Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tender words...

Tender words...

Tender words,
help me,
through the day.
A kind word goes a long way,
helps people have a smile all day.

A smile set a persons day,
to be happy and gay,
to be friendly and nice,
not cold as ice.

People forced to be together,
become unhappy,
become afraid,
tender words and a smile,
will help anyone,
through any day,
that seems to have it on for them.

Tender tears...

Tender tears
fall to the earth
run down your face
the smile on your face brightens the day
in a different way
drops on your body
never letting go
just like me
rain in your eyes
you brush away
now the tender tears
that fall from the sky
Fall with sadness...
For me.

Tender songs...

Tender songs on the radio,
remind me of you,
of your soft kisses.
All my needs are fulfilled,
just by touching your skin,
every day my love grows stronger,
every moment my heart grows dearer.
Needing you every second of the day,
I need you to hold me,
so every dream is of you,
so every dream is sweet and remembered,
like tender songs on the radio.

Tender love...

Tender love is the goal,
smooth out all the bumps,
making a happy relation,
between the two in love.
Just three words said with feeling,
can help smooth it out,
“I am sorry” is one,
the other, “I love you.”
Can calm the savage beast in us all.
Save the relationship for each other,
not for anyone or anything.
Just never hurt loved one,
just talk it out,
because tender love is the goal.

Tears fall...

Tears fall,
for friends lost,
for unknown friends,
fallen to the enemy.
Unknown soldiers,
buried in a place of honor,
unknown to anyone.
Died for loved ones,
fighting for freedom.
Tears fall,
for the fighting men.

Teach me again...

Teach me again,
how to live,
how to love,
not sure of the facts.
Help me love.
The others destroyed me,
taught me pain.

Simple love,
is what to teach,
complex is to much,
for a frail body now.
Love to heal,
the wounded heart,
repair the damage,
to the emotion.

Teach me again,
with your love,
how to live,
how to love,
and I will love you,
in return,

*I live a life of pain from memories and words. Pain gives me total anger that somehow, I get power from. Words that take my mind onto a game board and play til I go insane. Memories of the past driving me insane.*

Taking a chance...

Taking a chance...

They say if you stop looking for love,
You’ll find it.
I guess that’s how we met.
Two strangers searching for others,
Bump in each other.
There was none.
Just two people taking a chance.
Well, soon you wedged your way into this,
Little niche of mine.
Or, I wedged my way into yours,
and, slowly we fell into lust.
There was none,
Just two people taking a chance,
then I guess it happened one day,
I loved you,
Or you loved me.
You became my best friend and treasure,
I let you in.
This is true love,
When the risks pay off.

Take me where...

Take me where
the sun shines
all the time
never fading.

Tropical trees
buzzing bees
birds flying high
flying free.

Unicorns play
throughout the day
where dreams fly free

Slight breezes
my hair it teases
cooling my face

all around
of animals far
of animals near
I know I’m not alone...

Take me...

Take me... Take me where the sun dances, on clear blue waters. Hidden from sight, filled with light. Working all the time, closed in a stuffy room. Writing reports, of all sizes and sorts. Breathe fresh air, relax in a place, away from time and space, getting away from the work I bear. Reflections of sunset, in my eyes, burns of purity, causing me to cry. Ripples of water, tapping my boat, reminds me of a heartbeat, and a simple hello. It’s so peaceful, it’s so quiet, I don’t want to leave, or leave behind this solitude. Gentle winds, ripple the water, distorting the sunset, as I watch it in the water. Warm breezes, gently whisper secrets, of times past, of those yet to come. Gold and amber leaf's, on ancient trees, come and go, silently going on strong, then changing and leaving this place. I don’t want to leave, I want to stay, on the water, hand halfway in, and be all alone... ...and then, Maybe... Share it again one day with someone... And maybe then it will be.. Forever...

Stars above...

Stars above
twinkle in your eyes
telling me softly
you love me.

Green eyes set the stars in a soft green glow
soaring through the stars
we fly high together
never letting go of each other.

Arms around me
tell me your still there
tell me I’m not alone
songs you sing me
tell me I’m not alone...
... anymore.


Standing like Hitler,
over his silent troops,
I dare not say a word,
to him at all.
One wrong move,
one solitary word,
taken away,
less then perfect.

Hundred soldiers,
standing in line,
hundred soldiers,
standing in line,
hundred soldiers,
standing silent,

Do I dare breathe,
or twitch an eye?
Standing silent,
never moving,
sitting straight,
back breaking,
wanting to move.

Hitler stands silent,
in front,
holding a box,
unwritten on,
minds wander,
imagination running free.

Snap to attention,
form a line,
collect your reward,
SS badges.
What we wanted,
what we earned.
Remember, obedience until death.

Old friends say,
it means Satan’s Servant.
I don’t care,
it’s what we wanted,
it’s what we earned,
it’s what we’ll serve.



Sometimes I love you,
sometimes I hate you.
Sometimes I run from you,
sometimes I could hug you.
You’re good to me and bad to me,
you make me smile,
you make me cry.
You’re there for me and then you disappear.
I just don’t know how I live with you.
But I guess I have no choice,
you are me.

Soft Blue Eyes...

Soft blue eyes,
sparkle and shine.
Blonde hair soft,
and beautiful.
Blinded by your beauty,
my mind enveloped by you,
I entrust my heart to you.

Don’t crush it,
leave it next to yours,
to beat strong,
and give you my love.

Blue eyes tell me,
what’s in your heart.
Soft blonde hair,
fingers running through,
fine and beautiful.

Blonde hair on my chest,
blue eyes stare at me,
I love you...



Slave to life,
slave to love,
slave to the rules,
slave to the anger,
burning inside.

Controlled by pain,
in your brain,
chained to a wall,
nothing to eat,
starved of life.

wanting life,
striving for immortality.

Ten thousand years of pain,
trapped inside me,
burning inside,
killing me.

I want to live,
never die,
alarm clock sounding,
making me rise,
to the pain,
of being a slave.

striving for immortality,
I don’t wanna die,
why can’t I live on.

My soul has been,
torn from me,
I can’t think,
obeying commands.

striving for immortality,
“obedience until death”
is what we are told.

Do as we say,
or feel the whip.

wanting life,
striving for immortality.

Should I move?

Should I move, it’s so cold, my feet are numb, I can’t feel my fingers, falling asleep. Can’t! Stay up or you’ll freeze, others, are they freezing? Or already froze? Must anyone face this, or go through this horror, eyes want to close off the world. Can’t feel my legs, I’ve got to move. Walk away from the cold. 

 *I’ve got to walk away from rejection and the cold hearts I meet.* 1/16/89

Set me free...

Set me free,
let me be.
Can’t you see,
what you did to me?

Locked in a room,
all day long.
Sitting waiting for my release,
going through hell on a freight train.

Shocking my brain,
electricity racing through my veins,
lights go dim,
another victim to the shock treatment.

Living in hell,
I have no mind,
it’s fried to hell.

You’re mad if you think you can keep me,
locked in hell,
shocking my brain,
putting me through hell.

So set me free,
let me be,
can’t you see,
what you did to me?


Satan lives, 
in my mind, 
haunting me always, 
wanting to fight, 
help me let him out, 
hold me tight, 
love me?


Stallion running
across the sky
I’m watching him run
to take me away
to the love we had.

Flowing mane
reminds me of the pain
of losing you
and the pain I caused you
of the clouds
I pass
and your hair.

Sparkling eyes
of clear blue waters
tell the story
our story
of fallen love.

Running fast
running high
I want to die
because of the troubles I caused you.

Run with me
run with the stallion named love with me...



Relics of the past,
things from ancient times,
memories hidden in a closet,
behind a door that holds back history.

Thinking of the good times,
remembering the bad,
ancient things bothering me,
but they always do.
Remind me of lost love,
remind me of you.

The necklace you wore,
piled in the corner,
never to be worn again.
With a hundred more memories,
stored away,
used only as relics,
of memories of the past.



When I saw you again,
I smiled.
I felt the emotions of a lifetime,
come racing back.
Your eyes still sparkle,
I still love you.
You are the one that made me smile,
I thank you for that.
You made me smile once before,
and now again.
I still love you.
More then before.
I’ve changed,
and so have you,
love me once again.

Powers of pain...

Powers of pain...

Powers of pain,
doctors of death,
attack me,
attack you,
both against them,
attacking us.

I will fight by you,
to save you even if I die,
I love you,
and I will fight til death,
for your life.

Fight for you,
fight for the warm eyes you have,
fight for the soft hair that I touch,
love me,
I love you.
Even through,
the powers of pain.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Passion storm...

Passion storm rages it’s fury when we are together,
unleashing it wrath upon us,
pleasure overcomes all barriers,
alone together,
forever together,
heroic combat plays out it’s game in our mouths.
Simple pleasures,
innocence has been lost,
love stronger then ever,
flows through our senses,
overflowing in our hearts.
Kisses ignite our feelings,
consume our very being,
hearts pound with passion,
exciting the pleasure,
that courses through our veins.
Hot steamy thoughts,
running rampant in our minds,
turns us on to the happiness,
we feel together.
We find as we go,
towards eternity in a storm of passion,
our desires overwhelm us,
like waves in a storm.
Our own passion storm rages,
in our hearts,
let it never end.



Passion burns in my heart.
Ecstacy sits in waiting,
wanting your thighs between mine.
With all of this lust,
bursting inside.

Body bursts with ecstasy,
just from your touch.
Gently caressing my thighs.
Kissing me gently,
as I’m ready to explode.

Your love,
is what I need.
Your lust,
is what I need.
As passion burns...

Nothing is...

Nothing is worth more then this day
nothing is worth more then your kiss,
your love is worth a thousand days,
when we are together,
side by side,
it’s worth more then life itself.

A kiss,
a hug,
tugging on my heart,
your kisses filling me with love.

My true love calls me,
saying nothing is worth more then this day,
you are worth much more my sweet,
worth more then today,
more then any day.

Being with you,
holding on tight,
I love you with all my might,
nothing is worth more then this day,
except you,
You are worth much more...

Nocturnal eyes...

Nocturnal eyes...

Nocturnal eyes,
beauty seen,
all through the night,
never hidden.

Pains of loss and gains,
fill the eyes,
form tears,
when told, yes,
or no.

Darkness of hate,
light of love,
fly through the night,
to find a mate.

See the hate,
find the love,
eyes of darkness,
see true love.

Emotions fly free,
in the dead of night,
running peacefully,
running free.

Light of love,
all around me,
fill my eyes with light,
fill my nocturnal eyes.

Night sky...

Night sky,
clouds floating by.
Dancing over trees,
climbing over mountains.
Unfolding over us.

but yet a friend.
To let you rest,
with it’s comfort.
With it’s security.

Stars dance to and fro,
letting us know,
there is still hope,
and it will never let go.

Lost puppy

Lost puppy looking for love
is what I am
Cold and scared without love
need the reassurance of a hug
I won’t be any trouble
I only want a little of your time
and I promise you’ll be in bed by nine.
I am a lost puppy
not knowing which way to turn
Help me find my way,
Love me?
Take me to a better place.

Love can't

Love can’t hurt as much as it does. Hard as a rock one time, yet so soft like a newborn babe. Pleasure is so pain filled, that pure pain is so pleasurable. You don’t know which is which anymore. What’s love? What’s pain? What’s life? What’s death? Caged fear, caged fantasies, escape the hidden world, into reality. Reality merged into fantasy, reality lost, or gained. Need in the eyes, pleasure in the brain, want in the heart. Senses tingling at a touch, exploding at full contact of the body. Lips match the fire in the eyes tasting each other hungrily, readily. Dead flowers, so fragile, so delicate, like love between two. Love can’t be as painful as they say, life so fragile yet lived with someone, with pain as a friend, a foe. One moment of pain, a life of pleasure, or just the opposite, depends on who you are. Fear, a constant companion, or a deadly enemy, scared with love, scared without it. Emotions running rapid, hidden, destroyed. Comfortably numb yet uneasy, love can’t hurt as it does, Can it?

Love has come

Love has come, and love has gone,
from this tired soul of mine.
Yet our love will always be.
If you leave once the love will be the same as before,
if you leave twice it won’t be as special.
Yet there will be a place in my heart for a third try,
the final try.
If you hurt my heart a third time,
never expect the love to be there when you come back.
My heart can only stand so much from one person.
Please don’t find out how far you can go.
I don’t want to be hurt anymore,
my soul has been punished enough.
Let it feel some pleasure instead,
my heart has been torn into many pieces,
please don’t hurt it,
love it,
and let it heal.

Love in our hearts

Love in our hearts, fire in our souls, passion on our minds, tender thoughts of you relieve the heartache and pain of a lifetime, sweet tender kisses excite the senses, warm hugs fill me with love, helps me through the day, time spent away attracts me nearer, dearer, to hold you close stops time, letting our love last forever, letting it grow stronger, happiness in our hearts, helps us get through this cruel life, sets us free, the love in our hearts sets fire to our souls, courses passion through our minds, warms our hearts like a big hug, and like a kiss, excites our senses, stopping time, growing us stronger and sets us free... free to love.

Love me

Love me,
hold me.
Touch me tenderly,
caress my wounds.
Heal them with your love.
Sing to me as only a nightingale can.
All the pain we’ve been put through,
will fade away with the end of the song.

Metal Pounding

Metal Pounding...

Cold steel lined up in a row,
my brain hears the steel ringing,
a thousand hammers start their pounding.
Anvils singing their song of pain,
it pulses deep in my brain.
I work all day on cold steel,
pounding metal rapes you of your life.
Metal Pounding,
hammers screaming,
going home to rape your wife,
living a life,
of metal pounding.
The ring of pain,
I wear on my finger,
tells me I am owned,
controlled in my life.
Pounding metal to survive.
Metal Pounding,
hammers screaming,
going home to rape your wife,
of metal pounding.
Cocaine easing the pain,
of the rolling train of cold steel.
Am I maim,
with a brain,
used to pound metal,
every day.
Take the steel and ram it up your ass!
Metal Pounding,
I feel no pain.
Metal Pounding,
hammers screaming,
going home to rape your wife,
living a life,
of metal pounding.

Metal Honor

Metal Honor,
cold steel,
hot lead,
bursting bombs,
dancing across,
always coming.

Shake of the ground,
full of mud,
covered in blood,
more fall.

Metal honor,
gashes from blades,
holes from bullets,
severed arms,
severed legs,
this is the honor.

The honor of metal,
fragment of war,
buried in the bodies of many,
buried in the minds of more.

This is the honor,
a soldier gets,
Metal Honor.

Maiden from Hell

Maiden from Hell,
bitch of Satan,
lover of pain,
a leader of fallen,
horrid body,
mutated and scarred,
giver of pain,
to many of souls.

Skin of silk,
white creamy legs,
changed to make,
another kill,
steal another soul.

Captured mine,
look at my life,
painful and horrid,
love between us trapped,
love me again,
Maiden from Hell.

Losing you...

Losing you,
losing my mind,
I don’t know what to do,
I’m in a bind.
It’s a crazy time,
my heart is crushed to a size of a dime.
Am I losing you,
or my mind.
What can I do,
to stop from losing you.
My mind came unwound,
but I am bound,
to you.
Because it’s me,
losing you,
losing my mind.
I don’t want to die by my own hand,
but that’s how I feel,
and I can’t deal,
with me.