Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Tale of Ryan Graystone (rough draft)

Night brought forth it's dark fingers as Ryan walked forth into it's blackness. The dreary sounds of the creatures rang forth throughout the cold forest. He had traveled for to long, he would have to make camp in the chill of the night. Flint sparked against steal as he lit his torch to stay off the nights' blackness. A suitable spot, somewhere high and dry he looked for, with none to be found.
Disheartened, Ryan braced his torch into the limb of a tree and began clearing a spot for his bedroll, this place was as good as any he thought. His heavy boot steps crunched through the foliage as he gathered fallen branches and logs for his fire. Such a recruit mistake, he thought to himself as he dragged the gathered wood behind him. To not make camp before dark was not like him, his thoughts were else where. Someplace far away now...

... Sun shined through her golden locks of hair as Ryan held her in his arms. She was the one for him, his one true love for the rest of time. The smell of her hair as it fell across his face, still lingered in his nostrils. This day could not get any better he thought, everything was perfect. Hand in hand they strolled through the dirt covered streets of cove and across to the Altmere. They were going to their favorite place to sit and talk at the edge of Coves' boundary. Things had been quiet, peaceful, never did the loving couple think of what would change their lives forever would find them on this perfect day...

...The fire of his campsite slowly began to grow, it's deadly dance of flames creeping up the bits of twigs and bark like a Way-watcher on the hunt. It's warmth slowly spreading as it's hungry flames slowly devoured their prey. He slowly added more food to the ravenous flames while laying out his bedroll over some pine branches. It was not his best work, but it would have to do for the night. Another log into the fire, his pack crumpled up underneath his head, he began to drift off. Off to a simpler time, a peaceful time. He twisted and turned on his bedroll, his eyes turning back to the flames...

... Flames lept from the forest, the loving couple turning to run away from the flames. Their feet taking flight as they gripped each others hands tightly. Out of the smoke Ryan felt a sickening thud slam into his chest. His lovers hand wrenched from his as he was forced back by the blow.
His eyes barely able to focus after the massive blow, he looked up as he heard her terrified screams above him. His eyes struggling to focus, her screams blood curdling, he felt a heavy foot against his chest. It felt like a giant hoof as his hands tried to stop it from holding him down. As he looked up towards her cries for help he came face to face with what held him down, a Minotaur. It'd foul breath crashed against his face, robbing him of his next breath. Fire filled it's black eyes as it stared down at him. With a heavy snort the minotaur stood up and held his prize high in the air above it's blackened horns. With a mighty swish of it's hoofed foot it sent Ryan across the open field and into the brambles. He could feel the heavy footsteps as the minotaur walked away with his love...

... The crackle and pops of the fire echoed in his ears as he laid there not able to sleep. He was healed now and had sworn to retrieve her and bring her back to Cove where she belonged, no matter what the cost. Tears formed in his eyes as he thought of her, his heart aching for her smile. It drove him forward, kept him focused on his task. Years of fighting came back in a flash on that grim day, never would he let them fade into the background again.
The moon cast its' eerie shadows amongst the trees, his weapon clutched in his hand, Ryan finally drifted off to sleep.

Morning climbed slowly through the blackness as Ryan stirred in his make shift bed. The early morning dew sprinkled as far as the eye could see, greeted him as he awoke. Rubbing his eyes and with a great stretch he turned to the dieing fires' coals, now blackened and gray. Stoking it up with fresh food and a soft blow from his lips brought the fire to life once more. A bit of tea and a few stale muffins made for a bland breakfast. But he could waste no more time to complete his self imposed quest. Hastily he rolled up his bedroll and kicked dirt upon the fire. Onwards he went, deeper into the woods after his prize.

Hours passed into days as he searched for the minotaurs lair. His heart heavy with the thought of finding her dead. Step after step he trudged on, deep in his soul he had to know, and avenge her either way.

Something did not feel right, the forest was to quiet suddenly. Ryan gripped his weapon as he brought it out to his side. All of his senses were on high alert as he crept forward. Eyes dashed to and fro as he moved carefully onwards. This feeling was not new to him, many a battle with the Yewish Way-watchers had honed his alertness. Nothing moved, not even a leaf as he stood there.

A mighty crash and a thunderous roar came at him from his right. The sudden shock as he felt the Minotaurs' spear pierce through his side stunned him. His eyes wide with disbelief and pain, never had a wound been this deep before. The familiar snort from the minotaur rumbled through his ears nearly drowning out a delicate voice. Her voice, still she lived, his face grew a peaceful smile. He heard her delicate voice once more as his eyes met hers for the last time.
"We shall eat well tonight my love" she said. A low grunt and a heavy snort filled the air as Ryan looked to her, her belly swollen with child, the beasts child, was the last he saw of her. With a mighty grunt the minotaur thrust the spear. The spear raced through his innards and out the other side...

...his journey ended...

*this story to be finished and added to The Stories of the "Dark" Woman*

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