Monday, May 30, 2011

Without Question...........

Upon his boot,
I doth heel.
Upon this calf,
I softly grind.
Upon his thigh,
I press my breasts.
Upon his hip,
I press my lips.

Upon his words,
My body trembles.
Upon his whim,
My soul eagerly serves.
Upon his smile,
My heart doth yearn.
Upon his command,
My entire being serves.

Upon his touch,
My soul ignites.
Upon his kiss,
My desires flow.
Upon his scent,
My mind doth crave.
Upon his breath,
My heat doth moisten.

Upon his chain,
I serve.............
.............. without question.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Making bread............

She carefully washed her hands. Softly she bent down, her legs rubbing tenderly together as she grasped the sack of flour, hefting it to the table. Her nimble fingers quickly untied the cord and gently reached inside. The cool, smooth flour engulfed her hands as she took out several handfuls. She turned swiftly, taking a hold of two tarns eggs and a pitcher of water..............

....The delicate texture of the eggshells she caressed in her hand danced softly across it's skin. Lightly she tapped on the shell as she held it to her ear, checking it's freshness. A swift, but gentle tap of the shell and it's gooey contents was reveiled. Her fist made a hollow in the middle of the flour. In went the first egg, and then the second. Lovingly her fingers wrapped around the handle of the pitcher of water. A puff of flour stirred into the air when she added it into the hollow in the flour.........

.....The slimy texture of the eggs squeezed through her fingers, it made her shudder lightly. Slowly her fingers worked the concoction, it slowly becoming sticky, clutching to her fingers, bonding them together. Scraping her fingers with her others, she added a bit more flour to the mix. Her palms pressing into it, massaging it deeply. Her eyes watched as it slowly took form. It's texture changing, becoming firmer, pliant. Her mind wandered, hands kneading it sensually as if it was a Master's body she was caressing. She could not help herself, ever so lightly her her pelvis began to grind against the hard table, her heat starting to ache.........

..... The dough became firmer, feeling more and more like the the strong muscles of a Master's flesh. Ever so lovingly her nimble fingers pressed into it's firmness. Her hands dancing across it's surface, molding it into the likeness of a Man's back. She could feel her loins yearning, begging to feel the pleasure of a Master as he took his from her heat. Lightly her fingernails dragged across the dough's surface, leaving their marks of passion across it. Her face became red with lust, she could feel her heat dampening with every press against the hard table against her pelvic bone. Oh how glad she was that the other girls were out doing chores elsewhere today, that her Master was busy with his scrolls clear across the house.......

.....She was alone, no one would ever know. She quickly washed her hands and let her fingertips glide across her collar. The texture of it sending shivers. Tho she may be collared, owned, possessed, the feel of the collar upon her neck opened her, entranced her. Never had she felt so.... "free". Free to release her true nature, free to be... herself. No training in the world could teach her what she knew in her heart, what she was, who she was, how she needed to be. She needed to feel her total submission in it's entirety. Her fingers slid down across his property, caressing the gentle lines of her collar bones and down across her chest. Fingertips floated over her soft, silken skin of her breasts towards her rock hard nipples. A gasp rushed past her lips as her fingertips brushed across them, knowing they now were his. Down across her trembling stomach, it's heat burning at her fingertips they danced, knowing it was her Master's. The fire in it longing, craving, consuming her in her hunger to serve......

....Eyes darted from side to side, a quick turn of her head to look behind. Giving her legs a chance to part a little wider in her stance. The touch sent shock waves throughout her entire being, making her moan, making her squirm. Deftly her fingertip pressed against her special spot, gently circling it backwards and forwards, causing her to growl with desire. Her legs began to tremble like a shaking bowl of pudding. Light whimpers raced past her lips driving her mind deeper into the upcoming ecstasy. Her other hand grasping hard onto the heavy table, digging her fingernails deep into it's surface......

.....Only if they truly knew what being owned did to her soul, what pleasures the feel of the collar upon her neck made her feel..........................

.....How it gave her a sense of purpose, a sense of pride.......

....How it unlocked, her beast within.............

....Again she washed her hands, the smell of her ecstasy wafting lazily past her flared nostrils. She turned back to the dough, blushing as she looked at it's shape. Again her hands stroked the dough's shape. A playful pat of the backside in the dough, the shape disappearing with every motion of her hands.
She let the dough rest a few before cutting it into two halves and placing them into loaf pans. She turned and opened the heavy iron door of the oven and slid them in carefully. It's heat biting at her skin. With a creak the heavy door closed. She was done, in more ways then one.........................

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A moment in time....

...She laid there upon the cushions of her new Master. The feel of his arm as it wrapped around her and held her close to him made her entire body tremble with an ecstasy that overwhelmed her. Her nostrils flared as she deeply inhaled his masculine scent. It swirled and danced through her body and into her lungs, quickly intoxicating her. She could feel the moistness growing between her thighs, her heat aching to give her new Master the pleasure he so richly deserved. But she knew her place, she knew it was not up to her when and if her new Master furred what he so kindly called, "Mine." Slowly she inhaled again, his scent intoxicating her even more. Nothing could match this moment with her Master, every second that passed by making her love him more and more, yearning to serve him, needing to serve him, wanting to serve him, in every way her Master wished. Her devotion was true and pure, the fire in her belly roaring, her heart pounding like the hooves of a hundred Kaiila at full speed......

..... Every second seemed even more special to her then the one before, every breath she took, filled her with him. His gentle caress upon her silken skin sending tiny shivers straight through her. Gently her fingers danced like tiny feathers across Master's other girl and down upon him. The feel of their warm flesh causing her to sigh happily, she once again had a purpose. Her need to serve with absolute obedience and please her Master with her exquisite beauty was being fed, filling her with a joy that was completely indescribable.........

....The weight of the heavy collar felt light as a feather upon her neck. It's weight reminding her once before of her servitude now disappeared as she grew drunk upon his scent. No longer did it feel as if it was just a sign of her being a slave, but one of pride of what she was, who she was, of what she needed to simply survive every moment of every day. She knew no other way of life. From birth she had known what she was, a slave. Nothing else mattered to her, her only wish...her only need.... was to serve................

Monday, May 2, 2011

Xena bathes...

She quickly moved to the well to obey Mistress order promptly. Hurriedly grasping the bucket and filling it. She lifted it over her head and gently poured it onto her head. The biting chill of the cool, crisp water trickled down across her face and shoulders, glistening brightly against her skin as it flowed down across her burning flesh. It's cold sting bit into the freshly opened wounds from the slavers whip as it danced it's stinging coolness around the high welts and bits of torn flesh. She looked down, watching the now pink water from the blood that leaked from the fresh wounds on her back, dance down her inner thighs and calves, wrapping around across her shins and slipping between her toes.
Her body shivered and shook, her eyes closed with the erotic caress of the water. Slowly she slid her hand across her face, scrubbing it clean as best she could, missing not a spot. Soft, nimble fingers danced slowly down to her neck. Gingerly she wrapped them around, rubbing firmly to remove the dirt and grim of the day. The fresh whip marks burned and throbbed on her back. She seemed to enjoy it's pain as it raced through her mind.

Slowly down, her fingertips danced across her heaving chest. Her nipples hard and aching as her mind replayed the Mistress's whips caress. A long, sweet moan of ecstasy escaped her lips as her fingertips traced along her breasts supple skin and across her erect nipples, each finger reluctantly drawing slowly away from her nipples.
She rubbed and caressed her breasts, rubbing them clean with the palm of her hand. Down across her belly she continued, washing herself throughly.
Her eyes darted from left to right, up and down and all around the kennels, not a soul in sight....

...Her fingers slipped past the bar of her chastity belt to her trembling heat. Ever so gently she let the very tips of her fingers dance down the outer lips of her heat and back up, quickly finding her special button and rubbing it in small, reversing circles. She bit her bottom lip to stifle the pleasure filled moan that welled up in her chest. Her body ached for release like she had experienced at the receiving end of Mistress's whipping. Her fingers worked deftly as she hurriedly pleasured herself before anyone came back to see what she was doing.
A loud gasp of ecstasy escaped her throat and lips, her body shook and shivered as the orgasmic wave raced through her body. She looked around worriedly, she quivered with fear that someone might have heard her cry of pleasure....

...Quickly she dunked the bucket back into the water and poured it over herself, hurriedly washing away the signs of her heats sweet nectar. Down her thighs and across her toes her hands and fingers works to wash away the sweat and grim. She tossed her blood red hair back, it's wet strands feeling like thousands of little whips as it landed on her back. She shivered softly....

She had finished cleaning herself as Mistress had instructed her to do....

She slowly ran her eyes across her body, double checking she had not missed a single bit of grim. A soft smile embraced her lips as she slowly stood up, her hips swayed side to side, her fingertips tracing seductively along her soft curves. "Mistress will be pleased I hope." she whispered softly to herself....

The coming of Spring

...She could feel the warm sun upon her face, the deep green of the freshly sprouting flowers as they pushed their way slowly out of the soil. A warm smile came across her face. Spring was coming, tho very slowly. Soon she would be busy planting seeds in Mistress's fields so that there was plenty of food for the winter. The soft, cool breeze made her delicate silks that she was given, dance and twirl. They floated like a cloud across her body, their delicate softness causing her to moan and shiver lightly...

...She hummed delicately, raking the fresh smelling grass free of debris. A happy little tune, one she knew not the words, but remembered every note. Like tiny rubies, her hair glistened and gleamed. The sun's light making sparkle like the flames of a fire as the cool breeze tried to carry it off.
The fluffy clouds skated slowly across the rich blueness of the sky. She laid back against a tree, it's barren branches looking like thousands of long, skinny fingers that were trying to reach the gentle clouds just to touch them once....

...A gentle sigh, lost to the soft, cool breeze escaped her supple lips. Her gentle spring green eyes, lost in a sea of sky blue, dotted be the soft whiteness of the clouds. It had seemed so long since she finished her chores, but the sun told a different story as it danced in her eyes, caressed her face...

...Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Granting but a brief pause in the thing she loved most of all. Quietly she sat, the cold ground beneath her skin robbing the heat from her legs. Goosebumps dotted across her legs, giving them a soft textured feel as her hands ran across them, sending a devious shiver throughout her body...
...there she sat...
...for what seemed an eternity...
...sipping some redberry juice... the sun kissed ground... it sparkled in her soul...

Time marches on,,,

...She could feel the sting in her soul. Chained to the post in the corner of the house. Forgotten it seemed until one of the other girls came along with a bit of gruel and some water. Her heart broke every time she heard a girl called to serve. That is what she was trained to do, wanted to do, needed to do...

...Hours turned into days, days into weeks, time stood still for no one, for it had no Master or Mistress to control it. Body frail, muscles cramped from lack of use, she was withering away, fading into the distance. She knew her mistakes, she knew even more her fears. She strove for perfection in herself, something she wished for more then anything. So that she may serve the Master's or Mistress's every wish...

... Not even the sun, as it shown down upon her wasting form seemed to warm her anymore. It's once warm embrace was now but a memory to her, laying there, unwanted, unneeded. She missed the light feel of the sun's caress, how it warmed her body, filled her with life. But now all it brought was cold, unfeeling sorrow as it danced across her delicate form, stripping her of her beauty, lick by lick...

...Oh how she wished to serve again, to please, to obey, but it seemed it would never be...

...just wasting away...
...dieing slowly... time marched...

The Loneliness....

...She sat there in the corner, unmoving except for the trembling she was doing in the strange place. Her eyes darting back and forth in the strange room. The sunlight slowly fading, robbing her of her sight, of what might come in the darkness... ... The cool chill of the night's embrace surrounded her, caressing her body with it's long, lanky fingers as it slowly crept up her ankles. She cringed back quickly, straining her eyes to peer into the darkness to steal it's secrets. But yet it marched on, it's slow, methodical advance upon her curled up body. Making her fear, making her worry... ...She could see the other kajira, laying haphazardly upon the lush pillows and furs their Master had placed out for them. The gentle sounds of sleep floating up into the darkness, tearing deep into her. She knew not what was going on, she felt alone, lost in a sea without a bit of wood to cling to, as the darkness kept up it's advance. She watched as the darkness took the sleeping kajira into it's chilling embrace, consuming them hungrily, little by little... ...until she was alone... ...the darkness advancing to consume her also... complete... ...loneliness....................

The Fear...

She did not understand. Her eyes wide with fear as she looked at the hem of her Mistress's flowing gown. Her whole body trembled as she listened to her Mistress's command, "You will remain here Xena and serve and respect this home as if it where my own."
The words cut into her worse then any blade could do, piercing deeply into her soul further then any arrow could, her mind raced with thoughts. Had Mistress sold her to this house? Was she just on loan? Did Mistress no longer want her? She did not know as she responded the way she had always to her Mistress's beautiful voice, "Yes my Mistress."
Her voice trembled as the words slipped past her lips. She was so confused...

...She looked slowly around the new place, trying to see where everything was in case she was to serve the needs and wants of the Master she was being left with. She could feel the rough old wooden floors bite into her knees as she knelt there, legs opened, back straight and tall, the backs of her hands laying across her soft, supple thighs, her breasts bouncing slightly as she nervously inhaled and exhaled...

...She heard the Master's voice boom like a crash of thunder. Her whole body shook as he instructed one of his kajira to take her up to where the slaves slept, "Yes Master" the girl spoke quickly. Xena's heart raced as her eyes left the hem of her Mistress's gown...

... "This way, come." spoke the Master's kajira. The delicate voice like that of a soft, morning rain spoke. She followed quickly to the room. "You can sleep here on the rug with us" her voice sang softly. Xena was unnerved, frightened, her insides shaking. She spotted a corner of the room and headed to it without a word...

...She had lost all her gracefulness and she dropped to the floor quickly, drawing up her knees tightly to her chest, pressing them hard against her breasts. Her arms wrapped around her legs tightly, her fingers locking around her wrists tightly as she pulled her legs tighter to her chest.
The soft feel of her knees and thighs embraced her lips when she lowered her head to them. The pounding of her heart vibrated against her thighs, the warmth of her legs upon her lips only a tiny bit reassuring. Her spring green eyes darted around the room, trying to take it all in as they scanned every detail of the room...

... There she huddled, withdrawn, lost, afraid. Her ears listening intensely for the beautiful harmony of her Mistress's voice to call for her to come to her heel...
...There she waited...
...her ears aching, longing to hear her voice call for her...
...silently withdrawn into the fetal position...
...yearning to see the hem of her Mistress's gown once more...
...racked with fear...

Tears of a kajira...

She sighed heavily as she knelt on the straw, her nostrils flaring as it's soft, sweet smell danced into them. Softly her fingers ran through her hair as it's smell carries her away into a daydream....

...Her eyes closed softly as the warm morning suns rays kissed her skin gently. Letting it's warm embrace surround her as she swayed softly to the distant music of the tavern. Her mind drifting to the thoughts of dancing for her Master or Mistress for their pleasure, to serving their every need.
She could feel the soft straw under her knees, licking at her soft, supple skin, a gentle moan escaped her lips. She could not stop it, the caress of the suns embrace, the gentle licks of the straw coupled with it's sweet smell, the distant music in her ears, intoxicated her...

...Tears formed in her eyes as she knelt there, looking at her grey band on her arm. It was only a dream, a dream she knew may never come true because she could not learn as well as the others.
Slowly the tears trickled down her cheeks, softly clinging to her delicate skin as if reluctantly wanting to let go. Down across her jaw it clung before it dropped from it and splashed against her breast, sending little droplets across it...

...Oh to only feel the pleasure of giving a Master or Mistress her unconditional service for their pleasure and desire. That is what she wanted to do the most....

...But she could not...
...her grey band on her arm reminded her of this...
...ripping her soul slowly from her...
...tearing her apart inside...