Friday, October 18, 2013


Words can sing,  like a bird  on a branch
Words can love, like a lovers  embrace
Words can hurt, like hell
Words can cut, deeper then any knife.

You can play with words,
You can have a play on words,
You can keep words,
You can loose words.

The words are  yours,
to share or keep,
The words are  ours,
For all to hear.

Words can sing,  like a bird  on a branch
Words can love, like a lovers  embrace
Words can hurt, like hell
Words can cut, deeper then any knife.

Watch the words.....
    For they are what makes  you and  I.....


The cold air swirled around her body. She was out looking for fresh mushrooms and other plants to store for the winter. Her eyes scanned slowly across the fine dusting of snow. There was not much of it upon the ground, just enough to making the grass glisten in the sunlight. She pulled the cloak she had been allowed to wear around her body in a futile attempt to keep warm. Her fingers ached in the cold, wrapped tightly into the thin leather cloak to keep it closed...

...The snow and grass crunched under her feet as she walked onwards in search of whatever food stuffs she could find. Winter was upon them, the first snow was but a dusting, the slaves were sent out to find whatever they could before more snow came. Carefully she searched for anything, her eyes fixed to the task at hand...

...Off in the distance her soft green eyes caught movement. A rabbit, plump and round rustled in a thicket. Slowly her hands moved, letting go of her thin cloak, down to her slingshot. Quietly she slipped it out of its holder, her other hand grasping a stone from the small pouch on her belt.
  Her soft fingertips held the stone in the leather catch of the slingshot. They trembled in the cold air as she carefully took aim, waiting, waiting...

...She could see the impact, her stone hitting true. She hurried quickly towards the fresh kill, making sure it was dead with a quick, sharp twist if its neck. A warm smile slipped across her lips, it would be a great addition to the sullage tonight. Carefully she tied the still warm carcass to her belt with a bit of leather and continued her search...

...Her breath curled in the air, its whitish gray color dancing in front of her as she walked onwards in her search. She clearly missed the warmth of the former cities she had served in before. Ebony skin shivered in the wind, slicing into her like a Masters whip, making her eyes tear with its bite. Slowly she trudged on, going ever further with each step...

...Hours had passed, her basket slowly getting heavier and more cumbersome, it was turning out to be a good morning for foraging. She would take the easier route back to camp. The gurgling of the small creek sung in her ears steadily as she grew closer. She'd check the fish traps on her way back, a much easier path to walk...

...A heavy sigh escaped her lips as trap after trap turned up empty. Empty like someone else had taken the catch. She reset them and continued slowly onwards. The suns warmth teasing licked at her dark skin, making her shiver more when it hid behind a passing cloud. She could hear the cackling of the wild volos in the distance, their noise mixing with the bubbling of the creek as its water slept over stones...

...There was quite the way back to the camp. Her legs burned in the winds chilling grasp, her back aching under the weight of her full basket. A warm, tender song came to her lips, its tune matching the sounds about her. She hummed happily, the full basket heavy with her found treasures would surely make the Mistresses pleased. The thought of their warm smiles making her own smile bigger...

... 'Half way there.' She thought to herself, not much longer at all. The once snow covered grass was now just damp. It had turned out to be a great morning despite the cold start. A snap of a branch, barely heard, mostly ignored, stood out in sharp contrast of the sounds she had been humming. Her head turned towards the direction it seemed to come from...

...A heavy throbbing pain shot through her head, her eyes glazed over from the intense pain, and then, blackness.
  She awoke some time later, the sun, low on the horizon now. She could feel the sharpness of the rope as it bit into her wrists and ankles, the smell of the dirt at her nose. There she lay, hog tied on the cold ground of a hut, her head filled with fogginess, cut with the sharpness of pain, she tried to look around, but the darkness found her again...

...It must have been morning, the bright sunshine tore at her eyes when the door opened. The black shadowy figure stood in the doorway, her eyes trying to focus on the figure, the suns light keeping the face from being seen.
  The figure drew closer, her body trembled as she watched its hand move towards her. The rattle of a chain cut into the eerie silence, she felt it latch upon her collar. Nimble fingers quickly untied her, a strong feminine voice boomed in the silence, "Up girl."
  She quickly slipped to her knees, her body shivering, "Yes Mistress." was all she said...

...Out into the morning light she was led, out into an unfamiliar camp. She knew now what had happened to her...

   ...She was now a slave of a new camp, captured from her old camp... one would miss her for quite some time at her old camp, she was but a camp slave, not wanted by anyone there anyway...

Bazi tea & Salad

She gently takes the kettle from it's resting place. Her eyes wander over it and heads towards the water, quickly filling it. She spins gracefully on her heels and heads over to the fire, hanging the kettle over it to boil....
 Her eyes quickly spot  a bowl and cup, grasping them carefully she heads back to the water to throughly wash them both. Deftly her fingertips the fresh repcloth onto the bowl, scrubbing it clean. She holds it to the sunlight, inspected it for any bit of dirt that might remain. She smiles warmly and places it on a big piece of rep cloth as she turns her attention to the cup for the other Mistress, repeating the same, careful cleaning as the bowl before....

She gently lifts the bowl and cup, now covered in another piece of repcloth so that she doesn't touch them, she heads back to the "kitchen" to begin preparing.

  Her soft, nimble fingers  flatten out a fresh bit of repcloth onto the counter. She kneels gently and rummages a bit for the tea leafs. Grasping a bunch she brings them to the repcloth and  lovingly crumbles them onto it. Softly her fingertips lift the corners, folding the repcloth tightly around the crushed leafs. She takes a bit of string and ties the repcloth tightly. A smile slips across her lips as she tenderly lifts it and turns to the kettle, placing the tea filled repcloth in to seep. Her attention turns to the "salad" she was asked to make.....

Sable smiles as she  gathers up some katch, olives, onions, radishes, carrots, peppers, and some pea pods. Wrapping them up in some repcloth she heads over to the water to wash them throughly. Her gentle fingers  shiver in the cool, crisp water as she washes the ingredients  carefully. A giggle slips past her lips as she shakes the water from the ketch, it's droplets  dancing in the air like tiny diamonds.

  She quietly finishes the washing, heading back to the counter in the "kitchen". Trembling fingers, bit from the cold water shiver as she unwraps them from the repcloth. She sighs heavily, seeing that the knife is chained to the stone. "How does one expect a girl to wash this thing" she mutters to herself under her breath. She turns to grab another bowl and hurries off to fill it with water to wash the knife....

She hurries back, grasping the knife and placing it in the bowl of water. Her fingers wrapped tightly in a bit of repcloth, she proceeds to throughly clean the knife. It had looked to her like it had not been cleaned in a long while.
  Satisfied with its now cleanliness, she looks to the kettle, it had not yet begun to boil thankfully.
 Her eyes turn to the bowl she was to serve the Mistress with. Her eyes slowly inspect it for any imperfection, a piece of sheer cloth run along the edge and over it's entirety. A warm smile crosses her lips as she places it down onto a tray.
   Laid out before her was the ingredients  for the salad, she began with the ketch, chopping it up into bite sized bits and tossing it into the cleaned bowl. A gentle tune softly rises from her, it was but a gentle hum, but it always made her smile. Swiftly she dices up the onion, carrots, radishes and other ingredients placing them into the bowl also. Her eyes spot two spoons which she grasps and heads to clean. She heads back and stirs the salad up with them. She  taps her chin, "Oh! that will do nicely!" she thinks  to herself. She kneels down to find the boiled vulo eggs. Quickly she slices them and adds then to the top of the salad....

Sable gently places the salad filled bowl onto the tray, covering it in a fresh repcloth and turns to the Bazi tea. The steam raced into the cool, crisp air, her eyes watching it swirl in the air. Taking a fresh cloth she carefully  lifts the cup she has chosen for the Mistress. Her green eyes study the edges and surface, confirming what her eyes saw was true with a bit of sheer cloth, she nodded approvingly and placed it upon the tray.

 The heat of the kettle felt good against the cold air, she carefully lifted the lid, letting out a big billowing burst of steam into the air. It's warm, tender touch caressing  her face, making her smile. She placed the lid back on and  slowly pured the tea into the cup. It's steamy tendrils reached up into the air in their slow, curling dance. Quickly she added sugars to tiny bowls and  matching spoons for each after having throughly cleaned and inpected them for any imperfections....

Her soft, gentle fingers grasped the tray, lifting it gracefully. She ran through everything in her head once again, checking it for any mistakes. Her eyes studied the tray a moment, a soft nod to her head, "Right down to some  pastries for the Mistresses to enjoy" she smiled to herself. And off to the Mistresses she went.

She slide gracefully to her knees, back straight, thighs tightly pressed  together, her head lowered to her breasts, tray offered up for the  Mistresses' approval......

Sable smiles warmly, holding the bowl of salad  first to her chest, whispering a delicate prayer. She lifted it up, gently kissing the bottom of the large bowl of salad before  holding it  out to the Mistress, "I hope and pray this food brings you strength and happiness Mistress."

Sable smiles delicately, her fingertips softly caressing the hot cup of  Bazi tea  first to her chest she whispers a silent prayer, then she lifts it, softly kissing the bottom of the cup, "I hope and pray this drink warms you and quenches your thirst Mistress."

While out gathering wood....

The chill of the morning air  bit into her dark, ebony skin. She had awoken early to begin her chores, an early start would  get  much of them done at a decent time she thought. Quickly she grabbed a basket and  lashed  some rope to it, sliding it onto her back and adjusted the newly fashioned rope straps....

 ... She could hear the distant  thump of an axe being  put to tree, a smile slipped across her face, there would be plenty of wood soon for the fire to do it's slow, dance of destruction upon. Her hair glistened in the  cool morning  light as she walked  towards the camps front gates....

...Down across the bridge she went, her bare feet  trembling at the coolness of the wood, feeling it's stinging bite upon them. A gentle tune, one she had heard played many times in the tavern when she worked  outside in the garden of her former Master and Mistress, hummed upon her lips happily.....

.. The sound of the axe grew steadily louder, it seemed to thump in tune  with the music she hummed. The small clearing growing closer, the smell of cut wood  filling her nostrils, it seems  she was not the only early riser this day.....

... Through the soft fern underbrush she went, gracefully  swirling around  this tree and that tree, steadily going forward to the clearing. She could see  the glisten of his skin as  he stood  upon the trunk of the fallen tree, the early morning light catching it  just so. A soft smile slipped across her lips.....

... She loaded the basket quickly, stuffing it full of the cut wood, its smell wafting around her head, invading her nose. With a bit of a struggle she managed to get  the heavily laden basket upon her back, the home made straps digging into her shoulders. She paused a moment, looking to the figure upon the tree truck, swinging his axe with a graceful pride.
  She turned away, adjusting the heavy load upon her back and  headed back to camp.....

... Load after load she carried back to the camp, each time returning for a new load of the  fragrant wood. Her eyes would wander  over  to the thrall as he chopped away. Her hand  lifted, shielding her eyes from the  ever  brightening sunlight. She gazed up, trying to figure out who the  figure was, her  eyes squinting in the bright  morning light......

 ....Another heavy load of logs stacked on the ever growing pile. Her mind drifted  to the sweet sounds of the forest as she strapped on the basket and headed back for another load. Ever so softly she began to hum once more, a made up tune she took from the forest itself. It made no sense or reason, but it put a spring in her step. A few moments later, she arrived back at the clearing, the familiar thud of the axe now silent, just the rustle of the fallen leafs in the gentle breeze. She took off the basket and began to load it carefully....

.... The rough hand grasped her by the hair and collar from behind. She tried to shriek, but  nothing came out, his  lips where upon hers. Her eyes wide with fear, looked  at the person before her, kissing her, it was familiar.
  She could feel his grip tighten on her hair and collar, yet it did not cause her pain, it felt... erotic. Timidly her  delicate fingertips reached forward, running over the sweat covered chest she had seen glistening in the sun. There was nothing  she could do, her  pleasure slave training  took over....

...His rough hand caressed her silken skin, pushing up her camisk as it traveled slowly upwards. Her hair fell upon her back like a hundred thousand tiny whips, her nipples began to harden. She could feel his manhoods' bulge against her  heat and belly, its touch making her moan with desire. She watched as her camisk fluttered to the ground, the sound of his kilt greeting it as it landed....

....She felt him slowly, passionately  press deep inside her warm, moist depths. A long, pleasure filled gasp rushing past her lips and into the sweet, cool air of the day. Her eyes once blinded by the bright light of the day, now shielded by him, began to regain their focus. Her eyes widened as she saw his face, it was rix, the camp thrall she had met not long ago. His eyes were filled with passion and desire as his hips  slowly  pressed forward and just as slowly withdrew....

 ....She had told her former Mistress  before she abandoned her, that she was do for a visit  with the Green, but that seemed to have not concerned her former Mistress in the least bit. She had not received the bitter  tasting slave wine  for over  7 hands + one Passage Hand (month and a half approx.) but it did not seem to phase her former  Mistress. Now  there was nothing she could do about it.....

....In and out  his slow, rhythmic motions continued, his eyes looking deeply into hers, her own locked to his. The smell of his scent  coursed  through her nostrils, burning  deep in the primal depths of her mind, She did not understand this sensation, this feeling....

....A low, primal growl rattled deep in his chest  like a distant thunder, her body convulsed, taken over  in an orgasmic tidal wave....
.....and then she felt it.....
.... A growing warmth deep in her warm, trembling depths.....
                                       .....His seed.....
       ...... pulsing....  
                                                                           .....filling her......
..... like that she had felt from the Masters she had  pleasured before......
                                                                     ....only this time.....
                    .......there was no slave wine in her........

The first time...

He made her panic, there was no other way to express it. Standing in the room with him, all she felt at the moment was cold raw panic, no she wasn’t being entirely honest with herself, she was curious. Now that didn’t make sense it wasn’t like he was proposing something new to her, hell it wasn’t even like the method was new, do as I say... She bit her lip, and hadn’t she always done just that just as she was told. Hadn’t she always been quick to give whatever was demanded of her without ever really even considering whether or not she wanted it, whether or not she could even bare it? But she was still curious or needed attention or just bloody over analyzed every thought in her head. That was the real appeal of the demands, the freedom to explore, to experiment to touch and feel, without the guilt, the God damned guilt that wouldn’t go away, wouldn’t be quiet in her head.
His confidence was intoxicating, irritating, arrogant and down right alluring. She hated that about this whole confrontation to. She didn’t like being read, couldn’t bear being understood and he just seemed to see right through her. Pressing her lips together she took a small faltering step back as she noticed him approaching her prowling like some half-demonic cat ready to devour her soul. But that wasn’t really what he wanted, just a little play that’s all this was about, a compliant body or willing mouth to fulfill a whim. What astonished her is that she actually seemed to be willing to do just that, satisfy his whim.
She backed off another step as he moved still closer, but this step backed her up hard against the wall. No where to run! She tried not to feel trapped peering up though her lashes, large dark eyes gone wide, a doe caught in the eyes of a wolf, petrified and seduced by a single glance. She had to clear that image from her mind rapidly lest his eyes turn yellow and actually alter in her perception to those of a predator. She blinked rapidly trying to reconnect with reality trying to see the world through rational eyes. Before she had regained her sense of herself he was there one hand hooked under her chin his lips consuming hers. Dizzy, wild, disjointed thoughts clouded her mind and she went weak in the knees. He tasted like honey and risk and his tongue seemed to have more awareness then she did as he plundered her mouth. Response failed her, she braced herself against the wall trying not to melt against him, melting would imply weakness and hunger, pride demanded that she not let him sense desire. Instinct proved stronger then pride and response came quickly if a little tentatively her own tongue snaking delicately too meet his. With a tiny breathless whimper she tangled one hand into his shirt and leaned into him darting the tip of her tongue across his. She was tentative, almost clumsy, but there was a delicate demanding passion to her response, no cowering virgin but rather the timid unleashing of long suppressed passions exploring a world neither fully unknown or fully understood.
He pulled back from her then, smiling down into her dazed eyes, “Not bad Little One but that isn’t what I’m here for.” Moving back across the room he arranged himself with cat like grace into an overstuffed armchair as though it were a throne. He glanced across at her laughing quietly to himself at the way she stood still leaning against the wall breathless and flustered. “I really don’t need any more wall ornaments dear, why don’t you come over here.”
She stepped away from the wall shaking out the length of her skirt and moved across the room hoping he wouldn’t notice the slight tremble as she walked. His gesture to the floor at his feet was so casual that it didn’t even occur to her to remark on it or even stop to think about it as settled to her knees leaning against his left leg. Her hand snaked almost of its own volition across his right thigh exploring every line of his leg with trembling fingertips. She seemed to be watching herself from outside of her body as she shifted into a more upright position resting her hands on his knees.
He grinned at her a hint of the devil dancing on his lips as he undid his jeans. He leaned back into the chair casually and relaxed letting his legs fall apart perfectly comfortable in the assurance that she wasn’t going to jump or flee that she would part those delectably soft full lips and satisfy his growing need. He shifted his hips upwards as her small hands moved to tug his jeans down. Her nerve seemed to falter her hands trembling against his skin. He smiled at her letting one of his hands drop to cover hers “Trembling? Its not as bad as all that Little One.” He moved her hand guiding shivering fingers as they brushed across his stomach. He released her hand letting it fall against the hot hardness hidden beneath his clothing. He didn’t even bother to suppress his laughter when she snapped her hand back as if she had suddenly found herself within the jaws of a lion. With casual indifference to her kneeling and staring at him with awed and frightened eyes he pushed jeans and boxers down and kicked them away. He began slowly running his hand in long easy strokes up and down the length of his erection his eyes focused on his dazed audience of one. After a while he brushed one finger very lightly over the glistening head of his swollen cock, grinning he raised his moistened fingertip to her lips and watched with distracted amusement as she willingly parted her lips and began gently sucking on his fingertip.
Her eyes fluttered shut, long lashes resting against her cheeks, as she began slowly timidly sliding her hands up the soft warmth of his thighs towards the turgid demanding thickness of his dick. He barely moved, didn’t make a sound did nothing to startle his timid little conquest as she knelt here treading a delicate path between completely submitting to the moment and bolting. His only movement was the slow rhythmic back and forward stroke of his finger against her tongue. Finally her hands connected with his aching erection, he had begun to wonder if she would simply hold off until he finally grew bored with the game of trying to coax a hint of sexuality out of her.
She began this new step of her exploration with the same timid uncertainty as she had everything else. Eyes firmly closed her fingertips carefully traced every inch of his shaft, exploring each vein and ridge as though she meant to memorize every inch of him with her hands. “You know I want to be in your mouth, to feel your sweet lips and this delectable little tongue,” he tapped his finger lightly against her tongue as he spoke. “I want you to suck my cock and you know you’re going to do it.”
Her eyes flew open at the sound of his voice, her hands might have pulled away from him but he caught them. He held her hands each of her wrists engulfed in one of his hands between them looking her in the eyes. “You are going to suck my cock.” There was no command or cruelty in the statement it was simply an acknowledgment of a fact they both knew. Then he grinned at her, “lets see if we can’t settle you down just a little.” Moving quickly he pinned her hands behind her back in one of his, with his free hand he made quick work of the laces of her blouse. He hooked his finger under the tiny front latch of a pink silk bra and pulled it open with a careless gesture. Still keeping her wrists pinned against the small of her back he leaned forward and snaked his tongue along the inside curve of her left breast.
He pulled back a bit to contemplate the sight before him. She knelt between his legs; her wrists pinned to the small of her back. Her carefully cultured untouchable, asexual image was utterly shattered by the tousled disarray of her blouse and reddish hair tumbling down her back. Her shoulders were thrown back lifting the full curve of her breasts towards the exploration of his tongue. Tightly closed eyes seemed to seek to shut out the pleasure she was feeling and wanting to deny. He leaned into her breasts again swirling his tongue lightly around first her left then her right nipple. A shudder traveled across her body and she moaned a choked incoherent expression of pleasure she wouldn’t fully admit to. At that moment she melted, it was literal tangible surrender, her entire body relaxed and tension melted away. With a wicked little smile he caught her left nipple in his teeth biting just hard enough to cause the smallest shiver of pain run through her. Then he let go of her and leaned back again.
Released from his hold she nearly collapsed. Dropping back to sit on her heels mindless of the fact that her still exposed breasts heaved with her heavy breathing. She was blushing or just flushed from the excitement of his touch it was impossible to tell and she looked up at him through her lashes as if seeking instruction or reassurance anything to banish the confusion she felt, but there was nothing. He had returned to lounging at his ease in the chair; head back, eyes closed and erection taught against his stomach, it was as if he wasn’t even aware of her there between his legs. He wasn’t going to tell her to do it, no he wasn’t going to make it that easy, this would be something she did on her own or not at all.

She lifted herself slowly back onto her knees leaning over him. Sliding her hands along his legs she leaned down the ends of her long hair teasing against the skin of his legs and stomach as she descended upon him. She reached out the tip of her tongue slowly darting it lightly against her lips as though even now that she had begun she still sought to delay. Then with a light quick timidly questing flick of her tongue she grazed the head of his cock she pulled back almost immediately. For a moment she hovered above him so that all he could feel was the almost teasing torment of her ragged breathing and the slight brushing movement of her hair. Then with shocking sureness her tongue darted out again circling the head of his cock with a single deft swipe. The confidence of the movement the quick and sudden change of pace was almost enough to shake his composure, almost enough to make him gasp and lose the regal superiority he had carefully cultured throughout the entire encounter.
Biting down on his lip to keep from making any movement or sound she might notice he smiled a bit to himself. When she gets past her nervous faltering she does know what she’s doing he thought as her tongue began moving over the length of his throbbing erection with long slow sure strokes. Where the exploration of her fingers had been delicate feather light and unsure her tongue danced, traced each vein with deft assurance tormented the delicate skin at the base of the head with tiny little flicks that teased and tormented. Her fingers slid like hot silk up his thighs to begin adding their own subtle teasing movements to this sudden assured exploration of her tongue. Fingers suddenly deft and agile rather then trembling and unsure added to the torment tickling lightly against his balls or tracing along behind her tongue. Leaving him torn between basking in delicious torment and just wanting more.
It was almost as if she had calculated precisely the moment at which the scales would be tipped and wanting more would become more driving then enjoying the exploration of fingers and tongue. At precisely the minute at which he was ready to grab at her hair and demand that she stop playing and suck him she enveloped the glistening head of his cock in the warmth of her mouth. She sucked softly at first still teasing a little with her fingers, as she took no more then the head of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue began working in slow circles around the head and darting past her lips caressing teasingly while her fingers barely encircling his thick cock began slowly stroking up and down the hard length.
Establishing a slow tormenting rhythm she began allowing her hand and mouth to glide slowly up and down his hard length. With each stroke she took more of him into her mouth and shortened the stroke of her hand. The slow steady glide of her mouth was like liquid velvet closing around him. Delicate back and forth movements of her tongue behind her lips increased the soft pressure. She kept moving slow and steady wondering at his stamina, wondering just how long he could last like this before he responded. Before some small sound or movement broke his composure.
 She seemed to have settled into the tempo slow even strokes. It was nearly enough to drive him mad or make him grab her hair and satisfy himself rather then wait for her to decide to speed up. He all but had to hold his breath think of something anything but the soft wet mouth suckling his rock hard erection or the soft quivering movements of her hands on his thighs. He was tempted to reach down and touch her caress her shoulders or move her hair that he might get a better view but he was loath to allow her the gratification of knowing she had gotten to him. Besides it would spoil the mood, any movement or sound on his part any would transfer some of the control established by his regal superiority to the woman kneeling at his feet.
Once again she seemed almost to anticipate his thought, her movements became quicker taking him further and further into her throat. He could feel the tightness of her throat against him, feel her slow quivering breaths as she struggled to accommodate him. He brushed the back of her throat and that broke his composure a shuddering groan escaped his lips. She pressed her lips more tightly against him whimpering slightly at the sound of him groaning. Her whimper sent shock waves of vibration through him and he gave up his resolve to appear passive and relaxed. He tangled his hands into the length of her hair near the nape of her neck and pinning her began thrusting his hips driving himself into her throat. She started to pull back a bit panicked and unsure in light of his sudden aggression. His barely breathed “Mmmm yes,” was like electricity down her spine and she simple curved her tongue firmly against the underside of his shaft and sucked gently against him as he moved in and out of her throat.
It was too much. He couldn’t bear it any longer, all of it, the trembling the uncertainty the trust that he wouldn’t harm her as he drove himself into the depths of her throat. The strange appealing enigma of innocent fear and self-assured tease tormented his mind as much as her tongue tormented his aching erection. Still clinging to her hair he thrust himself as deeply into her throat as he could and with an almost tortured groan he exploded spilling hot seed down her throat. The last trembling moments of his orgasm enhanced by the desperate workings of her throat as she struggled to swallow what he poured into her. After what in her mind seemed like an eternity the last shuddering spasms of his orgasm passed and he collapsed back into the chair. For a few moments she knelt there holding his softening member in her mouth continuing to suck gently for a moment after he relaxed back into the chair.
He smiled down at her. Really couldn’t help but smirk a little when she refused to look up and he could see the blush staining the back of her neck bright pink. She was embarrassed, how entirely precious was that. He reached down hooking his hand under her chin and lifted her face. “You did well little one.” He grinned and still managing to suppress laughter at her bright red cheeks he pressed his lips against hers. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and kissed her a claiming possessive kiss flavored with his own orgasm. Then he released her and leaving her still kneeling on the floor, bare breasted, flushed and flustered. He sauntered comfortable in his nudity into the bedroom and settled himself comfortably into the bed content to sleep happily, satisfied, regardless of whether or not she came to join him in the bed.

Bosk Steak for dinner...

She smiled warmly. Her soft silken fingers gently lifted  the knife and fork. Ever so gently she sliced a thin sliver from the meat. Slowly she lifted the nearly see through slice to her lips and placed it upon her tongue. The soft, tender meat blanketed her tongue in it's warm embrace, sending shivers though her body. Her tongue retreats into her mouth quickly, tossing the sliver of meat to her teeth........

...Slowly, tenderly her teeth began to crush the sliver, embracing it lovingly between them. Her eyes brighten as her tongue moves it slowly to the back of her mouth and coaxed it down her throat. A gentle, nearly impossible to hear moan rumbles in her chest. Ever so gracefully she cuts another paper thin slice and repeats the process...........

 ....Tiny sliver by sliver she whittles away at the tender, juicy bosk steak.  It's softness caressing her teeth with every bite, holding her tongue hostage with it's sublime taste. Her stomach growls with ecstasy with every swallow, eagerly awaiting the next swallow to fill it's emptiness. A gentle smile painted upon her lips while her eyes watch Mistress's hair dance gracefully  in the air........