Thursday, August 13, 2009

Passion storm...

Passion storm rages it’s fury when we are together,
unleashing it wrath upon us,
pleasure overcomes all barriers,
alone together,
forever together,
heroic combat plays out it’s game in our mouths.
Simple pleasures,
innocence has been lost,
love stronger then ever,
flows through our senses,
overflowing in our hearts.
Kisses ignite our feelings,
consume our very being,
hearts pound with passion,
exciting the pleasure,
that courses through our veins.
Hot steamy thoughts,
running rampant in our minds,
turns us on to the happiness,
we feel together.
We find as we go,
towards eternity in a storm of passion,
our desires overwhelm us,
like waves in a storm.
Our own passion storm rages,
in our hearts,
let it never end.

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