Friday, December 9, 2016

Weird Dream 2

I dreampt that I was a captured woman, who was property of a King that was at war I thought when I was pulled out of the delivery cage that I had been sealed and delivered in. I had no idea how or why, even who or what had caused this to happen to me. To be taken as a slave for no reason was unheard of. The King and I spoke about my tasks that I was to do for him.... they shocked me! I was to be his bearer of children if he wanted, and more, his footstool or his toilet, to pleasure alien visitors that came to his planet, whatever. He said all this while planning battle movements on a map with little figurines. Across a large lake, I could see another army, doing drills and stuff. I went on complaining about my capture as a slave and wanted to know why, but got ignored. 
  Suddenly the King yelled out, "So are you done with this war now John? I'm getting bored, it's not fun anymore, you?"
  A reply was yelled back a few moments later, "You best be ready, this move will be one to go in the books!" 
Next instant I was standing on a hill with the King and several generals and could see the other "King" with his on another hill beside us, within loud talking distance. Suddenly like twenty men from both sides started moving, marching towards each other slowly at first from a great distance. Then they started to run. Screaming and yelling, battle cries curdling in the air. The terrain between the two lines wasn't easy, but they didn't have a choice. The two Kings and their generals watched, sipping drinks and snacking on grapes and stuff while watching. Onwards the troops ran, suddenly one guy tripped and fell out of line. The other King stood up and chuckled. The King I was enslaved to seemed furious, but didn't react. The soldier that had fallen got back up and started running to catch up, but it didn't look like he would. I heard two of the generals talking to their slave girls and themselves about what was going to happen to the soldier that fell after the game was over.

  My mind exploded at that! This "war" was all fake but whatever happened that caused me, an innocent farmers daughter to be enslaved for this so called Kings pleasure? All this King has is money and title. The planet we all live on wasn't ruled by and that way anymore.... But.... Where did he suddenly get the power to make people do all this? Why are they? All dressed in ancient armor, fighting with swords, spears, bows, and such... with futuristic guards standing watch over cities and the King? Me in an old tattered looking farmer girl dress, all the other slave girls in fancy clothes or naked...
They kept sounding worried about the soldier that fell, I was instructed to carry a tray of drinks around to both sides and when I did, the two "mountains" disappeared to me. I was in a large observation box type thing, with a huge window looking down on and at the troops! I offered the others the drinks but didn't say a word, just held the tray and looked at the troops below. 
  A loud comment came out, "That boy that fell will be your downfall King!" 
Without a warning the person who said that was dragged away by two guards, a loud, muffled scream was heard, like someone falling down a long chute to their doom, but the whispers of what would happen continued. I could see the King I was enslaved to being all cocky and such, the other one, come to find out, was his brother. This was a game that they played instead of real fighting and killing their people to fend off boredom and promote unity and competition between the two sides of the planet so that it kept spinning around and around... And me... the enslaved farmers daughter... seems they say that my father had owed them some gambling debts and didn't have the money to pay so... paid his debt with me....

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