Friday, October 18, 2013

Bazi tea & Salad

She gently takes the kettle from it's resting place. Her eyes wander over it and heads towards the water, quickly filling it. She spins gracefully on her heels and heads over to the fire, hanging the kettle over it to boil....
 Her eyes quickly spot  a bowl and cup, grasping them carefully she heads back to the water to throughly wash them both. Deftly her fingertips the fresh repcloth onto the bowl, scrubbing it clean. She holds it to the sunlight, inspected it for any bit of dirt that might remain. She smiles warmly and places it on a big piece of rep cloth as she turns her attention to the cup for the other Mistress, repeating the same, careful cleaning as the bowl before....

She gently lifts the bowl and cup, now covered in another piece of repcloth so that she doesn't touch them, she heads back to the "kitchen" to begin preparing.

  Her soft, nimble fingers  flatten out a fresh bit of repcloth onto the counter. She kneels gently and rummages a bit for the tea leafs. Grasping a bunch she brings them to the repcloth and  lovingly crumbles them onto it. Softly her fingertips lift the corners, folding the repcloth tightly around the crushed leafs. She takes a bit of string and ties the repcloth tightly. A smile slips across her lips as she tenderly lifts it and turns to the kettle, placing the tea filled repcloth in to seep. Her attention turns to the "salad" she was asked to make.....

Sable smiles as she  gathers up some katch, olives, onions, radishes, carrots, peppers, and some pea pods. Wrapping them up in some repcloth she heads over to the water to wash them throughly. Her gentle fingers  shiver in the cool, crisp water as she washes the ingredients  carefully. A giggle slips past her lips as she shakes the water from the ketch, it's droplets  dancing in the air like tiny diamonds.

  She quietly finishes the washing, heading back to the counter in the "kitchen". Trembling fingers, bit from the cold water shiver as she unwraps them from the repcloth. She sighs heavily, seeing that the knife is chained to the stone. "How does one expect a girl to wash this thing" she mutters to herself under her breath. She turns to grab another bowl and hurries off to fill it with water to wash the knife....

She hurries back, grasping the knife and placing it in the bowl of water. Her fingers wrapped tightly in a bit of repcloth, she proceeds to throughly clean the knife. It had looked to her like it had not been cleaned in a long while.
  Satisfied with its now cleanliness, she looks to the kettle, it had not yet begun to boil thankfully.
 Her eyes turn to the bowl she was to serve the Mistress with. Her eyes slowly inspect it for any imperfection, a piece of sheer cloth run along the edge and over it's entirety. A warm smile crosses her lips as she places it down onto a tray.
   Laid out before her was the ingredients  for the salad, she began with the ketch, chopping it up into bite sized bits and tossing it into the cleaned bowl. A gentle tune softly rises from her, it was but a gentle hum, but it always made her smile. Swiftly she dices up the onion, carrots, radishes and other ingredients placing them into the bowl also. Her eyes spot two spoons which she grasps and heads to clean. She heads back and stirs the salad up with them. She  taps her chin, "Oh! that will do nicely!" she thinks  to herself. She kneels down to find the boiled vulo eggs. Quickly she slices them and adds then to the top of the salad....

Sable gently places the salad filled bowl onto the tray, covering it in a fresh repcloth and turns to the Bazi tea. The steam raced into the cool, crisp air, her eyes watching it swirl in the air. Taking a fresh cloth she carefully  lifts the cup she has chosen for the Mistress. Her green eyes study the edges and surface, confirming what her eyes saw was true with a bit of sheer cloth, she nodded approvingly and placed it upon the tray.

 The heat of the kettle felt good against the cold air, she carefully lifted the lid, letting out a big billowing burst of steam into the air. It's warm, tender touch caressing  her face, making her smile. She placed the lid back on and  slowly pured the tea into the cup. It's steamy tendrils reached up into the air in their slow, curling dance. Quickly she added sugars to tiny bowls and  matching spoons for each after having throughly cleaned and inpected them for any imperfections....

Her soft, gentle fingers grasped the tray, lifting it gracefully. She ran through everything in her head once again, checking it for any mistakes. Her eyes studied the tray a moment, a soft nod to her head, "Right down to some  pastries for the Mistresses to enjoy" she smiled to herself. And off to the Mistresses she went.

She slide gracefully to her knees, back straight, thighs tightly pressed  together, her head lowered to her breasts, tray offered up for the  Mistresses' approval......

Sable smiles warmly, holding the bowl of salad  first to her chest, whispering a delicate prayer. She lifted it up, gently kissing the bottom of the large bowl of salad before  holding it  out to the Mistress, "I hope and pray this food brings you strength and happiness Mistress."

Sable smiles delicately, her fingertips softly caressing the hot cup of  Bazi tea  first to her chest she whispers a silent prayer, then she lifts it, softly kissing the bottom of the cup, "I hope and pray this drink warms you and quenches your thirst Mistress."

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