Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eternal Journey...

...As I walk slowly onwards along this endless journey with you,
tell me that you truly do love me,
and nay playing me the fool.

This ancient heart is dark and cold,
can you truly love it as you say you do?

This ancient spirit longs for happiness,
yearns for the warmth of love.

Shrouded in darkness I walk alone,
do you dare to walk with me?

Strayed from the path of good,
evil incarnate,
I sleep while others are awake,
I feed upon their fears,
I feast on their life.

Shadows mask my every movement,
help keep me safe.

Hold close my body it is cold,
the warmth of your touch reminds me of a life long since gone for me,
one I can only wish to regain.

Every step I take is with caution and fear,
for death lurks close behind me,
within me,
can you see it?

Forever my soul shall be forced to walk this way,
will you walk forever by me side,
or will you fade into the cracks of my life,
leaving me once again,
cold and forgotten,
lonely once more in my eternal wanderings?

Fear not my curse,
that which only you can bring upon yourself,
I shall not damn you with it,
unless you truly wish it.

The smell of death and newborn life feed my hunger,
driving me slowly insane,
as I walk onwards,

Alone until someone crosses my endless path,
and joins with me,
if just for a little while,
in my eternal journey...

My eyes tear...

My eyes tear,
my heart aches,
for the words I long to hear,
I don't know how much more I can take.

I need you near,
I need you here,
my soul consumed by you,
I know not else what to do.

Your soft hair in my face,
takes me to a magical place,
next to you in this endeavor,
I will be yours forever.

Our day draws near,
our hearts feel no fear,
to be with you,
is all I want to do.

My body shakes,
as my heart awakes,
next to you,
I know our love is true.

Your sweet lips I miss,
I need your sweet kiss,
my eyes tear...

My heart aches,
for the word I long to hear,
I don't know how much more I can take,
my heart feels like it's going to break,
I love you my dear,
as my eyes tear...


Your heart called out to mine,
and made it sing.

Your friendliness and openness,
and the way you make me feel welcome,

I love you so,
my heart yearning for your touch,
your scent,
your warmth.

Your gentle soul caressed mine,
and made it dance.
Your sweet love,
making me strong,
filling me with purpose,
giving me strength.

I want you so,
my body wanting yours near,
close to it.

Your body held mine,
and made it feel.

Your arms embraced me,
giving me warmth,
making my body melt into yours,
allowing me to be free.

I need you so,
my life mingled with yours...


*this poem was inspired by a friend of mine, Roman in Germany. His kindness and caring gave me this warmness inside, and I just had to write about it. He plays the character Sean Llyonadhadd on an online game we both play.*

A journey together...

Quiet and safe is how I feel in your embrace,
warm and fuzzy from your kiss,
peaceful and happy as I sit beside you,
our journey has just begun...

The sweet smell of your hair calms me so,
your hand in mine,
a perfect fit,
you are my sweet breath of life,
the happiness I feel around you proves that,
where shall our journey go...

The touch of your lips to mine,
just one smile from you and I feel like a god,
the twinkle in your eye lets me know you care,
our journey will never end...

Stay with me,
my hearts desire,
let our happiness grow,
let us plant the seed of love
and watch it grow,


Silence fills the air,
the night air whispering,
darkness' black fingers creeping across the room,
searching for the light,
stealing it from our eyes,
robbing it from our soul,
making us fear,
making us live,
black fingers licking at our faces,
probing for our souls,
silence fills the night,
the silence in our souls...


Lost without you...
heart lonely and sad,
need you near,
need you forever,
I'm lost without you...

You make me feel special,
you make me feel warm,
you take me to happiness once more,
I'm lost without you.

My heart yearns for yours,
my soul aches without you near,
my body craves your touch,
my mind wanders to thoughts of you,
I'm lost without you.

Lost without you...
heart lonely and sad,
need you near,
need you forever,
I'm lost without you...


Heart and soul,
crushed by a feeling,
life bearing down upon me,
life passing me by.

Crushed by a simple emotion,
crushed simply without reason,
my soul torn and flattened,
crushed beneath a veil of darkness,
never to see light again.

Darkness surrounding it,
crushing it to death,
crushed beneath its' heavy foot,
crushed into oblivion as it grinds it's dark heel.

Life slipping away,
should I even bother to fight,
to resist the crush any longer...

One day...

one day I will feel,
one day I will see,
life within me,
life without,
growing slowly,
growing impatient,
three hearts bound together,
as one for a lifetime,
one day I will know,
the delicacy of the touch,
the softness of the feel,
my soul empty,
I walk alone,
one day I will know,
how it feels inside,
one day I will know the pain,
one day...
one day...


Alas my heart sings with thy music,
The melody rings deep in my ears,
as I wonder,
as my thoughts of you,
rushing like a crashing wave,
I feel at peace,
warmed by the waters music,
comforted in it harmony,
enticed by your beauty,
provoked by your love,
I fall deeper in love each day,
sweet rhythm of your heartbeat,
lulls me to sleep,
I know you are near,
I dance to the pace of your breath,
the glimmering in your eyes adds the light I dance by,
in perfect unison to your music,
angel of music play for me,
a sonnet of our love,
a ballet of happiness,
a strange duet of passion,
life and love with the sounds of our music,
coupled together in a symphony,
a masterpiece of music, love, passion, and friendship,
alas my heart sings with the music,
ringing deeply in my ears,
piercing my soul with love for you...


Watching from afar,
my eyes open to everything,
wide awake inside,
waiting for my time,
waiting for my chance,
back in the shadows,
still I stand,
words spoken,
words lost,
still I sit,
time slips by,
faces change,
still I kneel,
madness slowly creeping in,
mind seeking sanity,
heart yearning,
still I lean,

Heart in a box...

...precious and beautiful,
lost to love,
come find it with me.

Hide no more in your box,
You are to beautiful to stay,
trapped in your coffin,
buried deep in pain.

Follow me oh heart of the box,
come out,
I'll show you the way,
Back to freedom,
far away from pain.

Let yourself shine,
just like your eyes,
soft and precious,
loving and beautiful,
please come out of that box,
for me...


How can I sleep,
With a love so deep,
Burning in my soul,
Taking its' toll...

Night turns to day,
In dreams we play,
Reality lost,
Reality found,
As I lay here on the ground...

Twist and turn,
My soul burns,
Laying in my bed,
Thoughts racing through my head...

How can I sleep,
With a love so deep,
Burning in my soul,
Taking its' toll...


I know what my eyes like,
I know what my heart feels,
So I had to know...
I know what my skin feels,
I know what my soul seeks,
So I had to know...
I know what my ears hear,
I know what my tongue tastes,
So I had to know...
I know what I desire,
I know what I want,
So I had to know...
I know all these things,
I know what I know...
So I asked it of you,
Because I had to know...