Friday, November 28, 2008

A Rose, Cut

The sea was calm that morning, warm tropical breezes billowed the sails of the ship. She was very pleased with herself that she was on schedule to make her delivery later that evening. Rose peered through her spyglass that William had made for her out across the vast sea. The sea was no new place to her, but these waters she nay sailed in many years. She could see the palm trees standing tall against the yellow pillow of sand, "Nujel'm..." she sighed heavily to herself. It had been sixteen years since she sailed even remotely near that island. It pained her so to do so now. Slowly she scanned across the sea, she paused looking towards the rising sun, a faint hint of something had caught her eye. "Just a bird." she whispered to herself after looking into the ever brightening morning sun. She tied the spyglass to her side and walked across the deck, her heart was heavy with sadness as she looked over the railing. "This is where we were when the sea took you from me my love." as she spoke she pulled a purple rose from her pack. Her eyes closed as she softly said a prayer and let the rose slip from her fingers and tumble into the sea.

"Capt'n Pirates!!" yelled the crewman in the crow's nest. Rose turned quickly towards the rising sun. Her hand shielded her eyes against the blinding light, a black image appeared in front of it. Rose hurried the crew to take arms, she did not know what to expect from pirates in these waters, nor did she want to take any chances. Slowly she slide her heavy war hammer down her fingers, it's sickening thud resounded in her ears as it hit the decking. She bellowed out commands to the crew, rigging sung, sails drummed and wood creaked in agony as she continued her frantic turn towards Nujel'ms' shores. Out of nowhere came a loud boom, water rained over the deck. Then another and another, Rose yelled to return fire. The pirate ship grew ever nearer, the heavily loaded ship could not outrun them. she and the crew knew it was time to stand and fight.

Swords sliced through the air, clubs drummed against flesh as the pirates landed on board, the heavy crash of her war hammer resounded like thunder. But their defiance was futile, the pirates were pushing even herself back towards the port side of the ship. All was lost, and she knew it oh to well.

A day passes by and the now empty ship floated closer and closer to the sandy shore, a local fisherman had watched the ship meandering towards the reef. He quickly sailed to shore and pointed out the ship to the city guards. An hour passed, then three, as without warning the city guards clambered aboard the ship, the deck slick with blood. Broken crates lay strewn around like dismembered limbs of some unknown sea creature, the smell of death filling their nostrils. They searched the ship and only came across Roses' journal, they could now search for any of her family.

Weeks passed as they did before on the Yates farm. Sabrina worried about her sister Rose. It was not normal for her to not drop in weekly, worry filled Sabrinas' blue eyes. Sabrina would walk along the shoreline, to catch, hopefully, a glimpse of Roses' ship in the distance.
Later that afternoon as Sabrina and her parents sat down for lunch, a heavy knock rattled the door. Her father stood up and went to answer it.

The door closed with an errie creak behind him as he stepped out to speak with the person. A pain filled yelled ripped through the house and shook Sabrinas' entire body. The smash of her fathers' fist startled her and her mother as it crashed into the door. The door slowly opened, the shadowy figure of her father stood there in the opening, unmoving. Sabrina looked to her father with a worried look in her warm blue eyes, "Is everything okay daddy?" she murmured out. Slowly he drew nearer, his hand clutching tightly some papers as he slumped into his chair. His normally boisterous voice was now sullen and filled with sadness as he told them of the news.

"NO! She can't be gone!" Sabrina screamed as she raced towards her bedroom. The news of her sisters ship being found covered with blood and no one aboard tore at her heart. Her father sat heavily onto her bed and handed her a parchment with her name written in Roses' handwriting, "This is yours Sabrina." was all he said. He slowly stood and walked out of the room. Sabrina clutched at the scroll, reluctant to open it, but inside she knew she had to.

Dearest Sabrina,

If this letter should ever reach you just remember one thing please, that I love you my dear sister. As you have received this letter it means only one thing, that I am gone to visit my beloved husband who we spoke of many times of when we were together. I write you this for one other reason, it is because I leave unto thee all that was mine when I was there. My ships, my trading company and all my assets are now yours. I wish this so that you will have a way to take care of yourself and mother and father as I helped take care of you three. Please do nay cry for me Sabrina, for I am now happily with my beloved and prepare places beside me for you all to join me when your time comes.

I love and miss you and all our family,
Rose @--}----

Sabrina folded the parchment neatly as she sniffled, trails of her tears stained her face as she began packing her things. She was off to Trinsic, to gather together all her sisters things together, and carry on her legacy..

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