stink!

I loved you so,
now you love someone named Bobbi-Jo.
We had something great,
and you mashed my face into a grate.

So set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?

Deadly hands

Deadly hands,
caressing me softly,
causing me pain,
by pushing me away.

Killing me softly,
with your touch,
the touch of those,
deadly hands.


Darkness rules the land,
skeleton soldiers rise from the grave,
armor rusty and worn,
flesh and clothing decayed.
Foul stench of death,
the wind carries the screams,
of long ago,
releasing it to our ears.
Horrid shrieks and groans,
clanging steel grows louder
the ringing of the metal,
echoing in our heads.
Control of the land,
is wanted.
Win the war,
control the land.
Armor shiny and new,
dented and cut
swords dripping with blood.
Prove another victory,
prove more death.
Skeletons of the fallen men,
rise up and join the ranks,
with the ranks of skeletons.
Dark, unforgiving, hating all,
darkness will fill the land with bodies,
and flood the world with blood.
Foul stench of death,
when darkness rules the land.


unable to think.
Can’t understand,
the love shown to you.

searching for an answer.
Of who to love,
about the love shown to you.

I love you and always will.
So am I.

Torn between you,
and others.
But only wanting you,
needing you so.

your touch,
on me forever.
Wanting your true love.

answers to your questions.
I also do.
Maybe together we won’t be... confused.

Complete beauty

Complete beauty,
love in your heart,
caring person,
blinding beauty.

Need to know,
if the eyes I see,
are true,
or false.

Have to touch,
your soft hair,
have it touch,
upon my chest.

See your tears,
leave your eyes,
have my shoulder,
whenever it’s needed.

You have complete beauty,
deep in your heart,
glowing in your eyes,
share it with me?

Change a little...

Change a little bit at a time,
for me,
for you,
for the love we have,
Change slowly as will I,
ever so carefully change,
don’t loose the tenderness,
that we share.
Change a little bit at a time.

Caress me...

Caress me, hold me tight, love me forever, and I’ll let you in. Starry nights, under the stars, peaceful and quiet, dancing shadows. Trees acting like people, moving about, covering us with their knowledge, solitude. Protecting us from others, that cause us pain, giving us a bed of leaf's, of knowledge and love. Streaks of light shine through, so we can see, our future, our past. Moonlight giving us a warm glow, baking us in it’s light. Silently watching over us, kissing us with it’s light. It’s love.

Breaking is what...

Breaking is what you do best.
Putting hearts,
through a painful test.

When you find a love,
you say you love another,
someone new,
or your ex-.

Why hurt,
someone that loved you?
Putting him through pain,
of losing you.
You didn’t think,
what it would do to him.
I thought you two,
would last for eternity,

I guess I was wrong about that...
...and you.

Bombs burst...

Bombs burst,
blood spills,
bodies fall left and right.
Run to the trenches,
run for your lives.
Incoming round,
where will it hit...

Where am I?
I can’t see,
I’m blind,
I can’t hear,
I can’t feel anything.
My leg is gone,
nothing left of me.
Help me!
Can’t talk,
can’t scream.
All I hear is the bomb bursting,
then silence.
Help me!

Help me!
I’m someone,
not something.
Someone who needs love.
Someone wanting to die.
I am a human being,
not a piece of meat!
Help me!

A rose is lain..

A rose is lain, on a newly dug grave.
It wilts in the frost and turns to death.

A bud forms,
a new flower blooms,
taken to a child,
yet unborn.

And we are reminded,
of what is lost,
yet found.

A question...

Touch me.
I need a little love.
Because I have gotten none from anyone in a long time.
They never gave me any.
For they never found out how to give, only take.
Because they are greedy.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Bedtime Tale

Oh how the howls echo through the wind,
The call of truth in us all,
Hear the calls of the damned,
Listen to the gathering growing,

Out in the forest,
Out by the river,
Hear their little footsteps,
Feel their breath,

Oh how the howls send shivers,
Their calls spreading fear to those that hear,
Hear the calls of the damned,
Listen to the calls of the beasts,

In the dark of night,
In the light of day,
Hear their cries,
Feel their rage,

Oh how the howls carry on the wind,
Their piercing sounds a warning to us all,
Hear their voices and run away scared,
Listen to the howls of the children,

For they know no fear....

Birthday Gift... (naughty)

Birthday Gift...

She could feel his muscled arms wrap slowly around her from behind. His gentleness always was a surprise to her when he touched her. She knew what he wanted, he had been hinting about it for months before his birthday. Scared, she timidly decided she would give him his birthday wish. It was the first time he had ever asked her to do anything like this before. His hard muscles wrapped tenderly but tightly on her silken flesh, making her mind race wildly, the feelings turning her body into a trembling jumble of emotions. The nipples on her perky breasts ached from their hardness, never had she felt like this before around him. Hot breath rippled around the back of her neck as he kissed it softly. Her heart raced faster, this was really happening, she never thought it would, but the tiny shocks her skin felt as his fingertips navigated across her every curve told her the truth.

Innocent moans escaped her lips as she felt his hot cock slip between her legs from behind. It's length and girth rubbed lightly at her quickly moistening womanhood. Her mind raced and swirled with the new sensations, her damp center was being treated too. She looked down to her vagina, she could see the head and part of his shaft as it rocked softly between her legs. Her eyes widened at the sight, this was the real thing, she really was going to loose her virginity today. His calloused hands softly ran down her shoulders and across her arms, his large fingers entwining with hers as he guided her towards the bed.

His rough hands and fingers delicately danced up her calves and onto her inner thighs. She could not help it, her legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they spread open slowly with his every caress. She could see his fully erect cock twitching softly as his hands slid slowly up and down her thighs. She could feel herself beginning to yearn for his fingers touch. Her hands grasping at her breasts, massaging them slowly. His fingers brushed lovingly across her engorged lips. Her mind exploded with new feelings and desires all at once. The gentle roughness of his rough palms causing her hips to rise slightly in anticipation of his fingers exploring her inner folds as he tenderly rubbed her virgin pubic hairs. They had only started to appear more pronounced in the past four months after her fifteenth birthday. She had gotten her first period at fourteen, and from that point, her yearnings to make love had grown almost out of control.

She shivered vigorously as she felt his digits glide between her wet lips and into the delicate folds between. Moist and longing she moaned innocently, the grin on his face made her return the same grin. Feelings raced like fire through her mind as his finger slid slowly into her tight, virgin love canal, she bit her lower lip hard as he slowly pressed it deeper inside. Soft passionate yelps of pain and pleasure escaped her lips as he worked his finger in and out of her ever dampening vagina. She watched as his other hand methodically stroked his huge penis, she knew what was coming soon. Her mind scared, her wet sex yearning.

The bed creaked a little as he inched himself closer to her. Her heart felt as if it would burst out of her chest as he leaned forward over her. His hot bulging gliding itself over her wetness, his delicate licks and kisses on her neck drove her wild with pleasure. She whispered softly into his ear, "Happy birthday..." her words stopped short as she felt the head of his cock press against her outer lips of her pussy. He was ready, was she really ready, her mind torn between yes or no. She moaned sweetly as he whispered in her ear, "I will enjoy my present sooo much. I promise to be gentle my sweet present." Her eyes widened as she felt his tip slide its' way past her lips and towards her love canal extremely slowly. She could feel his restraint on himself as he entered her virgin hole. Fingers dug into his flesh as he pressed slowly inwards, this was it, there was no turning back now she thought. She could feel his thick, hot meat slowly spreading her inner walls wider and wider as he inched himself ever deeper inside her body. She had heard the stories of it being painful the first time, but his delicate way and experience made it only feel a little discomforting.

Her mind raced as she felt it press against something inside her, then a "popping" feeling flooded her mind. "You are no longer a virgin my sweet." he whispered with a loving smile. She had finally done it, she had lost her virginity, to the man she truly loved beyond any other. She bit her bottom lip harder as he slowly pushed deeper into her. Its' every ridge and vein rubbed against her tight inner folds, making her moan loudly. With a delicate rhythm, he slowly worked his huge shaft fully into her, the feeling was so amazing. To feel him, inside her body, was her first fantasy, and it was happening right now.

He was fully inside her now, her hands slowly caressing his warm flesh. Slowly he began to pull back and thrust forward. She could feel every inch slipping in and out of her wetness, driving her wild quickly. Her back arched off the bed a little more with every slow thrust, new sensations coursed through her body and mind. A few more thrusts and something came over her, she screamed out in orgasmic pleasure, the look upon his face as her eyes slowly opened was one of satisfaction. "Enjoy my sweet, soon I will make a woman out of you. " he whispered into her ear, "Would you like that?"
"Yess.." rushed past her lips, she could not stop it. What had she agreed to, she didn't care as he continued to make love to her.
His hot throbbing organ diving deep inside her vagina. For over two hours he made love to her, two more orgasms raced through
her body before he whispered to her, "Are you ready to know what it feels like to be a woman?" She nodded slowly with an orgasmic, "Yess..." His pace slowed to almost a stop, he looked deep into her eyes as his deep voice whispered once more, "I'm going to cum inside you like I do with other women. Would you like that?"
Her eyes widened at his words, she knew what he meant. Her eyes searched his, he could see her fear and uncertainty, "Don't worry, it's the last step in fully becoming a woman." he smiled as he whispered.
"But what about..." his finger touched her lips
"Becoming pregnant? Nothing would make me happier then for you to carry my baby." he replied. She looked up at him,she was scared, nervous, unsure, but she wanted to feel everything. "I want to be a real woman." she whispered back timidly.
She could feel him throbbing inside her , his pace slowly increasing as he worked his thick cock in and out of her for a few moments. She looked deep into his eyes as he looked down into hers, "Take my seed and become a woman, let it grow for us both!" he cried out as he thrust his hips forward, pressing them hard against hers. She could feel his entire length as it
swelled and throbbed inside her, then it happened, she felt his warm cum pulse inside her pussy. The exotic feeling of it made her press her hips harder against his as she orgasmed. She could feel it gushing out of him and deep into her, splashing against
her cervix. There was no doubt in her mind anymore, she was a woman now. His pleasure filled groans echoed in her ears as his hips stopped their grinding slowly, his hips pumping his cock erratically deep inside her. She could feel his heart pounding
hard against her breasts, her own pounding from the pleasure and uncertainty. Tender kisses on her neck and shoulders, timid hands trembling as she caressed his glistening flesh, her mind racing from what had just happened.

"You are the best birthday gift ever my sweet. " he whispered between kisses, "I will never forget this birthday." A tender smile crossed her lips, nothing would ever be the same for her again, life was new to her.


Free your mind,
and the rest will follow,
the struggle of remembering will be defeated.
Life will have better meaning for you,
opening yourself to a higher realm of awareness.
A new you will appear,
better and more powerful in the mind.
Beautiful inside and out,
truly peaceful and calm.
This freedom of mind and body,
to be the perfect you,
free your mind,
and the rest will follow.

Can't you see?...

Set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?

You held me close, tightly,
we made love nightly.
All we wanted we had,
then you called me a cad!

You’re mad!
If you think,
you can make me mad or sad!
You stink!

I loved you so,
now you love someone named Bobbi-Jo.
We had something great,
and you mashed my face into a grate.

So set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?


Lost puppy looking for love
is what I am
Cold and scared without love
need the reassurance of a hug
I won’t be any trouble
I only want a little of your time
and I promise you’ll be in bed by nine.
I am a lost puppy
not knowing which way to turn
Help me find my way,
Love me?
Take me to a better place

...tired eyes...

Unicorns glide through the shadows
Pegasus runs through the sky
It’s time to dream of the fantasy,
fill yourself with the magic of nowhere, everywhere.
Elven laughter sings
Fairies whisper to the wind
Leprechauns polish the sun
Wizards speak enchanted words with the trees
Dragons laugh with the rain
An enchanted forest buzzing with life,
lost yet not forgotten,
another Ogre slips into unconsciousness.
It’s time to dream of the fantasy,
fill yourself with the magic of nowhere, everywhere.
Fantasy land not far away,
just behind tired eyes.


Hard as nails, cold as steel,
is what you are to me.
Sweet little girl, soft to the touch,
mean and ruthless inside.
Hiding your anger in a delicate shell,
a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Fire burns in your eyes, consuming your soul.
Soft as silk, your words cut like a knife,
sting like a whip.
Gentle kisses, sweet to the taste, deadlier than poison.
Painful glances race from your eyes,
straight through the heart, destroyed,
waiting for the fire to burn out.
Inflicted pain, you do so well, names the hunger stronger.
Warm embraces from a cold heart, attract me nearer,
holding you dearer, easy prey to you.
Lost in a fantasy, chasing a dream, finding out who you really are.
Hard core lover, a delicate charade, a cunning act.
Hard as nails, cold as steel,
is what you are to me.
Seeing past your facade, you keep it well,
let me in, to the warmth below.


Dedicated men and women
Served their country well
Faced and fought the enemy
Risked their lives for freedom
For us or someone else
Fought with honor
Died with pride and respect
Flags fly at half mast for the fallen
We will never forget
The dedicated men and women
Who died for freedom
But live on in our hearts.


Tender tears
fall to the earth
run down your face
the smile on your face brightens the day
in a different way
drops on your body
never letting go
just like me
rain in your eyes
you brush away
now the tender tears
that fall from the sky
Fall with sadness...
For me.


When I saw you again,
I smiled.
I felt the emotions of a lifetime,
come racing back.
Your eyes still sparkle,
I still love you.
You are the one that made me smile,
I thank you for that.
You made me smile once before,
and now again.
I still love you.
More then before.
I’ve changed,
and so have you,
love me once again.

Poet's Eye

Poet’s Eye

Seeing each day with a newborn soul
Appreciating things others don’t see
Thinking in pictures and words instead of
number and formulas
To feel the thunder in your blood,
to smell all the scents in the air.
Sense the wind in your hair
Using words to shape it all -
Awed by the scene
A bond of the soul with everything
that lives and feels
A widening of perspective
through the Poet’s Eyes.

To Venisia Gonzalez,
I hope you make it to the stars.

The struggle of life...

I crawl...
My arms give way.
I stand...
My knees buckle.
I run...
My feet stumble.
And yet,
I reach for the stars,
I catch them,
and they’re mine.

...A perfet world...

Fake world,
is the perfect world,
in my dreams.

Flying ships,
sailing above,
rockets on rails,
whizzing by,
faster then my dreams.

Elevator rugby,
laser tennis,
are some sports,
in a fake world.

When I dream,
it’s another world,
fake and unreal,
it is to me...
... a perfect world.

...Taking a chance...

...Taking a chance...

They say if you stop looking for love,
You’ll find it.
I guess that’s how we met.
Two strangers searching for others,
Bump in each other.
There was none.
Just two people taking a chance.
Well, soon you wedged your way into this,
Little niche of mine.
Or, I wedged my way into yours,
and, slowly we fell into lust.
There was none,
Just two people taking a chance,
then I guess it happened one day,
I loved you,
Or you loved me.
You became my best friend and treasure,
I let you in.
This is true love,
When the risks pay off.


be careful or you’ll loose it
lost without it
dead dreams
without a little of it.

Strange how we have so much
but can loose it so easily
so small it is
but we cling to it dearly
holding onto it
waiting for a dream or something.

but strong
but used to heal the wounds of heartache and pain
only wishing that the pain wasn’t there
only you know what it means,

Love can't hurt...

Love can’t hurt as much as it does. Hard as a rock one time, yet so soft like a newborn babe. Pleasure is so pain filled, that pure pain is so pleasurable. You don’t know which is which anymore. What’s love? What’s pain? What’s life? What’s death? Caged fear, caged fantasies, escape the hidden world, into reality. Reality merged into fantasy, reality lost, or gained. Need in the eyes, pleasure in the brain, want in the heart. Senses tingling at a touch, exploding at full contact of the body. Lips match the fire in the eyes tasting each other hungrily, readily. Dead flowers, so fragile, so delicate, like love between two. Love can’t be as painful as they say, life so fragile yet lived with someone, with pain as a friend, a foe. One moment of pain, a life of pleasure, or just the opposite, depends on who you are. Fear, a constant companion, or a deadly enemy, scared with love, scared without it. Emotions running rapid, hidden, destroyed. Comfortably numb yet uneasy, love can’t hurt as it does, Can it?

Life is so short...

Life is so short, without a dream to chase, life seems boring, without a goal to try for, life is lonely, without someone to love, even though life is; Short without a dream to chase. Boring without a goal to try for. Lonely without someone to love. Life seems so sweet at times it doesn’t matter how short life is, or boring and lonely life is. As long as the sun comes up every morning, and shines on my face, I have no cares in the world.

two little poems...

Free your mind,
and the rest will follow,
the struggle of remembering will be defeated.
Life will have better meaning for you,
opening yourself to a higher realm of awareness.
A new you will appear,
better and more powerful in the mind.
Beautiful inside and out,
truly peaceful and calm.
This freedom of mind and body,
to be the perfect you,
free your mind,
and the rest will follow.


Death by your own hand,
ending the suffering and the pain,
but yet you are creating more,
silent screaming never heard,
shout it out,
don’t shut it in,
uncontrollable pain ripping through your mind,
as you consider,
death by your own hand.


Set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?

You held me close, tightly,
we made love nightly.
All we wanted we had,
then you called me a cad!

You’re mad!
If you think,
you can make me mad or sad!
You stink!

I loved you so,
now you love someone named Bobbi-Jo.
We had something great,
and you mashed my face into a grate.

So set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?

Little fuck puppy...

Little fuck puppy,
hanging out,
waiting to fuck you up and down and all around.
You played with my mind once to often,
now you’ve unleashed a part of me no one has seen.
Urge to kill pounds in my mind.
Your little fuck puppy has grown up,
no longer to please you,
just myself,
no one else.
No more hanging around waiting just for you,
I’ve got my own life to live,
but it’s not with you,
someone else.
You’re going to have to learn to live,
without your little puppy to fuck,
no longer submitting to your every sexual whim.
I’m breaking free,
no more waiting with starry eyes,
no more hanging around to fuck you up and down and all around,
just myself,
no one else,
no more playing with my mind.
I have grown up,
your little fuck puppy hanging out,
waiting to fuck you,
is finally breaking free.
So go fuck yourself for a change.

*written by myself and my friend Lisa Devencenci*

...Arguements End...

Tender love is the goal,
smooth out all the bumps,
making a happy relation,
between the two in love.
Just three words said with feeling,
can help smooth it out,
“I am sorry” is one,
the other, “I love you.”
Can calm the savage beast in us all.
Save the relationship for each other,
not for anyone or anything.
Just never hurt loved one,
just talk it out,
because tender love is the goal.


Love has come and love has gone,
from this tired soul of mine.
Yet our love will always be.
If you leave once the love will be the same as before,
if you leave twice it won’t be as special.
Yet there will be a place in my heart for a third try,
the final try.
If you hurt my heart a third time,
never expect the love to be there when you come back.
My heart can only stand so much from one person.
Please don’t find out how far you can go.
I don’t want to be hurt anymore,
my soul has been punished enough.
Let it feel some pleasure instead,
my heart has been torn into many pieces,
please don’t hurt it,
love it,
and let it heal.

The prettiest flower & two short poems

The prettiest flower...

Why can’t I have the prettiest flower,
so tender and soft,
so gentle and mild,
yet ever so wild.
Could that wild flower ever love me?
Could it be mine?
I am blind,
yet I can see the beauty,
and not a flaw in it’s petals.
The prettiest flower, come with me,
so I can feel love in my heart once again,
and be with the prettiest flower,
I have ever seen,


Love in our hearts, fire in our souls, passion on our minds, tender thoughts of you relieve the heartache and pain of a lifetime, sweet tender kisses excite the senses, warm hugs fill me with love, helps me through the day, time spent away attracts me nearer, dearer, to hold you close stops time, letting our love last forever, letting it grow stronger, happiness in our hearts, helps us get through this cruel life, sets us free, the love in our hearts sets fire to our souls, courses passion through our minds, warms our hearts like a big hug, and like a kiss, excites our senses, stopping time, growing us stronger and sets us free... free to love.


The love of a lifetime is only inches away,
yet it seems like miles before our lips meet,
because my love is so strong,
I can’t stand not having in my arms,
pressed against me forever...


Embraced by your love,
immortal passion yearns for quenching.
Kindred spirits on a quest for happiness,
for each other,
for a haven for the love,
the passion.
Masquerade unneeded, unwanted.
Love is a feeling that comes in many ways,
the scent of a woman,
the taste of her sweet lips,
the heat from his breath,
the scent of his skin,
you can hear her heart pounding,
you can see the gleam in her eyes when you say, “I love you.”
and you can touch her silky smooth skin.
How in this world,
when we stimulate our senses with false pleasures,
can we loose sight of the pleasure that one person can bring you,
and make you feel as if you just let your mind have the real pleasure it wants,
it needs,
The love of one, the one true pleasure.


Crawling my way through life,
I try so hard to love,
I try so hard to please the one I love,
even as I try,
love throws a curve
and the love is gone,
never to return,
they never knew how much I really loved them.
My knees are cut and bruised,
my hands are rough and calloused,
as I’ve carried the burden of being alive,
of loves lost and found,
they never found out about my love.
Trying so hard to stand proud in life and love,
but when I get close to standing,
I get knocked down to my knees,
So if I must crawl,
I will,
but love is so hard to find,
true love is even harder.
They come and they go,
but they never seem to stay long,
always wanting someone who stands,
not one that tries and crawls,
they want one already standing,
that has everything,
no waiting for anything.
So I am on my hands and knees,
crawling my way through life,
trying to stand,
but they always leave for someone,
“better” then me.
So I ‘m knocked down,
to crawling,
so I crawl on my hands and knees,
carrying the burden of lost love,
and being alive in a standing world.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A poem

Cold moonless nights,
My eyes yearn for just a glimmer,
a sight seldom seen,
a word rarely spoken,
To dream of the future,
to look back into the past,

You will be forever in my eyes and dreams.

Days come and go,
night consuming them hungrily,
I sit and wonder,
I sit and listen,
Listening for a heartbeat,
for a tender sigh,

You will be forever in my eyes and dreams.

Life slowly fading into the past,
pain lost over it's passage,
a new beginning to some,
and ending for others.

You will be forever in my eyes and dreams.

*inspired by Kal ShadowHand*

Thursday, July 2, 2009

His Mistress´ Voice

She had been restless for a while, he couldn´t have but noticed when standing guard at the Smugglers´ Gate, he knew the signs and the tempting pull of Her voice. Soon somewhere a sailor, be it a lonely fisherman or a sea captain, would decide to face Her waves, despite his colleagues warnings, ignoring the little voices in his head or simply because he had a family to feed.
He had felt nervous then, close enough to hear Her voice, yet just out of reach.
But how could he ever really be out of reach? Her touch reached everywhere, the springs and rivers, the kitchen sink, his cup of tea...even into his very blood. Faintly, easy to resist, it still was there, like a whispered promise across a room or a whiny nag from next door, however Her mood struck Her.
She hadn´t given up, probably never would, just being there, waiting, biding Her time. But some days Her call would be more insistent and She would reach out to Her children, Her mates. Days like these...

He pressed closely against the Southern City Wall, his fingers curled into a piece of cloth that carried her flowery scent, his anchor into his new being.
Her call had pulled him here, he couldn´t have stayed away; close enough to hear Her voice yet far enough to resist... hopefully.
His eyes watched Her ever restless body to the east, even here, far away from where She took Her tithe, chose Her playthings, companions and loves the signs of her fury were unmistakeable. The storm would rage out there, shredding sails and breaking masts, more to the south, it seemed. A good sign, most likely no-one he knew would find his way to Her this night.

And suddenly, with a satisfied moan carried upon the winds, it was over. His hands clutched the tattered remains of a brightly coloured skirt to his face, filling his head with peace and the strength to move away, away from Her who he once called his love to the one that was his Love now, his anchor, the founding stone of his new self.

*As written by Stewan Seagull about the Sea and T'lara. To be added to The Stories of the "Dark" Woman*

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A terrible loss...

Ilona kissed Kal lovingly, "We will be fine dear. Mother and Father need to meet their new grandson. I know you have your missions to take care of. I love you."

The ship launched from their home-made dock. Ilona and her two girls waving and yelling their love and missings of their new father as the sails rolled down from their resting places. Ilona's eyes filled with tears as she blew kisses to her beloved husband. She would miss him the most, he was her soul-mate. The first man to truly show her love and happiness. She would wait up for hours for him when he was out on a mission, worried, yet it would all disappear in a flash as he strolled in the doorway of their new home.

Their home faded in the distance, Ilona borrowed the captains' spyglass and looked back towards home, he was still there waving to them. She smiled a little and whispered softly, "I love you Kal, with all my heart."

The warm sun blanketed the deck of the ship as the island disappeared over the horizon. She so badly wished he could have come with them on their voyage, but she knew his duty to Cove was as important to him as his family. Day turned to night as they headed towards Jhelom. The warm air kissed her cheeks as she sat there half asleep against the mainsail next to their sleeping children. Her eyes opened quickly as she groggily whispered out loud, "Kal?" But alas, it was only the wind. Never in her life had she ever felt such love for any man. Checking over their children she sighed happily, "I am truly blessed."

Morning came, but not the sun. Thick black clouds loomed overhead, lightning raced across the clouds, then down. Ilona grabbed the girls and clutched onto "Cory" (full name Cor'Ari Ta) and headed towards the lower deck. Rain spat hard across the deck, the crew racing to their positions to battle against the coming storm. She dashed towards the stairs to the lower deck as a flash of light and a thunderous clap shook the ship violently. She turned towards the flash of light as she hurried the girls down the stairs.
Splinters flew everywhere at the mast exploded from the lightning strike, Ilona shielded little "Cory" with her body. The pain raced through her body as the splinters tore into her back, Cory screaming in fear from the noise. Down she stumbled into the lower deck. Isis and Harley crying as they clung to their mother. "Mommy I want daddy!" They both screamed in fear as the thunder rumbled through the ship. Their tears streaming down their cheeks while the ship was tossed to and fro. "Shhh, Daddy always shows up when we need him most, you know that." Oh how she wished he was there with them now, so she could hold him close, to ease her fear...

The storm raged on throughout the day, the seas churned and crashed, yet in a blink of an eye, the storm disappeared, the sea... calm... empty...

Official Report from Jhelom: Search parties sent out to find the ship, the B.o.C TraderHorn have found no trace of the ship, crew or passengers anywhere. Ship is considered sunk, with all on board.

*this story to be added to The Stories of the "Dark" Woman*