Monday, May 2, 2011

The coming of Spring

...She could feel the warm sun upon her face, the deep green of the freshly sprouting flowers as they pushed their way slowly out of the soil. A warm smile came across her face. Spring was coming, tho very slowly. Soon she would be busy planting seeds in Mistress's fields so that there was plenty of food for the winter. The soft, cool breeze made her delicate silks that she was given, dance and twirl. They floated like a cloud across her body, their delicate softness causing her to moan and shiver lightly...

...She hummed delicately, raking the fresh smelling grass free of debris. A happy little tune, one she knew not the words, but remembered every note. Like tiny rubies, her hair glistened and gleamed. The sun's light making sparkle like the flames of a fire as the cool breeze tried to carry it off.
The fluffy clouds skated slowly across the rich blueness of the sky. She laid back against a tree, it's barren branches looking like thousands of long, skinny fingers that were trying to reach the gentle clouds just to touch them once....

...A gentle sigh, lost to the soft, cool breeze escaped her supple lips. Her gentle spring green eyes, lost in a sea of sky blue, dotted be the soft whiteness of the clouds. It had seemed so long since she finished her chores, but the sun told a different story as it danced in her eyes, caressed her face...

...Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Granting but a brief pause in the thing she loved most of all. Quietly she sat, the cold ground beneath her skin robbing the heat from her legs. Goosebumps dotted across her legs, giving them a soft textured feel as her hands ran across them, sending a devious shiver throughout her body...
...there she sat...
...for what seemed an eternity...
...sipping some redberry juice... the sun kissed ground... it sparkled in her soul...

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