Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eternal Journey...

...As I walk slowly onwards along this endless journey with you,
tell me that you truly do love me,
and nay playing me the fool.

This ancient heart is dark and cold,
can you truly love it as you say you do?

This ancient spirit longs for happiness,
yearns for the warmth of love.

Shrouded in darkness I walk alone,
do you dare to walk with me?

Strayed from the path of good,
evil incarnate,
I sleep while others are awake,
I feed upon their fears,
I feast on their life.

Shadows mask my every movement,
help keep me safe.

Hold close my body it is cold,
the warmth of your touch reminds me of a life long since gone for me,
one I can only wish to regain.

Every step I take is with caution and fear,
for death lurks close behind me,
within me,
can you see it?

Forever my soul shall be forced to walk this way,
will you walk forever by me side,
or will you fade into the cracks of my life,
leaving me once again,
cold and forgotten,
lonely once more in my eternal wanderings?

Fear not my curse,
that which only you can bring upon yourself,
I shall not damn you with it,
unless you truly wish it.

The smell of death and newborn life feed my hunger,
driving me slowly insane,
as I walk onwards,

Alone until someone crosses my endless path,
and joins with me,
if just for a little while,
in my eternal journey...

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