Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Capture... (an evolving story)

( The back story )
Come sit friend, let me weave you the Tale of White Rose....
Many moons ago, in a small town she was born to a simple farmer and his wife in the state of New Jersey. Her father had promised the owner of some land his first born daughter for his son in exchange for a debt he owed.
When she was of age, she was married to the son, who had a feeling, a calling as the son called it, to trap and hunt. He packed their wagon and headed west to follow his dream. He taught his new bride all he knew of the trade. She quickly adapted and would go with him everywhere.

One night, two winters ago now, as they sat in their little cabin they heard outside a great roar of a grizzly bear. Her husband had gotten into the whiskey and was quite... intolerable at times
He grabbed his six shooter and ran out after the giant bear. She tried to stop him but only met with the butt of the gun to the side of her head.
When she woke up the next morning she went looking for her husband who had not returned.
The cold air bit into her face as she searched. Then she saw him, half eaten in a small clearing.
Tears froze to her cheeks as she leaned down and kissed his forehead, the six shooter was empty, all the shells spent.
She picked up the empty gun and headed back to the little cabin and packed their things into the wagon. But she knew she could not go back home
She took to the only trade she knew and tried to make a living......

Two winters has passed since that day. She survived on her own, growing more confident in her abilities every day. She traveled to Colorado and set to trapping and hunting in the area.

( The Capture...)

...She sighed softly as she secured her bedroll to the saddle and slung the saddle bags over the horse. Out again to check her traps, hoping this time there would be some better luck. Trapping had been slow now that winter had set in deeply.

One foot in the stir-up and a quick bounce and up into the saddle she went. A soft pat on the horses neck as she whispered to the horse, "Let's get them checked fast so we can both get warm again." A gently nudge with her heels and off she went, heading to the first set of traps...

... "Empty" she sighed heavily as she pulled the reigns and headed to the next set. The bitter wind stung at her face like hundreds of tiny needles as the horse trudged onwards. It seemed her luck had taken a turn for the worse. Trap after trap, each emptier then the next it seemed. Collar pulled up and over her face as best she could to fight the biting pellets of ice as the wind crashed against her body. A few more hours of this and then back to the warmth of the saloon she thought...

...She pulled her mount to a halt at the next set of traps. Blood... fresh blood and the trap was sprung. This could be a good day after all she thought. She slipped from the saddle. The fresh layer of ice crunched under her boots as she landed. Step by step, the ice covered snow cracked under her boots as she followed the trail of blood. The sound of the blowing ice pellets rang aloud against her jacket collar with an almost deafening and constant ' thud thud thud '. The trail was fading fast in the storm as she looked around for the next visible trail....

...She looked up from the ground a moment to get her bearings, her eyes blurred from the whipping wind. What was that? She tried to focus hard. Her ears told her more then her eyes as she heard the lever of a Winchester crack next to her. Her blurred eyes slowly coming into focus now. She was surrounded...

... Her eyes widen as she saw the barrel of a Winchester aimed at her face. Up went her hands, her shotgun fell to the ground with a crunching thud. Her mind raced, her body shook with fear, what was going to happen she wondered. A sharp pain ripped through her head and then..... blackness.....

.... Head spinning, eyes blurry, a low, throbbing and pulsating ache on the back of her head. 'Where am I?' she thought to herself. She tried to reach the back of her head, but she could not move. Arms stretched out, legs tied, unable to move. The blackness quickly returned....

...The cool taste of water hit her lips. She licked it slowly, enjoying it's welcome taste. Eyes slowly opened, the bright light of the fire stinging them. Focus came slowly in the smoke filled tepee. The soft smile of an Indian woman greeted her. She tried to speak, a cough stopped her words in their tracks. A sip of water as the Indian woman helped her sit up quenched her parched throat, chasing away the cough...

...She looked around the room and then down at herself. She was in different clothes. Her bloomers gone, replaced with a buckskin skirt and top. How long had she be out for? Her mind raced trying to remember....

... She woke once again. Her head pounded less, she didn't know what was going on anymore, or even who she was. She looked at the faces of the Indians. They seemed to be keeping an eye on her, like she had done something wrong, but she didn't know what...

...They spoke to her only in their language. She was like a child, learning what things were all over again it seemed. Slowly she learned, everything so new to her. Timidly she spoke to one of the women that treated her more like her own. She asked her why all the others looked at her differently...

..."You are different in the color of your skin White Rose. This is why your brothers and sisters look at you in that way." the Indian woman spoke softly. She looked down at herself, it was as if she was truly seeing herself for the first time. She didn't know what to make of this, "Who am I ? she said in a whisper.
The Indian woman spoke up with a tender smile, "You are White Rose. That is the name the chief has given to you my sister."
She just nodded slowly, "That must be why, I am different." She looked at her pale white skin with a heavy sigh, "White Rose indeed." .....

... Days turned to weeks as "White Rose" learned her place in the tribe. The chief kept her chained to a heavy wooden post that was driven deep in the ground, her ankle linked to it by a length of heavy chain. She did not think twice about it. She was told by the chief it was for her own protection, so she could not be stolen away by outlaws or by other tribes...

...Weeks turned into months and the winter grew colder. She would sit quietly in the tepee with the other women and make clothing from the hides, baskets and other needed items for the tribe to survive. They would sit for hours singing songs of the ancestors as they wove blankets with intricate designs. Night would fall and the chief would hurry the other women out to their own tepees...

...Sleep came easily under the warm hides. She would pull them over her head and enjoy the musky scent. Her eyes closed quickly but just barely when she felt a quick, cold chill as if the hides where lifted. Groggily her eyes blinked and then popped open. A rough hand touched her soft, supple skin. She pulled the hides from over her head and looked to where the hand had come from, it was the chief...

...Her eyes wide, she did not know what was going on. Never had anyone from the tribe touched her in this manner. She looked up nervously as the chief positioned himself over her.
"It is time you serve your tribe as a woman should my White Rose. " Is all he spoke. She nodded softly as her hands timidly caressed his skin. She knew what he meant by his words, and she was ready, she wanted to, for the tribe...

... Morning came to the peaceful village. She awoke, still entwined from the nights event. His hot breath racing across her flesh like a river. Her body trembled softly with every breath.
Everything seemed different that morning. The sun seemed brighter, the snow whiter, the chirping of the birds crisper....

...She hummed a soft tune as she slowly stirred breakfast, the women in the tribe busy with their morning chores. Her breath turned to mist as it met the cold morning air. The flap of the tepee pushed open with a heavy swish of the hairs of the hide when the chief stepped out from it. Her smile grew, the mist of her breath swirling around her face as she saw him stand up fully and stretch. The lazy morning sun's light danced across the camp, making him but a silhouette to her eyes...

...Morning drew to a close and the day slowly opened. Life was good in the village, her home, the only place she seemed to remember, the only way she remembered herself, at least. She felt at peace with those she now called her brothers and sisters, her family....

...She could feel the cold, brisk air of the day as it danced through her hair. Slowly she continued to scrape the bits of flesh from the buffalo hide that the braves had hunted. The soft words of a song dancing from her cold lips. Nothing went to waste from the giant beast. The meat lay on the racks, smoke slowly embracing it's guest. The bones being turned into handles for knives and other basic tools the village needed....

...The village stirred slowly. Everyone busy with their daily tasks as the children huddled around the fire playing a game only they seemed to know, life was, peaceful.
Flurries swirled and swayed in the air as they fell from the heavens, landing without a sound upon her hair. The smell of cooking hung in the chilly air, making her tummy rumble. Lifting her body up as she sat on her knees and toes she let out a gently sigh of happiness. Her hand went to her belly unconsciously and gave it a soft rub. She could feel a soft flutter inside her body.
Was it the hunger from the smell of the food cooking? Or was it the precious gift the Great Spirit had placed inside her womb, She did not know....

... A bit of bread, a slice of meat, warm smiles of the villagers, all felt so wonderful as they gathered together for a bit of lunch. The braves told the tale of the hunt, how their bravery brought the great buffalo down to provide for the tribe. The children listened intensely, the women smiling and giggling softly to each other as they spoke of the braves.
Happy, peaceful, simple, one with nature, one with each other...

This is how the tribe lived. How the tribe survived...

...Their eyes cut into her. Had she done something wrong? It seemed to her all the women of the tribe were upset with her, but she did not know why. She just shrugged it off and went back to her work. With a warm smile on her face she picked up her basket and headed off to gather kindling for the fires. The crisp air turned white from her warm breath as she hummed a tune...

...The shaman had told her she was with child earlier in the day. Her eyes sparkled and shined brightly, she was serving the tribe as the chief had said she should. When she had told him of the shaman's words, his smile was as wide as the horizon.
The gentle snapping of twigs as she broke them to fill her basket, echoed through the woods like a rifle shot. Still she hummed happily as she worked...

...Hands grabbed her from behind. Her eyes covered, her mouth gagged, arms bound behind her. What was going on? She tried to scream for help, but the gag was to secure. Horror filled her mind, body shook like a leaf in the wind.
She could feel her hair being pulled and yanked, the sound of a blade cutting through it resounded in her ears. Who was doing this? What were they going to do with her? Her mind raced in a thousand different directions...

... She could feel the cold blade as it was dragged across her scalp. The cold air bit into the skin on her head. It seemed like an eternity as she lay there, bound, at the mercy of whomever was attacking her. After what seemed like forever, she was let go. She lay there trembling in the cold snow, a voice whispered in her ear, "You wait to uncover your eyes or you shall not live to see the sunset." Her hands were cut loose. She just laid there, motionless, tears soaking the blindfold as she wept...

...For what seemed like another hour she just laid there, shivering, sobbing, her fingers lightly touched her head. Her hair was gone, all but a strip across the top. Slowly her cold fingers untied the blindfold. Her tears had frozen to it. She got up slowly, looking at the ground. There, laying in front of her was all her golden hair...

... She gathered her hair and placed in in a pouch on her side. "Who would have done this? Why?" she thought to herself. But she could not find an answer. Slowly she gathered her basket and headed to the river. As she looked down at the water, her fingertips moved from her belly to her head. In the clear water she saw what had been done...

... Slowly she made her way back to camp, mind racing, cheeks frozen with the trails of her tears. What would the Chief think? Worried, scared, confused, onward she walked, slipping quickly into the tepee, hoping no one would see what had happened...

...The flap closed, the sting of the smoke making her eyes sting. She could see him sitting there, smoking his peace pipe. She quickly hurried herself to the kindling, placing it to dry in the warmth of the tepee. She could feel his eyes on her as she worked...

"White Rose, who did this to you?" his voice bellowed. She knelt down and began to weep. Her tears raced down her cheeks as she told him of what happened. He listened quietly, not a sound or movement.
Tenderly his hand reached out to hers, it's warm, reassuring touch made her feel warm inside. His gentle words reassured her that justice would come to those who did this...

...Night fell quickly, the winds howled outside the tepee like a lonely wolf. The warmth of the hides embraced her as she slowly pulled them over herself.
Tomorrow is a new day...

... Time seemed to stand still at the village. Days turned to nights, weeks into months. She looked down at her belly when she felt the fluttering inside. Her hand softly rubbed across it.
Her eyes sparkled, a warm smile upon her lips. This was all new to her as she made the morning meal for the still sleeping Chief...

...No longer was she chained to the post, the chief had removed it the night before. He called her, "his". This she was truly. She carried inside her his child, she was his by all rights. The smell of the food filled the tepee as she flipped some eggs she had gathered out in the woods the day before. Meat sizzling along side as she hummed a soft melody...

...She watched as he stirred under the hides, a soft giggle escaped her lips as he untangled himself from their warm grasp. She could see his skin tremble as it left the hides warmth. The cold winter wind lapped at the tepee, making it shudder slightly. Rolled hides lined the edges on the tepee where it met the ground, the snow piled against it from the outside. It was warm in there. She stirred the embers and placed some more wood on the fire, breakfast would be ready soon...

... He slowly pulled on his warm fur clothing and buckskins. Out of the tepee he went, bow and quiver in one hand, the other carried his rifle. A hunt was needed for fresh meat for the tribe. His voice cracked loudly in the chilled air as he called upon the warriors to join him...

...Slowly she woke up, the cold winter wind licked at the tepee's sides, making it sway and flutter. She pulled the warm hides up over her head and closed her eyes, ' To cold to get up this morning! '
But alas, she knew she had to, something more powerful then sleep needed her attention...

...Out if the warm covers and into her heavy hide cloak she climbed. "Mother nature" was calling her. The moccasins crunched the fresh fallen snow under her feet as she headed for the tree-line. The only thing more powerful then sleep could drag her out into the clean, crisp chill of the morning air...

...The morning sun glistened and twinkled across the white snow, dancing along it's blank canvas, making the world seem even more beautiful then before.
She splayed out her heavy cloak as she squat down and leaned back slightly against a tree. Her warm breath danced a romantic waltz with the chilly air every time she exhaled...

...Today they would move, to their winter camp in a warmer part of the land. They would follow the deer and buffalo south into the warmer lands.
The whole camp came to life, tepee's began to turn into just pole skeletons as they rolled the hides for travel. The brisk air licked at their faces and hands as they hurried the work along...

...The mid morning sun gleamed in the sky as the tribe began it's journey south. It's light playfully skipping across the snow like millions of tiny gems. She followed behind the warriors with the other women, horse in tow as it dragged the tepee and the chief's belongings along behind it...

... South they went, the snow disappearing behind them as warmer air asserted it's grip on the land. She could feel the sun's smile kiss her face softly, it was a welcome feeling...

... For about a week they traveled, the warmer weather taking it's hold on the land firmer and firmer as they headed to the new area the chief spoke about. She smiled happily, no more cold mornings...

...Travel was slow at times, each day seemed to be nothing but walking. Day drifted into the night's cool embrace like lovers into each others arms. They were nearing the new village site. She could hear the warm winds whistling through the trees, the soft gurgle of the river as they arrived. The beauty of the landscape filling her eyes, taking her breath away...

...Work was hard under the hot sun, the tepees rising quickly as the village worked together. Even the children lent a hand, gathering kindling and wood for the campfires, gathering stones to ring them.
She looked towards the river with a gentle sigh, "Soon" she let out in a whisper...

... The warriors gathered together, hopping aboard their ponies, they were off. Off to get fresh meat for the tribe. Work quickly gave way to rest, as the women of the tribe headed towards the river's edge. They watched as the children splashed and played in the clear water, giggling, talking, smiling. She slowly stepped into the water, it's clear coolness engulfing her feet, wriggling it's way between her toes. Life was good for the tribe...

... Time seemed to stand still as she slowly rubbed her little belly. Never had she felt anything like this before, the soft fluttering in her belly, the involuntary movement of her hand protectively over it, her clothes fitting tighter. Her smile on her face grew bigger each day it seemed...

...Still the days carried on. Chores never stopped. From picking sweet berries, to checking the fish traps in the river and scraping hides, each day seemed a fresh start.
Ayashe, a medicine woman of the Cherokee would come to the village once a week. She would bring things to trade, flints, herbs, and other things she could easily carry in her pack. White Rose would smile when she saw her. Ayashe would take her into a tepee and place her hands softly on her tummy. The chants would be soft and gentle, relaxing her entire body...

...She always felt much better after the visits with Ayashe. She seemed to have a glow about herself for the rest of the day when she knew everything was going well.
Back she went to her chores, for in the village, everyone worked together, for the greater good of the tribe...

... She could feel the cool, crisp water caress and lick at her skin as she waded into it slowly. It's gentle touch slowly climbing up her body as she stepped into it's chilled embrace, engulfing her in it's life giving flow.
Delicately she swam through, her mind wandering from this to that, letting all her worries flow downstream, the freshness of the future still heading towards her from upstream...

... Night fell upon the peaceful village. The thick smell of the evening fires filled the camp as they gathered around them, telling tales of hunts and stories of the tribe.
Darkness embraced the thick woods. The music makers of the night began their concerto, adding their part to the stories ambiance. She laid back against a big pile of hides, her fingertips tracing over her swollen belly, her ears and eyes transfixed to the story tellers words and actions...

...His rough hands slid slowly across her delicate skin, making it shiver softly. She could feel their rough, hard callouses as he traced them along her body's curves, she knew his touch well. Her own fingertips danced across his chest like tiny feathers, feeling the familiar cut of his muscles, the ripple of them as they moved above her...

...Morning came, she slipped from the warmth of the furs and headed off towards the river. There in the early morning sun she watched as the horses drank from the river. Her eyes wandered across their glistening fur as the warm sun danced across it. A warm smile came across her face as she washed the clothes. Their gentle neighs and snorts singing a song to the wind as she listened...

...One caught her eye, it's black mane rustled in the gentle breeze, cascading down across it's body as it softly landed silently. It's one back hoof was white as snow, on it's snout a long white triangle. She watched as it shook it's mane. Like thousands of feathers caught in the wind it floated back down, sparkling like diamonds in the sun...

... Her eyes watched the sun dance across the raven colored horse, watching it dance and sparkle like tiny flecks of gold dust. The crisp, cool water felt good upon her skin as she slipped into it, her eyes carefully watching the horse. Oh how she wished she could climb upon it's back and ride, letting the wind race across her face and rush through her hair....

...Timidly she moved towards the beast, her eyes locked onto its eyes. The cool, clear water splashing against her calves, pushing against her every step. She held out her hand tenderly, showing the creature she meant no harm. The big, brownish eyes looked deep into hers, their piercing gaze looking straight into her soul it seemed. She watched as the horse lowered it's head slowly, it's hot, moist breath swirled around her hand, warming it quickly. Quietly she waited, watching, her other hand protectively guarding her swollen belly...

...She watched on, not backing away or showing any fear, as the raven colored horse slowly sniffed her. Carefully she watched, the heavy breath of the beast surrounding her belly, embracing it warmly. With a softness of a feather she felt the horses large muzzle rub softly across her stomach. Tenderly her hand ran across the strong neck, a smile upon her lips....

...She felt the baby kick, making her twinge in discomfort. The whinny of her new found friend seemed to be one of happiness as her hand gently rubbed her belly to sooth the child inside. She turned to head to the bank of the river, towards a large rock to rest a moment. Deep inside she knew the time was growing short, The little one inside her would soon come into the world.........

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hunting Trip (rough draft )

The wagon was finally loaded. Bo and Vicky checked the ropes one last time before he helped Vicky into the seat and climbed in. Grabbing the reigns he let out a "Yahh!" and snapped them. The wagon's wheels creaked to life as the horses started to pull. The hot breath of the horses steamed from their nostrils as they pulled the wagon slowly down the main street in town. They had packed enough supplies for at least a month, and where on their way.

The town faded slowly away behind them as they crossed the open plains. Their destination, unknown. They were out to find hides, where ever they could find them.

The wagon jerked and swayed as they rode on. The cold weather nipping at them both harshly. Vicky climbed into the back of the wagon to find the buffalo fur she always kept handy. Their eyes locked for a moment as she draped it around herself and Bo as they rode on. Her cheeks blushed hard as she saw his warm, gentle smile when she snuggled against him.
"Just so we's don't freeze ta death. " , she said softly. His warm smile making her blush harder. She had not been this close to a man since her husband passed some two years back now. Her eyes widened as she felt his arm wrap around her tenderly.
He turned his head towards her and smiled softly, "Just so we don't freeze to death."
It felt good to be held, even if it was just for warmth. Her crystal blue eyes stared off into the distance.

She grabbed the reigns from his hands, pulling the horses to a halt quickly. She had spotted something in the distance.... Buffalo! She sprung from the warmth of the hide and his embrace and hurried him along. They needed to set up camp quickly.

The cold air filled with the steam of their breaths as they set up camp. The odd pair grabbed their rifles and trudged quickly through the heavy snow.

The crack of the rifles resounded in the cold, crisp air. Shot after shot they fired, dropping buffalo after buffalo. The smell of the gunsmoke filling the air as they fired into the herd. With every shot, a buffalo dropped. The gunsmoke hung in the chilly air like a fog. Thirty buffalo dropped, today was a profitable day indeed. Vicky grabbed the horse team and pulled them behind her. Bo lead the way, rifle in hand. She pulled off her jacket and drew her knife. Time for the hard work to begin.....

Hours passed, Bo quickly learned how to remove the hides. Sweat dripped from both their brows as the sun continued to rise. The work was hard, very hard, but the profit was worth it all.
She laughed, "Don't dare mess up that thar hide Bo!"
She could see his eyes and his playful smirk, "Don't make me skin you instead" he chuckled.
The noon day sun seemed to slip quickly into darkness as they dragged the last of the hides into wagon. The smell of the blood hung heavily in the air as they continued their work. A few swipes of her blade and she cut a hunk of meat for them to eat for supper.
The temp began to drop quickly. Bo set to starting a fire as Vicky pulled a stew pot from the wagon's side box and filled it with snow. Bo laid back, exhausted from the day's work as Vicky put the pot to boil over the fire.

The smell of the stew filled the crisp air with a comforting warmth. Vicky watched Bo's eyes droop slowly as she filled a bowl with stew.
"Eat up, You'll need your strength to finish the rest of them buffalo tomorrow." she chuckled.

"Yes ma'am." is all he replied as he took the stew. Bo quietly thought to himself as he ate the stew, 'Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try hunting and trapping after all.' His eyes grew heavy, sleep the only thing on his mind as he climbed into the tent.

She sat down and slowly ate her stew, thinking of the work they had left for the next day....

Friday, October 22, 2010


As I sit here thinking
the trigger's spring clinking
I wonder why
I want to die

I wonder why people dread
the fear of being dead

Hammer falls with a sudden thud
I feel the blood

Warm and oozing
It feels so soothing

Barrel pointed at my brain
Suddenly there is no more pain

The pain crushing
There is no more rushing

The rat race has you bound
Yet I will soon be in the ground

As I sit here thinking
The trigger's spring softly clinking...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I gave

I gave you a piece of my heart,
You gave me a piece of yours.

I gave you a little more,
You gave me a little more.

With every piece I was giving,
I got more of yours,
You got even more of mine.

The pieces I got,
I cherish every drop,
I love every bit.

Yet I know,
Yet I know,
I don't have it all.

A piece I do not have,
A piece I can not cherish.

It belongs to another,
It is something I'll never have.

I gave you my heart,
You have it all.

I gave you it all,
But I know,

I'll never have yours,
whole at all......................

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Upon my soul, lives the demons of my past,
upon my soul, lives the scars of my damnation,
upon my brow is the sweat of a thousand lifetimes,
upon my cheeks, are the stains of a billion tears....

In my mind, the haunts live, deep inside, never coming out....

Upon my life, there is a blotch, upon my skin, there is a stain.... unremoveable, uneraseable.....
Upon me lives the pain, upon me lives the pain, unbearable, unstoppable....
Upon my soul, lives the demons of my past, upon my soul, lives the scars of my damnation, upon my brow is the sweat of a thousand lifetimes, upon my cheeks, are the stains of a billion tears....

8:01 am on 7/8/10

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Angel's Words

I know the feelings, Of loosing a friend, I know the feelings, 
Of loosing someone dear,
 Just remember, 
What a little angel told me, 
When I lost my friend, 
When I lost someone dear,
 As his little hand touched my shoulder, 
And the tears ran down from my eyes, 
I heard him say, I heard his sorrow, "Don't worry Miss, For she is in heaven, Preparing your wings, For when you both, Are once again, Reunited." 
 My tears were true, 
My pain eased a bit, 
I went to hug, 
This little angel,
 But he was gone,
 Without a trace.
 I offer these words to you, In your time of loss, In your time of pain, As they helped me, May they also help you.