Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hunting Trip (rough draft )

The wagon was finally loaded. Bo and Vicky checked the ropes one last time before he helped Vicky into the seat and climbed in. Grabbing the reigns he let out a "Yahh!" and snapped them. The wagon's wheels creaked to life as the horses started to pull. The hot breath of the horses steamed from their nostrils as they pulled the wagon slowly down the main street in town. They had packed enough supplies for at least a month, and where on their way.

The town faded slowly away behind them as they crossed the open plains. Their destination, unknown. They were out to find hides, where ever they could find them.

The wagon jerked and swayed as they rode on. The cold weather nipping at them both harshly. Vicky climbed into the back of the wagon to find the buffalo fur she always kept handy. Their eyes locked for a moment as she draped it around herself and Bo as they rode on. Her cheeks blushed hard as she saw his warm, gentle smile when she snuggled against him.
"Just so we's don't freeze ta death. " , she said softly. His warm smile making her blush harder. She had not been this close to a man since her husband passed some two years back now. Her eyes widened as she felt his arm wrap around her tenderly.
He turned his head towards her and smiled softly, "Just so we don't freeze to death."
It felt good to be held, even if it was just for warmth. Her crystal blue eyes stared off into the distance.

She grabbed the reigns from his hands, pulling the horses to a halt quickly. She had spotted something in the distance.... Buffalo! She sprung from the warmth of the hide and his embrace and hurried him along. They needed to set up camp quickly.

The cold air filled with the steam of their breaths as they set up camp. The odd pair grabbed their rifles and trudged quickly through the heavy snow.

The crack of the rifles resounded in the cold, crisp air. Shot after shot they fired, dropping buffalo after buffalo. The smell of the gunsmoke filling the air as they fired into the herd. With every shot, a buffalo dropped. The gunsmoke hung in the chilly air like a fog. Thirty buffalo dropped, today was a profitable day indeed. Vicky grabbed the horse team and pulled them behind her. Bo lead the way, rifle in hand. She pulled off her jacket and drew her knife. Time for the hard work to begin.....

Hours passed, Bo quickly learned how to remove the hides. Sweat dripped from both their brows as the sun continued to rise. The work was hard, very hard, but the profit was worth it all.
She laughed, "Don't dare mess up that thar hide Bo!"
She could see his eyes and his playful smirk, "Don't make me skin you instead" he chuckled.
The noon day sun seemed to slip quickly into darkness as they dragged the last of the hides into wagon. The smell of the blood hung heavily in the air as they continued their work. A few swipes of her blade and she cut a hunk of meat for them to eat for supper.
The temp began to drop quickly. Bo set to starting a fire as Vicky pulled a stew pot from the wagon's side box and filled it with snow. Bo laid back, exhausted from the day's work as Vicky put the pot to boil over the fire.

The smell of the stew filled the crisp air with a comforting warmth. Vicky watched Bo's eyes droop slowly as she filled a bowl with stew.
"Eat up, You'll need your strength to finish the rest of them buffalo tomorrow." she chuckled.

"Yes ma'am." is all he replied as he took the stew. Bo quietly thought to himself as he ate the stew, 'Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try hunting and trapping after all.' His eyes grew heavy, sleep the only thing on his mind as he climbed into the tent.

She sat down and slowly ate her stew, thinking of the work they had left for the next day....

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