Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stories of the "Dark" woman...

Stories of the “Dark” Woman.
(A collection of short stories)

Chapter I
-------- The Beginning --------

A lone woman stood tall on the deck of her ship, clad in black armor, this woman fears nothing. The seas’ winds toss her pale blond hair like thousands of glittering sparkles as she tied her ship to the dock and tossed the anchor into the murky water. Alas, she has arrived to unload her cargo in Vesper.
She ordered the dock-men to quickly pack the mules so she could get underway to the merchants’ shop. The rest of her gold was waiting after a month of sailing.
The “Dark” woman pulled the mules’ reigns and started on the fastest route to the shop. After a short time she arrived at the shop, tying the mules to the post, she paused a moment. The Merchant burst out of the door screaming for help, following closely behind was a troll. The “Dark” woman sighed, she knew the only way to stop a troll that thought it had been double-crossed was to kill it.
She quickly drew her kryss and lunged at the troll. With outstanding speed and agility she attacked the troll, her kryss seemed to blur as she attacked the giant troll. Blow after blow pierced the troll’s tough hide, within a few moments the troll lay dead in a pool of blood at her feet, again she sighed. As she saw the deed she had done, she gathered what the troll no longer had any use for. She thought to herself on how much of a waste it was to lose a dark being like herself. As she finished taking what she wanted from the troll’s pack she began to bandage the small wound she received from the battle and spun toward the Merchant. The Merchant thanked her for saving him, but she was only here for what she was owed. She entered the shop with the Merchant. He bellowed to his workers to quickly unpack the wares. The “Dark” woman thought to herself, finally it was over with.

The Merchant began checking his cargo carefully making sure everything was there and intact. She sat on a stool to rest from the long journey. Half the day it took the merchant to check all his wares, the “Dark” woman ran the voyage through her mind as she waited ….

…As they left port the “Dark” woman set the quickest route to their destination on the map, which would hopefully avoid any troubles that were known. As they sailed out of Moonglow Bay on the first day, they came upon a sea serpent who looked to make them lunch. The Sea Serpent saw the ship and started towards it, it meant to have the crew for its meal. The “Dark” woman yelled to the crew to fight the beast as she let a flurry of arrows fly into it. Swords sliced at the beasts hide and arrows from her bow stuck the beast like pins in a cushion. The beast reared up to lunge at the ship and the “Dark” woman seeing this let an arrow fly, piercing the beast’s heart. The screams did fill the air as it began to die. The crew’s injuries where minor as they gathered themselves around the beast and began to cut the finest choice cuts from the serpent. The crew feasted well that night on the delicacy.
The night was calm, just a few clouds in the sky, the two moons did shine brightly. She looked over her crew as they had just bedded down for the night. A soft gentle breeze carried the ship slowly on its way. The “Dark” woman breathed in deeply as she gave the tiller man the sextant readings. The sea air, oh how it smelled so sweet in her nostrils, how it filled her lungs with freshness, a good night for sailing for sure. She strode across the deck as she made sure, one last time, that the cargo was lashed securely in the ships cavernous hold. She sat gracefully on the bow of the ship as the moons rose in the night sky, and watched, as a pair of dolphins seemed to dance in the waves with nay a care in the world. Ahhh how she was happy to have the sea under her again, lapping at her ship like a soft drum in the distance, calm and peaceful. The “Dark” woman unrolled her bedroll, a good nights rest was in order. As the wind danced across the ship softly it seemed to keep in time with the waves and soft creaks in the ship. Her eyes grew heavy, so heavy she could nay hold them open any longer, she succumbed to the relaxing sounds. The “Dark” woman laid her head on the pillow she had recovered a month before on a fishing trip, her eyes closed heavily as she laid her head on the sea smelling pillow. It never fully dried out it seemed, but it nay mattered, sleep was foremost on her mind…

….. The walls of the keep were dark and dank, it smelled of men, death, and blood. Slowly down the hall the “Dark” woman crept, her senses were wired on full alert. She carefully moved down the hallway into the main hall, she felt the cold stone walls as she brushed against it, shivers raced up her spine making her pale blonde hairs on her neck stand on end. Fire coursed through her veins as she stepped into the main hall, she was ready for anything…

… As the “Dark” woman looked around she sighed as the merchant had only finished checking the first crate, as he did his men scrambled to put it away, it looked to be a long afternoon….

… The ship gently rocked as it plowed through the waves sinking her deeper into her slumber….

… Her eyes adjusted slowly to the torches light, a throne of bones lay before her, beside it she saw her favorite chair, puzzled she tried to walk to the chair but nay could she move. Stuck struggling to get out she saw a man appear. The “Dark” man smiled at her. Suddenly she was on in chair beside the man, with a hall filled with all manner of beings, orcs, trolls, gargoyles and the like, sitting before her and the “Dark” man.
Perched on her chair was her old, long dead pet imp, she was happy to see it again, yet sad from it’s loss.
She could not rise from the chair, tho she did try, something kept her there, not chains nor magic, but curiosity…

… Softly the seas’ waves rocked the ship as the tiller man lowered the anchor for the night. He could no longer see the stars or the moons, so as ordered he weighed anchor for the night. They will have to make up for it on the ‘morrow…

… Finally they had finished the first mule, only 3 more to go, she got comfortable once more…

… as she sat listening to the “Dark” man speak she could nay understand why she was beside him in the keep. Why did she feel so compelled to stay? As he spoke, he spoke of death, destruction, gold and many other things, she listened on looking over the faces in the hall…

… The lapping of the waves tapped like the rhythm of a heartbeat as a chill wind blew across her face. She snuggled deeper into her bedroll, and slept on…

… The “Dark” man continued speaking to the beings in the main hall. Her feet felt rooted to the floor, she yearned to hear every word that rolled off his tongue. His armor he wore was of the blackest ore she had ever seen with nay a touch of flesh showing, except for his face and hair, which was as pale blonde as hers. She looked over the “Dark” man slowly, his hands where shaped more like claws then that of a human, his eyes did glow an eerie emerald green. She watched as the “Dark” man confronted one of his minions…

… The winds howled over the deck of the ship waking the “Dark” woman and her crew. The waves slapped the ships’ sides spilling over onto the deck. The sky grew darker as the rain fell like a fury of arrows. It stung all exposed flesh. She flung on her cape trying to protect herself as much as she could. The crew began covering the cargo with fishing nets and lashing it to the deck of the hold. Steadily the waves grew stronger tossing the mighty ship like a child’s play toy, the “Dark” woman yelled out to her crew to lash themselves to the ship. But alas it was to late, for as she barked the command a wave crashed over the ship washing the deck clean of two crewmen. She heard their screams for a short time before the sea consumed them forever. She heard a scream from one of the crewmen that had lashed himself to the deck but had been washed overboard. The “Dark” woman made her way across the slippery deck to his rope. She could not see him, but heard his screams for help. Grabbing the rope she began to wrench the crewman from the seas’ deadly grasp. Hand over hand she fought the sea for the crewman’s soul, her muscles straining against the furious water, her black armor glistened in the rain as if it was laughing at the storms foolish attack. The “Dark” woman gave a great tug on the line. Her crewman reached from his would be grave skywards before he was sucked under again. The “Dark” woman thrust her gloved hand deep into the hungry sea after her crewman. The winds howled and the sea boiled as her muscular arm plucked him from the churning sea. Some of the crew prayed to their gods, begging for their lives, others for the storm to stop, but the “Dark” woman knew the waters north of Moonglow were stormy at this time of the year. She ordered all but herself and the tiller man below deck, they both were use to this weather…

…The Merchant screamed as one of his workers dropped a crate of plates. “That’ll come out of your wages you stupid arse!” The “Dark” woman giggled softly at how red the merchant’s face got. If he only knew what they went through before he got them…

… The tiller man tied himself to his seat after throwing a heavy cloak around himself, he was set. The “Dark” woman told him to wake her when he grew tired. He nodded as she pulled up her bedroll over her face. She was glad that the tailors on Ice Island made it of polar bear hides and walrus skin, she drifted slowly to sleep once more…

… The “Dark” man leaned back in his throne. Human skeletons littered the floor under him, he smiled and looked across the large room. Burning candles were placed about the room giving it an eerie glow and a strange odor. She looked at the deep crimson carpet that lay beneath her feet. His minions sat before their Master. His eyes moved from member to member, Sevren, Flinn, Deucalion, Ninx, and Kain. The “Dark” man frowned a bit, two of his generals missed another meeting.

"Before I close this meeting.." he stood up slowly, letting his deep cape billow behind him for effect. "I have a gift for one of you."

Each of the members looked to each other, not knowing what to expect.

"Flinn, stand before me." The “Dark” man walked up to the Fallen Knight.

Flinn stood up quickly, "Yes milord"

"I have seen you, seen your dreams." The “Dark” man glared at the knight and Flinn crumpled a bit under the Lords shadowy gaze. "I saw you when you tore off your dark armor. You have rejected me, and I am angered."

"M, Milord" Flinn stammered, "I, I do anything for -"

The “Dark” man cut the Fallen Knight off, his face contorting a little, as he grew angry, "You rejected your gift! You rejected the darkness." He looked away from Flinn and took a deep breath, his face shifted back again as he calmed. "No matter, for your insolence I have something for you, on last hope for you." He waved a dark gloved hand towards Flinn. "Hold him Sevren."

The Fallen Knight's eyes grew wide as he felt the Generals’ hands grab his deep blue armor and forced him down to sit. Flinn struggled a bit, but Sevren held fast to the man.

The “Dark” man stepped to the center of the room, his heavy boot crushed a human skull lying on the floor. He reached his black gloved hand under his cloak and withdrew a scroll, he opened the scroll gently breaking its wax seal with a snap. In a deep guttural tone he chanted the golden words on the scroll. The scroll turned to golden sand and slipped between the “Dark” man’s fingers to rest on the deep crimson carpet. With a crackle of energy a black moongate opened in the air. The “Dark” man reached his arm into the void and smiled as he pulled something from within. A bright flash of light filled the room and all was silent. Flinn sat, staring as his eyes began to focus. The flash had temporarily blinded him, but as shapes started to form, then colors, details became more apparent, as his sight returned he gasped. A woman stood in the room before the “Dark” man, her white dress clung to her body, her black curly hair fell across her shoulders and down her back, her bright blue eyes looked around confused and disoriented.

The Fallen Knight tried to stand but Sevren’s mailed hand held him fast. "Khristina! My Lady Khristina! My wife!”

The “Dark” man glared at his minion, “This is both your gift for your services and thy punishment for thy rebellious actions towards me.” The “Dark” man knew he had complete control of Flinn now…

…The “Dark” woman awoke with a jump as the Tiller mans’s icy cold hand softly touched her. She looked at her old friend nearly frozen to death. The icy winds cut deeply into her warm body waking her quickly, she wrapped her old friend into her warm bedroll and laid him down. He had sailed the whole night he deserved it. Morning broke over the ship as the “Dark” woman sailed on. The storm made its presence well known. The sky was still as gray as the stones of Empath Abbey, the unforgiving winds lashed her face with her pale blonde hair like miniature whips leaving thousands of tiny wounds on her face. A vicious gust blew across the ship’s empty deck and raked across her face. Icy fingers of rain lanced through her clothing to create new cold spots. Another whistling gust blew past the “Dark” woman greedily stealing what little warmth her body had left in it. The “Dark” woman stared blankly into the darkness ahead of her ship as if she saw something…

…Slowly the storm began to surrender its’ hold and relinquished its siege on the ship and the “Dark” woman. The warmth of the sun pierced the cold woman like a sip of Papua’s finest rum, a welcome feeling. As the crew came back on deck they began to busily make repairs to the damaged rigging and sails. The day was filled with work and night snuck in like a thief. They sailed onwards, time was growing short and Vesper was still about three days away…

… “Ahhh my Moonglow wine! Finally!” cried out the Merchant, “Many of my clients wanted this fine wine!”

The “Dark” woman giggled, “More like grape juice.” She whispered under her breath…

…The night grew black as coal as the ship sailed onwards into the darkness. The waves rapped slightly on the keel. She strained to see the faint twinkling of light on the horizon. Could it be? Was that the Pirates’ lighthouse? She could only hope, that would mean she was ahead of schedule. She could only hope as she sailed onwards towards the little diamond of light. Vesper, her place of birth, where her parents were executed, was not that far away if that was the lighthouses’ beacon…

… The Merchant smiled with glee as he finished the last crate. “Milady, thee hast did a fine job in getting my wares safely to me.” The “Dark” woman nodded slightly, if he only had any idea of what had happened.
“I shall return shortly with thine gold from the Bank.” He bellowed as he mounted his horse and rode off. The “Dark” woman grew angry as he sped off to town…

… The light grew brighter as she sailed on. She adjusted her course away from the light so she would not run aground, as she did the light seemed to turn towards her ship. Perhaps it was the sleep in her eyes or the water playing tricks with the light. She slowed the ship down, just in case. Slowly the bow of the ship sliced through the water like a knife. The light grew bigger and brighter, she adjusted her course once more, something did not seem right. The “Dark” woman nudged her Tiller mans softly with her sandaled foot, he knew that it meant something was the matter if she woke him. Carefully he rose his head above the rail towards where she glanced, he watched as she adjusted course and the light seemed to follow their every move. The Tiller mans clenched his heavy crossbow tightly and readied his bolts, as he quietly woke what was left of the crew. If they were where she thought they were, they were in pirate waters. Even tho they where friends, ale sometimes blinded them. Silently and as low as they could stay to the deck the crew got as ready as they could for whatever might happen. The “Dark” woman increased the heavily laden ship to as fast as it could go, but still the light grew brighter and closer. The “Dark” woman took off her cloak, her eyes grew blacker then the night, she smelled a fight. She grasped her bow from it’s spot beside her and notched an arrow. She looked over the crew as they readied themselves, she watched as her only female crew member lined up some greater explosion potions, the “Dark” woman grinned. She quietly traded places with the Tiller mans, as they got settled the Tiller mans adjusted course back to Vesper. They all watched as the light changed its course towards them once more. How whoever or whatever the light was knew where they were the “Dark” woman did not know. ‘How was it following her ship in the dark?’ she pondered. The “Dark” woman checked their position to the stars they were in Red Skull Bay now, pirate waters. She knew that she could nay outrun them with such a load in her hull. She was hoping it was friends she knew but she couldn’t see the ship, yet…

… The “Dark” woman sat impatiently on the hard stool as she watched the Merchants men buzz around like bees in their hive, scurrying around back and forth to find places for all the new wares. Her gold was to be there, not in the bank…

…They watched as the light grew closer, the tension mounted, the “Dark” woman ordered everyone to hide under the fishing nets or anywhere that they could. They were ready. They looked like an abandoned ship left drifting in the water, she hoped the rouse would work, they all did. From their hiding places they watched the light steadily grow closer, not a sound came from her crew, not even a breath could be heard as the other ship pulled along side them. She could barely hear the other captain’s orders over the noises of the other ships’ crew. A tall figure carrying a lantern walked to the side of the ship, she could see him peering onto her deck. It was not until he held the lantern high over his head that she could see who it was. It was Yellowbeard, a friend of hers from a while back, but this was not his normal crew with him this night, this crew felt, to her, like they wanted to kill. The smell of ale filled her nostrils as a slight breeze came across her face from the other ship, she knew they were drunk enough and wild enough to fight with nay a care to who or what they fought. She sat silently as the pirates pondered on what to do next, she flinched when she heard an explosion potion go off on her deck that one of the pirates had thrown. Still her crew waited, waited for her signal, the “Dark” woman held off, she did nay want to fight the larger force, six to fifteen was not a smart battle to fight unless all else had failed. She watched carefully as Yellowbeard gave her ship another look over. The light from his lantern made his long yellow beard, which he was famous for, seem to glow a golden color as he looked onto her dark ship. As she peeked from her hiding spot she saw his eyes meet hers, he stared deeply at her and her back at him. The few minutes they seemed to stare at each other seemed like hours, she did nay know if he saw her.

Suddenly Yellowbeard yelled to his crew, “Dis’ be an abandoned land lubbers ship mates, I guessin’ dey fell overboard.”

It had worked, the rouse had worked, she sighed softly as they began to sail away. As his lanterns’ light grew smaller and smaller the “Dark” woman moved slowly across the ship ever watching his lanterns’ light. The Tiller mans got back to his post and began to slowly let the ship drift forward, the winds were from the south west as they headed west to Vesper, it was almost over. The next morning was a quiet one, a much-needed break from the past few days of sailing. The “Dark” woman watched as Nakita cast her fishing line out, she drifted softly to sleep…

… The “Dark” man glared at the young Khristina as he watched Flinn struggle to get away from the General’s grip, his attempt was futile.

“Now that I have thy attention, I give thee a choice,” the “Dark” man said scowling at Flinn, “tho you hath rebelled against the darkness, against me, you must choose to either send her away forever or condemn her soul to the darkness which is us.”

The “Dark” woman watched from her chair, she could nay move tho she wanted to now. The “Dark” woman watched as Flinns’ face contorted over the decision, as he pondered his lovers’ fate. Flinns to her at length of how he had missed her warmth and caring and of how he could not decide on her life.
As they stood in front of the “Dark” man whispering softly for what seemed like an hour, the “Dark” woman strained to hear any word from the couple. She watched the “Dark” man’s face as he grew more and more impatient, how much more of their whispers would he take?
The “Dark” man broke the silence like a crash of thunder when he spoke to the couple, he wanted their decision now.

Flinn spoke aloud to his love, Khristina smiled at him, “Doth thee still have the sword I didst give thee?” Flinn nodded as he showed his love the now broken blade. Again she smiled, “Doth thee remember what I didst say to thee when I gave thee this blade?” Flinn nodded as she spoke on, “I doth give thee this blade so that it may serve you well and protect our honor.”

Flinn bowed his head as if in shame, “I nay can decide thy fate nor shall anyone my love.” Flinn gripped the broken blades’ hilt hard as he yelled to his lover to run. The “Dark” man was taken slightly aback as Flinns whirled around slashing with the broken blade. Flinns urged his lover to run but she could nay move for the “Dark” man still had a mysterious hold on the lady Khristina. Khristina watched in horror as the “Dark” man’s four generals gave chase to Flinn, slicing at him from all sides, she knew that this was his last fight. As the last blow hit Flinn striking him dead, the lady Khristina fell to her knees weeping, weeping for her now dead lover. After two years away from him she had lost him once again.

Khristinas’ tears fell softly on his innocent face as the prophet Kain didst walk down the stairs into the main hall, he spoke softly, “I see he didst make the Master angry”…

…The “Dark” woman reached for her kryss as the Merchant slammed the shops door open. “Here is thy gold Milady for your fine services, five thousand gold pieces as we agreed upon.” The “Dark” woman clenched the leather bag tightly, it was all worth it.

The “Dark” woman slowly walked out of the door with her payment in her pack, it was a long walk back to Vesper. The “Dark” woman was tired, she slowly began her trip to the city of her birth, the city where her parents were killed. Step by dreary step the “Dark” woman trudged down the road from the Merchant’s shop, passing other shops along the way. They were all the same to her, just another market in just another village. As she neared the forest leading to Vesper she decided to take a detour to the graveyard where her parents were buried, to visit their graves which she had nay done in a long while. A short while after arriving at the graveyard she noticed something moving along the fence of the graveyard. Tho it had no real shape she crept softly to where she had last seen it. Closer ever so silently quietly closer she crept towards the ghostly form, yet it nay moved nor did it seem to care that she grew closer. The “Dark” woman stared at the ghostly form from behind a gravestone, ‘could it be?’ she wondered, ‘but how, I can see right through her?’ It was her father’s favorite horse, or at least it was once, now it was nothing but a ghost. The “Dark” woman called softly to the ghostly horse, “come here girl, come on, come on” The ghost spun on its hind legs at her call as it turned towards her, it recognized her voice. The “Dark” woman smiled slightly as the ghostly form came to her, tho it had a slightly seeable form of a horse it seemed not to be there at all. She mounted the ghostly horse and rode off, “Good Ghost” she cackled as she rode off quickly to town.
The “Dark” woman seemed to float into town astride her ghostly horse, how the townsfolk didst stare curiously at her. It did nay seem to bother her, she was off to pay her crew.
The “Dark” woman arrived at the Marsh Hall where her crew was waiting for her. She dropped her pack onto the table and dug out the gold for their payment, she was tired and wanted to sleep but they needed their payment. She counted out their gold piece by piece, she watched their faces as she handed them their gold, oh how their faces glowed and their eyes sparkled with the gold in their hands.

As the “Dark” woman sat at the table she ordered herself an ale, it had been a long day she earned it she thought. As she sipped the cold ale she began to relax, the first time in weeks she had the chance. She sat in the back of the tavern, her back leaning against the wall, she could see all that walked in. Tonight the tavern was busy people rushing in and out, the gamblers playing their games as their drunken “pigeons” bet their gold away. All manner of human kind was in the Marsh Hall that night, dwarves, elves, halflings, knights, and archers. A mixed matched bunch but the normal crowd. The “Dark” woman watched as two drunken dwarves challenged two knights to a dart game, she smiled knowing this would be good for a few laughs. Slowly she sipped the ale, she was nay much of a drinker, and what she normally drank Vesper did nay have.
The “Dark” woman sat at her table way in the back quietly. The dwarves were beating the knights badly at their games of darts, she giggled to herself. As she looked over the faces in the tavern she did not see one familiar face save one, the barkeep. As she panned across the tavern once more she stopped at the door, someone new was walking in, a woman. Her hair looked to be the color of blood yet her skin was as white as the snow on Ice Island. The new woman’s body looked fragile and weak, her hands were stained a deep blue. The “Dark” woman watched as the red haired frail woman walked up to the bar, she nay belonged in there. She pondered on what the frail woman was doing in the tavern, she looked like she had never seen a city before. The “Dark” woman watched as the frail woman made her way to the table, it was the only one left with seats around it, though others came in nay one sat at the “Dark” woman’s table, yet this frail being slowly made her way towards her.
The “Dark” woman was nay a small woman, she is a towering fourteen hands tall, feminine but super-humanly strong, her movements were that of quicksilver. She was a force to contend with, and all that were present seemed to know it. She watched the frail woman sit down in front of her, the “Dark” woman thought to herself that this woman did not know of her reputation. The “Dark” woman sat up from her wall resting-place and leaned forward on the Yew style table, she glared at the frail, but brave woman. The “Dark” woman watched as the frail woman pulled out a big pile of books and an ink well.

The frail woman laid a pile of quills next to her as she looked up from her belongings. “Oh my, excuse me for being so rude, I am Tatinana the scribe, and who may I haveth the pleasure of sitting with?”

“Yur Death lass if’n ye nay shuts yur yap” bellowed the “Dark” woman.

Everyone in the tavern grew silent as they turned their eyes towards the corner table, they all knew not to mess with her, but still the scribe continued to speak, “I doth have many a story to write und books to copy. My Master doth want them on the ‘morrow. I swear a scribe’s work is never finished. I would have went elsewhere but there was nay another place open at this hour with such a workspace such as this.”

The “Dark” woman growled deeply at Tatinana, and her eyes grew black as pitch. Tatinana grinned at her, “Thou art as my Master is.” The “Dark” woman looked slightly puzzled at what the scribe had said. Tatinana smiled bearing her tiny fangs, she knew then what she meant with that phrase. “Jist have at ye wurk und keeps it quiet.” She said as she leaned back onto the wall. Slowly the tavern resumed its noisy nature along with the scribes’ scribbling. An hour passed and the scribe finished her first book of the night, she placed it in front of her. “It tells one of my Master’s many tales.” Tatinana smiled as she began to scribe once more. The “Dark” woman curiously picked up the book and began to read its contents…

---The Creation---
(The “Dark” man’s beginning)

The “Dark” master sits upon his throne made of bones, the bodies and bones of his enemies strewn before him. He hath returned to destroy that which is light, to bring the plague called man to an end, to raise the demons of hell und rule the planets. But this is the story of his birth…

On the Sixth day God created man in his image, on the sixth night the Darkest of Angels took the man from the planet to spite god, to twist the man into his own image. The Darkest of Angels having revenge on his mind took the man to the depths of the planet und began his terrible work. The Darkest of Angels first formed the mans hands to claws, smiling, “For the destruction of man I give thee claws to grasp thy desires to which thee can hold onto them.” Then the Darkest of Angels thrust his hand deep into the mans chest tearing from him his heart, the Darkest of Angels smiled at what he had done, spat on the heart turning it black as pitch. The Darkest of Angels laughed, “Thou shall not fear any being.” as he thrust the heart back into the man. The man’s blood lay at the feet of the Darkest of Angels, knowing that the creature he was making doth require blood to live, the Darkest of Angels didst slice his wrist from which didst flow the poisons of darkness. Opening the man’s mouth the Darkest of Angels didst feed the man his poisonous blood. The man’s veins didst turn green und the Darkest of Angels was pleased.
The Darkest of Angels looked at the man, “Thee needith to have the body of my minions.” with this the Darkest of Angels hands didst glow an evil, fiery red, he placed them on the man’s body.
Oh the smell of burning flesh filled the depths of the planet as he twisted und distorted the man’s body from head to foot.
When he was finished the Darkest of Angels spoke, “This body twisted from the image of god to the image of my evil self shall protect thee.” The Darkest of Angels then stepped back admiring his work, he was pleased.
The Darkest of Angels took his shadow und molded it to his creations new form, he spoke, “With this armor let all know that I hath created thee.”
The Darkest of Angels began to speak in an ancient tongue, the creature that was once man began to stir, the Darkest of Angels mumbled on as he gave the creature life. It arose und the Darkest of Angels grinned. As the creature’s eyes opened they glowed with the eeriest of green. The Darkest of Angels didst sit looking at his creation, began to teach the creation the skills und magics needed to destroy mankind. With a wave of his hand he placed the creature onto the planet, where he doth now start his reign of darkness, upon his throne of bones.

…She placed the book down on the table, was this the “Dark” man she dreamt about on the voyage here? Could it be that this scribe was how she was to find out what her dreams meant or could bring her to someone who could tell her? She did not know as she picked up the next book and read on…

--------- The Darkness Spreads---------
(As written by Tatinana)

Woah to you of earth and sea for the Darkest of Angels sends his creation with wrath, for he knows the time is short…
Let he who hath understanding know this creature which hath been sent to destroy man now walks amongst thee. Tho the creature hath disguised it’s self in human form, there is no stopping the purpose it was sent to carry out.
When the night grows the creature awakens, hunger is it’s first to quench. The blood of mankind it doth feed upon, their souls his master’s delight.
The Creature, filled from the first of many deaths it will cause this night, walks strongly out into the realm. It has its master’s purpose in mind. Man, beasts, orcs und that which is evil doth band with the creature to do the Darkest of Angels bidding.
Warriors of the Virtues doth try to stop this growing horde of beings, but are crushed under foot as they march on. People run from the creature und the beings that march with it, only to be destroyed or to quickly band with the creature for fear of their lives.
At first the creature had no place to call it’s own, as which all beings must have, the creature tore through the realm till he found a dark dank keep to call his own.
Gathering it’s evil brethren around it’s self, the creature didst pick its generals to aid in his quest set forth by his master the Darkest of Angels.
I having seeing the darkness that the creature doth have, have joined my dark heart to his to tell the tales of my Master. With its generals chosen, thine Master forms the beginnings of his kingdom slowly und with great care.
Dark souls fill the Masters hall, the faces of many beings adorn the seats waiting for their master to appear und speak to them.
A swirling of mist fills the room as the Master takes its’ human form once more. The main hall grows an eerie quiet as the Master appears astride a devil horse.
As the Master speaks they listen with great care for their commands for the next battle or for the next day. Each being given their commands for the destruction of the plague known as mankind, the Master fades out like a softly blown out candle.
Vanished before thine own eyes he hath done many of times!

…The “Dark” woman stared at the working scribe. How could this scribe know of her dreams? So many of the words she read matched her dreams perfectly.

The “Dark” woman’s voice startled the scribe as she spoke to her, “Lass, I be Gwendlyn of da Dark Den und I must says ye a guud story teller. Ye shuud writes a sea farein’ story ur twu.”

Tatinana smiled at her, “Well met Gwendlyn of the Dark Den, but they nay are stories for entertainment, they be actual accounts I have witnesses except for The Creation.”

Gwendlyn looked at her with wonder, “Whure du ye lives Tatinana? I means I nay seens ye befure arounds here?”

“Oh I mustn’t tell thee that for I will surely catch a whipping if my Master didst ever find out that I told someone without his permission.” Tatinana replied uneasily, “I would if I could…”

Gwendlyn nodded as she cut in on Tatinana, “I be understandin’ yur point lass, but dese here stories ‘minds me of a dream I be havin’ nightly, mure und mure.”

“Your dreams? How so?” was all that Tatinana said as she dipped her quill into the ink well.

“I t’inks I might has tu meets dis master of yurs lass.” Gwendlyn stated as she finished reading the second tales ending.

Tatinana smiled innocently at her, “All in due tyme my friend, all in due time.” Gwendlyn nodded at the comment, time was something she was use to racing, she was not use to waiting.

The night wore on as the tavern began to loose its many voices. As the eerie silence fell over the Marsh Hall she began to remember her parents…

…Gwendlyn remembered when she was young, life was easier, a day was a lifetime for her. The days she spent playing on the docks still fresh to her, but oh so long ago. Gwendlyns' parents knew she was not like other children, she had realized it also as she played. She had a thirst for adventure stronger then everyone and a burning desire for the sea and all the mysteries that it held.

“Mommy can I go play at the docks?” was her favorite morning question.

Her mother would look up from her spells and mixtures and nod softly with a smile on her face. As she headed out the door she would grab the ship model that her father had carved for her. She would pause at the woodpile where her father was working and smile softly at him.

He smiled as he stood straight up, “Ahoy Captain, and where are we sailing to today? Deceit to fight a few skeletal knights or hunt some polar bear skins for a new winter coat? Or maybe to Papua for some rum?”

Father did like his rum, even tho if her mother caught him with it, she would surely break the bottle over his head.

The young Gwendlyn would smile at her father and give the standard response, “If the day and the winds allow it matey we shall go to them all!”

She would quickly give him a hug and scurry off towards town. She wove in and out of the trees on her way to town picking up the roots and regnants her mother taught her about along the way. As she walked into the town she saw the guardhouse and the busy guards running in and out when they heard of trouble somewhere in the town. Her first stop was the Ironwood Inn where she would get her favorite bowl of stew and a few apples for her “trip” at sea from the old inn keeper. With her food supply set she bolted out the door waving as she headed towards the docks…

… She listened to the scribe scribbling, as she settled herself against the stone wall of tavern. She did not want to move for her every muscle ached from her journey…

…Young Gwendlyn skipped happily onto the busy docks as workers and crewmembers loaded and unloaded the ships. Some knew her well and greeted her with a smile and a hearty “Ahoy!”

“Ahoy mate,” she would respond. She would breathe in the salty air deeply and check the winds with her finger. “The winds seem just right for a sail today.”

She seemed to brighten all the dock workers day when she arrived. Young Gwendlyn would sit against the pillars of the dock watching passengers disembark from their ships, some would smile at her, others would scowl, but nothing seemed to bother the aspiring captain. Many a sea tale she did learn from the crewman of the trade ships and from the fishermen. Stories of pirates and of water turning it’s self into formidable beasts with magical abilities, they called them Water Elementals. She would listen to the stories for hours as they told them while they worked.
She was six years old when her father was called off to war. Tho her mother was known for her spells and potions, times were still hard without her father around. Young Gwendlyn would still go to the docks everyday, but with a fishing pole instead of her ship in her hands. She would sit for hours on a barrel trying to catch a fish or two for dinner, if she did not catch a fish she would ask a fisherman if there was anything he or she needed done in trade for a few fish. Her mother took to doing dark magics and potions to earn extra gold. Tho it did help a lot it also marked her mother as a witch. As Gwendlyn would walk to the docks she could hear the townsfolk whisper as she passed, even tho she ignored them she heard every word. ‘witches child, evil child, pagan,’ the words rung in her ears painfully. She would walk onto the docks and be welcomed, they all knew all about what her mother was doing, but they knew it was to survive.
She would sit for hours, arms folded, bouncing her feet against a barrel, her fishing pole stuck in the spaces between the dock’s planks. The old fisherman, whom she got fish from when she did not catch her own, told her of what her father had supposedly done.

“I be hearin’ dis in Trinsic when last I been dere. I hates ta be da une tu tells ye of dis Little Gwen, but dey be sayin’ he be murderin’ peoples.” Young Gwendlyn thanked her friend and ran home...

...The Marsh Hall was empty of patrons except for herself and Tatinana, she listened to the scribbling and the clanking of the pewter mugs as the tavern’s staff cleaned up for the night...

...As she told her mother of what she had heard she could see the horror and sadness on her mother’s face. She watched as the tears formed in her mother’s eyes, now that he was flagged a murderer and herself a witch, only Gwendlyn could go into town now. She would have to learn to fight to protect their wares and supplies, her mother never wanted her to learn magic or a fighting skill, but that had all changed. Her mother began teaching her how to both cast magical spells and how to resist the magics of others. Young Gwendlyn would cringe as her mother spoke the words of magic and targeted her, it hurt her a lot this training, but her mother said it was needed. Several times as her mother cast spell after spell on her she feared death was not far away, the magics did turn her once beautiful blonde hair to a pale almost white blonde, in the sun it did look white. She began training with a bow so that she might hunt some animals for food and for defense against the monsters while she ran from them. She became very good with her bow and took to learning a fighting skill behind her mother’s back. She soon became quite fast and effective with a kryss, more so then with the bow. She had no fear when a large lumbering troll approached her looking for a fight, she would quickly unsheathe her kryss and pierce it’s thick gray hide dozens of times letting the blood from it’s veins flow freely to the ground. Gwendlyn would walk to the alchemist’s shop to sell her mother’s wares and to get the needed ingredients that her mother requested, she would walk by the docks just to say Ahoy as she continued back to her home and her mother.
Three years later her father returned from the war, he was a known murderer by then with a high reward on his head. She saw the reward posted on the wanted board at the bank. She could still nay believe that her father could or would have done what they accused him of. He began to make furniture once more when he returned to their house, he was a grand master in the art of carpentry, but no one really wanted a “murderer’s” furniture in their homes. He would take Gwendlyn out into the woods and teach her more in the arts of fighting always looking out for mother while they trained. He feared his wife more then any other man, woman, or beast in the land.
Gwendlyn was just twelve years old when her and her parents went to town, they figured after such a long time had passed that many had forgotten their past deeds. It seemed to be true as they walked into the provisioners’ shop to buy fuel for their lanterns, the only reason they were there was because Lord British was to come to Vesper that day. It was to be a joyous and wondrous occasion, it turned quickly into a horrid blood bath. One of the king’s guards recognized her father’s face. Five guardsmen ran towards her father and mother with their heavy halberds ready for the attack. Her father pushed young Gwendlyn to the ground as he blocked the heavy axe blade with his sword. Her mother spat out magical words , ‘Corp Por’, and a bolt of magical energy did fly from her fingertips towards the guardsmen, knocking him to the ground in pain and severely hurt. Father swung his sword with great skill and accuracy, parrying blow after blow from the guardsmen. More guardsmen ran towards her parents as they fought on till a sneaky pair of guardsmen snuck up behind them and severed their heads from their bodies in one clean swipe. As the guardsmen turned towards young Gwendlyn with their bloody blades ready to strike her down next a sailor she knew from the docks quickly snatched her up into his arms and ran into a magical gateway that one of his mates had cast. He dove for the portal. He clutched her young body close to him as he fell headfirst onto the ground on the other side.

“You’ll be safe 'ere lass, I's has many a friends 'ere.” Spoke her friend Barbarossa.

A tear formed in the young girl’s eye as she looked around her new home. She was far from all her friends at the docks, and her parents were lost forever to her. She took to the ways of the pirates like a fish to water over the next several years of her life. They taught her many a useful skill and how to force gold or ale from a landlubber. She stayed with the pirates till she was as good as she could be but they knew she had the magic in her and that they did nay like. No longer was she welcome at their hide away.
She set sail to her hometown late one night to make a fresh start on life as a trade hauler. It was a hard life but it was honest she thought. Gwendlyn had grown into a beautiful, but deadly, woman. Her heart was black tho and she had a thirst for more then just adventure. She remembered when her mother told her of what she was and of the constant thirst she would get as she got older. She knew now what her mother had meant...

...Gwendlyn looked at the now exhausted scribe straining to keep her eyes open and her quill moving, she knew how her friend felt. She watched as Tatinana laid her quill down beside herself and rested her head on her arms. Gwendlyn looked at all the work the poor scribe had done. She wished all her crew worked as tirelessly as Tatinana did...

... The next day Gwendlyn awoke to the sounds of the morning hustle and bustle of the tavern. A few sailors walked in for an early morning drink of ale before heading off to a work filled journey to somewhere. She herself had to go to the docks and check on her ship and see if there was any cargo to go out or passengers looking for passage to someplace that they heard of from a friend. She nay cared as long as they paid their gold she would take them anywhere. As she stepped onto her ship she heard a group of sport fishers walk up behind her.

She wheeled around quickly as they called out to her. “Hail captain. We were wondering if you would be so kind as to take us on a fishing trip to Moonglow.” Asked the groups’ leader. She nodded and kicked down the ship’s gangplank. Gold was gold nay matter from where or whom it came. “ We wish to fish all the way to Moonglow,” spoke the groups’ leader.

“Dat’ll be three hundred guld fur da trip if’n ye provides da meals. Mure if’n ye don’t.” She spoke as she cast off the dock lines.

She set the course for the trip on the map and handed it to her Tiller mans, off they went out into the open sea.
The trip to Moonglow went by without a hitch, the calm seas and warm breezes carried them quickly to their destination.
She sat on the Moonglow docks coiling the ropes from their journey. A mysterious woman approached Gwendlyn asking about her shipping services and fees.

“How much would it be for my cargo to be shipped to Yew?”

Gwendlyn stared at the mysterious woman and replied, “Frum whure to Yew lass?”

“From here of course, five small crates, no questions asked correct?”

Gwendlyn nodded, “Aye nay questions asked if’n da guld is paid. Dat be why I kins du jist abouts anythin’ wit nay a question asked.”

She continued coiling the ropes. The mysterious woman thanked her and told her that the cargo would be there in a fortnight.

“As long as me guld be dere I nay care whens ye brings it I’lls be ‘ere.” Gwendlyn said as she placed the coiled ropes into the ship’s hold. ‘An easy shipment if’n the luck she was having held out’ she thought.

------- The Shipment------

Gwendlyn waited on her ship at the Moonglow southern docks. She was early and she knew it, but it gave her time to straighten up her ship for the voyage. It had been a busy two weeks for the now well known shipper. This trip to Yew would be a welcome trip, a kind of vacation of sorts. At least she hoped it would be.
She waited on her ship coiling ropes from the last shipment. As she did the mysterious woman seemed to glide onto the docks, Gwendlyn heard nay a footstep as the mysterious woman approached her and her ship.
“Ahhh good to see you’re here already, I nay expected you here yet.”

Gwendlyn nodded as she stored the ropes in the ship’s hold, “Aye dat I be, ye gots a problem wit dat?”

“Oh nay Milady, ‘tis refreshing to see,” said the mysterious woman, “the crates are heavy where shall I place them?”

“In da hold lass, I’ll secures dim later befure I sets sail.” Bellowed Gwendlyn from the stern of the ship.

“Remember this cargo must be in Yew in no later then three weeks from today.” Yelled the mysterious woman from deep in the hold.

Gwendlyn sighed, another race with Father Time this trip was going to be. She wanted to start the next morning but it looked like she would have to sail later in the afternoon. She watched as the mysterious woman flipped the pages in her spell book and read the magical words. The mysterious woman disappeared into thin air right before her eyes. Gwendlyn gathered her crew from the tavern and set out to sea.

As she set out on the warm afternoon all seemed well until she reached the southern most tip of Moonglow. As the Tiller mans turned west towards open sea, her ship ran straight into a Water Elemental. “It be the sea come to life!” yelled one crewmember. Gwendlyn swung around quickly and saw the beast slice down one of her crewmembers with one crushing blow of its’ mighty arms. It wanted their souls the sea did, but she was not going to give it any more. She ordered her crew to repel borders and armed her bow. A flurry of arrows flew at the beast striking a damaging blow, yet it continued to fight on. Her crew fought bravely and soon won their seemingly endless battle with the monster. They bandaged their wounds and set to repairing what damage the beast had caused. Gwendlyn wrapped the dead crewman in a torn piece of sailcloth and added in some of the ballast stones from the ship hull. A burial at sea was not what they wanted to do that night, but it was the right thing to do. The Tiller mans spoke to the heavens for the lost soul as they lowered the body into the sea. Gwendlyn wrote in her ship’s logbook of the day’s events, of the lost crewmember.

The next morning, while the stars were still in the sky, she took a reading from her sextant and made the adjustments to their course. They turned northwest towards Nujel’m. Nujel’m a place of rich and proper people, a beautiful island with sandy beaches and tall palm trees, but with no real place for a woman like her. She was a pirate at heart, hired shipper by trade. She was not one for the fine and rich streets of the island. It was half a days sail to the island and the sun was bright. She set the crew to mending the nets so they could catch their dinner for the next few days. She checked in the hull to make sure the cargo was still secured to the decking. All was fine, but she wondered what she was shipping. But her notability of being a no questions asked shipper kept those thoughts at bay.

Later that evening they could see the lights of Nujel’m off their port side, she sighed a little as the night grew darker. The crew bedded down for the night under the warm glow of the moons. Gwendlyn leaned against the side railings of her ship staring up at the moons and the stars. She knew now why so many loved the island city. As she laid on her bedroll she could hear the soothing waves and a late night party on the islands’ beach. Ahhh to not have a care in the world, to spend gold like it was water, to drink the finest of wines, that is what all dreamt about. She knew she would probably never be on that beach. The heartbeat sound of the waves lured her to sleep, to dream...

...A silence fell in the great hall of the “Dark” man as he rose from his throne. He had heard that the village behind his keep was in revolt. “‘Tis the time for action is now my minions, we must get our claws into this village and make it ours.” The “Dark” mans’ voice roared across the hall like a crash of thunder. The deafening cheers of his minions flooded the hall. Gwendlyn watched as he chose from his minions the two to infiltrate the village leadership. “Watts come forth to me I hath a task for thee. You shall go and become my eyes and ears in the village.” Watts bowed deeply to his master and stepped back. The “Dark” man turned towards her and smiled, “You choose one Gwendlyn.” She tried to choose from all the faces. She sat deep in thought of her choice when suddenly from no where she spoke, “Nakita.” She did nay know why for she was one of her crewmembers...

...”NAKITA! WHERE ARE YOU?” bellowed the crew and the Tiller mans over and over again. Gwendlyn woke suddenly from her sleep with the loud yelling going on.

“Whut be guin’ on?” she questioned the Tiller mans.

He looked at his captain and spoke with sadness in his voice, “Nu une kin find her captain. Da crew has searched da entire ship. We fear she fell overboard.”

She was taken aback by that statement, she knew Nakita was a good swimmer and could not imagine that she was in trouble unless something had happened to her. Gwendlyn pulled out her spyglass and searched the distance for her crewmember, she saw nothing. The water was calm with barely a ripple on its’ surface, she turned her spyglass towards land. As she panned the coastline she saw the still ongoing beach party. She adjusted the scope to get a better look at the partygoers, still nay a sign of her shipmate anywhere. Gwendlyn walked to the bow of the ship and continued to search the glassy ocean for any sign of her crewmember, the moons shed their bright glow on the surface revealing nothing.

“We be havin’ ta gu tu town in da murnin’ tu reports her missin’ to da guards in case she washes ashore.” She uttered as she searched on, “We will takes und resupply ourselves.”

It saddened Gwendlyn to think she had lost her old friend. They sailed to the docks the next morning and looked for a guard to report her missing. The guard seemed preoccupied with other matters as she gave him the report.

“We nay seens her since last nite arounds midnight,” Gwendlyn spoke growing angrier with each word. “ Und I wants her found if’n she be alive ur dead.”

The guard looked up for a moment then back down to his paperwork, “Will that be all ma’am?” is all he spoke to her.

“Aye ye fuuker I bests be told edder way she be found.” She yelled.

The guard just sat there writing. Gwendlyn and her crew stormed out of the guardhouse to the nearest tavern for ale. They knew she was mad at what had happened just a few moments before. They hurried their ale and headed straight for the docks, time was money and they were a touch behind. ‘We’ll jist have tu come back laters’ she thought.

As they readied themselves to leave port a young girl came running towards the ship. “Wait! Wait! Take me with you!” she screamed.

Gwendlyn watched the young girl run towards her ship. “Und why shuud I waits fur ye lass? Ye luuks likes ye nay has any guld fur passage anywhure.” The young girl looked at Gwendlyn, “I will work for my passage out of this forsaken place.”

Gwendlyn stared at the young girl, she was perplexed why such a rich girl would want to leave. “Well da wurk be hard ye sure ye kin handles it?” Gwendlyn questioned the young girl.

The young girl yelled as she faced the town, “If it is to get off this island I shall do anything. They shall learn they can nay stop us from seeing each other merely by water.”

Gwendlyn laughed as she lowered the gangplank, “Welcumes aboard lass.”

Slowly the ship lurched forward as the winds filled its’ sail, they were off. She hated the route they had to take now, it took them past Ice Island. The weather around that island was horrid, the only good things that came from there was the hides of polar bears and walruses. She pondered if they should do some hunting along the way, she looked at the map and at the stars.

“Aye we half a day aheads of schedule, su if’n we finds some walruses we’ll gits a few hides.” The Tiller mans nodded in agreement, “Aye dey brings a guud price in Yew.” Gwendlyn smiled at him, extra gold was welcome anytime.

As they sailed closer to Ice Island they could feel the chill nip at their exposed flesh. It would only get worse as they continued onwards. One of the crew members spotted a school of walruses to their starboard side, the Tiller mans steered towards them.

“There be fifty of them at least!” yelled the crewmember that spotted them.

She smirked, ‘fifty at twelve yards of hides each be six hundred yards of hides, dat’d be fur thousand eight hundred guld pieces. A nice profit indeed.’ Several hours later they had the whole lot of hides thrown on the deck of the ship, Gwendlyn ordered the young passenger to collect them all into one large pile and to cut them to size.

“What? In this dress? Are you mad?” questioned the young girl.

“If’n ye nay du whut I tells ye tu ye be swimmin’ da rest of da way,” growled Gwendlyn at her, “Now gits tu wurk lass ur swim!” The blood covered crew laughed at the young girl, Gwendlyn growled deeply and the crew quickly settled down and resumed their own work.

It grew colder as the day passed by and they drew ever closer to Ice Island. Night would soon be upon the ship and its’ crew. Gwendlyn watched the sun set in the distance, it looked as if the sea was swallowing it in one giant gulp. She knew as she set her bedroll out that the cold would hit hard as soon as it was fully down. Tho she did not want to stop for the night, the cloudy sky prevented them from seeing the stars to sail by. Gwendlyn cursed the clouds under her breath as she nestled deep into her bedroll. The day was to short and not much sailing had been done.

‘Ahhh well if’n I nay makes it un tyme I jist returns part of da guld tu dat woman.’ She felt the bitter cold of the night air as it danced across her face. The steam from her breath swirled like an evil mist...

...As Kain lifted his hands from her swollen belly he turned to the “Dark” man. They spoke softly amongst themselves as she watched. “‘Tis as I said it would be Master, she shall give birth to the male child I prophesied of.” Gwendlyn looked down at her unborn child, she dressed in a dark blue robe could feel it as it pushed its’ feet against her insides. Gwendlyn smiled warmly, she was happy to have the child growing inside her. She thought she never would get the chance to feel what it felt like to have a child grow inside her...

...As the cold morning sun peeked its’ head out from the depths of the sea, Gwendlyn awoke with a start. A mist from her hot breath swirled in front of her as she slowly crawled out of her warm bedroll. She lay there thinking of the dream she just had. ‘Me with child? Dat wuud never happen wuud it?’ she tried to dismiss it all as her maternal instincts, nothing more. The Tiller mans got to his seat and raised the anchor, a strong but cold wind was blowing and they had a chance to gain time. The winds slammed into the sails filling them fully, jerking the large ship forward on its’ journey.
Gwendlyn thought back time and time again on her dream. It was gnawing at her bit by bit. She remembered her mother saying something about how she could, but she could nay remember how she could, for her kind would not normally bear children. As the day dragged on they fished the icy waters of Ice Island. The chilled winds pushed their ship along well, taking its’ toll on the crew as it did.
After two days of cold sailing they finally reached the northern end of the frigid island and turned westwards to the mainland. They were on schedule, she was happy. She spoke of her dream to the Tiller mans as they sailed, it was still fresh in her mind. Tho the trip normally took four to five weeks, the currents and winds had been in their favor for the hardest and coldest section of the trip. For this she was glad, it put her back on her schedule and made the trip seem better then it was.

“LAND HO!” screamed the young girl.

Gwendlyn grabbed her spyglass and looked towards where she pointed, it was land, “Unfurl all da sails!” Gwendlyn bellowed loudly.

They had neared the northern most tip of the mainland. The race was now on. The warm winds blew across their deck as the crew adjusted the riggings to catch its full force, tho the warm winds were strong, they could easily blow a ship off course if the crew was not watching. Gwendlyn knew of this and set watches for how close they came to land, she did not want to run aground. Several days of sailing the north passage came and went. The crew laid lazily around the deck in the warm air. Gwendlyn sighed, this was what is was all about. Freedom from the land and all its’ troubles and wars, free do just lay about and just be. She was not like most women of the day all prim and proper, she was a warrior and a sailor. Most women would be content with being at home or gossiping at the bank, not Gwendlyn she wanted the smell of the salty air in her nostrils, the feel of the ships’ deck under her feet, the ability to go wherever whenever she wanted to. Gwendlyn lay on the deck in the warm sun and thought once more of her dream...

...The “Dark” man smiled at Gwendlyn, “‘Tis the prophecy that Kain spoke of comes true. This is a good day indeed for us.” Gwendlyn looked down at herself, her belly was filled with the child. “Aye dat it be.” She spoke with a smile on her face, her fangs showing at full length, “It will not be long now.” Gwendlyn flinched as she felt the baby kick her belly hard. The time was getting nearer...

...A loud screech pierced the warm air as Gwendlyn woke from the noise. The startled crew grabbed their weapons and looked around, they saw nothing. Gwendlyn looked down at the deck just as a giant shadow went across. Harpies, foul winged beasts that could shred a person to pieces in minutes, half human half bird. She looked up into the sky as the beasts flew overhead. She ordered the crew to pull out the spears they used when hunting walruses. The crew watched as the harpies circled them swooping down to get a closer look every once in a while.

“Full ahead und nay stops ‘lessen yur dead.” She yelled to the Tiller mans.

The crew readied themselves for the possible attack that was coming. They watched as the beasts seemed to size them up as a meal. It was unnerving to be thought of as food. The loud beating of the harpies’ wings drummed in their ears. She looked over the crew and saw their nervousness, she was a touch nervous herself. Their circle grew tighter and tighter around the ship as it raced onwards.

“We nay kin out runs dim captain but I be tryin’.” Yelled the Tiller mans.

Gwendlyn watched as one of the harpies swooped down towards her, the attack was on. She braced for the impact as she held her spear. As the large harpy raced towards her she saw its eyes, they were filled with anger and hunger. As the beast dropped onto the deck next to her she lunged at it with her spear driving it deep into its’ feathered hide. The scream from it rang in her ears as she plunged the spear into the beast over and over again. The crew fought others that had decided to land on the deck, the screams of the crew blended with the shrieks of the harpies as the battle raged on. Blood flowed over the deck making it slippery as ice, man and beast fell as they fought. She watched as a harpy sank its’ clawed feet deep into one of the crewmembers. His painful scream pierced her body like a sword. Gwendlyn grabbed her bow and let loose an arrow into the harpy striking it dead. She turned her bow skywards and took aim at the circling creatures and began to let fly arrow after arrow at them. Many an arrow found a place to hit the beasts and send them into retreat. Gwendlyn laughed at the scene on her deck, an insane, glad to be alive, laughter that came over her uncontrollably as she plucked the beasts feathers. The blood of the beast covered her hands and body as she carved the meat from it. She remembered one of Tatinanas’ tales...

----------------- Blood -----------------

‘Twas a time ago that a young lass was born to a woman, as she gave birth blood didst pour from her like water from a pitcher. The healer didst try his best to sooth the pregnant lady as she bled heavily. The mother didst cry out “Blood, Blood, its everywhere!” Those were her dying words for as the child found its way out of the womb, the woman died. The healer didst nay want the death to be known, as it would surely ruin his name as a healer. He named the blood-covered child from her mother’s dying words, Blood. He took the newly born child und didst throw it in the rubbish out side his back door, he was sure the child wouldst die. The child did nay die, she survived, und she became a young lady of darkness.
Fate had its hands on the day my Master went to the Edinburgh faire where a person had brought the young lady to see one evening. My Master did see her in his keep later that eve. It seemed instantly to her that this is where she belonged. My Master spoke to her “What doth thee seek in my keep?” The young lady replied that this is where she felt she belonged. Later that evening my Master didst join her to our family. The young lady named Blood doth now walk amongst the shadows. From that day forth she has walked in the shadows finding those that doth think they can hide from my Master. She is my Master’s eyes when he is nay around, all this she doth do whilst searching for the healer that left her for dead. She swore she wouldst surely be his death.

...Gwendlyn smiled at the tale as she continued her bloody work of carving the bodies. She watched as the blood ran down her arms and flowed through her heavy ringmail sleeves, her hunger grew for the taste of it. She fought the urge, the cravings for the thick liquid. Oh how the warmth of it as it freshly flows tantalizes the tongue and tickles the throat, exciting every sense of the body.
They ate well that night as they feasted on the harpy meat. Gwendlyn stood over her crewmate that had taken the harpys’ claw deep into his chest, he was barely hanging on to his life. Gwendlyn placed fresh bandages over the wound tightly, slowing the flow of blood. She knew it was in vane, she looked at the dying man and told him it did nay look like he would make it to Yew if he did nay stay awake that night. She took the watch that night and let her crew rest their wounded bodies. The night grew dark that night with only one moon shedding a misty light over the deck of the ship, her exhaustion got the best of her and she fell to the call of the sandman. She closed her eyes as she sat against the bow of the ship drifting quickly to sleep...

...She walked with the “Dark” man into the dungeon of the keep, her robe flowing behind her and her belly filled with child proceeding her. They walked hand and hand to the end of the hallway to a locked room. “A special treat my minions hath brought us tonight.” He whispered to her. He quietly unlocked the door of the room and turned the handle. They walked softly into the dimly lit room and glanced around till their eyes came to rest upon a young couple. He spoke softly to Gwendlyn as he looked at the couple, “Ahhh a fine treat indeed my love, one for each of us.” Gwendlyn smiled, her long fangs glistened in the dim light of the room, “Aye me luv a fine set of treats indeed.” The young couple cowered in the corner of the room as they walked slowly towards them. She saw the “Dark” mans’ fangs grow as he smiled at the couple. Gwendlyn had never felt the hunger so strong as she did with the growing child deep inside of her.
Many strange acts happened as they laid with their “treats”. Gwendlyn smiled as she felt her fangs sink deeply into the flesh of one of the young pair. With her first swallow of the thick red liquid, she felt the deep hunger , begin to leave her slightly...

... Gwendlyn woke suddenly and found herself feeding upon the dying crew member, there was nothing left she could do for him for she had already drained most of his remaining life from his body. ‘I will put this soul to rest.’ She said to herself as she fed until his heart ceased to beat and his breath left him. She had not fed in months and this was a welcome treat. She laid the body down softly and walked silently over to the water tub. She stared at her reflection on the waters’ surface, her face showed well what she had done. Gwendlyn washed her face of the evidence and sat herself back at the bow of the ship. Her hunger was satisfied, for the moment.
The next morning the crew woke to the dead crewmember, Gwendlyn told them that he passed away in his sleep from all the blood he had lost. The crew shook their heads slightly as they prepared his body for burial. ‘Another one gone to the heavens.’ Gwendlyn heard someone whisper. She sighed at what she had done but knew he would have died anyway.
The Tiller man scanned the coast to get their bearings on where they were, “We be near da end of da mountains north of Minoc.” He yelled. Gwendlyn grinned slightly, no time lost. Ice Mountain was their next biggest landmark, a four to five hour sail in fair winds. ‘We going tu be on time fur sure’ she thought to herself.
As the ship passed Wrong Mountain they saw Ice Mountain come into view. A mountain, “...filled with beasts spawned from ice itself...” she remembered people saying. The crew watched as they passed the famed mountain, they seemed to be wondering if that the stories they heard were true. Gwendlyn drifted into a daydream as they sailed onwards...

------------------- The Staff-------------------

The “Dark” man had heard the tales of a powerful staff that came from deep within the Ice Mountain. He spoke to his minions about this item that was said to be there. Each told their tales of having seen one to their Master and this made him want to see if it was true. “Yes milord I hath seen one in the hands of a mage. It glowed an icy blue.” Sevren said as he bowed before the “Dark” man. “‘Tis true milord I saw a woman holding one in her hands. She spoke of it coming from a giant ice serpent.” Faub spoke out loudly. The “Dark” man sent his minions off on matters that needed attending. He now wanted one more then ever. The “Dark” man set out from his keep towards the mountain. When he arrived he set up camp near a pond. While he waited for the next day he hunted any beast that came within striking distance of him. He watched in mist form as animals walked around his camp and into his trap. Nothing was spared his swords’ blows, bears, rabbits, anything that crossed his trap was put to death. He heard the familiar flapping of bat wings coming towards his campsite. It was a message from his general Swap telling him he wished to join his hunt. The “Dark” man sent back his reply that he could join the hunt. Several hours later Swap arrived at the campsite and joins his Master in the hunt. The pair camped for days with not a beast around not even a human. “I shall scout around and see if there is anything left to hunt.” Swap stated as he mounted his horse. The “Dark” man nodded to his general. He watched as Swap rode southwards. An hour had come and gone when he heard the urgent flapping of bat wings zooming in on his campsite. The “Dark” man mounted his horse and charged out of the camp in the direction Swap had taken. As the “Dark” man heard the sounds of battles he slowed his horse and looked around, he saw his general fighting several beasts at once. Tho his general was out numbered he was doing quite well until a force or orcs joined the battle. The “Dark” man raced to his generals’ aid. The massive battle turned in the favor of the beasts when they heard a crashing and snapping of trees behind them. The “Dark” man reared his horse as a giant Ice Elemental broke through the tree line with a force of orcs to either side. The “Dark” man ordered a hasty retreat. The two warriors rode from the battle with the force hot on their trail. They rode as fast as their steeds would take them. As they rode into a narrow pass they had to stop quickly, they had run straight into their quarry a giant Ice Serpent. The two warriors were trapped. They turned back to back and braced for the battle. The clashing of swords rang in the passage as the two warriors fought. Many a body did litter the floor from the attackers. The “Dark” man turned to see how his general was doing against the Ice Serpent all he saw was a bluish white glow coming from around the bend. The “Dark” man slew the last of the attackers and rode towards the glow. He rounded the bend and saw Swap, his back to his Master. He turned slowly towards his master and in his hands he had one of the famed staffs. The “Dark” man looked at the beast it had come from, his general had sliced the beast in two. The two warriors rode back to the keep and called Kain to come to them. The “Dark” man told Kain the story of its’ recovery, and how that the “Dark” man had felt no power from the staff. He handed the staff to Kain as Kain took hold of the staff he began to glow with the light of the staff. The “Dark” man watched as the power of the staff surged in Kain. He bowed to his Master in thanks and walked off to his study to examine the staff further.

...Gwendlyn woke later that day and checked on how they were coming along. They had reached the final leg of their journey, it was but a day and a half sail away to Yew and the rest of their gold. The crew seemed happy that they were almost done with this life-costing journey. So was Gwendlyn for she wanted to find the scribe Tatinana once more, and find out more of her tales about this one called the “Dark” man. Gwendlyn and the rest of her crew sailed on towards Yew without incident. They were about a days sail out of Yew when they saw an out bound ship of treasure hunters. Oh the noise they did make as they clanked around in their heavy plate armor. Her crew laughed when they saw the men in the armor for they knew if they got washed overboard or fell in that no being alive could swim in the heavy armor. Gwendlyn shook her head as the treasure hunters past, death was all one got when hunting a treasure. She ordered her young passenger to swab the deck and her crew to tend to the nets’ repairs. One more day at sea was all they had left and before she docked she wanted her ship set incase another shipment needed to go out even tho she wanted to get back to Vesper. Time and the winds were their only foe now they would only be on time if they sailed through the night. Dinner was salted fish and stale bread with some wine to wash the bland mixture down. The fishing had been poor all the way to Yew and they were on their emergency supplies. She could not wait for some fresh food from Ken’s Tavern in Yew. It had been a long time since she had been there and she missed his exotic foods and imported liquors.
The next morning Gwendlyn and her crew could see the Empath Abbys’ walls standing tall against the sea ahead of them, it would nay be long now. They watched as ships sailed to and from the shores some filled with fish, others with people. Yew a widely spread out town mainly filled with trees and scattered with the famous yew tree, a large hulking tree that takes a man four days to cut down. She had been there many times but each time seemed an adventure. They slowed the boat speed down as they neared the inlet behind the winery. It was a crowed area for the bank was so near it. As they pulled up to the embankment behind the winery she looked over to the vineyard. She could see the monks picking the ripened grapes to make their wine. She watched as her crew scrambled off the ship onto the shore. They were headed to Ken’s for food and drink. ‘Dey earned it’ Gwendlyn thought as she chained up the gangplank and walked over to the bank to see if any old friends were around.
Several hours later she headed back to her ship to wait for the person to pick up their cargo. She sat quietly on the deck writing of her journey to Yew and of the now past days’ events. She saw a shadowy figure come around the back of the winery towards her ship. Gwendlyn looked closer at the figure and saw it to be a Lich. They decaying flesh of the Lich seemed to crawl with bugs. She watched as it looked at her and asked for the cargo.

She stared at the being and its’ weak looking body, “Und how’s ye gunna carries all dese crates?”

She listened to the beast as it spoke some magical words and was shocked as the crates lifted off the deck and began following the Lich with nothing or no one carrying them. Gwendlyn said nothing but watched as the creature turned the corner and disappeared. She didn’t even think about the rest of the gold she was owed till a young child walked up to her and gave her a pouch containing the gold she was owed.

She asked the young child if he had any idea what was in the crates, the young child smiled and said, “A few old friends for our Queen.” Gwendlyn stared blankly as the child disappeared into thin air.

She wanted ale and lots of it. She did not normally drink but after what had happened, she did not care.
She wandered into Ken’s a little while after and sat down hard on the bench.

The waitress walked over to her and smiled, “Welcome to Ken’s, I am Karla, what can I get you this fine evening?”

Gwendlyn looked up slightly at the young waitress, “Ale Karla, und sum stew.”

The waitress nodded and scampered off to get her order. Gwendlyn sighed as she placed her heavy pack on the table, she was happy to get it off her back for a while. She looked around the fairly empty tavern going from face to face seeing if she knew anyone. Not one face looked familiar to her. As the waitress handed Gwendlyn her stew and ale she stared at the young waitress. Gwendlyn could smell the fear in her and hear her blood coursing through her veins, ever so rapidly did the waitress’s heart beat as she looked at Gwendlyn. Gwendlyn wondered why she was so scared of her, she had said nor done anything to frighten the woman. ‘Cuud she sense whut I bes?’ Gwendlyn pondered as she sipped her stew slowly off the spoon. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat and drink. She would not worry about a waitress in a tavern.

The next morning Gwendlyn headed to her ship, she would not sail back to Vesper simply because of the time it took. She uttered some magical words her father had told her would make her model ship grow or shrink just by saying them. She watched as the large ship glowed with a golden hue and shrunk back into the model he had made her. She plucked the model from the water and placed it in her pack. She scrounged through her pack finding her mothers’ spell book and a rune stone to Vesper. She slowly flipped the pages of the book till she found the spell her mother said would carry her anywhere a rune stone was etched to. Slowly Gwendlyn uttered the words, “Kal Ort Por” and in a blink of her eyes she appeared in Vesper near the back of the bank. She was happy her mother taught her that spell. As she walked slowly to the front of the bank she watched all the faces looking for a familiar one. She took some gold from the bank and headed to the Marsh Hall to see if she could find Tatinana again, it was a long shot but she had to see if she was there or had been back there.
As she sat down at her table in the tavern she looked around for the scribe. She was no where to be found in the crowded tavern, Gwendlyn knew it was a long shot but she had to try. She watched the patrons as they drank ale after ale. She chuckled slightly as she closed her eyes...

...As the pair feasted on their treats Gwendlyn could feel the thick liquid trickle down her throat. She felt engorged as she feed onwards. She could feel her growing child feeding also as it gorged itself with the liquid its’ mother was taking in. Gwendlyn watched as her “treat” lost pigment to its’ skin. She could hear the breathing slow down and the young persons heart begin to cease its’ beating. Softly she smiled as she drew the last of the sweet tasting liquid into her mouth and let it trickle slowly down her throat. For now she was content from the “meal”, till the hunger struck once more. She watched as the “Dark” man drank in deeply from one of the young couple. She could hear the young body as it died slowly, as it struggled to stay alive. There was no help for the young person as she watched the “Dark” man draw in the last mouthful of the life giving liquid. Gwendlyn smiled at her lover as he carefully laid the young body down on the bed. She could see the few missed drops clinging to his chin as she drew closer to him.

“‘Twas a fine treat indeed my love, don’t you agree?” He whispered to her.

She looked at the young couples’ bodies and smiled, “Aye me luv dey whure, dey whure.” Gwendlyn took the “Dark” mans’ hand as the turned to leave the room, she felt his hand squeeze hers softly. She felt at home with him by her side, with her hand in his...

... Gwendlyn opened her eyes slightly and peeked out from under her helm at the noises of the tavern. ‘Fools’ she thought to herself as she watched the two soldiers draw their swords on each other. She sat up slowly to get a better look at them. ‘Oh hows I wishes dat dream wuz true.’ She thought as the two soldiers walked towards the door and to one of their deaths. She could hear the clashing of the soldiers’ swords as they fought outside. Her laughter filled the room as she heard the death cries of one of the soldiers. The tavern fell a deathly silent when they heard her laughter. She leaned back against the cold stone wall giggling softly to herself as she got comfortable.
She called for the waitress to bring a bowl of stew. It was not much of a dinner but she wasn’t that hungry, her belly was still full with the thick liquid of her dead crewman. ‘He be in a better place now’ she said to herself, as she sipped the broth of her stew. She ate her meal slowly as she watched the taverns’ doors in hopes of the Tatinana coming through them. Tho she had not met this “Dark” man she felt an unexplainable urge to see him face to face and learn more of why she dreams of him.
It was not till much later in the night that she saw the scribe walk into the Marsh Hall. Gwendlyn sat up slowly as Tatinana walked towards her. She watched as the scribe looked over her shoulder before she sat down, she seemed a bit paranoid. Slowly the scribe repeated the same steps of setting up her work for the night.

Gwendlyn smirked at Tatinana, “Ye be seeming a bit scared tunite, nay tu wurry I be watchin’ yur back lass.”

Tatinana smiled at Gwendlyn, “Thank thee.” was all she said as she began her scribbling.

Gwendlyn wanted to see what the scribe had to tell this night of the “Dark” man. Time passed slowly it seemed as Tatinana scribbled furiously with her first book of the night. Gwendlyn waited impatiently to read her words of the “Dark” man. She watched as the scribe looked up at her and stared into her eyes, she knew not what to make of the scribes’ staring eyes.

“I told my Master of thee, I hope that I nay seem improper towards thee. But it was better then receiving a beating for being out of the keep for more then a day.” Tatinana spoke breaking the silence that had fallen over the two women.

Gwendlyn looked back at the scribe and shrugged her shoulders, “It be okee lass, I told ye dat I be wantin’s tu meets him.” Gwendlyn saw Tatinana seem to sigh in relief at her words to her. Slowly Gwendlyn closed her eyes as the scribe began to scribble...

...Gwendlyn sat in her chair in the darkened keep. Her baby was not long from coming into the world now. She sat in her chair next to the “Dark” mans’ throne of bones silently, shrouded in the darkness no one could see her. Here she could see all that went on without fear of having to fight anyone in her present state of being. Gwendlyn smiled as she felt the baby moving inside her. She was happy that she was to bear a child, she never thought she would. She smiled softly as she felt her baby kick, she would rest, this day and not do much of anything...

-----------Ariel’s Prayer-----------

Tatinana sat in her workroom in the back of the main hall. She was busy scribing recall scrolls for the Master. The Keeps’ silence was broken as she heard the heavy doors slam shut. Tatinana peeked through the cracks in the stones of the wall. She watched as Ariel sat alone...

...Alone staring at the empty throne that once held the one she loved... deep in thought... her words came forth like a fountain of blood spewing forth it’s crimson waves...

“Goddess of the earth to you this day
His heart is in great trouble I feel it strong this day
He wishes to be alone but alone I cannot let
For the further he goes from me the closer I wish to get

Goddess of the heavens to you this day I pray
Bring his spirit back to us and let him free this day
He is in great turmoil alone and so unsure
Show to him my goddess that the love for him is pure

Goddess of the fires to you this day I pray
Fill his heart with the desires that shall keep him here this day
Show him of the burning, the devotion and the love
Send him all true emotions from the ground and heavens up above

Goddess of the waters to you this day I pray
Sail his spirit home and bring him here this day
Remove from him the questions, the worries, the regrets
Let him know he is needed, loved, and beyond all else he’s blessed

My Goddess to you this day I pray
Eternal rest beyond us for ever on this day
May he be safe secure and warm
May he be cherished, loved and kept
And on this day my Goddess’
May he know how my heart has wept.”

...Tatinana hurried to copy the words of the prayer so that she may remember them and add it to the tales of her Masters’ journey.

Chapter II
--------Dark Happenings--------

Gwendlyn took to Tatinana like any “sister” would. She invited Tatinana to come live at her log cabin. Tatinana agreed with the idea for she did nay want to get in the way of her Masters new love. Tatinana would just sit at her writing table for hours on end, just sitting there, scribbling on her blank scrolls turning them into recall spells. Her mind was totally on her work that night when Gwendlyn left for Vesper. One of her Masters’ generals had placed a large order for scrolls of recalling she wanted to get them finished. She sat quietly at her writing table, the distant howl of a timber wolf floated in the gentle breeze and blended with the heartbeat of the waves at the shoreline. Tho she missed the protection of her Masters’ keep, she knew that this is where she belonged. The quiet night was disturbed when she heard the downstairs door swing open. ‘Who would be here at this forsaken hour of the night?’ she wondered. Not many normally came to the house that late in the evening, not even her own guild mates. Tatinana began to scribe once more, well at least she tried. A booming voice echoed throughout the house causing her to tear a scroll almost in half.

“Tatinana! Come help your brethren please!” bellowed the deep voiced man.

Startled she ran to the rope ladder, she knew no one could pass the wall Gwendlyn built to shade their home from prying eyes. Her heart raced as she climbed down to the main room of the cabin. She stopped at the wall and looked through a removable knothole that her newly found sister had careful constructed. Tatinana didn’t recognize the man, yet he bore the Masters mark on his hand.
Slowly she reached down and released the secret panel in the wall. She shivered with the thoughts of letting him inside after what her supposed lover Setzler Gambini or what ever possessed him had done to her a few weeks before. She remembered the words of her favorite attack spell and ran them in her mind as she sat down.

“Oh my! How rude I must seem, I am Clive, one of the Master’s newest recruits.” He spoke as he untied his cape.

Tatinana looked him over slowly; she did not fear him for some reason. He spoke at length about many of the things he had faced on his travels. He began to speak of love and sex. Suddenly she had no control of herself; he had bewitched her somehow. Tatinana felt strong magic at work around and inside her. She was still too weak from her resurrection to ward it off. She tried to struggle yet as she did his grip grew tighter on her. There was nothing she could do as his magic hold on her pulled her up the rope ladder into the bedroom. She tried to scream, but it was to no avail. With a wave of his hand her voice was silenced. She could not move at all, he was in total control of her body. She tried to resist his magic hold on her, but it was frivolous.

He slowly cut the clothing from her body with a dagger. She thought she would be killed once again. Ever so slowly did he expose her milky white flesh, that seemed to glow in the light of the candelabra as he peeled the clothing away. She watched helplessly as he slowly and with the skill of a tailor, quickly snipped the armor off of her frail body. Soon she was naked and vulnerable, her heart pounded in fear, her mind raced in circles trying to figure ways to escape. She watched him smile as he exposed her firm pale breasts. Tatinana watched as he finished undressing her. The feel of his coarse hands felt like sandpaper over her soft, silky skin as he ran them up and down her entire body. Tears formed in her eyes as he ran his tongue roughly over her breasts. She knew what he wanted to do to her and she couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t scream nor move away as he forced her legs open. Tears streamed down her face as his manhood stripped away her innocence. Tatinana felt sick as he tore deep inside her over and over, like a pawn in someone’s sick game. Tatinana looked, with tear filled eyes, down at her attacker as he moaned in pleasure. She vomited as she felt him release his manhood’s hot contents deep inside her. Her attacker grinned evilly at her as he continued to molest her for hours penetrating her innocent body with his fingers and molesting it with his tongue and mouth. Tatinana wished she was dead, she felt filthy, degraded. She watched as he took his manhood, which after a short time was again ready to penetrate her once more. She watched as he moved towards her once innocent place once again, she felt sick. She could only watch as he forced it in once more, his evil grin turning to that of pleasure as he slid deep inside her. She cried as she prayed that he would leave her alone. It seemed he was nay going to leave her for quite some time as he slowly pumped his manhood deep inside of her, slowly ever so slowly. His rhythm did not break as he toyed with her breasts with his tongue flicking them roughly. Tatinana lost all hope of rescue, she knew that her sisters would nay be around for a fortnight. She just wanted it to be over. She watched his face distort as again she felt his manhood release it’s hot contents inside her. Her tears streamed down her face as she felt it pulse inside her.

He smiled evilly at what he had done to her, “ ‘Tis not the end of this yet my little toy.” Is all he spoke as he urinated all over her and the bed.

She could only watch in fear of her life as he turned away and looked into his pack. ‘Was this the end? Was he going to kill her?’ her thoughts coursed through her mind as she watched him look through his pack. Suddenly he jumped on the bed next to her, the feeling of fear flooded her body. ‘What now?’ she thought as he turned her on her stomach with her lower half in the air. She could not see anything. Her tears soaked the pillow as he rammed his manhood in her bottom. Her mind screamed as he drove it deep inside her.

“Now something you might enjoy.” He spoke.

She felt the sting of a whip as it struck her back. ‘How can I suffer this much pain? Why me?’ she thought as she felt him thrust faster and faster inside her bottom. Her thoughts were interrupted as the whip once again ripped into her backs’ flesh. She could feel the blood flowing out of her. She thought to herself that this was how he was going to kill her.

“No I will not kill you bitch. Why would I kill something that gives me so much pleas...” his words stopped as he released his contents into her again.

He quickly flipped her onto her back once more, his rough hands scratching her tender breasts as he cupped them together and took both of her nipples into his mouth. Her mind screamed in pain as he bit down hard onto her nipples causing them to bleed. She looked on as he straddled her chest placing his manhood between her blood-covered breasts. He began to slide it between them like it was her innocent place. She watched as it began to slowly enlarge yet again. It sickened her to watch him do this to her, if only she could speak just three words it would at least make her feel as if she had tried to stop him. But alas she knew that his magic was stronger then hers, it would have been useless to even try. She was trapped, his prisoner, his slave. She saw his face begin to twist and contort as he moaned deeply with pleasure. His manhood’s hot contents coursed out of it splashing onto her face and neck. She felt it run down her neck slowly cooling and clinging to her tender flesh. He laughed evilly at what he had done to her.

“So my little toy how does that feel? Do you like the feel of my manhood’s contents on you?” Tatinana cursed at him in her mind.

Oh how she wanted to smash his skull and break his bones with her staff right then. She felt his magical grip grow tighter on her. She knew he was far from finished with his assault on her. He had laid siege to her body and mind and it looked to be a long siege. Powerless to his attack she watched as he took his fingers to her innocent place sliding them in and out as if he was making love to her with them. She twinged in pain as he forced more and more of his fingers inside her. She heard him laughing as she watched him coat his hand with animal fat. He smeared it all over her body. Her white skin glistened in the light when he finished rubbing. He began to cackle evilly at her fear when his greased hand slide towards her once innocent place.

“You fear me my toy?” he laughed as he coated her place with the fat.

She felt him move away for a few seconds before he slid his manhood once again into her. She gagged as he began to slowly repeat the same sexual dance inside her again.

She actually wanted him to release it inside her to hopefully get it over with quickly, but he looked into her eyes and laughed, “No. As I told you before I am not done with you at all my toy.”

She felt him slide in and out of her slowly then quickly and back to slowly once more. Her body tightened as he placed his hand down near her special place and began rubbing it with his thumb.

“You like what you feel my toy?” he questioned her.

She couldn’t answer, her mind was getting mixed signals, the pain of his manhood decimating her and the pleasure of his rubbing of her special spot drove her crazy. She felt her body tense as a feeling of warmth flowed over her body. She moaned deeply in pleasure.

He laughed at her, “At first you fight it now you accept it, I have broken you in well my toy.”

She threw up when she felt his hot contents explode inside her once again. She felt disgusted at herself for feeling pleasure with this person with all that he was doing to her against her will.
Over and over again for four days and nights straight he continued, as he called it, “Playing with his toy.” She had grown numb, emotionless, and just laid there on the bed letting him do whatever. She lost all respect for herself as he forced her to drink of his manhood’s hot contents. Oh how she wished she could have bitten it off from his body. Yet she was as he said, his toy. She felt his hot manhood explode into her one last time before she passed out from exhaustion, disgust and pain.

She awoke with a start as she felt something sit heavily next to her on the bed. She did not know how long she had slept tho it did nay seem that long.

Gwendlyn had returned home and she was tending to her wounds on her body. “Ahhh ye be’s awakes at last. I thoughts ye wuud never wakes. Kin ye speaks?” she spoke softly. Tatinana tried to sit up but Gwendlyn placed her hands on her softly, “Nay tries tu sits up lass ye be tu hurt still.”

She could not speak. Her mouth was still caked with her vomit and his contents. Gwendlyn slowly cleaned her wounds and body. Tatinana was happy that it was finally over. She watched as Gwendlyn carefully and gently nursed her once innocent of areas. She fell asleep once more as she felt Gwendlyn rise from her side.

Gwendlyn would sit next to Tatinana for hours on end carefully tending her wounds and thinking of how they became such fast friends in such a short time. Tatinana was like a sister to her more so then any other woman she had met before. She felt a bond with the frail scribe like no other. Weeks passed as Tatinana slowly healed from her attack. Gwendlyns’ eyes would fill with tears as she watched her sisters’ face contort in pain whenever she moved or relieved herself. She swore vengeance on her sisters’ attacker, no matter how long it took. Gwendlyn sat there silently as her sister slept wondering why this was all happening to her. Gwendlyn slumped in her chair. Time and time again she remembered her friends death at the hands of Setzler Gambini...

...Tatinana sat in the upstairs room at her writing table humming softly and smiling while she read her books or made magical scrolls to sell. She was so happy that a man fancied her attention and wished for her love. Gwendlyn would laugh at her softly as she danced lightly around the cabin. They were in love. Two people in this realm had found their hearts beating as one happily. She watched as the young lovers chatted softly for hours on end on the balcony of the cabin. Holding hands as they strolled along the near by shoreline they spoke of marriage and their lives together. Gwendlyn even took Tatinana into Vesper to look for a wedding dress. She was happy for her friend. He would call on her all the time. Their hearts tore when he had to leave for the evening. One night he came over to talk to her of their wedding plans. She could not wait for him to show that night and show him her wedding gown that she had finally paid for in full. She watched as he climbed the rope ladder and walked over to her. The couple kissed for an hour it seemed before they began to chat quietly. Gwendlyn could not hear a word they spoke as she stepped outside the quiet cabin to get some fresh air. The breeze felt good flowing across her face as she sat on the porch looking out over the silvery water of the bay. Life seemed to be going well for her friend, her sister. Gwendlyn stared up into the heavens. The stars shown brightly that seemingly perfect night. She had just slowly nodded to sleep when she heard the screams from inside the house. Startled and still half-asleep Gwendlyn sprung to her feet at the commotion. She rushed into the cabin tripping over a nightshade plant that Tatinana had placed on the porch. Dazed, she got to the rope ladder and looked up into the bedroom. She saw the spear in the shadows' hand. She quickly began to climb the rope ladder to the upstairs room. Gwendlyn had just reached the top and she looked over to where he was standing. She saw him standing over Tatinanas’ dead body laughing. Gwendlyn drew her kryss and lunged forward but she missed her mark. “Kal Ort Por” spoke Setzler and he was gone before her kryss could hit him. Gwendlyn cursed under her breath at him. She wanted to give chase but her thoughts went to Tatinanas’ limp dead body. She bolted out the door of the cabin in hopes of finding a wandering healer. There were none to be found around. Gwendlyn quickly wrote a note and tied it to her parrots leg, “Find help mate.” She said to her pet. It flew off into the night sky. Not to long after it had left she heard its’ squawking in the distance. A few minutes passed and Gwendlyn saw it flying around a man. She ran out to the man to hurry him along. She knew time was growing short to rejoin Tatinanas’ soul back with her body. The man upon hearing Gwendlyns’ impatience ran with her to the cabin. She watched as the man filled through his spell book and found a spell of resurrection. He uttered a few words and formed shapes with his hands in the air. Tatinanas’ corpse rose off the floor slowly. A magical glow formed around the body as Tatinanas’ eyes blinked slowly and she awakened from death. They both thanked the man for his help to which he replied that it was the least he could do for a pair of beautiful ladies...

...Gwendlyn watched as Tatinana lost all emotions as she healed from her latest attack on her persons. She watched as Tatinana grew colder and colder to the world when she found out that she was with child, the child of her attacker. Tatinana detested herself. Nay she hated herself for what had been done to her, for what grew inside her womb. “I shall nay keep it! I will take it deep into the bowels of a dungeon and leave it there or maybe abandon it in the deep woods.” She fell deeper and deeper into depression as the child grew inside her. She would speak at length on how she would rid herself of the growing child. From tossing it into the sea to piercing it with a dagger before it even took it’s first breath of life. Gwendlyn could do nothing to stop her sisters thoughts, nor could she stop her from doing what she wanted to the child. Gwendlyn worried about her and what this would do to Tatinana as a person. She hated seeing her this way. She laid Tatinana down to sleep and curled herself into her favorite chair...

...Gwendlyn road confidently on her ghostly steed towards the Village of Edinburgh. She was there upon request of her old friend Nakita. Tho her message that she had sent nay described much, one thing was for sure she wanted Gwendlyn to come and help. She rode out of the tree line into the heart of the village. The villagers scampered around from shop to shop placing their goods out for sale and gathering the items they needed to make more. Edinburgh, a village of merchants and craftsmen, a normally dull little village near the Wrong Mountains edge. Miners digging deep into the mountains’ bowels to gather ore for armor. But this time as she approached the village things seemed different... darker. She passed by the tavern to the town hall where she was to meet Nakita. Gwendlyn opened the halls heavy wooden doors slowly and walked in. She heard the voices of several dozen people speaking frantically in the back room. Quietly she walked to the door and tried the latch. The door creaked open as she opened it revealing the town council members. The noise from everyone in the room speaking was deafening as she stepped in. She watched as Fredrick Adams slammed the gavel down onto the podium. Its thunderous bang silenced the room.

“Now we must stay calm this is only the second time we have seen this ghost pass through our village. This may all be a coincidence.” His voice bellowed out. “We will deal with this as civilized people.”

She watched as the entire council nodded at his words. Nakita stood up from her chair and motioned to Gwendlyn to come to her side. “Any other business before we close this meeting?” Questioned Fredrick.

Not a word was said. With that he closed the meeting. Nakita went to Fredrick and whispered to him. The two people turned towards her deftly and slowly made their way towards her. Gwendlyn saw the worry on both of their faces as they drew nearer. Gwendlyn listened as Fredrick told her the little towns tale from first the vein of golden ore to the appearance of the ghost and of a golden earth elemental. She listened on as he spoke of gathering forces to defend the village from the beasts’ attacks.

“We are a peaceful people we doth not wish to fight nor can we. We are merchants and craftsmen. I fear our village will be destroyed.” He spoke with tears in his eyes.

Normally Gwendlyn would not even think of helping anyone without payment of some sort but this time was different. This time something told her it would not only effect the village but the entire realm.

She nodded in agreement to his request for help. “Aye I be helpin’ ye defends yur village as best as me und me crew kin. Tho I tells ye dis ye be needin’ mure helps din jist me crew.”

Fredrick nodded, he knew she was right...

...Time passed slowly. Ever so painfully slowly as she watched Tatinana fall deeper and deeper into her depression. She would not speak for weeks on end. She would only work on her books and study her scrolls and manuscripts, making her own magical scrolls to sell. Life seemed a distant thing to Tatinana, and she was not trying to get on with hers, just wanted to stay in her own depressed time. Gwendlyn watched as Tatinanas’ belly grew larger each passing day. Gwendlyn would lay her hand gently on Tatinanas’ belly while she slept, feeling the child move under her hand as she herself fell asleep...

.... Gwendlyn felt odd that day in the main hall as the “Dark” mans’ minions gathered in the main hall. She felt the child that grew inside her push against her swollen belly as if it was trying to tear it’s way out from inside her. The room filled with the many beings that followed the “Dark” man. Their idle chatter echoed loudly against the walls. The “Dark” man sat silently in his throne as they conversed. Gwendlyn flinched in pain when the child kicked her insides. ‘Impatient little une’ she thought to herself, ‘Jist likes me when I wuz yung’. Her lover stood up from his throne slowly. As he did the room grew deathly silent. Gwendlyn smiled softly at his power over his minions. He began to speak of the day’s skirmishes and the past weeks battles. She listened, like an awe struck child, because she could not leave the keep in fear of her delivering the child. Gwendlyn yearned to go outside the heavy iron doors, but alas she barely made it to bed each evening. He spoke on of happenings in the realm, as others gave him reports of uprisings and of conquests. She played lightly with a piece of hair that had fallen across her face. White pure white like the driven snow on Ice Island. She remembered the day it turned that color like it was yesterday...

... “Now Gwendlyn brace yourself this will smart a bit.” Said her mother gently to the young Gwendlyn. Slowly she braced herself for what was to come. “Kal Vas Flam!” roared her mother.

The fear of death coursed through young Gwendlyns’ body as she felt the pillar of fire race up her body quickly, draining her life from her quickly.

“In Vas Mana” cried her mother quickly.

She had seen what her flame strike was doing to Gwendlyn. The flames receded from Gwendlyn as she collapsed to the floor barely alive. Her mothers’ healing spell barely kept her alive that time. Again her mother cast the spell of healing on young Gwendlyn, healing her wounds. Slowly she stood up still quite shaken from what had happened to her. She saw the tears in her mother’s eyes.

“What is the matter mommy?” questioned Gwendlyn, “I am not hurt no more you do not need to cry mommy it is ok.”

Her mother smiled softly at her, “I cry not because I almost lost you for I could bring you back quite easily from death. I cry for thy once beautiful blonde hair.”

Gwendlyn looked puzzled at her mothers words, she felt her hair, ‘It is still there’ she thought, ‘what could mommy be speaking about?’ young Gwendlyn turned towards the water barrel to take a look in the water at her reflection. As she peeked over the barrels’ edge she could see her hair. It had turned white from the fear of dying.

She turned to her mother slowly, “It is ok mommy I kind of like it.” Her mother smiled softly at her as her tears still flowed down her face. She pulled Gwendlyn close to her and hugged her tightly...

...The attacks on Edinburgh increased daily, as the golden Elementals demanded some lost treasure be returned to them. All manner of beings came in aid of the village, from Knights and Rangers to Pirates and Necromancers, the came to the village in-groups to put their fighting skills and souls at the disposal of the village. Many came each day filling up the taverns rooms quickly making others pitch tents in the field behind. Small detachments of troops arrived from any army that could spare the manpower to aid the village. Gwendlyn watched from her ship as they did their daily drills, from marching in formation to sword practice. She knew many would die for this village in the days to come.
The attacks increased daily, brigands and earth elementals plagued the village constantly. Evil mages and pirates would fill the times between the brigands and elementals. Gwendlyn watched as man after man fell around her as the battles raged...

...Gwendlyn sighed heavily as she walked out of the tavern that night. She had thought the rumors of her friend Nakita were a mistake, she knew now they were not. Nakita, Gwendlyn knew, was an escaped slave of the king of the realm. Tho man and time seemed to have forgotten those days, the remaining three people still alive still remembered them. Gwendlyn feared the worst for her long time friend. The rumors and gossip of the once most wanted slave woman being recaptured, were to exact to be mearly dismissed. She feared the old times were returning...

-----Nakitas’ return to enslavement-----

Nakita woke slowly that cold morning. Her campfire had turned to ashes. She reached slowly out of her bedroll towards the kindling she had gathered. Nakita shivered slightly as she began to restart the campfire. Several times she failed to ignite the fire because of her shivering, till at last the small flame sprung forth. Ever so carefully she fed the fire, feeling it’s warmth grow more and more. She sat there, with her bedroll pulled around her, as the fire slowly relinquished its warmth. She had traveled far the past days and was still tired from the long walk. She decided to rest today and continue tomorrow to Trinsic. This was soon to become a grave misjudgment on her part. The morning slowly warmed under the suns light, Nakita lazily lay next to the fire as she fished the river for breakfast. She grinned slightly as the birds flew overhead. ‘Yes a much needed day of rest this will be’, she thought to herself as she bit deeply into an apple she had pulled from her pack. Her feet, tho hardened from years of exposure, looked as if they had never once seen a days use in her life. She ran her fingers over them softly while she fished. The women of her tribe were blessed with them she guessed. Her tribe, a now forgotten people, was destroyed by a land hungry king when she was but a child. She tried hard each day to remember her tribes customs and beliefs. ‘One day I shall write it all down.’ She thought lazily as she watched the clouds float gently overhead of her friend Gwendlyn and their adventures. Morning slipped by slowly as Nakita began to clean the fish she had caught. The sweat rolled down her neck as the heat of the day grew. As she wiped it from her neck she remembered of her days as a slave, and of the slave collar she wore.
She watched her lunch cook slowly over the fires’ flames. Her day of rest seemed to be just what she needed. The crackling of the wood blended with the sizzling of the fish to make a song of sorts as she thought of her tribe. Oh how she missed the ways of them and the simple life they held dearly. Those days were lost... forever.
In the distance she heard the faint pounding of horse hooves in the distance. ‘Another traveler to Trinsic’ she thought. Many had passed by her, not once looking her way. Slowly they grew louder and nearer to her. She sat quietly against a tree eating her lunch. The rider slowed as he neared her campsite, coming swiftly to a stop next to the fire.

“Hail Milady.” spoke the rider as he dismounted his steed.

“Hail milord,” she said with a soft smile, “ care for something to eat?” The rider smiled as he spoke,

“Aye yes I would love a good meal right now. I smelt your fine meal as I was riding.” Nakita gathered some of the meal on a plate for him and handed it to him. Hungrily he wolfed down the meal and asked for more.

Nakita nodded, “Help yourself milord.” The rider thanked her and made himself another plateful.

After his fourth plateful he laid back against a large rock smiling. “‘Twas a fine meal,” he spoke softly, “I doth thank thee greatly.” Nakita nodded slightly, “Thou art welcome milord.” The rider sipped slowly from the water he cupped from the river with his hands. “Aye a fine meal indeed, one befitting a king. Why the last time I didst taste fish cooked this way was when my king had it made by one of his servants.”

Nakita shivered at his words, only two people knew how to cook the meal she had made, her mother and herself. She felt her neck tighten in fear as the rider spoke of the servant.

“Aye she was a young slave my master had captured from some island. A fine little chef she was, and a great little plaything.

Nakita felt her heart seem to stop as she remembered his face. He was one of her former masters’ minions. Fear raced up and down her spine as she watched the rider look her over. She feared he would recognize her. She watched as his eyes stopped at hers. She tried not to show any fear as she proceeded to gather her things to leave. The rider watched her intensely as she stood up slowly.

“Where doth thee head?” the rider suddenly spoke.

Nakita was quite startled when his voice broke the silence. She could feel herself shivering uncontrollably as she answered Trinsic. She felt scared as she heard him stand up behind her. Slowly she turned towards the rider who had quietly moved towards her. Nakita jumped backwards in fright.

“Milady tho art forgetting thy shoes...” his words ended suddenly as Nakitas’ cap fell off her as she scrambled backwards. The rider drew his sword and pointed it at her, “Ahhh I knew I hath tasted that meal before and I knew that I hath seen thee also... slave!” Nakita dropped to the ground as his sword drew closer to her. She knew that her freedom was once again stripped from her as he called for his horse. “Aye my master will be happy to have you back.” He said with an evil smile as he pulled a metal collar and chain from his pack. Nakita began to cry as she felt the cold steal clamp around her neck, all hope was lost.
The rider wrapped the chain around his wrist and locked it securely. She shivered uncontrollably as he sat on the large rock. “‘Tis to late in the eve to head out now we shall spend the night here and leave in the morn.” The rider spoke.

Nakita nodded slightly, “ As you wish master.” Oh how those words didst leave a foul taste in her mouth as she spoke them. She knew she would have to once more get use to their foul, nauseating sound…

… Gwendlyn watched smiling as the child inside her pushed its feet outwards showing them in her belly’s flesh. She slowly traced the foots outline with her fingernail. She was still in awe of being pregnant as she felt the child move inside her. She sat quietly in her chair deep inside the keep. The silence was extremely eerie. Suddenly she felt an extreme shooting pain come from her womb. Her howls of pain broke the keeps’ silence like a clap of thunder. Kain heard her earth shattering screams from his workshop and ran to the main hall. Again her screams rang out, echoing throughout the dark keep. It was time. Kain quickly scribbled a message on a piece of parchment and tied it to his trained pet bat, “Fetch a healer.” Was all he said as he threw the creature into flight. Time was of the essence now…

… Gwendlyn woke with a start. Dripping in sweat as she sat up from her bedroll, she carefully looked around the cabin. An eerie silence had befallen the cabin and the land around. Something was happening. Slowly, carefully, and ever so quietly as she could she slipped her armor on. The silence pierced Gwendlyns' ears with its deafening scream as she laced her fingers around her kryss. Slowly she moved to the front windows and peered out. Nothing, no moon, no beasts, no nothing. Faster and faster her blood began to pulse through her body. It pounded in her ears like drums as she strained to hear any sound from outside. Not even the wind made a noise as it swept across her face sending a chill throughout her body.
Out in the distance she saw a glimmer of green light beginning to appear. It seemed to grow ever larger as it’s light grew in intensity. She shaded her eyes in attempts to see what was going on in the distance.
“Where the light didst shine was like the day, the land didst scorch and burn. A being shall come forth of untold power and abilities. It shall take the form of a human as it walks from the light. As it walks the grass beneath its feet shall turn brown and die, the land beneath will crack and become barren of life forever.” Spoke Tatinana softly, “The first creatures steps on the land doth remain to this day... this day was foretold.”

…Tatinanas' humble beginning…

It was a warm spring afternoon when Ana went into labor. Her husband, hearing her cries, ran from the castles’ courtyard to the bedchambers deep inside the castles’ walls. Ana’s screams grew louder as he drew ever nearer. This was his first child. As Koran ran he shouted with pride, “MY CHILD IS TO BE BORN! MAY THE GODS GRANT ME MY SON TODAY!” Arriving at his bedchamber he threw open the heavy doors ecstatically. Ana was breathing heavily and straining as the child’s' head began to show. The midwife barked out for Ana to push as hard as she could for the child was almost out. Koran smiled lovingly at his wife as she bore down and pushed. The young bride screamed in pain as she gave one final push and the child was born a son to her. The midwife smiled as she announced that there was yet another child to be born that day. Night same on quickly as the birth of the second child dragged on. The first child was named Koran the II, after it’s father. They had not expected two children so Koran paced deep in thought of a name. Ana screamed in pain as a contraction ran through her. Koran saw his wife’s titanic battle to deliver the child and smiled as a name came to him, Titan. The mid-wife bellowed as she watched the child’s head appear, “It’s coming, milord!” Koran hurried to the bedside, ”My sweet bride, two sons in one day! I’m the luckiest man alive.” He smiled as the mid-wife helped the child out. Koran’s smile turned to a look of disappointment as he was told he had a daughter. “I have no name for a female!” thundered Koran, “A female can nay have the name Titan!” Koran’s man at arms spoke up, “My liege, perhaps Tatinana, a play on the name with a female twist.”
“Excellent! So be it!” roared Koran. Ana smiled softly at her children and her husband. They had a wonderful start to their new family.
The two children were growing up as different as night and day. Koran the II was a normal little boy of five years, where as Tatinana was reading every book and scroll she could lift. Her mother was proud of her intelligence and her father scared. She dumbfounded the teachers and scholars by age seven.
Her mother fed her hunger for learning by shipping in crates of books by ship packhorse, and llama. The library filled just as quickly as Tatinana could read the books.
At age ten Tatinana wrote her first book, tho only twenty pages in length, its contents made even the high scholars think at length. Her father grew angry at all the books she was gathering slowly taking up every available space that her mother could find in his castle.
Koran had a tower built just for his daughter and her books. He had seen how she flirted and teased all the men in the castle, and he knew that his daughter knew of sex from her many books, so he locked her away in the tower with her books. Only women were to be allowed in the tower to tend to her needs or deliver her books, that her father hoped would keep her mind off of men. Ana spoke at length with Koran of keeping Tatinana out of her tower, “But my love, she is only thirteen.” To which he responded, “Exactly, which is why she is going.” And that she did, locked in the tower her only daylight or outdoor adventure was on the tower’s parapets.

“She is nothing but a lowly woman and scribe! I shan’t have her spoil my name!” Koran yelled, his voice echoed throughout the castle. Tatinana sat outside her parents chamber doors crying softly as she listened on. “All she doth do all day is read and write, no man whilst ever want the likes of her!” Koran continued loudly, “She will never amount to anything but a lowly scribe. A useless speck of dirt is all she is!” Tatinanas' mother begged her husband not to say such things, but it was to no avail. His every word pierced Tatinanas' heart as he spoke on about her. Oh, how she wished she was dead, she was stuck, bound to his painful words forever. “A lowly scribe is what all wiliest call her and this I will make sure of, somehow.” Her heart shattered in the words her father spoke. “A lowly scribe” echoed in her mind and soul as she slipped away to her room. Those words haunted her for the rest of her life.

By the time she was fifteen she had learned of magic, which she learned from the many books and from the tower’s chef, Nastaszjia, a woman of dark skin and even darker magics and knowledge than Tatinana had ever read in any book or scroll. As Nastaszjia would speak the words into spells, Tatinana noted them down in great detail. She learned the uses of the regnants and spices, and how to turn them into magic scrolls for others to use.
By the age of sixteen Tatinana had written several dozen books and was known throughout her father’s land as a scribe. Tho no one had ever seen her young white face, the young Tatinana would sit on the edge of the tower’s roof and stare down at the ant-like people moving about below. She so wished to be among them, to walk amongst them, to see other faces and other people. Her skills were better now where her father took her magical scrolls and sold them throigh one of his many vendors. They were a success and Koran grew richer from his daughter’s works. He would have her working on them every waking hour. Her beautiful white hands became stained with ink, and were a dark shade of blue by her seventeenth birthday.
Tatinana wanted out of the tower, to be free. She deemed it a punishment for being born a woman. Tho she was locked in her prison for what seemed like forever, she dreamed of escaping, somehow.
Later that evening Nastaszjia told her of her twin’s death in battle. Tatinana only nodded at the news, her mind elsewhere
Several days after the burning of Koran the II’s body, she began to put her escape into action. Years of scribbling notes of the daily routines in her tower would now be useful in her escape attempt. She didn’t want to leave her loving mother this way, but alas she wanted to be free from her father’s iron grip. She heard from Nastaszjia that she had been making her father a lot of gold with her works. “Your writings and scrolls are well known throughout your father’s lands,” smiled Nastaszjia. Tatinana smiled a soft fake smile, as she hid her ink stained hands, but inside her mind she was hurt, trapped and outraged. All her work, her stained hands, her freedom, lost because she wasn’t a male, at least that’s why she felt. She sighed heavily. For the next three months she watched every movement in and out of her tower prison. Every last detail she wrote in ancient symbols to protect her secret plans and keep them safe.
Summer befell the land early that year. The hot sun beat down on the tower’s roof making it too hot to even go outside anymore. Even the guards moved inside the doors in attempts to escape the heat. The dark interior of the tower was pierced with shards of light from the windows and arrow slots. The sun hurt her eyes and burned her pale skin, but she knew this would be the best time to escape.
The guards laid lazily around in the heat. The only movement came from the suppliers who came to deliver the scrolls and regnants, and to cart away her work. Tatinana readied herself for her grand escape. She capped her inkwell tightly, grabbed some quills and a few books, scrolls, and regnants, and loaded them into a backpack. She quietly changed her clothing to that of her suppliers. Swiftly as she could she ran down the tower steps into the disarray of the delivery. She deftly walked up to one of the llamas and grabbed hold of its lead, finally she was in place. Her disguise must not fail her. Slowly the crates were unloaded, Tatinana could fell the sweat running down her neck, her robe clinging to her back. Her hands soaked in the leather gloves used to hide her stained hands. Slowly she grew impatient and worried as the time went on and on. If someone checked her room, her plan would fail. She was getting ready to sneak back when the leader of the convoy bellowed the orders to move out. Tightly she gripped the reigns of the llama an pulled it forward. With every step she got more and more impatient than before. The doors grew closer ever so slowly, she never realized how far away something could be, when it seemed so close. The sun glared on the stone floor and tore at her eyes as she stepped in to her freedom. From around the floppy rim of her hat she could see the trees in their true beauty not just their tops. She had made it, freedom at last.
She walked for two days to reach the town that seemed, from her tower prison, within arms reach. Her feet pained her greatly as she slumped down on a fallen tree. She spoke softly in their native language that she felt sick from the heat and would catch up with them. The leader nodded and continued onwards. Tatinana watched as the long caravan passed by her slowly. She drank the water from her canteen and almost threw it all back up. The cold water had gone hot quickly, it made her feel even sicker. She relieved the animal of its packs and mounted it carefully. She had the ability to go anywhere now and her throbbing feet would get a much-needed rest. Gently she nudged the animal onwards towards town. As she traveled slowly she changed from her disguise into one of a humble merchant. ‘Free finally!’ she said to herself.

Time passed quickly it seemed as she continued to hide from her fathers continuing search for her. Town to town she traveled sometimes barely avoiding her fathers’ men. One night at a tavern she met a group of travelers on their way to Vesper. Tatinana asked to travel with them, for safety she said. The journey went by without event. With such a large group she thought not much would have happened.

The lights of Vesper glimmered in her eyes as the group walked nearer to the town late that night. Vesper, a city of islands, linked together by bridges. Many a young merchant and sailor hath gotten their start in this city. This was her first city outside her fathers’ lands. She was thrilled to see the many faces and the places she saw as she rode past. Nearing the guardhouse she watched as the towns guards were drilling on the roof in tight formations while below them people were renting rooms for the night hurriedly. Across the “upper” bridge she heard the chants of the cities scholars, men and women that never showed their faces and wore the finest blue and gold robes she had ever seen. She nudged her llama onwards and heard the sounds of young squires training heavily and fiercely. Passing the tailor shop she could hear the cutting of cloth with scissors and the chattering of the loom as it wove yarn and thread into bolts of cloth. Cloth for the many tailors of all skill levels to turn into clothing for the many travelers and townsfolk. She watched as the merchants sold provisions to a group of hunters while at the same time bought the finely crafted wares of another.
The molding of metal could be heard just across the way as the smiths made tools, armor and weapons for the adventurous and for sale in other towns.
Over another bridge she rode her llama, past the yet another smiths shop and armory. The finely crafted weapons and armor made it a busy shop as many knights and warriors came to get armor made, or repaired. As she turned towards the next bridge she passed a bowyers shop. A young boy and his father were trying out a new bow that had just been strung for the child. Tatinana smiled softly at the scene. She so wished that she had been able to watch as her brother had trained with her father. A sad, depressed look fell over her face as she remembered what her father had said and done. A tear ran down her cheek. Quickly she hurried the llama onwards as her hurt turned into anger. Quickly over the bridge and a fast turn to the left, onto the next bridge and the loving scene behind her. The pain stewed deep inside her.
Onwards she went passing the jewelers on the way to the “bank”. A new idea from the king of this land where people could go to any town or city in his realm without risk of losing their gold to bandits or other beings of evil. It seemed most popular with merchants and warrior alike. All manner of being seemed to congregate at the bank selling wares of all kinds from hot meals of fish or beef, to furniture for your house or ship.
“Leather armor for sale! Fair prices!” yelled a young tailor as she walked by. “I am a grandmaster tailor milady, let me make you a fine leather suit for only six hundred gold.” Tatinana smiled, “ I have very little gold sir. I could nay afford that.” The young tailor smiled at her softly as he asked her what she had to possibly trade. She told him she was but a scribe. The tailor and her made a deal and traded wares. The leather was soft and supple as she slid it on. It made her feel stronger and a lot safer as she finished strapping it on. Its revealing nature made her slide back on her tunic and skirt. Pulling her floppy hat down to shade her face, she walked into the bank. The hustle and bustle of the people and tellers seemed total chaos.
Across from the bank she saw a dark “evil” looking figure, dealing with a teller in secret. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. She had never felt so drawn to someone. It was like she fell in love with him the instant her turn around and she saw his face. Her face turned a blood red as she blushed; she could not hide it. The “Dark” man walked, nay, seemed to float towards her. She could only stand there blushing and smiling as he drew ever nearer. She could fell her heart pounding harder and faster, she thought everyone could hear it. The noise of the bank seemed to disappear as he came closer with every step. It seemed he knew of her, somehow, as the two spoke at length. The noise of the bank kept their words from the prying ears of others. A magical portal opened and seemed to swallow the pair and they both disappeared…

…Gwendlyn watched as the being grew closer. It’s blue-green hue brightly as the gate in which it came through disappeared returning the night. The being’s glow slowly dimmed as it took on the form of a human. Its eyes still glowed the eeriest of green as it headed west past the cabin. She watched the being until it was out of sight. She knew a great evil had arrived…

…In front of her was a keep as she stepped out of the magical gate. The sounds of death rang in her ears as she walked cautiously onward. The guards that stood outside were perfectly still as if they were boards. As she approached the guards she noticed their pure white hair first, then their matching beards, yet they looked only to be about twenty-five years of age. Ever closer she drew closer to the guards. “Guards with no eyes?” she questioned the “Dark” man. He nodded slightly, “Those that didst seek me now guard me with their lives, never seeing the future or their fate.” Tatinana could only nod for she was at a loss for words.
The guards just stood there as she looked at them in their grey robes, holding their spears. It was as if they sensed his presence as he floated to the keeps iron doors. With a wave of his hand, the doors swung open quickly as if they were feathers. He took her hand as they walked towards the keep, yet the guards stood their ground and didn’t move. Just before she could speak the “Dark” man whispered to her, “Fear not child”. The two seemed to float through them like they weren’t there. The “Dark” man grinned, “Yes they are there,” was all he spoke, as the doors slammed shut behind them. She felt scared, tho it was only for a brief moment…

Clash of Worlds
(best translation)
The sun was hot that morning as the young girl woke from her night of sleep. Smiling down on her it made her ice - blue eyes sparkle as she stepped into the village center. The men and older boys had gotten up earlier to hunt for the tribe’s breakfast and were just returning. She hurriedly dressed in her leather shorts and bustier and ran out towards the returning hunters as fast as she could. Laden down with a deer’s carcass they walked slowly into the village. The little girl met them and offered to help. The men and boys smiled at her and lowered the carcass so she could help. She felt so proud to be able to help. The peaceful tribe never took more than they needed from the land and everything they did was used fully. In harmony with their world was their way, their religion. She watched as the shaman came out of his hut from the commotion of the hunter’s return. His blessing would be needed before it could be used or eaten. So was the way of the tribe, so it would be. She never thought life could be any other way. They never knew of hunger or of want, each day was a blessing to them.
As the hunters neared the center of the village everyone was there to greet them and to help in the shamans' ritual and in the carving of the animal’s carcass. The young children laughed and played with the now hanging carcass. The boys with their sticks pretending to spear the deer as the girls pretended to cook the phantom pieces they cut away. “Nakita mana ti mesa gna tu,” spoke her father the shaman. The young girl nodded and ran to get her father’s staff. She loved to run and that she did. She was always the first up to meet the hunters as the came in. she would run through the forests every chance she got. Her life was a simple one, she was happy with being able to do as she pleased. Hunting, cooking, fishing, whatever her heart desired as long as it helped the tribe.
Nakitas' love of running made her a good hunter by the time she was twelve. On one hunt she and her brother, along with several friends, came across a herd of deer. The herd numbered only seven, as they each chose the animal to hunt that day. They took little time to decide on the one to hunt the biggest hart. If they killed it the tribe would have much food and Nakitas would get a headdress for her husband when she got married. The group all agreed and began the hunt. Only time would tell now.
Silently they surrounded the herd, not once taking their eyes off their prey. Nakita watched carefully as the great hart picked up its ears. “Does it sense its hunters?” she questioned herself. Still she waited, not moving and barely breathing. She waited and waited for the signal to attack. Minutes passed slowly, seeming like hours, as she waited.
She felt her muscles ache as she crouched in the bushes. She was ready to run, her adrenaline coursing through her entire body. To Nakita speed was freedom. She was known to run down the female prey to give the hitting blow. No one had ever kept up with a great hart. They had all agreed that she would try to run it down if it took flight. The thought of this excited Nakita and made her wait even harder. As she crouched there she imagined running with the great beast, smelling its fear as he drew ever nearer. Still she waited, watching as the creature cautiously fed on the soft grasses. It was truly a majestic animal. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw one of the hunters crawl ever so slowly into the tall grasses behind the herd. Nakitas' muscles tightened as she watched his stealthy movement. She was ready to fire like a drawn bow; she only waited for the signal. They were waiting for the prey to fill its belly with food so it wouldn’t run so fast, but somehow the great hart knew their plan. It only nibbled a few small blades of grass.
Nakita felt the creature knew their every move and plan they made. She feared the hunt would fail. As she watched the sun over head begin to fall to the west she saw the others slowly move towards the creature. Her body tensed as she heard the signal. With a crash of bushes and branches the hunters flooded towards the animal, only one wounded the beast, barely slashing open its side. The creature took flight. Without thinking twice Nakita ran after the beast as hard and fast as she could. She heard the cries of the females as the other hunters pierced through their chest with their spears and then gave chase after the big hart and Nakita. She was well ahead of her party as the beast bolted quickly to the left. “It’s heading towards the river,” she smiled as she ran. “Now I have it trapped.” Faster and faster she ran, closing in quickly on the beast. She could hear the other hunters following behind her. “Get him Nakita,” yelled her party. The great hart ran harder as it neared the river’s edge. Nakita ran faster, catching up with the creature quickly, almost touching its tail. Faster the two raced onwards towards the river. The creature seemed to run across the water without falling into the water as it ran for its life from the hunters. Nakitas' blood pounded in her chest as she raced onto the water. She was side by side with her prey now as they both ran across the water’s surface. The others stood in awe as the watched both run across the top of the water, never sinking in. She clenched her spear tightly and thrust it into the creature’s chest. The blood sprayed from the creature’s body as she thrust the spear in once more into its side. As hard as she could Nakita drove the spear deep into its chest piercing the animals' heart. Three more steps and the creature dropped. A sickening thud and the chase was over. The animal’s carcass lay there at her bare feet as the other hunters finally caught up. Slowly she looked up at her drenched companions. They said nothing; they were still amazed at what they had witnessed just moments before. Finally one spoke, "Apanee walker," as they all pointed to her. She looked puzzled at the words. “What do they mean?” she questioned as they told her what had happened at the river. She didn’t believe their story about walking across the water until she looked at their soaked leather armor. Nakita still had trouble totally believing them until they reached the river on the way back to the village. They all had to swim across. The hunters showed her where she had crossed; her footprints still there in front of her set deep in the muddy riverbank. All she could remember was the chase, the rush, and the freedom. She carefully walked to the river’s edge and took off her armor for the swim across. The men just dove in armor and all. She took her time across the river as tried to remember the run and how she crossed the river. The cool water felt good on her muscles. After the run they felt like they were on fire. Slowly she made her way across as she watched the other carry the carcass. The cool water, as soothing as it was, relaxed her body and her mind only slightly.
The water glistened like a thousand tiny diamonds as it ran down her dark skin. She pulled her dark brown hair from her face revealing her ice blue eyes. She loved the feel of the warm sun upon her body. She took her time in redressing herself, enjoying the sun kissing her entire body all over. Nakita stood a towering nine hands tall, her dark brown skin was soft and supple as the finest silk. Her every muscle was perfectly defined in her body. Her skin glistened in the suns’ light from the mixture of bear grease and palm leaf oil she mixed herself. This is what kept her skin so soft and beautiful. All over she wouldst rub this mixture till it covered all of her. The other female tribe members had, by her age, had began to draw tight and hard from being out in the elements. Some were even jealous of her and her skin, for it seemed all the men wanted her.
Nakita finished dressing and began to slowly walk towards the village. Her hunting party was well ahead of her carrying the carcasses. She was nay worried. She could catch up with them quite quickly if she so chose to. As she meandered homewards she looked back to the river. She still could nay remember crossing it the first time. The puzzled look of how she could have done such a feat burned deeply in her ice blue eyes. ‘I will talk to father, that is what I shall do’, she silently thought as she slowly began to run.
Moments later she saw the other hunters and heard their laughter and playfulness as it crashed into her ears.
“Tonight we feast well my friends!” yelled Tah’ Ruk, as he moved the mouth of one of the harts in time with his words. The laughter doubled in intensity spilling into the forest, as it loudly echoed through the trees. Softly she smiled at his antics. The group walked slowly onwards with their encumbering loads. The village was not far away now, they would make it home before dark. Nakita could nay wait to get back to the village. She wanted to cook some of the tastiest cuts for herself. Normally they were given to her pre chosen mate to prove to him that she was ready to accept his hand in marriage. She knew that if she did that her father wouldst be extremely pleased. She slowly walked on. She really did nay want to be married at all. Her only true love was running. Her parents had promised her hand in marriage before her birth. Even tho she was considered a woman, she did nay want to get married. Her cycle had early, which signified she was ready to give birth and for marriage, that was tribal law. Tho her body looked that of a mature, fully-grown woman in all aspects, her age was that if a child still. Her marriage was to be on her twelfth birthday, only a few months away. She hid her fear of marriage from her father and friends well, she knew if she didst nay do this it would cause discord in the tribe, breaking the tribes harmony of peace and tranquility. Oh how she wished she did nay have to marry so young or at all for that matter. Sexual contact was promoted amongst the tribe. Young men and women were encouraged to engage in pre marital sex so that they knew of it and were nay afraid of it. This allowed boy and girl to experience a happiness and peacefulness amongst themselves like no other. They knew pleasure and happiness, so there was no reason for fighting or arguing.
They could see the village now. All the other members were busy doing something, even the children. “Home at last”, she sighed. As they broke through the tree line the other villagers saw them and headed towards the returning hunters. Everyone smiled as they unburdened the weary hunters from their heavy load. Nakita walked on, her prize perched high atop her shoulders, and her pride would nay allow any help. Her body was that of a full-grown woman, even tho she was a child whose fears and feelings were still being found out. Her father said she was blessed for having that, she on the other hand considered it a curse of sorts. As she walked onwards towards the village center her ice blue eyes caught a glimpse of her father standing in the doorway of their hut. His smile made her forget her troubles and made her feel proud. Happily she returned his warm as she hoisted her prize off her shoulders. The other tribe members were all busily getting ready for the shaman to come bless the food so that they could feast.
Nakita began to slowly skin the hide off the carcass. She wanted to preserve as much of its’ hide as she could especially the head and antlers for the head dress. The laughter and singing was all around her as she continued her task. This made her begin to hum softly along. As the mountains began to devour the sun she finished her work, she was exhausted, but very pleased. She sparked a torch to life and proceeded to carve the meat from the bones. The blood beaded off of her skin pooling at her feet. She could feel it squishing between her toes as she worked on.
Night had fully enveloped the village when she had finally finished her bloody task. Carefully she tied a rope around a leather bag and raised it and the meat high into the trees’ branches. This would keep the meat out of the reach of animals.
The other villagers all sat around the large fire pit in the center of the village talking while they ate. Nakita stood up from tying the rope and walked towards the fire. Her stomach growled loudly as she moved closer to the fire and the food. Her ice blue eyes were heavy with sleep as she slumped onto the ground next to her father. The old man smiled at his daughter as he passed her a bowl of food. Nodding slightly she took the bowl from him and hungrily consumed the meal.
Tah’Ruk began to tell the story of the hunt and all if it’s events. As usual he had to add in some fun, for laughter is what he craved, nay needed to live it seemed. Tho he added in bits of fun, he kept true to the story. Nakita dozed slightly as he spoke on. She could see the hunt in her mind, including Tah’Ruks’ little add ins. A smile came across her face as he told, with great detail, of his heroic battle with a killer mosquito. She laid back on her straw mat as he rambled on into the night. Her ears perked as he spoke her name and of her amazing feat. She laid there silently listening to his words, remembering more and more as his words told the tale. Her heart raced as she remembered the run. He spoke at length of her running across the water. Her father took great interest in this. The villagers thought this was one of his tall tales but the other hunters all swore it to be the truth. Nakita just lay there, eyes closed arms behind her head, slowly remembering the hunt and her run. “They hit the water at a blinding speed! The water sprayed up behind her like a rain shower.” Tah’Ruk exclaimed. The villagers were in awe at her amazing feat. As he spoke she remembered the rush of energy that the run had given her. She remembered feeling the water beneath her feet, its cool droplets sliding gently beneath her toes. Nakita could only remember feeling the water, she could nay remember seeing it as she ran. All she could see was the great hart running from her spear. Trying, in her eyes, to show that it was better than she was and that she should give up.
Her father looked at her, his smile slowly grew from ear to ear as he listened to Tah’Ruk till onwards of the hunt. Nakita just laid there with her eyes slowly closing, listening to the adventure she had lived only several hours before. Time seemed to go by quickly. Nakita dreaded her birthday for she knew she was to wed the following day. Silently she sat in her hut brushing her hair. She didn’t feel like running today, she didn’t feel like doing much of anything. Scared and frightened she slowly brushed her hair, her ice-blue eyes staring into nothingness. Her heart was heavy with indecision. “Should I run away and never see my friends again or should I stay and get married and possibly never be happy?” she questioned herself over and over. She spoke not a word as her father came into the hut. Her unblinking eyes met him as he sat down in front of her. He spoke to her at length, yet she heard nay a word she said. Thoughts clashed and ran wild in her mind as she sat there brushing her hair and staring into the nothingness with her ice-blue eyes. Her father was saddened by the sight of his daughter acting in such a manner. A tear formed in each corner of his eyes.
Night fell upon the village as the villagers gathered around the fire. An odd chill circled them. Nakita shivered in her hut as the ill wind encircled her body. Slowly dancing up her toes across her ankles and calves it climbed effortlessly up her thighs to her waist where it grasped tightly. Shivers ran up and down her spine as it continuously circled its way up her stomach to her chest. It hit deeply as it forced its cold and icy fingers under her bustier. She could only sit there shivering in the strange winds icy grip as it grasped her throat causing her to swallow hard. Fiercely it bit her earlobes. Its freezing breath whispered it chilling song deep in her ears, a song she could not understand only shiver to. She gasped for air as the ill wind stripped her breath from under her nose like an unseen thief in the night. The frigid air climbed onwards stinging her eyes like a thousand whips. As she continued to shiver she felt its long icy fingers run through her thick brown hair.
Warmth quickly returned to her as the wind finished its’ assault on her. The warm air rushed in pushing the cold wind away. As the warm air pushed across her body, it devoured the icy bonds that made her shiver. She sat there still shivering slightly as she tried to figure out what just happened and what it meant. Ever so slowly she ran the brush through her hair, her face took upon it slowly the look of deep thought with every stroke. Such an event has nay been remembered in the tales of the tribe. Her father sat down near his small alter with a slump and quietly began to also try and figure out the meaning of the chilly wind.
As the morning sun peeked over the trees and the villagers began to stir, Nakita slowly opened her eyes. As she still laid in her bedroll she gave her body a long deep stretch. She turned her head slightly towards the center of the hut. As her tired eyes slowly came into focus she saw her father still at his little alter chanting and reading the magical stones that her tossed about. The cool morning air nipped at her flesh as she slid out of her bedroll. She could never figure out what he saw in those magical stones. The markings were as nothing she had seen in her life. As she slowly dressed she noticed the concerned look that dominated her fathers face. A look that concerned her deeply for this was to be her wedding day, he should have been happy. While she cut the fruit for their morning meal she watched his face became more and more concerned. The ever-growing look of terror in his eyes frightened her causing her to shiver in fear. ‘What does he see in those stones? What could be so terrifying?’ the questioned raced through her head like two wild animals. She knew not to question him while he was at the altar or of what he was doing while there. She just watched growing ever more worried and concerned as he frantically tossed the magical stones into the air repeatedly. It seemed to her he was hoping that whatever the stones said to him would change with the next toss.
She quietly placed the fruit next to him and walked outside. The villagers where busy gathering their food for their morning meal. She watched as the children played and the women hurried around getting food made as the men set up the wedding. Nakitas’ heart sank deeper as she watched them make an arch out of two saplings. Some of the children began decorating it with flowers they had freshly picked. That morning was the saddest morning she couldst remember...

...Slowly, cautiously, Gwendlyn followed after the “evil” being. Her every step was even stealthier then the first, every shadow was a new haven for her to rest in. Its’ footsteps fell heavy on the ground as it continued its’ march towards an unknown destination. Her heart raced with the fear of being caught as she followed on into the night. Daylight was nipping at their heels as they slowly reached the outskirts of Skara Brae. Its’ pace quickened as the morning sun climbed slowly into the sky. The race was on...

...Nakita tried to ignore the decorations and well wishers, but it was futile. Her fate was sealed, or so it seemed.
As the morning wore sluggishly on, weird things and strange events began to appear and happen. She looked to the sky and saw lightning of different colors, yet there were no storm clouds to be seen. The very feeling of happiness and harmony seemed to be lost to everyone, no one felt safe anymore.
“Father the sky, the village.” was all she could utter before her father silenced her. “I know my child, I know.” he mumbled sadly. He sadly began to tell her what he saw in the bones. As he told her she realized that this was the first day, of six days total, before life as they knew it, ended.

*From a carving in a timber in an ancient castle*
“Upon the first day, the skies willst change as with storms, yet nay a cloud shalt accompany it. Fear and distrust willst overcome the people and creatures of the lands.”

...So far it had come true, thou she herself wished for the gods to stop this happening, secretly she was happy, her wedding was called off. That night she lay awake, listening to the screams of the winds and of the villagers as the next day began...

*From a gold embellished book of scrolls*
“On the second day, what was once worthless, will be fought over, craved, needed, desired, yet those who know will not be affected. And the night willst bring a stale air that willst cover the land causing the beasts to hunt man.”

...Nakita listened as the people began to argue and fight over the most insignificant things. She did nay even leave her hut, in fear that she may go crazy with everyone else. She seemed to fear that more than marriage. Each day seemed an eternity as she sat hidden in the hut, listening to her father’s words, fearful of the next day.

*From a carved stone tablet found outside a cave*
“Upon the third day, strange beings will be seen across the land. Two headed creatures along with strange half man half beast will appear. More and more often they will be seen, carrying torches to light their way in the night. A strange sound will be heard as these beings kill all in their path.”

...The words made her shiver in fear as she heard the odd noises begin. It was the ring of metal clashing, splitting flesh and taking life. Its sickening ring made her stomach churn, the deafening cries sang an eerie chorus in her ears as creatures and monsters fell to the men with six legs and the head of an animal. She made a hole in the hut’s wall to spy outside, to hopefully catch a glimpse of this strange being. As night fell she peered through the hole and saw lights moving in the distance. She feared for her father’s safety and that of the villager’s “Tomorrow I will tell father of my idea,” she thought to herself as she pulled the bedroll over her head.

*From a stone carving found near a cave*
“The fourth day will be as night no sun nor moon. The stars will loose their shine to the evil that comes forth. Flowers will wither and die as the darkness takes over.”

“The night shall bring more blue lights where more beings will come through to our land,” spoke her father slowly.
Nakita just nodded sadly. She spoke softly to her father of her idea of sailing the villagers off the mainland to an island she had heard of from some of the village fisherman. Her father nodded slightly as he said to her that they could only if the others agreed. She nodded quickly as she rushed out the hut’s door. She ran from hut to hut telling others to gather in the village center for an emergency meeting. Most agreed to the idea when she told them.
Later that afternoon all the villagers had gathered at the center to await the meeting. All of them were clad in leather armor and wielding the weapons they could use the best. This saddened Nakita further because she knew her people were changed, forever. Nakita spoke in depth of her plan to move the village. She watched their faces for signs of approval as she spoke on. They all seemed to like the idea as they all raised their hands to vote to move. A smile came across her face as they all had agreed to move. She told them to gather only what they really needed. “We leave tomorrow,” she yelled as the crowd quickly dispersed. Later on as the sun began to set deep into the western sky, Nakita could see pale blue lights in the distance. The yellow of torches and lanterns could be seen flowing out of the pale lights of blue. She knew they would have to move quickly tomorrow. The village was well hidden deep inside the forest, they were safe, for the time being...

*From a torn piece of parchment found deep in an ancient castle*
“Upon the fifth day a rain shall come forth, a rain like none other. It shall be as if it is coming from the earth to the sky. It shall sting skin like a swarm of bees defending their hive.”

...Nakita cringed at that thought. She worried for the villagers, especially the children. Ever so quietly she snuck around the village warning all to protect themselves well in the morning...

*From a carving found in the timbers of an ancient slave ship*
“As the sun rose from its’ bed of trees the rains began. This rain was nay a normal rain, it seemed to have dark magics in its’ origins. The beings that came to our village knew strong and strange magics. These magics, as if child play to them, deemed them as gods in the eyes of my people.”

* From a journal found in a churches library *
“The drops of rain fell like a thousand spears stinging all exposed flesh. The ringing of the drops rang loudly on the plate armor of the Knights. This made the field sing like thousands of tiny bells. I am glad I nay be in that armor. One Knight spoke of the noise inside his armor, I think his exact words were, “Maddening.”

...The rain fell hard on the villagers as they made their ways to the boats. Nakita stood in the water throwing peoples belongings into the boats and helping the children board. The pouring rain stung her face as she looked upon the line of villagers. It was turning into a long day quickly. The cries of the children unhappiness cut deeply in her ears as she watched the first of the boats leave.
Several hours later the last group of villagers were on their way and Nakita finally jumped aboard. Her heart felt heavy with sadness as the boat slowly pulled back from the shore. Her home was gone forever. The small boats rowed slowly further and further away from the mainland. Nakita looked back with a heavy heart. As she watched the village grow slowly smaller she noticed a pale blue light appear in the center of the village. She watched as one, then several, six legged beings came out of the light. She heard their loud language echoing across the water but understood a word as she hurried the oarsmen onwards. They had narrowly escaped...

*From a personal diary of an archer*
“As we set forth on the new realm we came upon a small grouping of well-established huts. We had thought the land empty of human life. This proves different. Mayhaps we can learn from these people, if nay, then the king may have many slaves when we find them. They could nay be far for the fires are still warm in their huts”

…The rain ran like a river across her eyes as they slowly made their way to the island. The drops stung her soft full lips as she grabbed an oar to aid in the rowing. She watched, as the rain seemed to bounce off the water’s surface. “We will be safe soon,” she thought to herself as she paddled onwards. Nakitas’ father just sat motionless in the bow of the boat, staring blankly as they drew closer and closer to their new home.
As Nakita watched the last of the boats arrive at the island; she could see the other villages constructing new huts. Thou they were just off the beach and not well hidden they would keep them dry for the night. The huts were crowded that night, so Nakita sat under a tree with her spear just so she could stretch out to her entire length. A few drops of the cold rain dripped softly from the tree’s leaves and onto her toes as she propped herself up against the tree.

*From a Prophets scroll found deep in an ancient castle*
“On the sixth day the rain will end and a dense fog will enslave the land. Its gray fingers will reach into every crevice they can find. So thick it will seem to choke the life out of the sun at times”

...Nakitas’ eyes closed heavily. The pounding of the rain slowed to a gentle pitter-patter as she faded to sleep. “At last we are safe,” she said quietly to herself.
Slowly the villagers began to stir as morning came to the island. The thick fog her father had spoke of floated daintily across her face as she stood up. She could see the dark outlines of the other villagers as she carefully walked to the huts. She watched as they began to tear them down. They wanted to move from their place on the shore to the dense jungle like forest, to be safer. They didn’t know if the six-legged beasts could swim or not. They did nay want to find out, nor did they want to give the beasts any reason to try, if they saw the villagers on the shore. Thou the villagers could barely see through the fog and cursed it at times, they were glad it hid their movements. Time passed slowly it seemed as the villagers made their way through the dense forest, their only fear was that the only open land they would find would be on the shore. They walked for hours ‘till they came to a small clearing. It would have to do. Huts began to quickly take form as they all helped each other. Nakitas climbed a large oak tree and began to make herself a home in the trees. She was not the only one who did this. Many had to build in the trees due to the small clearing. The warm smells of fires began to fill the air. Life was normal once more…

…The sun peaked over the mountains as Gwendlyn hurried behind the being. They had reached the hedge maze and the being was moving very quickly to the beat the sun it seemed. The sun’s rays shot through the trees piercing the morning mists like arrows into flesh. Minute by minute the sun grew brighter as the being continued on. The light did nay seem to bother it as it plodded onwards on its way. From tree to tree hedge to hedge she quietly followed. As the sun grew more and more she watched the being effortlessly change to that of a man, its only sign of it former self was its eerie green eyes. Gwendlyn stared deeply at the eyes from her hiding spot. She sensed its feelings of hate, a hate unmatched by any she had met before. The being just sat silently as if waiting for someone or something.
“Gwendlyn, thy curiosity will surely be the death of thee one of these days.” echoed Tatinanas’ voice in her head. Gwendlyn laughed at Tatinanas’ words. “How kin ye kills whut be already dead?” she questioned laughing.
The being sat down slowly on the log. She watched as it surveyed the landscape. Its newly formed fingers delicately caressed a foxglove flower, which quickly withered and died with its touch. Gwendlyn pulled out her spyglass to get a closer look at the being and what it turned into…

…Tatinana walked slowly into the keep of the “Dark” man. The smells of death filled her nostrils. She held tightly to his hand as they walked further in. The gloom of despair filled her eyes to the point if tears. Still she walked onwards with him ever deeper into the darkness. Twisting and turning they snaked further into the bowels of the keep. Tatinana quickly lost her way. Her fear grew as that happened, she fear for her life now…

…Several days had passed. The villagers and all seemed safe and good as the villagers went back to their old routines. The fishing was good on the shores, which made life easier for the villagers as they got settled on their new home. This was good ‘cause the island’s terrain was unknown to them and they knew not what beasts they would find here. Nakita would fish every afternoon after running around the island along the shore. She would stop and look out towards the mainland. A feeling of fear would befall her. She always worried that the six-legged beasts would learn to swim or find some way to their new village.
The other villagers dismissed her fears because no one thought the beasts could swim nor could figure out how to construct a boat big enough to accommodate themselves. Nakitas still could nay deny her fears, thou she kept her daily vigil all to herself.
Her vigil was nay in vein. As she rounded the beach during the morning sun she saw a white object in the distance. She slowed her run almost to a stop. It seemed to be drawing closer to her and the island. At first she thought it to be from the sun playing tricks on her eyes, so she stopped to take a better look. Her eyes were nay playing tricks. The white cloud was growing closer followed by several more. Nakitas’ heart raced with fear. Like a scared rabbit, she bolted towards the village…

…From the ship’s log of the Crimson tide…

…The new ship sails well and quite fast. Her rudder responds well to the helm. I must compliment the King on his fine new fleet. We shall find him an island fortress to rule from. This I doth swear…

…Onwards she ran to the village with the warning. There was very little time before the large things reached the island. Minutes later she arrived in the village yelling of the strange white clouds heading their way. The villagers scrambled to arm themselves and to go take a look.
As the entire village arrived on the shore they scanned to find the strange clouds. The sun glared brightly on the water making the se look empty. Some of the villagers thought her to be mad and began to walk away. A small child spoke loudly as the cloud darkened the sun’s rays. “The beasts mother, look!” his little voice bellowed. They all looked at where his small fingers pointed. The look of fear washed over all of the villagers. They began to scatter in hopes of hiding from the beasts, but on such a small island it would be futile.
Nakita hid high in a tree as the first of the large boats dropped anchor. She watched as one of the creatures led its other half into the water and towards the beach. Terror made her body shiver like a leaf. She could hear their strange language clearly from her hiding spot. Cautiously she moved a few leaves out of her way and peered down at them. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on edge sending shivers down her back. Sweat rolled off her body from the hot sun as she watched the beings draw their weapons. Their weapons shined brightly in the hot sun as they began to move into the forest, towards the village. She sat there helpless, there was nothing she could do. Quietly she slipped out of the tree and into the protection of the undergrowth in hopes of beating the beings to the village. Ever so silently she made her way towards the village.
Nakita could see the small clearing and the few huts that were built on the ground. Onwards she went in hopes of winning the race to the village. She heard the crash of trees and brush to her left and right. The beings had surrounded her and drove onwards towards the village. She could see the other villagers, some of which were running around trying to find places to hide as others prepared for the coming battle that might ensue. Her father stood in front of the warriors, like a lone wolf, in hopes of talking instead of fighting. Tho he knew as did Nakitas by the looks of the invading beings that it would end just as that a battle. Like the wind she bolted towards the village. The beings lower beasts reared up for they noticed her before the upper beast did. She did nay care she was going to stand with the village to the end if need be...

...Upon our arrival on the unexplored island both Knight and mount disembarked first under the protection of the archers from the ships deck. Some hath reported seeing movement in the tree line... * the writing blurs unreadable * we head into the forest in two columns almost one hundred paces apart I felt as if something or someone didst watch our every movement. I clenched my sword tightly as I drew tight the straps of my shield. I doth nay wish to die this day for any man, not even my king...

...Nakita knew if there was to be a fight the village would be defeated. The four ships, as what one of the beings called the large boats, didst surely outnumber the sixty villagers children included. The beings drew ever nearer towards the village with their weapons drew and shields at the ready. These beings didst nay quest for peace, they quested for blood. She could see it in their eyes. She watched the leader of the beings as it walked towards her father. Her grip tightened on her spear as the two tried to learn each other’s language. She could see the anger grow on the face of the being as it struggled to understand her father...

...I watched as the general spoke at length with the natives of the island. Tho it didst seem to mine own eyes and ears that they couldst nay truly understand each other. These people wouldst make fine servants for the king, at the least good slaves if we doth break their spirit. That I see shan’t be to hard to do for I can see the fear in their eyes...

...She could feel the tension getting thicker in the air as the being and her father struggled on in earnest to learn and speak to each other. Nakitas’ heart pounded with fear in her chest like a drum. Every beat made her body shiver slightly. Her every muscle was tensed to the point of snapping, she only waited for them to make the first move. This did nay take that much longer. The screams of the children could be heard in the distance from their hiding place. Nakitas bolted like lightning towards the children to see and find out what was going on. She quickly arrived and could see the beings capturing and tying the children and women that were guarding them. Some of the guardians were fighting off the attackers as best as they could. Tho they fought with honor and valor, they were quickly cut down like flowers being picked. A blinding rage came over her and she charged towards the beings. Her spear sank deeply into the unprotected throat of one of the beings. Her stone tipped spear was useless against the hard shiny outer skin of the beings with six legs. She would strike hard but the outer skin would glance away the deadly blow with nay a scratch to the being. She knew her attempts were futile but she wouldn’t give up because it would nay feel right if she didst nay try. She battled for what seemed hours but her heroic battle only lasted a few minutes as she felt the thud of a heavy club hit her from behind.
She remembered nay a thing as she woke in the dark hold of the beings large boat. Next to her were others from her tribe, chained together and to the ship. Her blurred eyes slowly became clearer as she looked onto the faces of the other villagers. It was mainly the children and a dozen or so of the females of the tribe. She could feel the throbbing welt on her head. It pulsated angrily as she touched it softly. She knew not what was in store for her or the others…

* From the Captains’ log of the H.M.S. Freebyrd *
… Quick work was made of the resistant islanders, as their inferior weapons were nay a match for the armor of the knights. The king shall be happy with such fine new slaves to do his bidding. I shall be greatly rewarded for these slaves…

… Gwendlyn peered through the spyglass at the being. She no longer saw the being that had come from the portal. It had changed fully to the form of a man. The long black hair on the beings head was as black as pitch, its’ skin a pale white. She looked intently at the glowing green eyes, which were the dominant feature that drew her attention, the most. She stared for several minutes and suddenly the eyes went a sky blue, just for an instant, then back to the eerie green…

… Nakita sadly curled into a ball in the ships’ hold as they sailed onwards, her fate unknown. Crowded in the darkness she could barely move as the sea rocked the ship.
Nakita woke with a start as she felt a heavy hand pull her to her feet. His skin was if tiny rings bound tightly together. It tore into her flesh slightly as the being dragged her up the stairs to the deck of the ship. The sun cut into her eyes with a fierce passion. Even in the warm sun and air of the daylight she shivered as if it was freezing. Fear ran rampant through her mind and body as she was pulled along the deck of the ship. She could feel the beings staring at her hungry wolves. Nakita feared the she was going to be eaten or something as they tied her to the mast of the ship.
“This be the one that didst fight the strongest captain. She didst kill four of the men.” Spoke the being with ringed skin. The leader nodded slowly and walked towards her. Death seemed to her, her fate. She watched the hard skinned man walk several more steps towards her. In his hand he held what looked like a long thin leathery tail all coiled up.
“We shall break the spirit of this one.” The leader spoke. Part of the object in his hand dropped to the ships deck. The other beings turned Nakita around so that her face was on the mast of the ship. Tears ran down her face in fear.
The sting of like a swam of bees tore across the soft flesh of her back as the creatures tail ripped through the air and struck her. An intense pain like none she had felt before tore through her body and mind. Her screams echoed across the sea as over and over again the creature whipped her with its’ tail. Tears streamed from her eyes down across her face and neck. She could feel her own blood run down her back running across other cuts on her back. It stung the wounds like tiny pins. She could take no more. With the next strike she passed out in pain. Her screams didst fade from the realm.
Nakita awoke sometime later barely able to move or breathe. The others in the hold carefully and softly cleaned her wounds on her back…

…Tatinana had never felt fear like this before. Her heart raced like a stallion at full gallop. The “Dark” man grasped her hand tightly as he spoke softly to her, “Fear nay my child, this shall be your new home. You willst learn all its’ secrets.”
Her fear seemed to leave her as his soft words echoed in the empty halls. A short walk more and they arrived at a large stone deep inside the bowels of the keep. The “Dark” man instructed her to lay her hand onto the stone. With a bit of fear she did as she was told. A strong shooting pain struck her with blinding speed as she pulled her hand from the stone as fast as she could. A glow formed around the stone and to her amazement her name appeared on the stone, etched in with great precision.
“Now thou art one of my family dear child.” Spoke the “Dark” man. All Tatinana could do was smile…

… Chained together what was left of Nakitas’ tribe were lead out of the hold of the ship and towards the beings’ village. The large buildings struck awe into Nakita and the others. The beings looked at her and her people as they clanked and clunked along the stone covered ground with their chains. Slowly to the village center they walked onwards.
As they arrived a large group had gathered in front of a large wooden platform. Up the stairs they were pushed one at a time as one of the beings spoke loudly.
One by one the members of her tribe were placed in a new metal collar with a chain on it and handed off to the other beings and lead away like sheep. Her heart sank deeply as the beings locked a collar around her neck and pulled her onto the platform. The being on the platform spoke quickly. She was pulled by her neck collar and handed off to another being to be lead off to an unknown fate…

…Tatinana sat quietly at her writing table making scrolls. She could feel the child kicking inside her. Still she scribed on. She wanted nothing of this child from her attacker. Gwendlyn could do nothing to help her deal with the child. Gwendlyn feared for Tatinana and the unborn child. Even tho it was nay wanted, it was still a child, a part of her “sister”, and she loved her “sister”.
Gwendlyn became even more concerned with Tatinana as she saw her writing spells into a book. These were nay the normal spells that most mages used. These had an extremely dark and deadly hue to them. If it had been anyone else writing these spells it would nay have bothered or concerned her so, but this was her “sister”…

…Lightning danced across the sky, its’ reflection making the sea seem to glow an eerie blue green. The light glistened in Gwendlyns’ black eyes as she stood staring blankly out onto the sea. She could nay get the dreams of the “Dark” man out of her thoughts, they consumed her every free moment. She didn't even hear or feel tiller man when he came up behind her and touched her shoulder. It was as if this dark man possessed her mind every chance he could. The calm flat mirror-like sea reflected Gwendlyns’ dark armored image with every flash of the lightning. The next flash she looked down at her image once again but this time it looked different. She saw in the flash herself in a robe with her belly swollen with child. The look of amazement on her face was seen by the entire crew. The crash of thunder shook the ship in the water; still she stared at the water. The sky lit up once more her eyes were glued to the water as with this strike she saw herself will the "Dark" man and a child in her arms. In an instant it was gone from her eyes. She stood bewildered and dumbfounded at what she had seen in the seas’ depths. Could she tell this to that wouldst nay think her crazy? The tiller man stood next to her, confused and unsure of even bothering her. He had never seen her this way in all his years with her, it worried him greatly.
Rain fell on the ship, dancing as it hit the deck. She took no steps to shelter herself as she continued to stare blankly at the water. The crew hurried for their cloaks to fend off the rain and cold. Still Gwendlyn stood at the rail of the ship, her white hair soaked with the rain and sticking limply against her new leather armor that she had bought in Serpents’ Hold. The calm sea quickly turned into a churning machine of death. The spray of water over the rails of the ship soaked the crew and Gwendlyn to the bone.
Gwendlyns’ gaze finally broke from the sea as a clap of thunder shook the mighty ship and crew, nearly knocking them all off their feet. As they struggled to regain their footings quickly they began to rig the ship for bad weather. Ropes flew over the cargo on the deck securing it better to the deck as others continued to rig the sails for the storm.
The storms’ fury lashed at the mighty ship and its’ crew. Gwendlyn slowly walked to the stern of the ship, the wind whipped the rain across her face as she slumped down next to the tiller-man. Her mind was still on the images she had seen in the sea. She felt the weight of the cloak as the tiller-man placed it upon her shoulders. Her heavy eyelids slammed shut as a crash of thunder rolled heavily across the sea seeming to make the air itself shudder. Gwendlyn did nay stir to the thunder as she slept deeply as if she were dead…

… Gwendlyn slept till morning, her mind plagued with the scenes she had seen in the water. The morning sun cut into her eyes deeply. Slowly and with much effort she tiredly removed the soaking wet cloak that her tiller-man had placed on her. The warm sea breeze felt cold without the cloak. She shivered lightly and slowly stood up. The crew was busy checking the cargo and all the rigging and sails. The sun glistened brightly on the wet deck. Smells of wet wood and canvas filled the air as they sailed onwards to Trinsic with supplies for the paladins. The city of Trinsic, a walled fortress more then a city is a better description, was the last major city on the southern part of the mainland. It was under siege by liches’, the walking dead of mages. Their evil magics drawn straight from the bowels of hell its’ self. These evil beings laid siege to the walled city cutting it off from its’ normal routes of supply. Many a ship would not sail to the city because of the liches, to see one or be seen by one meant your death thought many. They would refuse to take supplies to the city on their ships. This was the fourteenth shipment in two weeks her crew and her were exhausted. Tired to the bone they sailed on the ship heavily laden with food, weapons, armor and other things in need by the paladins and other defending Trinsic. Deep in her mind she feared the liches slightly but not enough to worry of death she was, after all, dead already.
The walled city came into sight. The beige sandstone walls towered above the land blocking hills and trees alike. Gwendlyn pecked through her spyglass scanning the shoreline and walls of the city. All looked clear and quiet for their arrival. She looked on as a paladin patrolled the wall, looking for attackers.
They steered slowly around Barrier Island on their way to the docks. They could see the paladins and other warriors bathing, fishing and other thins to keep moral up and to eat. Food was scarce, her ship loaded with weapons and food would ease the famine. They were not at the docks by a platoon of tired, hungry looking men. They stoned like starved wolves at Gwendlyn as she lowered the plank. Alas women were also a shortage it seemed. Gwendlyn didn't mind the attention unless it interfered with her work or got out of hand….

*From a personal journal found hidden in Trinsic*

…Her head ducked under the mast where as normal men could walk beneath it. Her strength rivaled our strongest man. She didst lift a crate full of swords with ease! She wouldst make a fine wife tho I doubt she would nay take any normal man. ‘Tis so good to see a woman as beautiful as her. The leather armor she didst wear accentuated her gorgeous figure. Tho we couldn’t nay see her face I know it must be beautiful…

As quickly as they could they unloaded the cargo and loaded the badly injured paladins and warriors. Gwendlyn looked at the mangled bodies suffering in pain on the deck of her ship. Her hunger grew with the smell of blood and death. She tried to put it out of her mind but her nose would nay stop, nor could it be ignored. To her surprise a monk slowly climbed the gangplank of the ship. He said not a word and began to comfort the injured as best he could. Her thirst grew even more as she watched the monk move about the ship. Nay a word spoke the monk as they raised the anchor and set to sea.

The warm sea misted across the bow of the ship as it cut through it. The warm sun and clear skies were a welcome treat for her and the crew. They could hear the soft ocean waves splashing against the ship as the sails caught the wind and strained from its’ power. The ship creaked and cracked softly to life. Forward towards the open sea and another journey for Gwendlyn and her crew….

…Nakita followed her new “owner” to his home. As they walked he would stop along the way and show her different foods and items along with repeating what the item was in his language. Nakita learned quickly the names of the items. This seemed to please her owner a lot. She had watched, as others of her tribe were lead off being beaten. She guessed she was lucky that she wasn't being beat. She was a child ripped from what she had known and thrown into a new world, a new life, a new language. Nakita was amazed at all the things and places she saw. She would fall slightly behind her owner with a slight tug to the collar would quickly remind her to continue. Its’ tight fit caused her pain each time it was moved. She quickly learned to keep moving.
The arrived at her “new home” where she was stripped to the skin and bathed by other slaves of the, she now called her owner, master. She stood there shivering from the cold water and fear. The soft cloths felt good against her skin as they washed her from head to toe. She was laid on a table and held down. Her naked body exposed to all in the room. She lifted her head enough to see down the length of her long body. She saw an older woman walk towards her. Nakita saw a sharp looking blade in her hand. This is it. 'This is how I doth die' she thought to herself ‘I will nay give them the pleasure of my screams.’ Still she watched as the blade slowly came towards her lower half. She braced for the pain. The cold blade softly touched her skin. Slowly it scraped her private area. She watched as the sharp blade sliced off the hair from there.
“The master prefers his slaves without.” Spoke the old woman as she continued her work. Nakita watched as her hair was removed. It felt as if she was being stripped of her womanhood. Minutes later the old woman finished and Nakita was helped up. The other slaved began to dress her as the master had all the other woman slaves dressed. Bound in tight leather armor with barely anything covered. Her breasts were lifted by the tight leather, her now bald vagina exposed by the leather that surrounded her thighs and hips. It was uncomfortable to wear. It restricted almost all movements but squatting to relieve oneself, or as she watched two slaves do, mate.
The other slaves began to teach her the new language and what she was to do around the master’s house. She sighed softly as she began her work that she was shown to do. The daily chores of cleaning and cooking was only broken by fishing for food in the sea for the masters’ meal and for the other slaves.
Nakita woke the next morning and began her chores of sweeping the floors of the house. Other female and male slaves were washing the floors and cleaning the furniture. She watched as the master walked into the room and looked over his slaves as they worked. Slowly she swept the floor with great care not to miss one piece of dirt. The master walked slowly towards one of the women cleaning the furniture. Her back was to the master as she was bent over with her head down and her womanhood in the air. Nakita could see the masters’ manhood grow in his fancy pants. It strained the cloth to the point of tearing it seemed. The female slave noticed the master standing behind her but did nay move even tho she was finished cleaning. She sighed softly and started cleaning the furniture again. The masters’ manhood was about to rip out the stitching of his clothing. Deftly he pulled out his erect manhood and moved towards the slave girl. She could not believe what she was watching as he thrust his manhood into her. Right in front of everyone in the room the master of the house mated with the female slave. His moans of pleasure rumbled through the room. Nakita felt sick at watching the act unfolding in front of her. Her anger grew quickly as the other slave cried in pain from the masters’ relentless manhood plunging deep into her. She gripped the broom tightly and stepped towards her new master to stop him. Large hands grasped Nakita firmly and quickly stopping her in mid step. The barely dressed male slave held her tightly and shook his head no. She could do nothing but watch in anger as the master finished forcefully mating with the other slave.
Tears of pain and anger rolled down the slave womans’ face as she continued to clean the rest of the furniture. Nakitas’ anger turned her stomach. She had never felt so angry and disgusted at anyone like she did now. The male slave released his grip on Nakita and explained to her, as best he could, that this was common for the master to do to all the slaves, male or female. She could not believe what she heard as he told her not to try and stop him if he tried to mate with her of she would be beaten or even killed. Silently she prayed that she would be left alone by the master...

…Gwendlyn watched as the monk went from one severely wounded warrior to the next with nay a misstep. She could smell the blood strongly and her hunger grew. She licked her lips lightly as she followed the young monk with her eyes. She seemed to smell his over all the gore that was strewn across the deck of her ship. Quietly she pondered to herself why she could smell his more then the others. This puzzled her even more as she watched the monk sit and meditate.
The wounded fed, the crew laid out their bedrolls and fell fast asleep. The monk she had watched all day carefully tried set his bedroll out as far from everyone he could on the ship. The deck was full tho so Gwendlyn suggested the hold. It was empty of cargo and quiet. The monk nodded in thanks and climbed into the hold. Gwendlyn smiled evilly as the hold doors closed behind her and the monk. He knew not that she had followed him down. She hid easily in the shadows while she watched him. Her thirst and hunger slowly grew out of control as she looked on as the young monk undressed. His back was turned to her. She saw her opportunity and acted. Like the wind she snuck up behind him, her fangs at full length. Her mind blurred as if she was drunk as her teeth sunk deeply into his soft flesh. The hot and thick liquid pulsed into her mouth. Its’ purity intoxicated her as she drank mouthful after mouthful. She couldn’t stop herself from feeding. The virgin blood had a taste unlike any she had ever tasted before. It quickly addicted her and forced her to drink ever deeper. Gwendlyns wanted to stop before his heart ceased but could not. Virgin blood to her kind was more precious then the finest wine to normal beings. She would never be the same again as she felt heart beat slower and slower. A tear formed in the corner of her eye as she felt the last breath of life leave the young monks’ body and his heart beat twice, then once, and fell still and silent forever.
Gwendlyn stood there with the lifeless limp body in her arms as tears rolled down her milky white skin. The candle the monk had lit flickered silently as she laid the monk at her feet. She was too good at killing now, Gwendlyn knew she had to change this, somehow…

...Tatinana drew closer to the day of her child’s birth. The child of the man that called her his toy. She could feel the pains of childbirth racing throughout her body, but the anger of what had been done to her burned deeper then any pain could ever reach. Near the bed she laid in she had stashed a dagger, upon which she had carved and wrote many a magical enchantment. She would destroy the child, it’s magic, it’s very soul, to hurt the bastard sorcerer that had done this to her. Gwendlyn helped the midwife as best she could as the birthing began in earnest. Hours passed as Tatinana pushed and bore down to rid her body of the child inside her. Sweat dripped from Tatinanas’ face as Gwendlyn smiled softly at her as she wiped the sweat from face and neck.

“I see the head!” cried out the midwife.

Tatinana eyes grew a fiery red as she slipped her hand under the straw mattress and clenched the dagger in her hand. “It shall nay breathe it’s first breath!” she screamed as she drew the blade from under the mattress and thrust it into the baby’s head that was still inside her.“From the depths of hell I destroy this unwanted seed! The dagger hit home before Gwendlyn could stop it. The magical symbols glowed as they each did their work. The task of Tatinana birthing the now dead child continued, yet she had upon her face nay an ounce of pain or anger, just a simple smile of satisfaction.

“Get that THING away from me! “‘Tis nay mine nor ever was!” Tatinana screamed. Gwendlyns motioned to the mid-wife to take the child down to the bottom floor of the cabin quickly.

The limp body of the baby lay wrapped in an old tattered blanket, it’s blood soaking through it as it laid in an old basket while Gwendlyn dug the grave. It was a task that made even a strong woman such as she, cry. She started to lay the body in the ground as her tears streamed down her cheeks. Such innocence lost, such a waste. Gwendlyn cradled the dead infant in her arms as if it was her own child. She softly whispered to it lovingly as if to comfort it. The cold blood on the blanket laid heavily upon her arm. Her eyes flashed a pitch black and her fangs grew. A howl of anguish roared from her throat as the tears ran down her cheeks like a river. The silence that followed was deafening as she laid the child into the grave and painfully began to cover it over with dirt.
The final stone laid upon the tiny grave and the task was done. Gwendlyn wiped her tear stained cheeks with the sleeve of her dirt covered armor. The dirt clung to her face as she turned towards the bay. A heavy sigh escaped from her as she stepped to the waters edge. The cool crisp water she splashed onto her face stripped the dirt and tears from her face. Tomorrow would be a new day, she thought, there was nothing left to feel this night. All emotion had left the “Dark” woman, all she could think about now was the warmth of her bed, and the comforting embrace of her pillow. Gwendlyn headed solemnly towards the log cabin. Her heart heavy from her completed task, her emotions drained.

…Time seemed to stand still as Nakita went about her chores of the day. The heat of the day rained down on her as she gathered the logs the male slaves were cutting. Her arms full of wood she walked to the ever-growing pile and added her load to it. Nature called and Nakita stepped away to answer it behind a tree. Slowly she gathered the softest leaves she could find and squatted behind the tree. Relieved she quickly went back to work. She knew the master was about and would notice her missing soon. Bent over she gathered the wood into her arms. The stare of eyes she felt fall upon her as she continued about her work. Heavy footsteps slowly came towards her. Nakitas whirled around her arms filled with more logs to see the masters’ face but inches from her own. Not a piece of wood did she drop even tho his closeness completely frightened and startled her. The heavy wood strained her arm so. They felt as if they would surely fall off if she didn’t drop the logs soon, but she feared getting punished for not working. She feared more of what else he might do if she wasn’t carrying the load. Slightly and mischievously he smiled at her and moved out of her way. She could feel his eyes looking at her as she walked away.
Nakita learned more of the new language as the days turned into weeks and then into months. She could hear the whispers of the slaves as they laid down to sleep. Nakita laid silently on her bedroll listening to all that had gone on around the household. She heard the soft sobbing of the female slave the master had mated with only a short time ago. Her lover and her were whispering softly. Quietly, she listened closely to them as they spoke of her problem, she was with child. She did not know if it was his or the masters. They decided to go to the leader and find out if he could tell whose child it was. Nakita watched as her lover held her closely and kissed her good night.
Morning came quickly and so did the master as he strolled barely covered to the bathroom where Nakita was cleaning. Quickly she tried to leave as he came into the room. His strong hand latched onto her leather clothing and stopped her mid step. He said nay a word and pulled her with him. Almost slamming her he forced her onto the toilet. Tears formed in her eyes as she watched him expose his manhood. She did not want to be mated with yet especially not in the bathroom. Slowly he drew closer to her, his manhood growing as he inched little by little towards her. She saw only his evil grin as she closed her eyes in disgust. He was going to force his seed in her no matter what she said or hoped for. Silently she sat there as she felt his manhood touch her body and face. She held back the vomit from the sickening touch of it all over her. If she had vomited she knew she would have been beaten to death. She felt him lay her back onto the box where they removed the wastes from. This was it she thought her first time mating and it was with someone she hated. Softly as if it was a feather he brushed her vagina with his large throbbing manhood. Feelings she had never felt before rushed into her mind as he slowly rubbed her with himself. Disgust and hate were quickly defeated as pleasure coursed throughout her body. The pleasures of mating her master didst show her that morning in the bathroom. Their moans and cries of pleasure sounded through the house and grounds like thunder. She had feared mating ever since she heard that the first time was painful from other women in her tribe. She was in only very slight pain from his large size but more in pleasure to even feel the pain. For about two hours the master mated over and over again with hear each time planting his seed deep inside her. She didn’t want him to stop as he stood up. Sweat beaded on his face and body as he looked down at her. His smile let her know he was pleased and that he’d be back for more. She was no longer afraid of mating or him.
Later the night she saw the couple sleeping apart from one another. Bad news she assumed as she closed her eyes and dreamt of earlier that day. She shuddered in pleasure and closed her eyes and slept…

…The monk Laid there peaceful looking as she stood looking down at him. His sweet blood still on her lips. Her head swooned and spun like she had just drank her fill of rum. No blood had ever done this to her before. She slumped onto a crate and tried to clear her head. Her drunken state made it hard to figure out why his blood had done this. Minutes turned to hours as the drunker Gwendlyns slept. The gentle rocking of the ship kept her asleep almost to dawn.
Gwendlyn woke sharply, to quiet for her pounding head, only an hour before sunrise. It felt as if she had drank ale and run all night. She slowly, with great effort, rose to her feet and climbed out of the hold. Ever so quietly she snuck across the deck and onto her bedroll. As soon as she had laid down she fell fast asleep. Her thoughts of what she had done faded quickly as she slept...

…Slowly the pain subsided from her ink stained hand. The “Dark” man extended his hand to her slowly. Without a second thought Tatinanas took his hand and they began to walk deeper into the bowels of the keep. Her hear had gone from her, there was no need of it anymore. She was his now, part of his family. She was free of her father, brother and mother forever. She only wanted one being, one family. The family of the “Dark” man. Her one as she called him affectionately, “My Master”…

…Kain placed his hands on Gwendlyns’ swollen belly. Deep into a trance he fell as he felt the child inside her. The pains had stopped as fast as they came.
“Tis nay time yet.” Was all he spoke as he lifted his hands from her. The “Dark” man looked sad as he held her hand tightly. A darkness fell over the room as he slowly stood up. She could see his eyes glow as he looked from her to Kain. “Not time yet. I don’t know how much more I can wait to see the child inside me Gwendlyn thought to herself. A sudden sharp pain pierced through her body…

…One of the crewmembers tripped over Gwendlyn as he tied a rope to the ships rail. A low painful groan came from her as she clenched her belly in pain. Her dream cut short by a misplaced step. Her head had cleared some, tho the cries of the crew and the wounded sliced through her like a knife. Disgruntedly she began to wake. The harsh light of day seemed a thousand times brighter as she opened her heavy eyelids.
She could still taste the monks’ blood in her mouth as she ran her tongue across her teeth. Her hungers was quenched yet not without the price of a hangover of sorts. The day wore slowly on and the crew began to wonder where the monk was. They found him dead in the hold, his body pale and limp. They quickly buried him at sea and sailed onwards to Britain.

The wounded were helped onto the dock, some could walk, others carried. Gwendlyn watched closely every movement the dock men made. She watched the docks and people move to and fro like busy ants at a picnic. Her black eyes panned across the fares on the docks. Familiar faces. Her eyes stop suddenly at the collection of monks. They had appeared out of nowhere. Gwendlyn could see them looking around for someone, for the monk. The Tiller mans knew she was not much for words his eyes looked to hers and with a nod from Gwendlyn he went to speak with them…

…Nakita woke the next morning and began her day of work. She felt different now about herself and where she was. She would actually try to see the master as many times as she could in hopes of mating again. The masters’ son walked with his father all around today. His teacher had not come today to teach. She never really saw much of the masters son, only a glimpse here and there. The young master seemed as nice as his father to all the slaves. Nakitas smiled as the master passed with his son and went back to cleaning.
A soft hand touched her skin gently. It startled her slightly yet she nay stopped her work, she didn’t even look up. She continued cleaning as she heard the master speak to his son behind her.
“You wish this one my child?” he questioned. Nakita heard nothing but felt the master pull her up from her work. He turned her around and she came face to face with the young master. She was surprised to see him there instead of the master. She quickly lowered her eyes and head and curtsied. As she did she noticed a leather strap with a metal piece on the end of it in his hand. Fear rushed through her as she stood up and looked at him. With the quickness of a great hart he placed the metal end of the strap to her collar and began to pull her from her work. Up the stairs of the house he pulled her making it hard to walk p normally.
“Yes crawl for me wench” he growled at her and that she did. On all fours she followed the young master to his chambers. The wooden floors scraped her knees lightly as he opened the door. A hard yank at the lather strap almost felt as if the collar would rip her head off. The door slammed behind her sealing her from a quick escape as he engaged the locks.
He had just turned fourteen a man where he comes from yet his father gave him what he wanted, when he wanted. It seemed he wanted her for the gods only knew what. Nakitas watched as he removed his robe and clothing. She tried nay to look but could nay stop herself. He was a year older then her and of course her master also so no matter what she would have to obey…

…”You shall obey the masters commands regardless even if it means thy death. Upon this creed doth thee swear thine life?” spoke Draven loudly. Tatinanas said nay a word as she nodded at him. The “Dark” man looked to his generals one at a time. Each one nodded his approval to accepting her fully. The “Dark” man was pleased even tho they really had no choice of her fate. All welcomed her that night and revealed to her their secrets….

…She was a touch scared that the monks would find out her secrets. She had heard that the older monks could tell just by looking at you if you were a vampire or nay. Gwendlyn knew she could quickly set sail if it was necessary to escape…

…Escaping from this bedroom was her first thought but that had been crushed when the young master had barred the door. She was at his mercy, which to her he seemed to have none. Tho she tried not to look at his naked body, her curiosity got the better of her. For such a young man he was in great shape and well endowed. Slowly he moved towards her she could tell he was nervous from the slight tremble in his voice when he told her to lay on the bed.
He knew not of mating when he climbed onto her. Nor did he know how to treat a woman, but there again in his eyes she was just a slave. His youth gave him the strength to go repeatedly and that he did burying his seed deep into her several times. He grew more experimental with her as he did. As he laid atop her she felt his manhood slide from her vagina to her anus. This scared Nakita for she had never done anything like that with the master. An evil grin came across his face as he forced his manhood into her anus. Nakita screamed in pain as his large manhood tore into her. Her cries stopped his actions for a moment as he pulled out some animal lard from under his bed. He coated his manhood and her anus with it. Again he came at her but this time the once pain was gone and replaced with pleasure of a new feeling. She moaned deeply in pleasure as his young seed filled her tight anus.
Nakita became the masters’ and all the male slaves “toy”. She had become addicted to mating and wanted it all the time. She, for a slave, had an easy life. While the others worked hard around the house she was some where having sex. She cared not her partner, either it be male or female she slept with them just the same…

…Gwendlyn could hear the monks speaking more and more as their voices grew louder. “Where be the young monk?” one questioned loudly to the Tiller mans.

“`e be at Davy Jones’ locker mate.” Was the tillermans reply. She could see the expression of shock on the faces of the monks. She listened as they told the Tiller mans of his importance.
“He was special. His magic was uncorrupted, his soul pure, his body and blood virgin. He was to bring peace to our land. Many wars will be fought over this most unfortunate of events. Many will seek answers to how he died.” Spoke what to her seemed the head monk. The words spun in her head repeatedly. Her head was still sore which didn’t help matters. It hit her like a charging troll, “virgin blood”. Blood of that type was like the strongest rum is to humans. Gwendlyn now knew why her head hurt so. Her loud voice bellowed at the crew as she rushed the work along.
“Hurry mates! Da guuds must gits tu da city quickly!” The crew began to work faster they knew she meant business when she yelled…

… “Come my child. I have a special place for thee to do your trade.” spoke the “Dark” man softly. Tatinana nodded and smiled at her Lord and Master. “By no means doth thee hath to confine thyself to work only in this room” he continued. The dank, dark keep seemed brighter to her, more inviting.

She felt a love for this dark being more then her own family. She had not known love of any kind, even from her own family till now. She could not understand why she loved him so, but she knew she did. She felt like a person and not a tool for the first time in her life. They showed her respect and voiced concern about her well being. They treated her as a woman and not a little girl…

…”Bring the young slave girl to me!” called out Nakitas’ master with earnest. She moved quickly to him and bowed at his feet. Quickly he bent down and hooked on a leather strap to her collar. This was odd to her but she said nothing. With great force he pulled at the strap and led her on all fours up the stairs. As they neared the masters’ son he handed the strap to the youth.

“She is yours my son. Take her with you on your journey so that you have someone to take care of thee while you study at the academy.” His son smiled at him and pulled Nakitas into his room.

She carefully packed his belongings into a chest and loaded it onto the pack mule. He changed the leather strap to a chain and attached it to the mules harness. The young master said his good-byes and started off on his trip with the pack mule and Nakita in tow…

Chapter III
--------The Fall of a General--------
(as told by Tatinanas to her diary)

Many flocked to the masters’ side. His forces grew more each day it seemed. All manner of being came to the master elf, dwarf, human, dark-elf, demon, and many more. The days were glorious unlike no other before. My masters generals led his troops into battles and raids daily, striking fear into all they met. Now more so then General Swap Darkelf. His battles and raids were the most successful and profitable and made his name well known in the enemies of my master. Death and destruction was left in this dark elves wake. The troops would seem to fight stronger then an army three times their size when he led them. His power and prowess was known throughout the realm, yet absolute power corrupts absolutely. Tho many have now forgotten this darkelf, those who do still, tremble at his name.

The general was well known and loved by the troops. My master was very pleased by his generals’ performance in his name. Gold and jewels poured into the treasury making my masters’ kingdom wealthier and stronger daily. Yet something sinister was afoot. The tributes from the conquered lands became less and less as did the spoils of battles and raids seem to dwindle. My master took the work of his general that many the towns and cities he attacked or captured were growing poor from the loss of trade from the places he had already conquered. Tho he knew something was amiss my master nodded and sent the general out to continue his bidding.
Kain after hearing the dark-elfs’ story walked to my masters’ side and began to speak. “Master I doth hope I may be out of line but I fear General Darkelf must be watched. The words he didst speak came from a forked tongue. It be as if his words were twisted and labored. If I may be so bold to say, a pack of lies.” “I know Kain, yet I nay can prove it tho.” I could nay believe my own ears even tho I didst hear it all. Didst they truly call the general a thief?
Time passed and so did my thoughts of the words spoken of the General. The gold and gems from General Darkelf stayed constant even tho my master imposed more taxes and fees on his lands. The general became cockier each day. He would brag of his new home he had bought or of a new statue he commissioned. He would speak of his large treasury or his finding of an artifact of great value or importance. With my own eyes I didst see his stables filled with all manner of creatures and exotic beasts. I fear the words of Kain and my master be true.
I told my master of what I didst see. He nodded and said to leave. I did as was told tho I went to my hole where I could see and hear what was going on.
My Master confronted his general face to face. I could see the darkelf tremble in fear as my master questioned him of his treasonous acts. Fact after detailed fact my master threw at him as my master scowled the general. A bad blood came between the once good friends. The General lost his title and rank as my master grew angrier with each lie be caught the darkelf in. Threats flew from Swap’s mouth at my master. Swap’s most loyal men rushed into the main chambers and seized my master. I was horrified at the sight. My master cackled at Swap Darkelf.
“Foolish attempt by foolish men!” my master cackled. My masters’ eyes went a fiery red and the four men holding my master burst into flames. The other men stepped back quickly from my master in fear of their lives.
“Take these traitors and thy traitorous self far from my sight Darkelf! For if I doth see they face again it will end up on my parapit for all to see!” commanded my master. I watched as Swap Darkelf lowered his head in defeat slightly and walked from the main hall.
Mounds of treasures, gold and gems flooded in as my master stripped everything from the darkelf and his homes. No longer was he feared as his reign of terror fell to nothingness his name forgotten by all but a few of his followers.
I tried to keep tabs on Swap Darkelf for as long as I could but lost rack of him somewhere in the sense of time as he moved around from place to place. A once great general with enormous power reduced to nothingness by simple greed and over confidence in himself. When last I heard about him he had grown old quickly it seemed. What kept him young my master had stripped from him...

…They loaded the ship quickly and Gwendlyn hurried them to weigh anchor and shove off. She wanted away from the monks as fast as she could get away. The salty air filled her nostrils as they turned the ship. The day was fading fast. The mast creaked and groaned as the sails filled with the wind. A small jolt shook the ship as the sails strained to harness the blowing wind. Gwendlyns sighed softly in relief as the docks where the monks stood rapidly faded from sight.
Dis bes da last run to Britain fur me” she said to herself. “Nay any mure dat I swears.” The Tiller mans checked the map as Gwendlyn took readings from the sextant. He adjusted course slightly to aid the ship in finding its’ way to Trinsic.
Her white hair flowed in the wind as she turned to look back. She could see only the tops of the tallest buildings and they grew smaller by the second. Not a word was said about what happened all the way to Trinsic, she wanted it that way. She told the crew that this was the last run to Trinsic. Her voice echoed as she yelled to the crew, “After dis shipment, I be headin’ ta Vesper fur a spell. Anyone wantin’ ta gu wit’ be welcomes.” Most of the crew wanted to go with her but a few decided to seek fame and fortune in Trinsic battling the liches. She nodded her approval and picked up her spyglass and looked across the sea. Endless blue stretched before them it seemed.
Night swallowed the day like a mouthful of rum. The crew began to bed down. Gwendlyn watched over the crew as hey laid down. She unrolled her bedroll and laid down softly. Her head hit the pillow heavily as her eyes closed for the night. Dreams flooded her mind as the warm salty sea breeze danced across her face…

…For eight days Nakita walked behind the pack mule of the young master. Each night she cooked his food and bathed him. She would gather the softest foliage she could find and lay it down under his bedroll. He was truly a man now, he had a horse, a pack mule, a bedroll and a slave. As she bathed him gently he would grow excited often. He would hold tightly the chain on her collar never letting go when she wasn’t locked to the mule. She would see his young manhood grow as her hands washed his entire body. Without a word he would turn to her and motion for her to lay out her own bedroll. She quickly did so and laid down on it as fast as she could. She could feel his eyes staring at her laying there in her little outfit. Mating for him came often, his youthful vigor always seemed unsatisfied. Nakita did nay care, for she too wanted badly to mate.
His hot breath glided across her inner thighs gently. She could feel herself yearning for his touch as his face grew nearer to her quickly moistening vagina. Anticipation of him mating with her drove her closer to going over the edge. Her appetite for mating was insatatuable. Her moans of pleasure echoed through the forest as they mate, his deep groans mixing somewhere in the distance. He would plant his seed repeatedly inside her and then collapse in her arms and sleep. Nakitas laid there playing softly with his hair as sleep took over her…

…Gwendlyn watched as Tatinana slowly came to her senses. The thought of giving birth had wreaked havoc to her mind, but passed quickly. Yet the memories of what caused her to have to think of giving birth would never be forgotten. Gwendlyns knew her “sister” would never be the same after all she had been through. She sighed heavily as she watched Tatinana close off the balcony of the cabin and seal her and her belongings in the new room she had Nevik Draculys build for her. The heavy wooden door slammed closed and Tatinana locked it tightly. Gwendlyn could only hear the rustling of parchment come from her sisters homemade sanctuary. There was nothing she could do but wait and hope…

…Nakita felt the warm morning sun come across her face. Its’ welcome kiss brought a smile to her face. The young master was still asleep at her side her chain locked tightly to a nearby tree. She could feel his hot breath rush across her skin as he slept on. Quietly she laid there thinking to herself of her tribe and village. The memories flowed like a river as she laid there. All the happy times when she ran free into the woods not stopping for hours sometimes.
The morning slipped slowly by as she remembered her freedom. Tho now she was a slave, her heart and mind were free. She sometimes felt as if she was free as she remembered the hunt where she went o and claimed the great hart as her prize. The sin wiggled it way through the leaves and rained down on her soft skin. The quiet scene was broken suddenly when the sounds of bones clanked and cracked near them. The young master sprang to his feet and quickly drew his sword from his belt. He looked to Nakita and told her to retrieve a weapon from the pack mule. She was still chained to the tree but managed to retrieve a kyrss from the animals pack. Its long twisted blade sparkled in the sunlight as she readied herself. The sound of Skeleton Warriors grew closer and closer to them as the pair stood their ground.
She had only heard of these beings in tales from her father and as stories from the other slaves. Nakita watched the young master as he clenched his shield tightly. Sweat rolled down his nervous brow as they both saw the first Skeletal figure appear from the trees. Bits of clothing and flesh clung loosely on the creature as it raised a rusty battle ax and raced towards them.
The young master swung madly at the creature his heavy sword snapping bones while the shield he donned seemed to barely keep the heavy blows of he ax from removing the appendage that held it. One after another they appeared from the wood, an unrelenting wave of death bore down on them. Her own blade sliced through the air blocking blows and smashing the accursed bones. Not until they were broken to bits it seemed did the skeletons seem to stop moving. Their featureless faces scared Nakita each time she saw one as she fought for her life.
An hour or so later, the ground was littered with the skeletons remains, their bones scattered as far as the tree line. The young master tended to his wounds carefully. Softly he ordered Nakita to search the remains for anything of value. Her hands trembled as she picked cautiously through the piles of bones. Any movement made caused her to jump in fright. Her senses were overly active. A necklace here, a few bits of gold there was all she found amongst the mangle of bones. She sighed softly in relief as she finished her gruesome work. She was exhausted, her own bones ached from the battle as she collapsed onto her bedroll…

…”My love you must rest as Kain said to” spoke the “Dark” man.

She looked blankly at him as her voice crackled through the chambers. “I bes fine luv. I nay kin lets our guests tink I’s be rude or nay wunts ta sees dim. Tis just dat dey traveled to meets ye und me. Dey be after all our allied are dey nay?” Gwendlyn questioned as she rubbed her swollen belly. He nodded softly to her as he helped her to her feet.
Gwendlyn shuffled noisily down the long passageway towards the main hall. The child inside her kicked and moved unhappily as she sat heavily in her throne. The child was going to be a big baby she thought for it filled every possible space inside her womb. After a few minutes of fidgeting she finally got comfortable, as did the child it seemed. The “Dark” man looked to her with what seemed a smile but she knew he rarely did smile outside their private chambers. Gwendlyn listened intently as their guests were announced as they entered.

“The Dread Lady Ariel Joy and her escort The Wicked Rostilin Magre to see the master and the lady” spoke the guard loudly.

They both nodded their approval and the guardsmen let the pair pass. Lady Ariel was wearing a long flowing dress of black silk with gold trim. Her sandaled feet seemed to float above the floor as she moved effortlessly towards them. The pale lights of main hall sparkled brilliantly on her rings making Gwendlyn squint in hopes of blocking the mirror like gems she wore…

…The morning sun shined ruthlessly onto her eyes as she struggled to block the sun from her face and eyes with nay any luck. Gwendlyn slowly began to wake. The sounds of the ocean filled her ears as the boat sliced through the waves. They were in the middle of no where sailing towards Vesper. Gwendlyn arose slowly from her bedroll rubbing her eyes in hopes of removing the sleep from them. Warm winds filled the sails carrying the motley crew onwards…

…She lay there just staring into the sky. The clouds drifted aimlessly along overhead. Every muscle she had ached tremendously as she lay there. Small trickles of blood ran from under the bandages into her bedroll and into the thirsty ground beneath her. She cared not, rest was foremost on her mind. Nakita turned her head slightly at the sound of the young masters’ pain and watched as the young master tended to a few minor cuts and slowly picked through the items she had collected. Her pale blue eyes closed heavily with sleep. Exhausted from the battle she was asleep quickly, tho she would jump awake at any noise she heard. Tho she had beaten the accursed bones in battle she still feared them and another battle. She was nay use to fighting for her life only hunting for food. Even that now seemed but a memory to her as she lay there staring into the sky. The curses from the young master faded from her ears as her eyes closed yet again…

…Gwendlyn stepped from the ship with one giant step, her white hair glistened in the sun. Her long legs carried her quickly across the docks and into the city. Her first stop, the shipwrights, the ship need a new sail and a few other things. A hundred or so gold pieces to the shipwright and she was off like a panther to purchase supplies for the crew and herself. Food, water, nails, tar, she ran down the list checking all she had purchased. A fast dash into the jewelers to sell a few gems and off to the bank with what was left of her gold. She placed her gold in the bank and headed towards the Marsh Hall. It was a long shot but she hoped to see that scribe there again.
She moved through the city of her birth with great speed, remembering every shortcut she had ever found. She slowed only for a very short moment as she opened the heavy tavern doors. Her pitch black eyes panned quickly across the parents of the tavern, no scribe in sight. Gwendlyn sighed heavily and made her way slowly to her normal table way in the back. As she sat the same waitress came to her. Gwendlyn glared at her as she asked if she needed anything. A bowl of stew and a few fruits was all she ordered as the waitress placed a bottle of rum in front of Gwendlyn. Gwendlyns’ gloved hand waved the waitress away as she looked over the faces of the crowd. It was a slow night for the tavern. A few of the town guards, a couple of knights, a pair of dwarves and a few others assorted beings were all that was in the tavern that night. She could hear the town drunk snoring loudly from across the large room as he lay on one of the benches in a drunken slumber.
The rumble of thunder shook the almost empty tavern. As it did the chattering of voices fell deathly quiet as they listened closely as the rumble faded into the distance. Gwendlyn chuckled softly at how they had all stopped everything in awe and fear of the thunder. The place lay quiet as the listened for another, but only the sound of rain falling was heard. She could smell the rain as it soaked the ground. Its’ pure fresh smell flooded into the stale tavern. Light breezes stuccoed to heavier. Raw energy flowed freely through the air. She could feel the power all around her as a flash of light lit up the sky, followed closely by a loud crash of thunder. Its’ brilliance shimmered briefly in a glass of water ad in her pitch black eyes as she stared intently out the window at the storm. She could feel the storms power as it drew more energy from the sea.
The crew scrambled to make sue the ship was secured for the storm. The drenching rain soaked the crew quickly as they ran from the tavern at full speed towards the ship. Gwendlyn shouted orders to the crew as they scrambled out of the inn to secure the ship. She could see the fear in her screws’ and the peoples’ eyes as the lightning streaked violently across the sky. To her this was just another storm nothing to worry about. Gwendlyn knew her ship had run many storms at sea and in port so she feared not a thing. Gwendlyn knew the goddess of the sea would see her and her ship safely through all of the storms’ fury. Thunder rolled loudly, its power shaking everyone and everything including the Marsh Hall violently. Gwendlyn muffled her laugh. To see grown men and women fear but a meager storm. If they only knew her secret the storm would pale in comparison. She slowly sipped her mug of rum as she watched them tremble in fear as another crash of thunder rattled the room…


The anchor of her mighty ship fell noisily into the calm water of Brittany Bay. Gwendlyn could see the buildings of Britain from the desk of her ship. She had anchored at Griffin Beach a quiet beach dotted with small watchtowers. The dark grey stones stood in contrast against the soft yellow sand. It seemed so surreal as her heavy boot sank deeply into the soft sand. The sound of the sand crushing under it filled her ears as it broke the silence the enveloped the beach. Nothing was around not even a bird as she continued onto the beach. Her long stride quickly brought her to the tree line and then the road. She knew there were farms nearby where she could get fresh supplies for her ship and crew. As she walked with bow in hand and her kyrss on her side Gwendlyn took the time to look at the trees. Their changing color painted a beautiful picture as she walked on. Dark reds and bright yellows blended together with oranges and browns in the suns rays as she turned the bend. She rarely got to see this change of seasons since she spent most of her time at sea. Her pace slowed as the colors danced in her pitch black eyes, she wanted to see them all.
Three hours later she arrived at the stables, normally the walk only took a little more than an hour, but she had taken most of the time to stare at the fall colors. Gwendlyn quickly purchased two pack mules and headed onwards to the many farms. Apples, pears, bacon, eggs, wheat and flour she gathered and loaded onto the mules. Some honey and boards, arrow shafts and feathers she packed onto the animals as she moved from farm to farm trading and buying what she needed as she pressed onwards. Slowly as she walked out from one of the farms she could see a massive tower looming over the tree tops. Its’ banners of gold and black slapped loudly in the wind as she moved steadily towards them. She could see the massive stones that made the tower, each one carefully and tightly placed together as she drew ever nearer. The light rustle of voices began to make its way to her ears as se walked onwards, intrigued by the structure. Gwendlyn lead the mules onwards through the woods carefully. The sounds of people steadily growing as she reached the back of the tower. Onwards around she pulled the mules reigns, drawn on by the laughter she heard. Slowly and with her hand on the hilt kryss she turned the last corner and right into the people. They did nay stop nor seem to realize she was a stranger as she carefully moved closer. As she tied the mules to the hitching post she constantly kept looking over her shoulders, her hand ready to grab her kryss. She looked over the smiling faces, they all seemed to welcome her. Even the guards seemed extremely friendly towards her as she walked around. Her eyes met friendly warm faces of every sort. Never had she seen so many different races in one place before. Every face seemed to welcome her to this place as if she belonged with them. She strolled around aimlessly listening and watching the people and merchants as they sold and traded wares. All manner of goods were for sale or trade. Gwendlyns’ eye caught a glimpse of an exceptionally crafted bow. Slowly she headed to the table where it lay. She could see the fine lines and detailed carving of the bow.

"Ahhh one of my finest bows that is milady." spoke the merchant, "Crafted with the finest wood from Yew. Go ahead, feel the draw on it." Gwendlyn nodded slightly towards him and drew back on the bow string.

"Kin I's fire un arrow wit it?" she questioned.
The merchant smiled at her and pointed to a target that he had placed on a tree about a hundred paces away. She slowly nocked the arrow, her strong arms raised and drew back the string as she took a careful aim. She let loose the arrow, the string sang as the arrow took flight. A large group had gathered to watch her fire the bow. The arrow sank deep into the tree where the merchant had placed the target. The merchant smiled as Gwendlyn looked at the target and tree, he was sure his work had impressed her. She nodded in approval as she looked over the scene. Gwendlyn turned back to the main area where the people had gathered to watch. Two men were whispering to each other as she looked over the crowd. It seemed to make her uneasy and unsure of their intent. Speaking briefly to the merchant who's smile grew bigger by the second as she purchased the bow and seven more just like it. The merchant had his sons carefully crate the bows and tie the crate onto her mule. As she waited for the boys to finish she slowly looked over the crowded street and saw the two men watching her from a distance and again whispering amongst each other. Her nimble fingers played softly on the hilt of her kryss as she turned slightly and checked the mules which were almost filled with wares.

A young lady in a fine white dress approached Gwendlyn confidently. The young lady carried herself well but had a childish gait to her step. Her long blonde hair gleamed in the noon day sun as she drew even closer to the much taller Gwendlyn.
"I am Shantel Moon, Princess of Stormhaven. Welcome to our kingdom. We are always looking for new friends and allies, I do hope you enjoy your time here Milady. Please let me accompany you around and show you some of the sights."
Gwendlyns was surprised and somewhat taken aback at the childs' abilities and mannerism. For such a young girl she acted like a grown woman. Gwendlyns bowed slightly, her fingers just inches away from her weapons hilt. Her eyes kept watch over the crowd for any potential attack. Many years of sailing had made Gwendlyns this way, rouge pirates had set it to habit with her. She and the young princess talked for quite a bit as they strolled around the festival grounds. The young Shantel was a very curious little lady, she constantly asked questions of Gwendlyns as they walked onwards. Shantel seemed to be extremely intrigued and fascinated about the sea and Gwendlyns’ tales of the sea adventures. Tho Gwendlyn tried to change the subject, the young princess turned the subject back. Slowly they walked and talked as Shantel turned them towards the tower. It's heavy iron doors were open fully as people flowed freely in and out. Gwendlyn looked over the passing faces as they walked onwards. Into the tower the odd pair strolled. Suddenly Gwendlyns' eyes stopped upon a familiar face. She seemingly could nay believe her own eyes as she looked deeply at the seemingly familiar face.

"Polgara?" Gwendlyns muttered. The young princess stopped speaking suddenly and looked questionably at Gwendlyns.

"Doth thee know Lady Polgara?" Gwendlyn nodded lightly.

She had not seen her sister since she had left home and got married at a young age, she could nay believe her eyes. The princess waved to one of the servants and they went over to Lady Polgara. She looked up from her conversation, tears formed instantly in her eyes. Gwendlyns saw her sisters tears of joy and her own eyes didst tear up. She had finally been reunited with her sister. She had thought her sister was dead for the longest time, yet she still looked almost exactly as Gwendlyns had remembered her. Never did she seem to age in her eyes. She watched as her sister curtsied to the young princess Shantel.

"Lady Polgara tis always a pleasure to see thee. Doth thee know this Lady Gwendlyn?" questioned Shantel.

Polgara nodded lightly, "Aye milady. I mst certainly do. Even tho I hath nay laid my eyes upon my sister for quite some time now. I hath always kept her in my heart."

"Sister?", uttered Shantel, "Thou hath nay spoke before of a sister to anyone."

Polgara spoke on with the young princess explaining to her why she had never mentioned her sister. Gwendlyn listened in as they spoke. After a short while Gwendlyn and her sister snuck off to a quiet room and spoke at great length together.

The two sisters became inseparable. They even seemed to know what each other was thinking at times, finishing each others thoughts and sentences. Princess Shantel came to visit the sisters later on that day, the look of worry wore heavily on her face.

"Milady what troubles thee so greatly?" questioned Polgara.

A deep sigh came from the princess as she told them both of her concerns and dilemmas.

"I need, nay I must gather a naval force to contend with a new and growing threat from the island kingdom of Moonglow. This not only is a threat to me and my people, but to you also Lady Polgara. For the self proclaimed mayor of Moonglow is after Nujel'm and your cousin Danny's throne there."

Polgara was taken aback by this statement.

Shantel did nay want to fight a war but it seemed unavoidable now. Panic seemed to fill her mind and body. Gwendlyns who could nay believe her ears, listened as Shantel spoke of needing someone to lead her naval forces, for none of her warriors knew nothing of sea battles or tactics. Nor didst any even know how to sail a ship. Polgaras' eyes turned towards her sister, Gwendlyns could see the shock and horror in her sisters eyes, she knew what Polgara was thinking.

"I's kin train yur archers und warriors in da ways uf da sea." Gwendlyns spoke without hesitation.

The young princess seemed to glow as she heard Gwendlyns' words.

"I wouldst be honored to have thee as my Grand Admiral of my naval fleet. This day is no longer a day of worry, tis a day of relief and happiness." said Shantel as she smiled.

The day turned quickly to night as the festival continued on till the wee hours of the morning. As the music and laughter slowly faded, Gwendlyns laid down on a bed prepared for her by the young princess's servants. Her heavy eyelids slowly closed....

....Nakitas woke with the morning sun bathing her in light. Her master stirred only slightly as she began to cook breakfast. Some bacon from a wild boar and some eggs from a nearby nest would fill their growling bellies. Her soft humming could barely be heard over the sizzling of the bacon and crackle of the flames. The smell of her cooking awoke her master. She could hear his grunts and groans as he climbed out of his bedroll. She quickly readied his plate and handed it to him as he sat heavily onto a large rock. Nakitas was ready to eat herself as he finished and demanded more. Humbly she nodded and handed him her plate. She could see his spiteful grin as he gobbled down the food right in front of her. Slowly she cooked the last scraps of food they had for herself. Tho the meal was unsatisfying, at least it was something. Over to a small stream Nakitas went to clean the dishes. As she knelt on the riverbank she had a feeling of someone or something was behind her. She turned to look, but saw nothing. She could nay shrug off the feeling tho. Carefully she cleaned the skillet, which would be her defense if her feeling was something evil. She heard a twig snap and whirled around, skillet in hand.

"Continue what you were doing girl!" her master ordered.

She was glad it was only him. She went back to her work. His heavy footsteps drew nearer, his heavy hands slid across her bottom to her sides, she knew what he wanted, tears formed in her eyes as he unstrapped the leather shorts he made her wear. They hung on her thighs, held only by the thin leather straps there. I can do no better in describing them, for there is nay much to describe. She could feel his manhood brush against her vagina. Nakita moved her hands onto some rocks to support herself as he worked his manhood deep into her roughly. Steadily his thrusts grew harder and she began to moan. The tears streamed from her eyes, she did nay want this done to her, she also cried because she enjoyed it so. Her mind was confused, his groans grew louder as she met each of his thrusts with her own. The sounds of the pair echoed throughout the clearing. She could feel his seed pulse deep inside as he howled in pleasure, upon feeling it, she also climaxed and let out her own howl of pleasure. Nakitas watched as her master dressed himself and walked slowly back to camp. The cold water of the river felt good on her as she walked slowly deeper. She felt so dirty, her mind raced, she hated what her master did with her, yet she enjoyed it so very much. She did not understand why this was as she tried to scrub off his smell from her. As clean as she could get she headed back towards camp. Just a couple long strides was all it took for her to return, her master grinned and had her break camp. The days sun felt hot on her back as she pulled the mules along behind her...

...Her pitch black eyes opened slowly that morning. Her night was not as restful as she had hoped it would have been. Slowly she began to strap on her leather armor. The morning breeze carried a chill with it. It's cold fingers ran softly up Gwendlyns' back. Shivering slightly she threw on a cloak and stepped out into the hallway.
The morning sun peered through the arrow slits and few windows, the tower was eerily quiet. As she walked slowly down the hall the sunlight danced across her body, yet you could nay get but a glimpse of what she looked like or was wearing, as her long legs carried her quickly down the hallway. She was in her element, the darkness of the shadows of the hallway and early morn seemed to engulf her every movement. Even the guards nay even saw her as she silently passed them by. Swiftly down the stairs and around through the grand hallway and she was in the main hall. She could see the young princess Shantel sitting with someone, she quietly listened in...

...Gwendlyns sat silently on her throne as the Lady Ariel began to speak to the "Dark Man." She listened as she spoke of trade and alliance, of raids and crops. She glanced over to her love just as he covered a yawn. She fought hard to keep from laughing out loud. It seemed that the Lady Ariel had not noticed his yawn as she kept on talking with nay a stutter or pause. Gwendlyns watched as the "Dark Man" drummed his fingers across the skulls that ended the bone thrones' arms. Still the Lady Ariel continued speaking on about everything and anything. It was not until she began to speak of the Knights of Yew didst he seem to pay attention to her rambling.

"And what of the pathetic Yew knights?" questioned his deep booming voice.

The Lady Ariel nodded slightly and began to speak of troop numbers and movements, and all else she knew of the knights. It was nay until she began to speak of a magic hammer of great power didst he listen with great intensity. It was their source of pride and unity among them. With it, it brought the Knights of Yew seemingly extra strength and purpose in battles. Even though it was broken it still inspired them greatly. Gwendlyns looked at the "Dark Man", she could tell exactly what he was thinking and plotting behind his cold stare. The evil grin that came across his face only confirmed her assumptions...

... "We must do something about the island city of Moonglow and the Moonglow Town Council. The self proclaimed mayor, GreyPawn has amassed a large force of warriors, knights, and citizens, preparing for war it seems." spoke Shantels' guest with great concern in his voice. "His mind doth nay seem to be that of what it was." he added.

The young princess nodded slowly, she seemed saddened at what she had just heard. Gwendlyns listened on for quite a while, she knew now why she was needed. The island city of Moonglow, filled with sandstone and wooden buildings. It boasts a large zoo filled with exotic animals and a large telescope, both of which brings travelers from all over the realm. Even tho the city is nay walled, it is fenced in which makes it still quite defendable. She was to land the troops for battle, that was clearly her true job, even tho she had been told otherwise. Gwendlyn sighed slightly and thought to herself, 'As long as da guld keeps cummin, I's nay cares.' Silently she slipped into the early morning shadows, back to her room...

...With much grace and charm Tatinana bowed deeply as she was introduced to the Lady and Lord that had come to visit her master. Smiling slightly she produced her quill and parchment from under her cloak and sat down. Her slender fingers embraced the quill as she dipped it into the ink well. Every word the Lady and Lord spoke she didst write onto the parchment for her master. Nay a word was missed as she dipped the quill and wrote onwards...

...Darkness came quickly as Nakitas and her young master walked onwards. She nodded to her master as he ordered her to make camp for the night. Her body ached from the long hard day of travel, yet she didst do as she was told. They had been traveling for almost a fort night now. Nakitas began to question, in her thoughts, if her master truly knew where he was truly going. She didst nay dare ask him, in fear of a beating. Yet she still wondered...

...The "Dark Man" listened intently to the Lady Ariels' words, his eyes only moving slightly to glance over at Tatinanas. Gwendlyns ran her hand softly over her swollen belly as she watched the goings on. She thought she wouldst never bare children, yet here she was, sitting next to the "Dark Man" carrying his child. Life had changed so much for her over the centuries...

...The morning hustle and bustle of the castle drew Gwendlyns from her bed chamber. Her body still dressed from her morning activities, seemed to glide out of the bed and out into the hall. The young squires darted about the hallway, like scared rabbits, getting their teachers affairs in order for the morning. All she could do was laugh while watching them race around.

"Some noble knights, nay kin du anythin' by demselves." she thought quietly. She couldst smell the food being cooked as it's smells filled the halls.

"Milady Gwendlyns," panted a young boy, "The princess wishes for thee to join her for the morning meal. I hath been sent to escort thee to the dining area."

Softly she nodded at him and turned to follow him. Off like a flash the pair went. The words she had heard earlier in the morning raced and danced around in her head still. She wouldst wait to see what was said to her, for now...

..."Three more days and we shall reach our destination." bellowed her master.

Nakitas only nodded at him, in her thoughts she was jumping for joy. Although she would still be very busy the first couple days, she knew that after she bathed him and properly cleaned all the gear, she would get some rest. She heard the frogs and crickets begin their nightly concert as darkness engulfed the land. The flames of the campfire licked hungrily at the black sky. The hiss and crackles of the wood seemed to blend with the concert of the night. She could barely keep her ice blue eyes open as she added another log to the fire.

"Soon," she thought, "Soon shall I get some rest. Where we are going must have other slaves." Her heavy eyes closed slowly...

...Several men were assigned to train with Gwendlyns that morning. A spiteful lot they were, nay one knew anything about ships, yet they laughed as they spoke aloud about having a woman teach them anything. She knew it was going to be a long hard first day. As the group headed towards the docks she wondered if they would even survive one storm at sea. Time was of the essence as she hurried the group onwards. As they reached the docks and then climbing up the plank, she quickly learned how long the day was truly going to be. As one of the men walked up the plank, he slipped and fell into the water. Gwendlyns had all to do to keep from laughing.

"Gits yur shipmate outs uf da water ye scurvy dawgs!" she bellowed as she watched them almost fall over themselves in laughter.

They slowly lowered a rope to the now half drowned man and pulled him out. He looked worse then a wet cat as he stood there on the deck shivering. Gwendlyn tossed him an old cloak and looked over the men. She slowly began to explain all the things on the ship and their uses and importance...

...Dark shadows filled the hall as the minions began to gather. Silently they gathered and sat quietly listening to the Lady talk, absorbing every word. The smells of death and decay wafted through the hall filling her nostrils, it brought a slight smile to her otherwise expressionless face. The look made the minions shiver and cringe in fear. More and more arrived as the sun set further into the horizon, it's warm orange color making way for the black embrace of the night. The eerie silence filled the hall even tho it filled to capacity with many beings. Gwendlyns watched as the Lady Ariel turned slightly and saw the minions, it made her pause for a moment. The "Dark Man" waved his hand slightly and the minions stopped moving instantly, many in mid step. It seemed as if he had frozen them in time...

...The brown fields of Britannia stretched out in front of the now weary pair of travelers. Their bodies were at their limits. They walked slowly through the mountain pass, the fields came closer and grew wider as they walked forward. Nakitas sighed lightly in relief, yet something didn't feel right to her. Her young masters' horse perked up it's ears and seemed to hesitate going any further, the pack mule struggled against Nakitas' pulling. She watched as he spurred the horse onwards, but the beast still went unwillingly on.

She spoke up hesitantly to her young master, "Master, something doth nay feel right here."

He looked down at her from atop his mount, "Doth thee think I am a fool? There can nay be anything around the royal farms of Lord British!"

His long arm swung heavily towards her. The sting of his riding crop raced across her face knocking her to her knees.

"Dare nay speak again of such nonsense and without me giving thee permission!" the young master bellowed, Nakitas bowed deeply as he spoke on, "Now lets continue!"

She pulled at the reigns of the pack mule but it only moved only a few steps and stopped. She struggled to get it moving again, but it stood fast in it's place. She uttered but one word, "Master..." before he reared his horse and turned towards her and the mule.

"Foul useless thing!" he uttered as he grabbed the reigns from her hands and tied them to the saddled of his horse. With a crack of his riding crop and his spurs, the young master rode forward. The mule moved reluctantly forward, with Nakitas following only a few steps behind. As they neared the end of the pass his horse reared up almost throwing him from his saddle. As the horse planted it's feet back down the young master came face to faces with an ettin. He quickly drew his sword. The two heads of ettin smiled evilly towards him as it clenched it's huge club made from what seemed a small tree and a boulder tied into the crook of the tree trunk, it was held together with strips of leather with added bits of antlers and bones from many creatures. The four eyes glared at Nakitas and her young master.

"Yu gib us t'ingys fur use ub us pass!" spoke one of the heads to the young master.

A look of shock came across his face, "You dare to demand tribute on Princess Shantel Moons' land? And in the lands of Lord British?"

One of the ettins’ heads nodded as the other simply answered, "Yur."

She stood there silently as the young master and the ettin argued back and forth.

"Ready thyself Nakita!" was all he spoke as he drew his sword and clenched up his shield tightly. Nakita grabbed a spear off the pack mule, bracing for battle. Her young master spurred his horse and charged forward at the ettin. The clash of sword on the stone of the ettins club rang in her ears as she charged forward at the creature. It's large arm swung at her attack, brushing her off to the side like a feather while at the same time landing a heavy blow to the young masters shield nearly knocking him out of his saddle. Nakitas readied herself again and thrust her spear at the ettin planting it deeply into one of it's arms. One of it's head howled in pain as she tore the spear and thrust at it again. Blood pulsed from the spear wound as it swung it's arm at her again. She reeled back to avoid the large limb of the ettin. Each blow from the ettins club, Nakitas could see the damage being done to her masters shield. The shield was rittled with dents.

"Yu small weaklin's be us fuud tu-nite!" it rumbled as it swung at them.

The young masters sword cut deep gashes into the leather and hides that made up the ettins armor. Blood ran down her masters face as the shield gave under the ettins crushing blows. Nakita ran to grab him another as he moved back from the battle. He quickly grabbed up the shield and raced back at the ettin at full charge. Nakita followed running at full speed and spear leveled right beside her master. A mighty clash filled the air as the three met. Suddenly from nowhere the young master and Nakita heard the 'twang' of a bow string as it unleashed it's arrow. The ettin screamed in agony as the arrow sank deeply into it's flesh. The pair could nay see their new ally but where grateful for the aid. Slowly the ettin began to stumble and fall as arrow after arrow found their mark deep in the ettins flesh and the pairs blows found their marks easier and faster. Nakita stepped back as one of the heads closed it's eyes and fell limp. With a mighty thump, the ettin fell dead to the thrust of the young masters sword deep into it's chest. The young master told Nakita to search the bloodied corpse. She nodded Humbly and began to search. A few moments later and she was finished, a few gems, a magical scroll and two hundred gold pieces was all she found. Slowly she stood up, as she lifted her eyes she looked into the piercing stare of a leather armored woman. Nakita jumped back in fear, falling back over the ettins body. The gold spilled out of it's pouch as the gems glittered gleefully as they fell out into the sunlight. The woman extended her hand to aid Nakita in getting on her feet. The young master hearing Nakita and the items fall spun around with his sword drawn. The woman looked at him, speaking nay a word as he sheathed his sword. Nakitas cautiously took the womans hand and stood up. Nakita bowed in thanks and stepped back towards her master.

"Who art thee milady so that I may thank thee for thy aid properly?" questioned the young master finally.

"Surry abouts dat ettin mateys, dey seems tu thinks dey kin du as dey pleases on dese lands." spoke the leather armored woman. Her voice sounded out with confidence across the farms and echoed in the mountain pass as she finished, "I's be Gwendlyn, Princess Shantel Moons' Admiral."

Nakita bowed Humbly behind her master as he introduced himself and thanked her for her aid in slaying the creature. Gwendlyns nodded slightly and turned towards the tower that shined brightly in the mid-day sun...

..."She sat at her desk for hours on end. Nay food or drink wouldst she accept milady." spoke the servant woman.

Gwendlyn nodded slowly and waved her away. The worry in her eyes grew as she watched, daily, her "sister" Tatinanas waste away. Ever since she was taken by the stranger and now that she knew she was with child, she had become more and more withdrawn. She wouldst nay even speak a word when spoken to. All she wouldst do is inscribe scrolls with magical words of power. Her hands became more stained with the ink as she worked on. Gwendlyn couldst see the hate and anger in Tatinanas' eyes grow as the days passed. This worried her somewhat. 'Nay as much anger in une person was any guud.' she thought to herself, 'it nay leads tu a long life.' She silently placed a plate of food next to Tatinanas, turned and walked away.

"If'n ye nay strung in da body, din ye nay kin gits yur revenge." she said softly as she closed the door. Tatinana only blinked slightly as the door clinked shut...

...The day warmed slowly as the new sailors she was to train began to gather out front of the "Citadel". Gwendlyn walked slowly up and down the line of people shaking her head at the heavily armored men.

"I's guessin' ye wunts ta meets yur maker if'n ye falls overboard ur if'n da ship starts ta sink. Be dat whut ye wantin'?" she questioned them.

They looked at her dumbfounded as she ordered them to remove their heavy armor and toss it away.

"Da best armor ye has be yur head und a guud thick leather armor. Dat ye kin at least swim in." she spoke smartly to them. "But if'n ye nay cares about drownin' din put da heavy metal back on."

The new sailors quickly shed their heavy armor and got quickly back in line. Gwendlyn just smiled as they clambered to get back in line, most scantily clothed. She chuckled to herself as she walked to the front of the group. They were new to this and she knew it. Yet she was getting paid to teach them the ways of the sea. She had come a long way from her days of sailing with the pirates. Now she was teaching troops to combat them, even tho it pained her to do so, the gold felt good filling her pouch. She began to teach they new sailors as they walked to the docks, making sure the understood she was in charge, and their lives where in her hands and depended on how well they learned. This wouldst be her third full crew she had trained for the young princess Shantel, after this her first crew wouldst take up the challenge of teaching it's own set of men. One of her first sailors showed great promise when she first taught him, now he was ready to teach his own set of men into a crew. The day passed quickly as she taught the crew it's basics of the ship and got them working together. A good days work indeed.

The dark night loomed over the Citadel as Gwendlyn walked through the empty halls. She could feel the warmth of the torches as she walked silently down the hallway. The guards were asleep at their post as she slipped quietly past them. Her thirst had awaken her and she needed to quench it quickly. Out the main doors she went, seeming to glide down the stairs and past the sentries. A quick turn left and then another and she was headed to the farms behind the Citadel. Tho she hungered for human, an animal wouldst have to do. Silently over the fence and into the barn she went, her choices many here. The animals seemed to know why she was there and started to make noise. The farmer burst into the barn, pitchfork in hand. Gwendlyn could nay let herself be found. With a quick leap she was buried deep into the nearby pile of hay. The animals continued with their noise. The farmer looked scared and the sound of fear rippled in his voice as he called to see if anything or anyone was around. She could see him growing nearer to her hiding place. His hands clenched tightly on his pitchfork as he prepared to poke the hay pile. She could feel the pitchfork coming ever closer as the farmer thrust it deeper into the pile. Another thrust and then another, each one coming closer to her. Her warm blood trickled from her thigh as the fork found her. The intense pain seared through her brain. Nay longer could she hide. Gwendlyn rose up from her hiding spot and leapt onto the farmer. Her long fangs sank deeply into the flesh of his neck. He didst struggle for only a moment, then he lay limp in her embrace. White as a ghost, his soul released to the afterlife. Her hunger quenched, a soul lost forever...

...Nakita finished with her young masters stuff and she walked slowly towards her masters chambers. Her body drained of energy as she unlatched the lock to the room. Her master looked to the door as she walked in. The bath tub was filled with water and he wanted his bath. Nakitas was so tired, she felt as if she could do no more, yet she knew she had to or be beaten. Her hands ached as she began to scrub the filth from her masters body and hair, the dirt flowed off his body in streaks. She paused as she neared his manhood, she looked up at him questionably.

"Go on girl, hurry up I wish to get some rest this eve." he seemed to growl as he spoke to her.

She nodded slightly and continued with her task. She rinsed him off and dried him fully and went to grab his robe. As she turned, robe in hand, her young master grinned at her evilly. Her stomach felt sick as she walked nearer to him. He held his finger to his lips telling her nay to make a sound. Nakita felt as if she wanted to vomit, yet wanting. He grabbed her by her topknot and forced her to her knees. As she hit her knees against the hard stone floor, her eyes closed in pain from him pulling at her hair. She felt a warm stream of liquid across her face, it's foul taste slipping past her lips and onto her tongue. Nakita gagged slightly at the taste but she nay said a word. He pulled her to her feet barely as he tossed her into the water of the bath.

"Now clean yourself my little chamber pot and empty it when your done. Then you can sleep on the floor in front of the door to warn if anyone enters like a good dog would." he spoke cruelly to her.

Now she knew what he had done to her. She scrubbed herself in the filthy water, his thick scent permeated the water. His smell encased her body. Quickly she bathed as he watched her, as she finished she began to drain the filthy water bucket by bucket. As she finished she locked the door and curled up in front of the door as she had been told. The cold stone floor bit deep into her body...

...The morning started as any other at the Citadel. Gwendlyn stirred as the morning light licked at her face. Her eyes blinked slowly trying to adjust to the light. She felt renewed, her body seemed to glow as she stood up. Her naked body looked as if it was that of an angel as she stretched. Slowly she slipped on her undergarments and then her leather armor. Nothing seemed to make a noise as she tighten the straps of her armor tightly to her body. Her wound she received that night had healed with nay a mark on her skin. As she opened the door to her room she heard a few servants talking of the farmer that had been found.

"They say his skin was as white as the snow on Ice Island! Some say it was the work of the devil himself!" said the first servant.

"I heard that his neck had two large fang marks as if a giant spider had bit it!" blurted out a second one.

"They say his body didst nay bleed when they cut his finger to see if he was alive." spoke yet another.

Gwendlyn pulled her door closed with a slam startling the servants. She didst nay wish to hear anymore. She waved her hand at the servants to get them back to work. Her mind raced as she walked down the hallway towards the stairs. She was looking forward to getting away from the Citadel this day. The sea was the best place to forget the nights event from her mind she thought as she glided down the stairs. Her hunger had passed and she was happy. She just wanted to get to her ship, the only place she truly felt safe. It felt as if everyone needed her as she tried only to escape. Her pitch black eyes kept constant watch across the faces as they passed her by. Her senses where heightened after feeding her hunger. It was unnerving to her because of it’s intenseness. Yet nothing she did could make it stop. She had to get out to the docks and onto her ship, quickly. She was nearing the doors, so close, yet so far away. She was almost free...

...Nakita woke with the glare of the sun coming through the crack under the door. Her body ached from the cold stone floor. Stiff and shivering she got to her feet. Bruises she had gotten from battling the ettin and from her master where dark and tender to even a slight breeze it seemed. She unpacked her masters’ clothing for the day. He was to meet with the princess this day to discuss trade and offer alliance with his kingdom. She wouldst have a day to relax once he was with the princess. But for now, onto the morning chores. Dress the master, get him his breakfast, get everything needed together for the meeting, so much to do before she could rest. As she hurried back from the kitchen she ran into the lady that had helped her master and her kill the ettin the day before. The tray crashed to the floor as they bumped into each other. Nakita began apologizing for bumping into her and hurriedly began to clean the mess that was made. Gwendlyn bent down to aid her, yet she wanted just to get to her ship...

...Reports came from far and wide as the “Dark Mans’” minions began to speak. Gwendlyn could feel his heavy sighs as reports of lost battles or of unsuccessful raids were told. His fiery eyes enraged as they spoke of the Knights of Yew and unsuccessful raids and little information they had been able to get from Yew. He glared at his minions for a moment and shook his head.

“You expect me to believe that nay one of thee can tell me ONE useful piece of information?” the “Dark Man” growled deeply.

Not one minion said a word for fear that his fury wouldst grow even fiercer. They all bowed their heads in shame as his fiery stare burned on their necks. Gwendlyn sat in her throne and watched intensely. She was hoping, nay yearning to see death by his hand. She licked her lips softly as he looked at her with fire in his eyes.

“Who shall be the example my sweet?” he said softly.

Gwendlyn cackled evilly an glared into the group of minions. Her eyes blacker then pitch as they stopped on an unfamiliar face. Her stare seemed to burn into the eyes of her chosen victim.

“Him me dearest!” her voice boomed. Her finger pointed towards the back of the hall. A man cloaked heavily in robes and covered his face with a large floppy hat. “He shall nay go back to tell his friends of what he heard dis night.”

The “Dark Man” smiled evilly as a pair of his loyal liches grabbed the man. “Bring that Knight of Yew to me! Ahhh my sweet you are always on the watch, and so loyal to me. Thou shalt deal with him. How shall thee remove his soul from this pathetic vassal of goodness?”

Gwendlyn just looked at him and smiled with a smile so evil it made the minions cringe and shiver. Her fangs slid from their hiding place, her love just grinned slightly.

“I’s t’inks we be needin’ sumune tu clean da privies with their tongue my love. But first he must become une uf our minions.” she cackled slightly, “But dat’s disgracing da privies.” She reached out her hand, only one finger pointing towards the defiant knight. “Perhaps we shall remove his veins une by une. Aye slowly as tu nay cut a une till we have them all.”

The “Dark Man” grinned slightly as he watched Gwendlyn slide her sharpened nail down the outstretched arm of the knight. She traced the veins down the arm and gently pulled it from his body. The knight screamed in agony as she toyed with the vein. She cackled evilly as she pulled yet another from his body. The knight passed out from the pain and agony yet she was far from finished with her torturous play. A splash of cold water woke him with a start. Gwendlyns’ evil grin told her lover she was truly enjoying herself . The warm blood slid through her fingers and splattered across her face as she pierced the vein in the neck of the dying knight. This would truly remind the knights and the minions nay to mess with her love. With a giant thrust Gwendlyn pierced through the chest of the knight and tore his heart out. She held the still beating heart in her hand as she turned to her lover and offered it to him. His hand reached out to hers. She bowed slightly as he took the heart from her and devoured it in one giant gulp. Gwendlyn turned back towards the body and the minions slowly, her white hair and face splattered with blood...

... “Milady please forgive me. ‘Twas my fault indeed, let my clean thy feet and armor of the splattered food.” Nakita said timidly.

Gwendlyn could hear the fear in her voice and see it in her face as she looked down at her.

“Anudder tyme lass.” is all she said as she stepped towards the door. She had to get out of the Citadel quickly. As she reached for the heavy latch of the door she heard the young princess call her name.

“Lady Gwendlyn, Just the woman I didst need to see.” spoke Shantel.

Gwendlyn turned and bowed her head slightly. Her eyes watching Shantels’ every step.

“Aye milady, what doth thee require from meself?” she asked softly.

“I must thank thee for all thy hard work and dedication to myself and my people. Thou hath truly brought greatness to thy name by working so hard to whip my troops into shape. I can nay wait to watch them practice this noon.” Shantel said with a smile across her face.

Gwendlyn looked at her puzzlingly and nodded.

“Wouldst be me pleasure and honor to have thee watch the training dis noon.” Gwendlyn said as she tried to hide.

She bid a fine ado to the princess and turned back towards the heavy doors once more. She wanted away from the citadel and to the safety of her ship. She was free, the heavy doors swung closed behind her. Her steps quickly became a run as she headed towards her ship. Time to think and figure out her plan, that is what she wanted, before the training at noon...

...Tatinana sat in her little room, she rarely if ever moved now. Gwendlyn was worried for her “sister”. She questioned the servant girl if there had been any changes while she was away. She only received a sadden nay from her. She could nay take it anymore, she needed to, nay had to get Tatinana over this. But how? This she did nay know. She would seek out her old friend and ask his advise. The problem was finding him for he was nay ever in the same place for long. She would have to search and search quickly. Time was of the essence for Tatinana would only get worse as it passed. She strapped on her kryss and grabbed her bow and quiver and set out. She knew the journey would be long and hard, but it was her duty to her “sister.” Her sandaled feet carried her quickly out to the main road and towards her next adventure it seemed...

Chapter IV
--------The Siege of Minoc--------

... The air was crisp and cool from the nights rain. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet as the city began to wake. The miners loaded their mules and llamas, rushing off to the mines in search of ores and riches. The ringing of the smithing hammers called out across the city. Merchants gathered around the market and bank in hopes of catching the first ores at a cheap price. Gwendlyn walked slowly towards the docks and her ship. A large cargo of ore was to be loaded on her ship and delivered to Nujel’m. The suns rays broke through the clouds, falling to the ground in soft pools. So surreal was the sight she felt as if the goddess was smiling down upon her. The suns slowly climbed upwards as she waited on. Gwendlyn began to grow impatient and angry. Other cargo she had on board needed to be in Vesper soon, the longer she waited the less time she had.
Off the ship and onto the docks she went towards the market she headed, in search of the cargo. As she neared the market she could hear the sounds of swords clashing. The sickening thuds of war hammers resounded in her belly like claps of thunder. Her hand clenched the hilt of her kryss as she moved onwards towards the sounds of battle.
Minoc was a peaceful city, it’s stone buildings of the city stood strong from the rock dug from the nearby mines to the east, it’s thick walled log buildings made from the vast forest timber to the south, to the north was the sea. The elves had come to Minoc for it’s ores and timber, but mainly for a place to live freely. Many learned the trade of the blacksmith and became well known for their high quality craftsmanship. She made good money shipping armor and weapons made by them to kingdoms across the seas. Not since the dwarves lived in the city had she made so much gold and gems. The cries of the elven warriors filled her ears as she grew closer, the blood curdling war cries of dwarven soldiers soon followed. She could nay believe what she saw, dwarven soldiers stretched across the cities edge forty deep. Their axes and maces glittered brightly in the suns light as they stood their ground against the elven attacks. Back and forth the battles went neither side gaining or losing ground. Elven arrows ripped through the air only to be stopped by a shield or deftly moved axe. Gwendlyn watched the battle from afar yet something caught her eye. The sparkle of a golden ax didst provoke her to move closer. She knew of only one dwarf that wielded such a weapon, Theodore Axehand, she moved closer to see if it was truly her old friend. She had thought the dwarven people had moved back to their ancestral home a long time ago, away from all beings, deep inside the caves to live peacefully once again. She drew nearer to the battle and looked through her spyglass. It was no mistake, now she was sure it was Theodore Axehand. His golden ax sliced deeply through elven shields and exposed flesh as he swung it with ease. His face looked pleased as he loosened the head of an elven warrior from it’s shoulders. Wounded and dead warriors sprawled across the battlefield as night grew nearer. Shields that once were carried in defense now carried the warriors back behind the battle lines.

Neither side had moved, the dwarven lines of siege held fast, the only way into Minoc might be by sea. She headed back to town, back to her ship, where she ruled. The dock workers spoke quietly about the siege that had befallen their city. Gwendlyn quietly gathered her crew, speaking softly she told them that they would leave the next night. She wanted to see her old friend before she left.

As she walked into the dwarven encampment the guards looked up at her with their axes crossed. She towered over them and spoke to them in their native tongue that she wanted to speak to Theodore. They let her pass into the camp. As she walked through the camp she watched as the warriors sharpen their axes, cooking their meals or bandaging wounds. She walked onwards into the camp towards the large tent in the center where she heard loud talking and arguing. The banner of Theodore Axehand flew on the tents main pole. She crouched down low to enter the small opening. The dwarves grew silent almost immediately.

Theodore looked up from his chair, “Gwendlyn! What a surprise! Vem, come in and sit please!” She nodded softly and took a seat on a rug that was laid out for her. “Ii wouldst nay have expected to see the likes of you around here my dear pirate friend. What brings thy honored presence here at this foul time for my beloved Minoc?” he spoke with a smile.

She told him of her shipment of ore that she was waiting for and other items that she was to ship to Nujel’m. Servants brought her food and drink at Theodores’ orders. Gwendlyn thanked her old friend as they talked on into the night.

“So still at the shipping business I see. Too bad that the entrance to the harbor is blocked off, as is any way into the city by land or water by my troops.”

Gwendlyn looked a bit surprised to hear such words from him. Dwarves were not ones to sail unless there was no other alternative. So now she had the dilemma of getting her ship past the dwarven blockade. She spoke on with her old friend throughout the night, finding out all she could of the siege. Minoc was a city with mountains rich with ores of many colors and rittled with mines going after them like the web of a spider. This seemed to be one of the many reasons Theodore had for trying to claim Minoc for himself and the dwarves. The elves had been enemies of the dwarves for centuries and with them claiming minoc as their new home angered the dwarves. The dwarves have had an unwritten claim of Minoc for many a century. The night seemed to swallow the camp as the fires grew dim. The silence of sleep filled the ears of the warriors. Tired guards yawned and rubbed their eyes as the two old friends continued their talking. As the campfires embers took their last breath and faded slowly out, they still talked on...

...The coldness of the floor ached through her body as she awoke. Nakita slowly stretched her muscles and joints, rippling and quivering as she did. Her master still slept as she moved quietly across the room to ready his things for when he arose. The halls of the castle began to softly echo the hustle and bustle of the people as she silently did her morning work. She was hoping today she would get a rest and a chance to bathe since her master would be in meetings throughout the day. A chance to rub herself down with the bear oils and herbs her tribe used before their enslavement. Her master stirred in his bed and she hurried her work along to make sure it was ready for him. She watched as he snuggled back into his pillow and didst nay wake. A sigh of relief slipped from her lips as she arranged his clothes for the day and polished and cleaned his boots so that he wouldst look good for his meetings and such. Soon the suns’ rays wouldst pierce the room and awaken him. Somme mornings she wished it wouldst never arise at all. That was a wish that rarely occurred, if ever. She continued about her work stopping only when she felt his hands grab her shoulders. His touch startled her. He chuckled slightly as he pulled her close to him. She knew what he wanted and she sighed to herself. He lead her to the edge of the bed and told her to brace herself on its’ edge. She did as she was told and she felt his hands run across her bottom and back. His fingers softly worked her womanhood till it was very moist. She was disgusted with herself at the enjoyment she felt from his touch but she so enjoyed it. Nakita groaned softly as she felt his manhood slide into her. His pace was slow and steady as he slid in and out of her womanhood rhythmically. Her moans grew slightly louder as he worked his manhood deep inside of her. She could hear his grunts and groans and pleasure grow also as he continued. Her body shuddered in orgasm as he slid deep inside her. Her essence flowed from her like a small stream as he worked her womanhood more with his manhood. She had all to do to keep from crying out load with the pleasure she was feeling. She thrust back onto his swollen manhood as he thrust it into her. His groans deepened as he grew nearer and nearer to his own orgasm. Nakitas’ master groaned deeply as he released his seed deep inside of her womanhood. She couldn’t hold back her cries of pleasure as she felt his hot seed pulse deep inside her womanhood, her body quivered and shook uncontrollably at the feeling. Oh how she enjoyed the feeling of a mans seed pulsing deep inside of her womanhood, but her mind was torn between the feelings of pleasure that she received from it and the disgust of being mated with without her choice. Nakita had barely recovered from the orgasm as he told her to clean his manhood off with her tongue and mouth. She turned towards him and knelt before his wet manhood that was coated with both his and her essences. She softly began to lick his manhood clean. As she worked her tongue along it to clean it she could hear his excitement grow in his moans as his manhood stiffened once again. She knew that she was going to be taken once more by him, the thought of it disgusted her yet her womanhood ached to feel his manhood inside it again. She looked up at his face which was filled with a happy grin.
“Ah I must thank my father again for such a fine slave like you. He surely doth know how to pick them indeed. Get those clothes off of you now and get in the bed.” he bellowed, “And be quick about it so that I can eat my breakfast soon.”

Nakita quickly followed her masters command and stripped off her leather bustier and shorts and climbed into the bed. Its’ softness caressed her body as she laid down onto it. Her master climbed into the bed and on top of her. His face hovered over hers and she quickly averted her eyes from his. For it was nay proper to look a master in his eyes. She felt his hot breath upon her cheek and down inside her slave collar. He began to part her legs and climb between them. She wanted to keep them tightly closed but she knew if she did she wouldst be beaten for not obeying her master. She resisted only slightly but her womanhood yearned to be pleasured and her resistance was quickly overpowered with a minimum of effort.
She yearned for freedom and to return to her village with her tribesmen, yet she knew that wouldst nay ever happen. Her life was now her masters to do with as he pleased, and it seemed to please him greatly to have his way with her body. She was nay happy with that thought, but the thought of feeling a mans hot seed inside her made her forget it quickly.
She felt his manhood once again slide into her womanhood, her mind exploded at the pleasure she felt. For what seemed like hours he had his way with her body, her mind was lost in the pleasure he was giving her. He had his way with every part of her body, filling every part and opening of her body with pleasure and his hot seed. She could nay care what he didst to her for she enjoyed it all, yearning and craving for the pleasure she got from it. His strong hands caressed her flesh, she could feel their roughness glide across her breasts. The sensations they caused flooded her mind with pleasure. Nakita moaned deeply as her masters’ manhood entered her once more. She could only cry out in pleasure as he filled her womanhood once again with his hot seed. The thick scent of mating filled the room as he climbed from the bed. He ordered her to bring a basin of warm water and to clean him off. She nodded slightly and stumbled out of the bed.

“I shall nay be needing thy services for the rest of the day Nakita. I have many a meeting to attend this day. Get thyself cleaned and make sure the bed has fresh straw for this eve.” her young master ordered.

“As you wish master.” Nakita replied humbly. Finally she had some time to relax and recover from their long journey, something she had been looking to for a long while...

... She felt safe at last, she was on her ship finally. Her eyelids where growing ever heavier since she had been awake for two days straight. Her hunger was quenched, so it was worth it she thought. Gwendlyn nodded to her tiller man and unrolled her bedroll. She wanted to catch up on some much needed sleep. Her eyes closed quickly as the ship bobbed softly in the water...

...Darkness filled the heart of Tatinana as she looked out from her self made prison. The room stank of ink and tears as she walked back to her desk. Her emotions were all gone it seemed as she sat there in her room. Gwendlyn sighed deeply as she watched her “sister” seem to rot away before her eyes. She knew that Tatinana would probably never love again. Tho Tatinana wanted nay a thing to do with the child when it was born, Gwendlyn thought to herself that she would keep tabs on the young child. She thought since she could never have her own children, she would make Tatinanas’ child, her own. But yet the dreams of the “Dark man” kept her wondering if she could have a child herself. She had never lain with a man to find out, nor was she eager to at this time. She quietly walked away from Tatinanas’ door, her face heavy with worry. Gwendlyn tried to think of ways to help her “sister” but only came up blank. She needed to get out of the house, somewhere so she could get her mind off of everything going on. She laid softly on her bed and pondered. After a few minutes she was fast asleep, both her mind and body exhausted...

...Gwendlyn gathered her crew and headed towards her ship. She knew breaking the blockade her friend Theodore had in the harbor would be difficult, but she had a plan. Her crew loaded the cargo quickly in the hold, finishing as the sun set slowly in the west. She watched as the mountains swallowed the suns last remaining rays of light. She could feel the weight of the final crate she carried on board as it’s contents sloshed around inside. She quietly told her plan to her crew.

“Dis be me plan. If’n we gits caught we all say dat we is on dere side und dat we are jist out fishin’ und drinkin’. Su gits out yur fishin’ poles und lets set sail. Dis cargo be late already. Remembers nay drink da ale in dis crate, if’n ye du ye will be asleep fur many an hour.” she told them softly.

Her crew nodded quickly doing as she had said. The deck of the ship looked like a spined hide of a lizard man as they drifted slowly towards the blockade. The crew pulled in the poles that had fish on them and strewn them across the deck to make the deception work. A lot of gold was at stake, this shipment wouldst truly make them wealthy beyond their dreams. It had to work they thought, if it did nay, they wouldst nay have to worry again for riches, for they wouldst be dead. The ship drifted slowly northward with its’ cargo and worried crew. Gwendlyn softly drummed her fingers across the hilt of her kryss...

...The tower filled with the sounds of drums and lutes as the tambourines chattered their gaiety. The sounds of laughter rang in the air as the people lined the streets to catch a glimpse. Gwendlyn woke from her sleep like an angry dragon. Her eyes went pitch black in anger as she stood up on the deck. Her tiller man was no where to be found onboard, she grew even more angry. She could see the crowd lining the street as she stepped of the pier and onto land. Her eyes as black as pitch glinted in the afternoon sun as the look of death filled her every thought.

“Why such noise und fuss?” she asked with a growl as she grabbed a dockworker by his throat. She could feel his throat give slowly under her fingers tightening grip.

“A... c... c... carnival...” is all he could get out between his gasping for air.

Gwendlyn snarled as she tossed the dockworker to the side like a rag doll that she no longer wanted. Her strong stride brought her to the back of the crowd. Her voice boomed like a clap of thunder as she told them to move out of her way. The cheering crowd silenced quickly and parted. Gwendlyn stood in the street in front of the oncoming carnival with her hand grasping her blades hilt. Someone was going to pay her price for such a ruckus as this. She stood there growling deeply as the head of the carnival stepped towards her slowly. She watched as he trembled in fear...

...The warm water softly slid down her back as she sighed deeply. It reminded her of the ritual baths she was giving as she got closer to marriage. The soothing waters mixed and churned near her backside as they emptied another over her. She was finally relaxing after the long journey. It felt so wonderful to her. She could feel the dirt being stripped from her body with each swipe of the bath servants soft hands. The feeling was exquisite. Each swipe of the cloth reminded her further of her home and of her traditions. She sighed softly as she laid her head into the servants hands to have her hair washed. Her eyes closed softly as she felt the servants fingers softly massage her head and hair while others washed the rest of her. For a short time she felt as her master must of felt...

...The heavily laiden ship drifted nearer and nearer towards the dwarven ships. Gwendlyn looked over her crew, they busied themselves with fishing and drinking from ale bottles filled with water. Their acting abilities were to be complemented, for they true seemed as if they were drunk. They floated ever closer to the dwarven patrol ship that patrolled the gap due to the lack of dwarven ships. They watched as it sailed to the east, turned and sailed back towards them. She could feel the crews fear grow as the vessel slowed as it went along its’ patrol route. She knew they were watching her ship, any suspicious movements might attract unwanted curiosity. She knew the heavily laden ship couldst nay out run them until they opened the sails fully, they had to get past. Doing so before hand wouldst most assuredly draw all of the dwarves ships onto them. She could feel the tension among her crew as they drifted closer to the patrolling dwarven ship. Her mind raced as the other ship turned towards them. She covered her bow completely, and tightened her grip on her fishing pole as she watched the dwarven ship draw closer...

...She felt the eyes looking at her. She could feel them tracing across her flesh and over her armor. Gwendlyn could nay see who was looking her over like this. Her pitch black eyes scanned back and forth across the room repeatedly to no avail. The feeling didst nay pass as she swigged her ale. Her heart raced faster as she got the feeling of being undressed by the eyes that were watching her. Never had she felt such a feeling before, it intoxicated her. She had to find out who was making her feel like this, it made her feel like nothing had ever made her feel before. As the early evening wore on the feeling grew more and more intense. The feeling aroused her, she could nay stop herself as she let out a soft moan of pleasure. As she looked again across the room she took care to look with even more intensity at the people there. About halfway across the room her eyes stopped. Her eyes locked with the one who had been making her feel so. Her warm brown eyes glistened and sparkled as she stared into Gwendlyns’. Slowly her eyes danced across her face and hair and down across the rest of her body. Her soft brown skin seemed to let off a warm welcoming glow as Gwendlyn traced her eyes across her curves. Gwendlyn felt herself shiver slightly in pleasure as she stood up and began to slowly walk towards her. She watched as the men stopped mid sentence and stared at her as she seemingly floated across the room. Gwendlyn sat there as if nailed to the bench as she glided across the room towards her. Gwendlyns’ heart raced even more as she sat down across from her. She had never come across anything like this in all of her travels, it entranced and enveloped her entire body. Gwendlyn could see her even better now. Her brown skin glistened in the late sunset light. Just looking at her body intoxicated Gwendlyn even more, she even caught herself softly licking her lips. She had never felt like this before, there was an attraction to this brown skinned diva. The feelings was obviously mutual from her also. They sat there just looking into each others eyes....

...She quickly ducked behind a piece of stone that had fallen from what looked to be an ancient temple of sorts. Her heart pounding in her chest, she had trouble catching her breath as she readied another arrow. She could hear the heavy footsteps of the orcan warriors closing behind her as she hid there. The orc captains’ voice echoed off the ancient temple walls as he ordered them to search for her. Carefully she peeked over the top of the stone and caught glimpse of the captain. She ducked down quickly and took a deep breath. She readied herself to fire off the arrow. With speed as fast as lightning she stood up and let the arrow fly. The arrow zipped through the air and found its’ mark. She watched as the tip ripped into the throat of the captain. The thick red blood spurted out from the hole it had made. The captain grabbed onto his neck in a failed attempt to stop himself from bleeding but the blood oozed from between his fingers like a stream. She watched as he fell to the ground with a thump. She had bought herself time to escape. She knew that with the captain dead the remaining orcs would argue on who was next in charge. By the time they figured it out, she would be far away. Her strong legs sprung into action and quickly spirited her away from the other orcs. It was a long run to the nearest town yet she nay stopped running until she reached the towns edge. Into the busy streets she strolled still breathing heavily from her long run. She grabbed the handle an cranked the bucket from deep well and took a long drink of the cold, sweet tasting water. The townsfolk stared at her in awe. Her white hair glowed in the sunshine as she tipped the bucket over her sweating body. She felt their eyes upon her as she did that. It was as if they had never seen a traveler before. It was nay ‘til she looked at the well and herself did she understand why they were staring at her. The well had a sign which she quickly read,
“Be it known this well is cursed. It doth run cold with the blood of all who hath fallen in battle.”

Her lips dripped with the blood down onto her chest and mixed with the blood she had poured all over herself. She had not taken the time or even cared to read the sign after her long run, only to quench her thirst after all the running she had done. The townsfolk stepped away as she slowly started towards the edge of the town. She looked as they parted in front of her and quickly merged back together as she walked onwards out of the town. She knew she wouldst nay ever be able to return to that town again for a very long time. The road out of the town lay before her, she could see it wind up towards the mountains. No rest wouldst she receive until the next town, some three days travel away...

...Gwendlyn and her stare didst nay break as the brown skinned diva spoke. Her voice was as sweet as a songbirds’ song in the early morning.

“I am Cassiopea, mistress of this establishment. To whom doth I have the sweet pleasure and honor of speaking to?” her loving voice seemingly sang the words she spoke to Gwendlyn.

Gwendlyn seemed to almost stutter as she spoke, “I..I be Gwendlyn. ‘Tis me pleasure und honor tu meets a lady such as thyself.”

Her face blushed at Gwendlyns’ words. Her smile seemed as wide as a river is long. Gwendlyn squirmed slightly in the soft chair as Cassiopea ran her fingers softly across her hand. Her touch, ever so soft as it was, sent an exotic feeling throughout Gwendlyns’ body. Cassiopea snapped her fingers and one of the workers quickly brought over two golden goblets filled with wine to the two women. Gwendlyn thanked Cassiopea for the drink and sipped it softly.

“‘Tis the finest wine in all the land. We make it ourselves here in town. Yet I doubt it’s sweetness could ever compare to the taste of thy lips.” Cassiopea spoke softly.

Gwendlyn almost choked on the drink she had taken when she heard the words spoke. She knew nay what to make of them nor was she sure how to respond. She wiped the drip that rolled down her chin with her leather armor sleeve while looking deeply into Cassiopeas’ eyes. She could nay help but see her thoughts in her eyes. Gwendlyn lifted her goblet slowly to her lips again as her fingers intertwined with Cassiopeas’. The feeling sent shivers throughout her body making her even more aroused then before. Gwendlyns’ eyes traced over Cassiopeas’ soft skin, she felt as if she had to touch more of it, to feel if its’ softness was as true as her eyes and fingers were telling her it was. She watched as Cassiopea took a sip from her goblet. Her lips glistened as she pressed them to the goblet. Gwendlyn could nay take her eyes off of her lips as they slowly parted to take in the drink. She watched as she swallowed the sweet wine, following it as it slid down her throat. Gwendlyn wanted to softly kiss her neck, she felt her fangs begin to grow slowly as she stared at her soft supple neck. Gwendlyn averted her eyes slightly to take her mind off of her dark thoughts.

Cassiopea smiled softly at Gwendlyn as if she knew why she had turned her eyes. “Why doth thee turn from me? You think I hath nay seen your kind before? I can smell your kind from a league away.”

Gwendlyn looked back to her. Her whole eyes a pitch black. Cassiopea looked into Gwendlyns’ eyes, their sight made Cassiopea shiver in fear. Her soft eyes stared into the emotionless eyes of Gwendlyn. As if in a trance the pair arose from their drinks and seats. With nay a word they walked swiftly through the crowded tavern to a set of stairs leading down towards Cassiopeas’ private office and chambers.

...The Child...
(As written by Nikolas Valentein Krolczyk)
(Character Ultima)
Blazer raised a glass. "Happy twenty-first birthday, Ulti! And here's
to many more!" The assembled crowd raised their glasses. Ultima, a young man whose blue hair reached just below his ears, was clad in a purple mage's robe. He took a drink of wine.
At some point during the night, there was a chorus of cries for: "Show
us yur magic! Let's see what ye can summon, eh!" So Ultima got up,
stumbled slightly, and started waving his hands. "In Sanct Ylem!" and a
wall of stone appeared. "Kal Xen!" A small rabbit appeared. "In Flam
Grav!" And a wall of flames appeared...
Smoke filled the wooden tavern. The flames licked the rafters, igniting
them. Screams resounded. Ultima coughed and choked on the foul-smelling
smoke. Wood, cloth... flesh... all were consumed. As he felt himself
collapse from the smoke, a strong hand grabbed at his robe and lifted
him. He blacked out.
He awoke to the pleasant sense of rocking. He looked around, he was on
a ship. Throwing off his bed sheets, he quickly realized his lack of clothing.
His robe and undergarments were gone, and were nowhere to be found in the
"Relax, child." A thickly accented voice from the corner. "I won't hurt
ye." A quick look. A darkly-tanned woman with a shock of white hair.
She wore a blue bandana and a lighter blue robe.
"Come over here, child." Came the cry. Ultima tried to think back... there was something burning in the room. Incense... made his mind sluggish. She walked over and took his hand, leading him out of his small bed. His naked skin touched the cold sea air, and he shivered...
Under the woman's smirk he was mortified to find his erection. "Well now, are we a little excited here?" She said, somewhat harshly, and
lightly stroked his manhood. Ultima shivered, drawing in breath sharply.
"Mm..." the woman moaned appreciatively as she ran her fingers over his
thin but muscled frame. "I see they're keepin' ye fit at the Lycaeum."
She softly led him to a pile of pillows, soft, cushy. The incense being
burned was wafting around him from the two sticks beside the 'bed'. The
woman gently pushed Ultima down onto the pillows, running her hand
along his chest, stomach, and thighs... she slowly kneeled, and wrapped her
mouth around Ultima's fully erect penis.
Ultima couldn't help but let out a long, low groan. He'd been with
several other students before, never actual sex, but he'd licked his share
of dripping twats. But this strange woman's mouth, what she did... it
was simply amazing. It continued, and his head was thrown back into the
pillows, a low groan escaping his mouth every now and then, until his
spasmed, and she swallowed every bit of his juices, not missing a drop.
She stood, and started rhythmically dancing. Ultima smiled, watching her
dance, watching the robe drop, and taking in her fully naked form. Her
dark nipples blended well with her light cocoa skin... as she climbed
atop him, he decided it was only fair for him to show her his skills...
He shifted so he was underneath her, and softly began lapping at her
cunt. She stopped and shivered, looking down at him with a smile of
silent approval. He continued licking, pushing his tongue further inside...
gods she tasted good! He moved his mouth up, and she instinctively
spread her pussy, and his tongue softly played with her clit, and she began
writhing, and pulling away. She put him beneath her, his cock now standing at full attention, and slid it into her, moaning loudly. She started slowly moving up and down, reducing him to complete submission. Faster and faster, she was moving up and down as fast as she could. Ultima had felt nothing like this
before... it was indescribable... he could feel his juices stirring,
waiting for release... he was resisting, until a soft voice spoke in his
mind... "Do not fear... give yur mudder all she wants..". He groaned, and
released his seed into her. She collapsed, and fell over, softly nipping at his neck... softly...
Two piercing teeth ripped at his flesh... his blood spilling, being lapped
up by this woman. Oh gods! She was a vampire! How could he let this
happen... he was still inside her, still 'fired up'... but he was cold...
so cold...
He barely saw her as she stood, and tore with her nails at one of her
nipples. "Come child... come feast on yur mudder... yur mudder." She
brought her breast to Ultima's lips, and he began suckling her like an
infant. The sweet blood slid down his throat... the sweet force of life,
making him like her... "Gwendlyn..." he moaned softly, knowing his
mother's name without asking... "Welcome, me son... welcome, Ultima

*Takes place an undetermined period of time after the first*

Ultima strolled along southeastern Moonglow, several well-kept residences. Perhaps he could find a decent place here to settle for a while. His dark purple shirt and trousers flowed into his dark grey cloak and boots, and the amethyst necklace he wore glinted gently in the moonlight. God he was bored. He needed some excitement. Something different. He sighed and leaned against a tree. He loved this spot, so peaceful, just the ocean... the sound of the waves. He shivered. As he stood there, tranquil, the door to the nearby residence opened, and out stepped a lean young man, clad in only a pair of short-cut trousers. Ultima was transfixed. The man's short-cropped silver hair made him appear older, but he could tell that he was only about twenty-two, maybe twenty-three. Licking his lips softly, Ultima silently proceeded forward. Here was something exciting, something different. With vampiric stealth he moved directly behind the shirtless man, who had bent down to yank up a weed growing between his front steps. When he straighten, Ultima glided his soft hands over the man's naked back. Shooting straight up, the man quivered at his touch. Ultima stepped closer, running his hands along the silver-haired man's back, sides, chest and stomach, running along the waistline of his trousers. Suddenly he reached down and tightened his hand on the lean man's crotch, who proceeded to gasp and squirm.
"Tell me, young man," Ultima proceeded, licking his lips again, "What is your name?" he smirked and slowly began rubbing, gently. The lean man drew in a sharp breath, and slowly responded "Cambert". Ultima smirked again, rubbing
Cambert's hardening prick through his trousers. "My, you do look as if you're enjoying this." Cambert's only reply was a grunt and a moan, followed by his head lolling back onto Ultima's shoulder. Gripping his abdomen tightly, Ultima led Cambert into his home, whispering a simple "Ort Por" to close the door. Quickly Ultima held Cambert against the wall of the cottage, pecking the man lightly on the lips, then repeated the motion down the man's chest and stomach, smirking up at him when he reached the waist of Cambert's trousers. Teasingly running his fingers along it, he slowly lowered the trousers, and eventually Cambert's masculine organ bobbed in front of Ultima's face.
"My my, what have we here." Ultima smirked.
"Well, let's give it a bit of a taste, then." He opened his mouth, and slowly began to lick the head. Smirking once more at Cambert's shivering, Ultima closed his mouth over the hard flesh. Ultima bobbed his head up and down on Cambert's cock, tonguing the whole and nearly grinning with delight from the shorter-haired man's squirming and gasping against the wall.
Cambert's grunts grew louder and louder, his head hitting against the wall from Ultima's ministrations. Suddenly, his voice broke in a high cry, and hot, salty cum filled Ultima's mouth. Licking it off his lips like he did so often with the blood he lived on, he stood up and kissed Cambert passionately on the lips, depositing the viscous liquid in his newfound partner's mouth.
"Enjoy the taste?" He smirked, and quickly pulled down the waist of his own trousers, exposing his own, moon-white organ. Cambert, still exhilarated, fell to his knees and took Ultima's dick into his mouth. Mimicking Ultima's previous motions, Cambert slid his tongue around Ultima's head, and the warmth of his mouth soon had him leaning back and moaning softly. Suddenly, he smirked, and pushed Cambert off of his cock. Leaning in, he kissed him softly, then licked down to his neck, teeth dragging across the flesh. Ultima wiped his mouth, licking up the odd mixture of red and white. Smirking, "I thought it best no-one knew about this. I've heard a few... stories... about the Mayor." he spoke to the silver-haired corpse, chuckling and drifting off into the night.

...The Journey...

Gwendlyn slipped her arms from around Cassiopeas’ sensual body. She quickly dressed herself and slipped out the bedroom door. The sweet taste of Cassiopeas’ blood still lingered on her lips as she walked through the now silent hostel. Gwendlyn closed the door behind her as she took a deep breath of the cold night air. The sound of her ghostly steeds’ hooves echoed in the silence of the night as she quickly rode off. The cold wind raced across her face as she spurred the ghostly mount onwards. She needed to get away from the hostel, far away.

Mornings’ light began to creep over the mountain tops as Gwendlyn urged her mount on. The morning could not find her like this, she was too vulnerable right now. Something was different about her, and she knew it. Her dreams where coming more often and stronger. They were too real to be just dreams, she felt him, the “Dark” man, touching her, caressing her, it was more then a dream to Gwendlyn, it was real. She could feel the “Dark” mans’ body pressed against her as he made love to her in her “dreams.” She could feel changes coming over her body, ones she had nay ever felt before.
Her destination was within sight of her now. A dark, secluded cave that nay let in the light of day. She had used this cave before when she needed to hide out. It’s cool walls warmed quickly with the heat from a small fire in it. It would be a good place to wait out the day and try to figure out what was happening to herself. The ghostly steed stopped as she pulled sharply on it’s reigns. Gwendlyn patted it’s ghostly neck lovingly and darted into the cave’s small opening. It’s cold walls brushed against her arms as she slide her hands across the wall to find the candle she had left before. A quick strike of flint and a few soft blows of breath and the flame crept to life. She quickly lit the candle and made her way deeper into the cave. The caves’ walls glowed softly in the candle light as she grinned softly at herself. Everything was still there. Even the old doll she had made from some twigs and twine. She smiled as she held the small toy in her hand. She knew she was safe now, now for some rest, thinking would come later.

Gwendlyn pulled a few dry branches and twigs she had stored and set to making herself a small fire. The cave had a high ceiling that was covered in a moss that seemed to devour the smoke as it filled the cave. This is how no one ever found her in the cave before when she had hidden here many times ago in the past. The wood quickly caught and Gwendlyn added a few large pieces to keep it going while she slept. The twig and twine doll she had made held carefully beside her as she curled onto her bedroll. Her eyes closed heavily as she watched the flames dancing before them. “What is happening to me?” she thought to herself as her eyes sealed themselves into slumber-land...

... “A fine bit of noise ye be making.” Gwendlyn growled at the carnival’s leader.

“Ah milady tis a fine ta-do! The carnival has come, right here to you!” spoke the jolly carnival leader. “I am Hansel, carnival master, extraodinare’ at your service milady”

Her eyes flashed a fiery red as her kryss swung from it’s hilt to the throat of Hansel, “Ye best take yur noise... ELSE whure mate or ye willst be the dead carnival master, extraordinare’.”

The look of fear rushed over his face as the towering female held her kryss to his throat. The whole crowd went silent as they watched in awe at what this towering woman was doing. Twas so quiet ye couldst hear as the carnival master swallowed. She watched as the carnival master walked backwards and turned to his troop and ushered them quickly away from the dock area. Gwendlyn just watched as they quickly rushed down a side street with the town-folk following close behind. She just nodded, satisfied at what she had done as she sheathed her kryss and headed back to her bedroll...

...Gwendlyn slept quietly in her cave hide-away, the dreams seemed not to be able to find her there she thought to herself, but she was wrong. She could feel the softness of her chair against her bare flesh as she was once again in the castle of the “Dark” man next to his bone throne. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and his claw like hands caressing her arms.

“Soon my love.” spoke the “Dark” man’s voice into her ear.

“Soon what?” Gwendlyn whispered back as she felt his lips touch her neck lovingly.

As if her words where spoken aloud, she woke with a start. Her eyes glimpsed a shadow in the campfire’s light, but it was gone as fast as she gained her focus. The kyrss readied in her hand she quickly went to the place she saw the shadow, but it was gone. Her stomach rumbled as if she was hungry, but food nor blood is what she wanted. The meer thought of it made her stomach turn even more. She was confused, unsure of what was happening to her. This was too new of a feeling to her, and it scared her. She rarely felt fear, so the feelings combined in her worried her even more.
Slowly she laid herself down onto her bedroll once again, keeping a watchful eye for the shadowy figure she had just went after. Her hand gripped the handle as she slowly closed her eyes. The soft crackle and pop of the wood on the fire sang her to sleep slowly. A long day ahead of her awaited the rising of the sun, she needed all the rest she could get.

Morning came and went as Gwendlyn slept in her cave hideout. She did not wake until the next morning when the pain of hunger grumbled in her belly. Softly rubbing her eyes she realized the fire had died out. The damp chill of the cave hideout soaked into her body as she fought through the shivering to relight the fire. She could smell the rain outside the cave as the repeated attempts finally paid off. A soft puff of smoke lightly rose from the kindling. Gwendlyn watched as the smoke lazily climbed up from the fire. Her eyes watched as it danced in circles and swirls, the chill would be gone soon.
She thought to herself about her dreams as the fire slowly grew. She knew what she would do, she would see out this “Dark” man and force him from her dreams, one way or the other.
Her hunger grew as she fed the small fire some more wood. ‘Of course you get fed while I sit here hungry’ she giggled to herself. She would need to hunt something soon, the days light faded quickly. She grabbed her bow and quiver and made her way out of the cave.
The darkness embraced her as she headed into the wood. Her bow at the ready, she knew she must find something. The pain in her stomach growled loudly for food, yet there was something odd about this hunger. She tried to put it out of her mind as she spotted a wild hare nibbling on some clover and mushrooms. Quietly she drew back her bow and took aim. The arrow sailed through the air striking it’s target true. She hurried over to her kill, the heat of it’s life warming her hands slightly as she pulled the arrow out and drank the thick warm blood.
Making her way back to the cave she looked around to make sure no one was following her. As she entered the caves small mouth she caught the glimpse again of a shadow moving in the caves’ passageway. Her hand went to her kyrss and drew it from it’s slumber. She was determined to catch who, or whatever, it was moving in her hideout. Quiet as a mouse she advanced into the cave. There was no place to run now, whatever it was, it had to get past her to get out. Again she saw the shadow slide across the dimly lit walls of the cave. She was almost to the small fire she had left burning. It was trapped now she thought as she continued the last few feet. The warmth of the fire greeted her as she jumped into the area, kyrss at the ready. Nothing, not a single thing but the light swirl of the streams of smoke from a log she had placed on the fire. Her heart raced for a few moments more as she looked around before finally sitting down to cook her meal. ‘I’s be goin’ slight mad frum hunger.’ she consoled herself as she placed the hare over the dancing flames. She lay back staring up at the caves moss covered ceiling. The flames licked tenderly at her meal as if it wanted a taste for its self. Her eyes slowly growing heavy as she watched the smokes’ dance. She imagined the waves of the sea in the smoke. It looked so peaceful and calm. She could make out little animals in the smokes quiet dance, a smile came across her face. She watched the smokes’ dance for what seemed like hours. The smoke twirled around her face and body like that of a lover. Her breathe very light as not to disturb the dancing. The smoke contorted and twisted into many different things in front of her eyes that night. The food done now, she laid on her side and ate every drop. It was amazing she thought as she watched the smoke swirl around her and up to the hungry moss about them. Figures and shapes came easier as she watched and ate her meal. Figures of ships and unicorns, trolls and of rocks came to life in the smoke of the fire. Her belly full of her catch, she watched the fires’ tale unfold in front of her eyes. Faces of friends circled around her as she watched, some new, some long since gone. She was both happy and sad from the tale, yet she watched on, there was nothing else to do in the moonless night. Nay even the stars could break the complete blackness of the night sky. When morning arrived she would be off towards her ship and the open sea. For tonight, the tales of her memories danced in the fires’ smoke. Time passed and the tale continued, but this was not what she remembered, but of her dreams. Gwendlyn watched in awe and fear as she saw faces in the smoke she had only seen before in her dreams. The minions of the “Dark” man, of the mystic in her dreams named Kain, but one face eluded her, the one of the “Dark” man himself. The smoke refused to show her his face, try as she may to coax it from her memory of her dreams, she could not remember it. Her mind ached as she strained to think of it, but sleep soon over through her attempts and her eyes closed heavily...

...The sea was unusual this day as Gwendlyn stood upon the deck of her ship. It’s waves seemed to come from both sides of the ship at once. Many a seasons had past since she last heard of the tales of such a happening upon the sea. The tiller-man struggled to keep the ship on course as the waves tossed the ship like a child’s toy. The crew struggled against the unrelenting fury to keep the cargo from breaking it’s bindings. It was not a good beginning to such a long journey from Serpent’s Hold. She called out to her crew to hold on as a large wave smashed into the side of the ship. Water sprayed across the deck hitting her like a maul. Her hand gripped the rigging as tightly as she could to keep from being knocked from her feet by the wave. She had no choice, the sea would fight them, but they would fight it harder. The shipment had to make it to Yew, if not the armies fighting the Orc invasion would surely loose. The weapons were sorely needed, as were the hundreds of kegs filled with potions made by the alchemists to aid all that were facing the onslaught.
Gwendlyn stared blankly at the sea as they fought their way through. A wave reared up on the port side of the ship. She could not turn away, there was something in the wave. She could not make it out, but it looked almost... familiar. Like a face she had only seen in her dreams, but yet never truly seen even there. Gwendlyn grinned softly as if she had gone mad as the wave raced towards her ship. A mighty crash and roar filled her ears as the wave fell before it even got near the ship. Gwendlyn smiled and nodded her head knowingly. It was as if the “Dark” man was watching over her, protecting her from harm so that her dreams of him would continue.
What seemed like forever, let way to a welcome sigh of relief as the waves slowly admitted defeat and became calm. They had been battered and blown way off course she noted as she took a sextant reading and charted it on the map. It would take them two extra days, at least, to reach the many armies in the city of Yew now, if her readings were true. She just prayed they would still be there when she arrived...

...Tatinanas’ anger welled inside her as she laid upon the bed.“This bed smells of that bastard. I can’t stand the smell of it nay a second more!” She quickly pulled an ax from a chest and began to strike at the bed chopping it to pieces. As the pieces got small enough for her to move she threw them off the balcony to the ground below. The better part of an hour it took for her to dismantle and remove the bed from the cabin. Gwendlyns said nothing in hopes that doing what she did would relieve her anger enough for her to think sensibly again. She watched as her sister tossed lighted torches down towards what use to be the bed. Several missed and burned out harmlessly on the ground one made it onto the pieces but died out quickly because its flame went out on the way down. Tatinanas’ anger grew once more.
“Kal Vas Flam!” she shouted as she motioned in sequence, “Fires of Hell strike!” With that Gwendlyn saw a pillar of fire burst from the ground in the middle of the pile. The flame was hot and intense so much so she could feel it on the balcony where she stood. With great hunger the pillar of fire began to consume the once bed rapidly. Tatinana smiled evilly at what she had done. She did nay move a muscle while the bed was hungrily being engulfed by the flames. Gwendlyn sighed heavily at the same and her sister. Hopefully this vented Tatinanas’ anger enough so that she would think clearer instead of listening to the rage. She watched as Tatinana walked slowly away from the smoldering embers that once was a bed. With nay a word Tatinana walked to a corner in the cabin and coiled into a ball on the floor and just laid there not moving or speaking.
For about three weeks she laid there in her balled state not moving, or eating. Gwendlyn feared she had gone mad and would have to be locked up for her own safety.
The next morning Gwendlyn awoke and headed outside. She looked upon the grave and sighed heavily. A few fresh eggs from the chickens and Gwendlyn headed back to the log cabin. As she reached for the door handle, she noticed a note upon the door. Gwendlyn slowly read the note she had found stuck to the door of her home. Anger raged throughout her entire body…

“‘Twas great fun those nights with Tatinana. Her innocence ‘tis mine forever. Never shall I forget the tears as I stripped her again and again of her innocence. Now my child is born. I doth know she wishes nothing of it, so if you leave it at Empath Abbey I have instructed the monks there to tend to it until such time as I can take him from them. If nay then I shall strip it from her arms after I once again play with my “toy”. Oh how I doth miss her milky white flesh under my own. I shall play with my “toy” again!”…

Gwendlyns’ blood boiled and bubbled in fury. This “person”, and she used that word loosely, was cocky, too cocky and confident. She must nay let Tatinana find this note as she crumpled up the parchment and walked into the cabin. Straight to the fireplace at the back of the room she went, her long legs making the distance in a blink of an eye. Gwendlyn tossed the parchment note into the flames and watched as they hungrily consumed it like a pack of wolves on a fresh kill. No name was signed on the note, nor did anyone see who left it. It was a mystery that she was now determined and possessed to solve. Her mind was wracked with questions and swirled with thoughts, making her clumsy as she climbed the rope ladder to the second floor...

...Time passed slowly as the ship sailed on towards Yew. Gwendlyns’ thoughts drifted to and fro...

...Nakita slowly climbed from the bath and into a large, warm towel held by the bath servants. Like feathers, their hands softly rubbed her body dry. They lead her to a elegant wooden chair and motioned for her to sit. Moments later a pair of male servants, each carrying a tray with many jars upon them came to her. One by one they opened the jars and let her smell of the fragrances contained in each. Nakitas’ head swooned from all the different smells. She could nay pick just one it seemed, for she had at least five in front of her that she liked very much. One of the male servants suggested the middle jar, stating to Nakita that it is of the rarest of flowers in all the land. He opened the jar slightly and the smell wafted across her nose. Its’ smell intoxicated her. She nodded softly and the two servant men set the others aside. Each one dripped some onto their hands and placed them onto her body delicately and began to rub the oil onto her flesh. Her tense muscles relaxed instantly as they laid her out on a thick blanket to continue. Nakita thought she had died and went to, as her masters called it, heaven. Every inch of her body relaxed as their hands rubbed and rubbed. She drifted in and out before she totally relaxed and fell asleep. She could still feel their hands and fingers massaging the oil into her body as she slept lightly.
As she continued to relax and fall ever deeper into sleep, she did not hear as the King of Stormhaven entered the bathing chambers. The male servants bowed deeply, their hands not stopping their work for a second, as the king walked behind Nakita. She was lost in the treatment she was receiving as a guest of the castles’ royalty. The soft clack of the oil jar did not even phase her as the servants poured more of it onto their hands to continue towards each other. One from her feet and the other from her face and neck, they worked in extremely small circles. The back side of her body methodically being wrapped in the flowers oil. she nay felt as the King of Stormhaven knelt behind her and took over on the final spot upon her back. His hands gently working the oil onto her lower back and bottom. The warm oil filled her nostrils. The smell reminded her of her village, of the field of flowers that was a short run away.
Nakita felt a very delicate pressure against her womanhood, she figured it was the servant just making sure the oil was everywhere. She lifted her bottom up slightly in response, exposing her very damp womanhood. The pressure grew a bit more as the King continued to rub the tip of his manhood onto Nakitas’ ever dampening womanhood. In an involuntary response, she lifted her bottom up even more higher. That was all the King had needed, her wet womanhood was now fully exposed to him. Nakitas’ eyes open wide as she felt the hot, thick cock enter into her body. She moaned loudly at the feeling as she felt it slide in deeper and deeper. She turned her head to the side and looked behind her. Her jaw dropped wide open when she saw who it was that had slipped his manhood inside her body.
“I am honored my liege to service thy needs” Nakita spoke with pleasure. She lowered her eyelids in respect of the King.

“Nay close thine eyes. The honor of servicing thy needs is mine as well.” The King spoke as he slowly slid in and out of her pleasure soaked womanhood. Nakita moaned loudly in orgasm. “Yes my dear, that is what I like to hear.”
She felt the King motion her body with his hand for her to turn over onto her back. The emptiness inside her body when he slid his manhood out of her so she could turn over was horrible. She quickly lay upon her back, her legs spread open, wanting greatly to feel him back inside her hungry womanhood. She watched as his manhood drew nearer and nearer to her opening. The feeling of it’s rock hard tip as it parted her throbbing wet lips sent waves of pleasure throughout her entire body. Delicately, until he was fully inside her body, it slid. Nakitas’ mind was exploding in total ecstacy. Never had she felt such feelings when she was taken by any other man. Something seemed different to Nakita, as if something was expected by the King. His hands caressed her flesh as if it was a fragile piece of glass as he slid his manhood in and out of her. Her body trembled in orgasm after orgasm as she felt him slipping in and out. Her cries of pleasure echoed in the bathing room as she felt his hot seed pump deep inside her body.
Her womanhood trembled uncontrollably, she had never felt anything like it before. She looked up at the Kings’ face, his eyes meeting hers. Quickly she averted her eyes from his out of respect, like she was told to do.
“Now now, thou doth nay need to lower thy eyes when we hath just shared a moment like this.” He spoke soothingly. “I doth wish to gaze upon the eyes of the woman that shall bear my child.”
Nakitas’ eyes widened at the words he had just spoken. She had mated with many men and nay bore any children. What would make this time any different she thought. “As you wish my liege.”
“Ye shall bear my child, for unlike the others ye may hath lain with, I wish for it to be so.” Spoke the King of Stormhaven.
Nakita gulped hard, she knew what he said was true, but why her? She was the property of her young master. Her collar and her leg bore the young masters family marks.
“I shall purchase thee from thy owner and make thee my personal servant girl. I have need of a new one. Perhaps your owner would take a trade of mine for you.” spoke the King as he began to rub himself against her once again...

... The calm seas glistened in the sun. Gwendlyn lifted her spyglass. They should be nearing land soon, and it would help them keep on course if they had a landmark to assure them of where they were. The violent seas had sent them way off course. She wanted to make sure they were on course, for the supplies the ship carried where greatly needed in the battle against the Orcs. Carefully she scanned the horizon for a hint of land. None was to be found...

... The keep smelled of death this day, more so then normal. Gwendlyn lay in their bed, her stomach blocking her view of her own feet. She watched as the child inside her pressed against her insides, showing it’s hands and feet through her skin. Her broad smile filled her face. She was so extremely happy of what grew inside her. She had thought it would never happen to the likes of her, but she knew better now. The door to the bedroom creaked slowly open. Gwendlyn looked away from her stomach and to the door. Kain peeked his head around the heavy door and lowered his head slightly.

“I see you are doing well Mistress. I just came in to check on you and the little one.” he spoke softly.

Gwendlyn nodded slightly and watched him slip over to the bed. His cold hands made her skin crawl as he placed them lightly on her stomach. Gwendlyn watched as he closed his eyes and began a chanting whisper. He was checking the baby’s progress, just like he has done many times before. She would get to see the baby soon enough. The smile on Kain’s face meant everything was fine. He softly bowed and made his way out the door. He was off to tell the “Dark” man of his findings, just like clockwork. She laid her head back down and sighed heavily. He would be in to see her soon, the thought made her smile even more. She truly enjoyed when the “Dark” man came to see her. It was so hard for her to get around at this point in her pregnancy. She smiled softly as the baby began to play inside her again, her eyes slowly closing at the feeling...

...Sleep found her quickly in her cave hideaway. It seemed the more she tried to think of his face, the more tired she grew. The crackle of the wood echoed lightly in the cave as the fire licked at it. The warmth of the fire lulling her to sleep. Finally she succumbed to it. Her body curled in a ball, her hand upon her kyrss, the smoke of the fire dancing around her.
What seemed like only minutes to her, she woke with a start. Something felt like it was in the cave with her. Her eyes groggy from sleep as she looked around. “Nothing.” she yawned, “ Just me imagination.” She snuggled under her blanket and slowly closed her eyes. As she laid onto her back she looked up at the ceiling.
Her eyes shot wide open. There, above her, was this black shadow. Fear raced throughout her body as she grabbed for her weapon. The black shadow didn’t even move as she drew her weapon and sliced through it. It was like the air itself. Gwendlyn looked up at it in fear and wonder, it’s black form drawing closer to her. She looked at the almost featureless face above her, her body trembling. Grabbing a burning branch from the fire, she swung it madly through the black shadow. It drew nearer and nearer to her, her arms grew heavy, her body felt as if someone was on top of her, panic ripped through her entire being. Tightly her eyes closed as if it might help. But she could still feel the black shadow over her. She opened her eyes, staring straight into it’s featureless face, her fear growing more and more. Suddenly it’s eyes changed, as if her own eyes were deceiving her she blinked a couple times. Deeply she looked into the eyes, her fear instantly disappeared. She had seen them before, in her dreams...

...Night fell upon the ship as it sailed onwards to what they hoped was the direction of Yew. Gwendlyn paced back and forth across the deck hoping to catch a glimpse of land before they lost all daylight. She bellowed for the cabin boy to fetch her sextant and charts. The stars were peeking just starting to peek out of the darkness...

...Nakita lay there on the bathing room floor. The air around her thick with the smell of sex and orgasm, her body trembling still. She looked deep into the Kings’ eyes, a smirk across his lips proved he was satisfied with his actions. Nakita wrapped her arms around his chest, her legs around his waist, she did not want him out of her. His smirk grew as he realized what she was thinking. His powerful hips began to slightly grind once again against hers. Her mind racing with the thoughts of pleasure again. She could feel his manhood grow steadily as she ground her hips back into his.
With one quick motion he slide his manhood into her pleasure soaked womanhood. Nakitas’ cry of ecstacy resounded in the room as he did so. She was intoxicated by the feeling, she couldn’t get enough. Their sweat mingled as they passionately mated again. Nakita hoped she was able to give the king what he wanted from her, if not, she feared she would end up dead.
The sound of his moans, his hot breath upon her skin only further intoxicated Nakita as the King mated with her. The throbbing of his manhood coupled with his passionate thrusts sent her into orgasm repeatedly. What seemed liked only moments, which in fact had been almost an hour, she heard the Kings’ moans of pleasure grow even more louder. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt his manhood release its thick hot contents deep inside her again. His deep loud groan of orgasm rumbled throughout her body making her scream out in her own pleasure...

... Gwendlyn could not believe how forward Tatinanas’ attacker was being. To leave a parchment pinned to the door of her cabin while she was a little ways away took courage, a stupid courage. If she had seen anyone near her cabin door that she did nay know, she would have relieved them of their soul. The words of the note swarmed in her head. She could never tell Tatinana of the note, Gwendlyn knew her “sister” would go and destroy the abbey and all inside. Just so she could hope to find her attacker. It would be best to never say a word of the note to Tatinana. She needed time to recover, to get over the whole ordeal. Perhaps after a while, they both could go in search of the attacker, together...

... The dark shadow pressed down upon Gwendlyn. She could barely even breathe. She did nay struggle, nor did she scream as the dark shadow stared into her eyes. She stared back into them, her body and mind relaxed ever more. The dark shadow ran itself up and down her flesh as if it were looking for something on her. The overwhelming feeling of peace and safety rushed over her as it continued its search of her body. She felt safe, as she did often in her dreams of her and the “Dark” man, she watched as the shadow searched for whatever it was looking for.
A strange new feeling rushed through her mind. It was something she had never felt. It was as if someone, or something, was entering her. Gwendlyns’ eyes shot wide open in both fear and shock at what was happening. The dark shadow pressed against her body, pinning it to the cave floor tightly. Her armor slowly began to undo itself as she laid there helplessly on the cave floor. She watched as piece after piece was slid off of her by the dark shadow. She did not know what to think, her mind raced trying to remember where she had seen those eyes before. Memories raced through her mind as the shadow continued removing her bodies only defense. She struggled to remember those eyes, her mind so involved on finding the answer she never realized that she was now completely stripped of her armor. Her pale white skin shone brightly against the fires light. The dark shadow pressed heavily upon her body once again and looked deep into her eyes, as if it was making sure she was what it was after. She looked at the eyes with great earnest, perhaps she would remember them as she stared deep into them.
A warm feeling rushed suddenly across her body. She felt it start from her middle and radiate down to her toes and up to her head. Never had she felt anything like this before. The rush of pleasure that overcame her made her loose her train of thought. All she could think of was the intense feeling. Her eyes opened slightly as the pleasure faded slightly. In front of her face was no longer a dark shadow, but a face, his face, the face of the “Dark” man. She looked lovingly at him. Finally she could see and remember what he looked like. As if she were a puppet under his control, her legs parted open. She had no control of her movements, but this worried her not. The crackle of the fire echoed in her ears as she laid there under him. Her arms struggled to be released from his strong grasp, only to fail. She was at his mercy, and she enjoyed it completely...

... Nakita could not believe it as her young master walked towards the King of Stormhaven, her chain that lead to her collar gripped tightly in his hand. She knew not what was going on, tho she did have a good idea. Her young master knelt and bowed lowly before the King, as she was trained to do, Nakita lowered her body to the floor, lower then her masters. The King motioned and her young master arose, the tug on her collar signaled she was to arise also.
The hall was filled with servants and slaves, knights and royalty. The young master slowly approached the King of Stormhaven as he spoke, pulling her behind him.

“My liege, I accept your most generous trade in hopes of further strengthening our kingdoms alliance with each other.” the young master spoke confidently. The King nodded and waved his hand slightly. His own personal slave girl approached the young master. She took Nakitas’ chain and placed it in the Kings’ hand. With a slight tug the King motioned Nakita to his side, she quickly did so. The young master bowed deeply and took the wrist of his new slave girl and headed to his seat. Nakita could feel all the eyes of the hall upon her as she lay at the feet of her new master. The soft pillows she laid upon caressed her body and lulled her to a light sleep. She had to keep from falling completely asleep, incase her new master needed something from her.
From time to time as she laid there listening to all the goings on, Nakita would look up to her new master. He would turn and catch her eyes upon him and smirk slightly. Her face would grow warm with blush as she quickly averted her eyes down. She knew her place in front of the upper class, so she did as she had been trained to do since her capture. She would not dishonor her new master, the fear of the whip or worse always lingered in the back of her mind.
She would look slowly around the room, her eyes scanning each face. Her eyes locked upon a face in the back of the room. A face as pale as a cows milk, the hair as pure white as the driven snow. Gwendlyn looked back, she knew the slave girl was looking, she just glared back and nodded...

... The stars came out from their hiding as the sun slipped into the sea. Gwendlyn took her sextant and sighted the northern star, and then down at her charts. A deep heavy sigh escaped her lips as she took another reading. Her readings were correct, they were almost a full week off course. They would have to sail day and night to make up time. She bellowed out the new direction for the tiller-man to head and gathered up all her charts. Her heart was heavy with the thought of not making Yew in time to help against the Orcs. There was nothing she could do but hope the winds and sea would be in their favor for the rest of the voyage...

... The King held court for several hours as Nakita laid quietly by his side, her chain firmly in his grasp. She knew better then to try to run away, she realized that after she was recaptured by her young master and with what he had done to her with the whip. She knew her will was breaking quickly, yet there was nothing she could do about it. Perhaps her new owner would treat her much better then her previous...

... Gwendlyn laid motionless on the cave floor as she felt the “Dark” man seem to surround her entire body. Her soft moans escaped her lips as she felt him enter her. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. The pleasure she felt as the “Dark” man laid with her was greater then she expected. The dreams she had, had nothing in comparison to the real thing. His shadowy figure became more and more solid as the intensity ever so slowly increased. Gwendlyn could feel his cold breath on her flesh, she could feel the coolness of his skin on hers as his massive manhood filled her with its size. She was in a total state of blissfulness. She had dreamt of this moment many times before, now finally, it was here. The “Dark” mans’ ungodly moans and groans of pleasure rang in her ears, mixing in an exhilarating symphony of animalistic pleasure as he mated with her. Hours passed as their entwined bodies writhed in pleasure and passion. The fire she had started never seemed to die out, it was as if time stood still as they continued.
She could fully see him, completely feel every inch of him, she truly knew she was his, and wanted to be just that. His grip on her wrists loosened as he slowly entwined his arms around her. Her fingers yearned to touch his flesh, it’s cold, clammy feel intoxicated her senses. It was more then she had imagined it would be. Finally someone that was similar to her, perhaps this is when she will become with his child, so she hoped...

Chapter 3
Chapter V
--------Dae’s Story--------
(as written by Zeth and Dae)

Zeth awoke sitting on the couch in the main room. He rubbed his eyes to clear the sleep from them. His head was pounding and his Heart was racing. That was the most vivid dream Zeth could ever remember.

Zeth sat up trying to remember every detail. As he did his head began to throb even worst. I must learn to duck quicker He thought to himself. Zeth laid his head back on the bones of the back of the couch. His mind wandered to the events of last night.
Then the dream came rushing back to him, his memories of it seemed real. Zeth raised his left hand to wipe at his face again. His hand was bandaged. He looked at the blood soaked rag wrapped around his hand. Zeth slowly removed the bandage and stared at the slice in his hand. What have I done? He jumped to his feet. The sudden rush of blood from his head made him dizzy. He grabbed onto the column by the end of the couch to steady himself. He noticed drops of blood on the floor. it was just a dream, wasn’t it his mind raced. Zeth looked around the room and saw the stout whip laying on the floor by the table. He grabbed it and closely examine it. There was dried blood on the leather of the whip, along with flesh. Zeth turned back to the could and looked at it closely. He found after walking around it, the scratch marks left by a woman’s fingernails. Zeth looked around again, then he closed his eyes and thought back to the dream. His mind raced as he played the picture of a woman naked from the waist up standing in front of that could. Zeth watched in his mind as he delivered strike after strike to her back and backside. Zeth focused on her Hands, they were not tied. He could clearly see the whites of her knuckle as she dug her fingernails into the column. Zeth jumped as if he had been struck by lighting, She had wanted it!. Zeth paced the floor but the gift, had she wanted that also or had he forced that on her. Zeth turned to stare at the column. Who was this woman?.

Zeth grabbed his robe off the table and headed for the teleporter. He had to tell the Matron what he had done. Then he stopped in his tracks. The Ceinwyn was not going to be happy over this, Or was she? Zeth stood for a few minutes pondering this over in his mind. Then he left his house as he ran he transformed into the rat and move ever north heading for the guild house. He hoped to find Ceinwyn in a good mood this morning and that his news would not be upsetting to her.

Zeth stopped short of the guild house. I am about to tell Ceinwyn that I may have turned another into what I am and that I cant fully control it myself but yet I have created another.
Zeth turned and headed back towards his home. Ceinwyn must be told but later after she has had a full days rest.
Curiosity was always one of her faults. Perhaps now it would prove to be what took her further into an unknown darkness.
The stranger had enchanted her…spoke soothingly to her….made her forget she was the one who was the charmer. She was not one to follow another, nor even pay heed to others. Yet she willingly accepted what this stranger called “a gift”. He held his wounded hand above her and watched the droplets fall to her lips…seeping between them into her mouth. It was warm and she eagerly licked the blood from her lips. She could not recall how she acquired the slice to her palm, yet it bothered her none. It was tender, yet nothing compared to what her body and mind endured through the night. She slept restlessly, waking after what seemed like only a few minutes. Her head pounded and her stomach wretched…a cold sweat covered her body.
She listened to the sounds of the house…hoping she had made no noise to wake the lady of the house. She slipped out of her bed and quietly went to the window to peer out it. She was not one to wander out into the night, yet somehow it seemed to beckon to her. Shaking her head to fight the urge she turned back to face her room. Once again the pain in her head began to pulse and she held it, trying to ease the pain but to no avail. She dropped to her knees and moaned in pain. She was confused…and for the first time…scared. What was happening to her….to her mind? She quietly began to cry as she lay her head on the cold floor…eventually drifting into another restless sleep…

Zeth walked slowly back to his home. He Had just gotten finished telling the Matron what he had done.
She has taken it better than he had thought, although not really sure if she was mad about it or not. Zeth was In know hurry to start his search for this young woman, He feared what he would find.
Zeth stopped and sat down under a tree. He leaned his head back against the tree, and closed his eyes. Why have you done this, you fool you have cursed another to become what you are. She has no idea of what you have given her. Zeth was very unhappy with himself. He knew that he had did it out of selfishness. He had wanted this woman and now he had bonded her to him forever. Zeth replayed the words of Ceinwyn in his mind. He heard him self tell her "Matron I will teach her and if she can not be taught then I will do what I must."
Zeth almost hoped that she had not survived the night. but the thought of that pained him. What is wrong with me? he thought to himself.
As Zeth entered his home, her scent came to his nose, she was there. He walked into the main room looking around she was not there then he went down stairs. The only one down there was Toy and she appeared to be sleeping. Zeth turn and went back up there she was sitting on the couch, She was beautiful.
Zeth could tell by the look in her eyes that she was scared and that the night had not been kind to her. She was strong though for she had survived the night. They spent the better part of the afternoon and all that night together talking about what was happening to her and what was to come in the future.
She knew how to find him...she quietly made her way to the dark lands avoiding being seen by any. This was not hard to do for hardly anyone noticed her before and she quite enjoyed it. She slowly made her way through the city to his home. It appeared dark. She slipped in the door and made her way to his main room.
She heard him come in and immediately felt the urge to hide. She knew he would not harm her. If he wanted to, he surely would have done so by now. She watched as he left the room, she used the opportunity to step out of the shadows and rest on his couch. A few moments passed and he returned to the room...
Her mind played over the questions she would need to ask. Her head still ached from the long night, but she shook the thought of the pain away.
They spoke for hours it seemed. There was so much she needed to learn and remember now.
She had always remained in the shadows, but now she would have to be even more careful. He explained there were many who did not like "their" kind as he explained.
He told to her of the two other minds and bodies that shared with her very own. She was sure this was what had been causing the pain in her head through the night. Each fighting to control what they believed was theirs, and her mind fighting to keep control of what she knew...

I lay on the couch in front of the fire, thinking of last evenings events. Zeth's illness, Dae's arrival and maybe even her own sickness. What would become of my brother? Would he be able to counter the dragon's blood running through his body? Would Dae become ill herself? I sat straight up. Sleep was evading me.
Slowly I crept down the flight of stairs to the bedroom chamber and slowly slid the door open, just a bit to look in on my guest. I watched as she let out a breath, and saw her slightly tremble.
Quietly, I crept through the room and shut the window, reached into the closet and found a heavier blanket. I could not help but notice her naked torso, exposed from the bed sheet that had slid a bit down. I covered her with the other blanket and slowly made my way back into the living quarters, beside the fire.
I starred at the fire for endless hours. I must find away to protect her from this illness!

She tossed and turned through the night. Her dream caused fear in her....
The wolf in her had been in control...she watched through it's eyes. She was aware she was running and she could feel low-lying branches hitting her face and back...something, or someone was chasing her. She could not see them but she could sense the presence strongly. She paused long enough to search the trees for somewhere to hide...she yelped as something touched her ....

She sat up in bed and looked around, frightened and confused. Where was she?

The memories from earlier that evening came back to her...Zeth had led her into an office. The one he called Matron was there as was Ebon. She tried to understand the words being spoken. Ebon removed the rope Zeth had placed around her neck as a leash and she understood when he said "Dae, come" She slowly walked to his side, turning back to look at Zeth, whimpering softly.

Ebon had led her outside and told her to walk through a gate and she did. Upon arriving at his home, he asked if she would show her true form. Dae closed her eyes and focused, shaking her hair out as she transformed in front of him.

She looked to Ebon with sadness in her eyes. "I don't understand"

"Zeth is...ill." was his response.

She frowned slightly, "Am I...will I...become ill too?" She was scared and tried her best to hide it.

"We will try not to let that happen." He tried his best to reassure her.

She looked around the room again. The window had been closed, when though, she did not know. She pulled the sheet and blanket up closer to her neck. Closing her eyes, she tried once again to sleep...hoping her dream did not return.

The following morning Dae had risen as Ebon was readying himself for a morning hunt. "May I accompany you?" she had asked.
He could tell by the look in her eye that she was troubled by the previous days events and he had thought that this would be good for her, something to divert her mind from her troubles.
As they left, she transformed to her werewolf form, saying that if Lord Vash would see her in human form, he would attack. In his mind he objected, but said nothing, whatever made her feel more secure.
After the hunt, they returned to SanBlackenblue, and Dae, still being troubled, took a walk by herself, leaving Ebon at the castle.
He watched her through the window, until she disappeared up the mountain leading to Brit. When she was gone, he went into his smithy's shop and started looking through the chest and boxes that was scattered about, at last finding his alchemy set, covered in dust from years of neglect.
Blowing off the dust, he placed the set on his stone table, fumbling with the beakers that felt so foreign to his hand. What do I know of alchemy? All that I was taught, I do not remember. THINK! THINK! All that he knew was that he must save Lady Dae from her illness. Where do I even start?
"IronClaussen" he yelled, as his swamp dragon clumsily walked up the stairs to where he sat in the smithy shop. "Old friend, I need a favor" Ebon softly said as he took off the dragon's armor. "This will not much" he said as Ebon produced a dagger and quickly cut a small gash under the front leg of his beloved dragon, IronClaussen grunting his disapproval.
"There" he said filling a beaker. Ebon held up the beaker and flicked it with his finger so as to be rid of any air bubbles.
Hearing the front door open, he quickly put the beaker into a box of glacier snow, and hid the package in a chest by the wall. Dae had returned.
As the evening grew long, Ebon suggested some strong spirits to ease Dae's nerves, so that she might rest. As they both drank, Dae became quite lit. He could take advantage of her, right there and then, but for some odd reason, could not bring himself to do so.
Laying her down in her bed, he softly kissed her forehead and pulled up the blanket, tucking her in.
" not leave me," she softly cried. "I am afraid of what I might do!"
So, he placed a chair beside her bed, and watched as she drifted into sleep, leaving his mind to wander.
Why can I not have her? My blood boils and I long to hold her, but...Why?
The answer lay there before him, within a blink of an eye, she had transformed into her werewolf form...her heart was not his. True, she was with him, but in her dreams....she belonged to another. Tears filled his eyes. What am I to do?

The spirits Ebon had given her made her head feel light. She'd had so many things running through her mind.

She laid her head back on the pillow, closing her eyes, feeling the spirits tire her. She barely felt the kiss on her forehead yet opened her eyes briefly as he pulled a blanket over her. She closed her eyes again....sleep was not far off...nor the dream....

...she was running again, heading for the tree line....although she could not see what followed her, she still knew it was there...her heart raced with fear...she ran under the trees, once again feeling the branches hit her. Dodging in different directions, she tried to evade her pursuer, but she could hear it behind her, snapping the branches she had moments before run under. She paused again to search for somewhere to hide...once again she yelped as something touched her.....not just a touch...this time she felt a searing pain course down her spine...she felt herself hit the ground.....

She sat up in bed gasping, her heart still racing. She scanned the room and saw Ebon had fallen asleep in a chair near the bed. She quietly slipped out of the bed pulling one of the blankets with her and carefully draped it over him. She climbed back into the bed and pulled the remaining blanket tight around her. She was shivering yet not from any cold. Was her dream just that? ...a dream. Or was it something else she wished not to know?

The wolf ran, his nose to the ground. He was hot on the scent of what he had lost. His body was tired and his will was all that was keeping him going. The scent just stopped, in front of the guild house. the wolf lay down on the ground with his nose to the earth, every breath he could smell her. He stood and howled into the night sky. He turned his head first this way then that, but know reply. He howled again, then waited but no response came. A third howl did awaken a dire wolf from off to the north but it wasn’t the one he was longing to hear. Why was she hiding from him, he had chased her for the past night and she ran from him, she was hiding form him. he longed to feel her at his side to feel her cold nose on the side of his face but she still ran from him. Why she would not answer him or let him catch up to her he did not know. the wolf closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The third night once again brought dreams...she awoke thinking she heard something. She listened quietly, hoping to hear it again....but the only sound was that of the waves lapping at the shore. Shaking her head slightly she climbed out of bed and went to the window. The night called to her.

Ebon once again had fallen asleep in the chair and she tiptoed past him. Leaving the room she made her way up the stairs to the garden on the roof.
Sitting on the bench and resting her head against one of the columns, she breathed deeply of the night air. She was troubled yet held it inside.
Earlier, Ebon had told her he would find a cure yet he was unsure of his skills to do so. She knew who had the necessary skills, but had told him she would not go in search of the answer. She couldn't. In her mind she could hear the call of a wolf....she held the sides of her head trying to block the sound...yet this caused the pain she had not felt in days to return. She knew she was forever bound....she would find a way to resist the calling, she had to.
She curled up on the bench and began to drift into sleep, feeling a solitary tear roll down her cheek. In tears, Dae told Ebon how she still had feelings for Zeth, and she desperately had to go see him. Turning to the wall to hide his own tears, Ebon said softly, in a cracked, almost inaudible voice that she must follow her heart. "Go to him and find out what your heart says."
As Dae went out the door, she softly said the she'd return. He whispered something of love, but it was lost to void of silence that filled the gap of where she had once stood. The cold walls of SanBlackenblue surrounding him, Ebon was, once again alone. He thought of the past few days, how much he had enjoyed Dae's company, her soft voice and that certain glow she had the few times she did smile. He also thought of his dear friend Zeth. Although he, nor she, had betrayed him, Ebon's growing passion for Dae made him ashamed to his very core. On the roof, he sat and stared out at the ocean waves. The usual calming affect was not working.... would it ever again?

As the sun of Felucia went down, Ebon sat in the chair by the bed. Nothing would be the same. The embers of the fire had went out. He sat in the chair and grew cold, not bothering to go upstairs to rekindle it. The longer he sat, the colder it became.
"Where is she?" he yelled! Without another word, he grabbed a lantern and headed out into the dark.

Ebon went out into the night, his lantern barely making enough light to see by. "Dae!" He yelled. "Dae,... where are you??!!" Snow freezing the hair of his beard he continued on. Where can she be? Thoughts raced through his mind.
As he approached the house of Zeth, he saw that the door was ripped open and laying on the lawn. Quickly he ran inside. "Dae!... Dae!" His call went unanswered. Then, out of desperation, his mind thought of the only place that she liked to hunt...Shame! He opened his rune book and quickly teleported himself to it's entrance. He could smell the same familiar stench of the Earth Elementals of which occupied the entrance. Then the thought occurred to him...What if I do find her? Will she come back with me?

He had found her here in her solitude....why would he come? He spent hours convincing her that her place was not hidden in a cave....assuring her no harm would come to her. Hesitantly she agreed to be taken back to SanBlackenblue, if only for her own safety. The day had been hard on her and she felt she needed rest...making her way down the stairs she crawled into bed and slept.

Waking hours later, she realized Ebon was gone. She walked through the house...up to the garden to listen to the waves. She listened to the wind, but no sounds carried on it. Lowering her head she made her way back down to the living quarters. She sat at the table resting her head in her hands. A shuffling sound caused her to look up...standing before her was Ebon with a pained look on his face...

“Is everything alright? Are you alright?” He collapsed on the floor and she rushed to his side. Horrified she saw the marks on his back. “What happened Ebon?”

“I defied the Matron.” he was able to tell her through a clenched jaw. “I will not let anyone harm you.” She helped him to the bed. “She has told Zeth to kill you if he finds you.” he said as he lay down.

She shook her head and walked to the window, staring out at the sea. ‘He won't...he can't!’ she choked on her words, unable to believe what she was hearing.

“Zeth has...changed....he is not what he once was.” Ebon tried to convince her, “I was beaten defending you, and he hunts for you...he will kill you.”

She shook her head again, “I cannot believe it until I see it for myself....he and I are bound...his blood is in me.” She fell to her knees sighing heavily, “I should not have come back, you should not have brought me back...the pain and confusion I sense right now...a thousand deaths at the hands of the Matron could not make it stop.”

Ebon lay in the bed groaning in pain...she stood slowly and walked over to the bed....she pulled the blanket up over him and watched as he fell asleep .... exhausted from his injuries most likely....

She moved to the chair quietly and sat down to keep watch....whispering to herself. “Dae, you fool, why did you come back?”

Ebon rose slowly out of the bed, his back beginning to heal from the wounds that had been inflicted by the Matron's whip the previous night
Dae slept in the chair beside him, the morning sun softly caressing her face. Her beauty glowed and it made Ebon's heart flutter, but alas, in her heart she did not see him.
Deep in his heart, he knew that Zeth could not harm her, for he, at least at one time, had felt these same emotions, but his last statement to him, before Ebon's fight with the Matron, was that Ebon was to keep Dae away from him.
Ebon would not allow anyone to harm Dae, not the Matron, not Zeth,..not anyone. He would see Umbra burn to the ground to protect her, he only wished that she would accept his love.
Quietly he slipped outside, picked flowers by the front step and sat them in a vase beside of her. He then crept up the stairs and into his workshop.
Withdrawing the vile of dragons blood, he stared at it for some time. Then he lit the candle and place the vile in its mettle hanger.
"Time to work" he whispered.

Ceinwyn tossed a bloody whip at Sy-wen, who sat speaking with Siegfried. She had not wanted to beat the hell out of Ebon, but then again, maybe she had.

“How dare he try to strike back at me?? An example must be made of him. Swearing fealty to me is not some whim of the moment that can be cast aside at one's first weakness of the flesh.” Sy-wen eyed the whip hungrily, until Ceinwyn warned her not to taste of it. She wasn't sure what Ebon was, yet. A blood bond was not something she was eager to fall into, again. She wondered if Ebon would follow her last order. She disliked having to wonder. “Make her swear fealty to me.”Ebon had done right by the matron, in his own way. He had left the decision of pleading fealty entirely up to Dae, and had not lead her to the Sepulcher like a dog with a chain.
He sighed in relief as she accepted the Matrons call, for he did not like to oppose Cein-wyen, for in his heart he loved and respected her also, enough to die for her.

Dae was safe now, and would no longer have to hide from the likes of Lord Vash, for as long as an Umbrian was around, she would be protected! He had been true to Zeth and had kept his word of protection.
Quietly, Ebon closed the doors to Sanblackenblue and locked the deadbolt.
Slowly, he stepped on the transported and went to the roof.
‘My, how the waves are crashing tonight,...what a wonderful world.

The stones of the floor were cold even to his fur covered body. The air in this place was damp and musky smelling. He knew he was not alone in this place yet he could not see another. He could smell the human, and the rat in this place. He could hear the rats tiny feet on the hard stone floor. He followed the sounds and smells until out of the darkness he could make out the form of the human laying on the floor. The humans naked body lay on the stone floor curled up he was shivering from the cold. The rat was there also standing back from the humans body watching. He walked up and sat beside the rat, both looking at the human. A conversation took place between the rat and the wolf that neither could explain for they spoke different languages. But they were in agreement on one thing they had to protect the human. He curled up behind the human trying to make contact with as much of his body as he could hoping that his fur and own body heat would past to the humans body. The rat curled up in the crook of the humans folded arms. How long they stayed like this he could not tell but a noise off in the distance caught his attention. It was the sound of scales on the stone floor. The sound moved closer, but yet still stayed out of sight. All of a sudden a large serpents head appeared out of the darkness. The serpent coiled itself and stared with its black lifeless eyes. The dog stood and moved in front of the human and the rat. He stood facing the large snake, an exchange took place between the dog and the snake. The fight that ensued was a brief one in one strike the rat who had attacked first was gone down the large snakes throat. then the large snake turned on the dog. It struck and landed a blow to the dogs neck the venom that it injected left the dog unable to move the snake then shook its massive head and threw the dog aside. The dog lay in pain unable to move as the snake slowly closed on the human laying on the floor. The dog watched as the snake opened it massive mouth and slowly swallowed the man head first. The dog watched nothing he could do would be able to save the human now. He watched as the large snake turned towards him. The mouth closed around his head and all was dark. Zeth sat up in his bed, he reached over but his bed was empty. Then he remembered why, a tear came into his eye. At the same time a smile crept across his face. She was safe now, Ebon would take care of her and this illness of his would not affect her. Zeth could picture it in his mind as if it was only yesterday. He had been poisoning a dagger for Dae and he was using snake venom, just to see how it would work instead of the poisons he normally used. Dae was there and she was a distraction to him as he coated the blade with the poison it slipped and cut his finger. He had thought at the time no big deal and taken a cure potion and all was well, but it was not. Zeth now knew what the other presents in his mind was and was pretty sure how it got there. Now he had to either learn to control it or let it consume him as he felt it wanted to do. Zeth then thought back to the dream he had just had. He probed his mind they were still there both of them. Zeth Closed his eyes and lay back down. He wondered about Dae How she was doing and how her and Ebon where getting along. Zeth pulled the pillow that she had used close to him, he could smell her on it and he held the pillow close to him as he drifted back off to sleep.

Zeth awoke feeling better than he had in days. The fact that he was alone still bothered him, but the knowledge that she was safe was a comfort to him. Now that he knew that what was happening to him was not going to happen to her, he was relieved. Zeth got dressed and headed to his study. He sat at the desk and stared at the cold stone walls.

“Now I know what is in here, and how it got here. but what to do about it?” He got up out of the chair and moved down stairs to his lab he fumbled around with different beakers and glass tubes. looked into different crates. Nothing caught his eye. He spent the better part of the day looking over his notes and going their different things he had tried in the past.
Zeth was getting hungry something he hadn’t been in a couple of days. He had not been able to eat the last few days. He walked up the steps to the main level and over to the table he grabbed a hand full of grapes, and ate them. they didn’t satisfy his craving. Then he felt the wolf probe his mind. It was meat they wanted raw meat. Zeth called out "Dae come lets hunt." It was habit and he knew almost as soon as he had said it that she wasn’t going to come down those steps. He Let himself out of the house and transformed into the dog. It felt good to just run. It was not long before he had picked up the scent of an elf. Zeth spent the rest of the afternoon laying in a thorn thicket eating his fresh kill. He still felt that a part of him was missing. and he longed to have it back. The longing was worse in this form than in his human form. And before he knew it he was howling into the afternoon sky. A howl that was full of pain and suffering.
Zeth sat at his work bench in his lab he had just finished making another batch. The potion that contained dragons blood, total refresh, and strength potion was one of the vilest things Zeth had ever tried to swallow. But the effects where worth the bad taste.
Zeth turned the vile up to his lips and poured the mixture down his throat. It didn’t take long for the potion to set Zeths stomach on fire. He doubled over felling as if he was burning from the inside out. The pain only lasted for a short time. Then the effects of the potion took hold. Zeth could feel fire running through out his body. He felt as if he could move the world by himself.
Zeth had taken just about every drug or potion know to man in his life testing the effects to see what could be use against his enemies, but this was one that he would keep for himself.
Zeth sat on the stool with his eyes closed. His mind was sharper with the taking of the potion.

(Quote from a manuscript)
Lycanthropism is transferred two ways, by saliva and by blood. The bite of a Lycan will transform a victim, if not killed into a beast of half human half creature. The blood would allow a human to transform totally into the form of that animal.

‘Now why is it that my blood used the poison of the snake?
What is it that I did to my blood to allow that to happen.
Is Dae's blood just like mine. It is my blood that transformed her. Will her Blood do the same or is hers just a mixture of mine and her blood.
How to get a sample of Dae’s blood with out seeing her? Is Dae alright? Is Ebon being kind to her? Does she miss me as much as I miss her? Have they?’ Zeth stood and pounded his fist on the table. It never failed his thoughts always went to her. “I have to be able to think clearly if I am going to figure this out.”

The wolf in Zeth pulled at him he could fell its mind trying to get into his. He relaxed and allowed it to join minds with his. As the two minds became one Zeth could fell the pain in the wolf, its longing, its misery, He had given the wolf a partner and then taken it away from him. The Howl that escaped from his human form was that of a wolf in great anguish. Zeth could not stop the howls from coming out of his mouth and soon gave up trying. He just let them come out. The sadness in the wolfs voice was so great that tears rolled down Zeths face even as he lifted his head again for another great agonizing howl.
Zeth awoke he was laying on a rock out in the middle of the desert. He looked around he was not sure where he was or how he had gotten there. Zeth grabbed his back pack and pulled out his book, he had to get home. Zeth knew the wolf was right now his strongest defense against the snake. But the wolf was not trust worthy right now. Zeth knew of two women who could handle the wolf one he could not be around right now. The other he had to find and find her fast. The wolf could run no more, Zeth could not bring himself to enter umbra. In the form of the wolf he ran as far and as fast as he could until he just could not run any more. On the verge of collapsing he found a thicket to hide in and settled down to sleep. His last waken thoughts were of Dae.

He stood behind this red headed woman, her bare torso pressed back into his chest. He sliced his hand and held it across her lips she drank of his blood. He then sliced her hand and closed his wound over hers. He stood back from her and watched as she took the form of the wolf. then she changed back into her human form. See looked into his eyes there was a longing there. The vision blurred and he was sitting on the floor holding the lifeless form of a woman in his arms tears streamed down his face. She was there the red headed woman was watching him form the shadows. He watched as she approached him, she slowly started to remove all of her cloths. She stood before him beckoning him to her. As her put his arms around her it was not the warmth of human flesh that met his touch but the cold hard feel on scales. He jumped back to see a serpent standing in from of him. Be fore he could react it struck, burying its fangs deep into the side of his neck. He could feel the poison pulsing through his body, and his life slowly sliding away. He was not afraid for it was as if it was a blessing that she was giving him. there was no pain, no noise, no light, no darkness there was just nothingness. but he was at peace.
Zeth slept.
She woke on the bench, listening to the sounds of the sea. The pain in her head was no longer there. She silently made her way down the stairs only to find the house empty. She was hungry and did not feel she could wait for Ebon's return. She grabbed her pack and flung it over her shoulder. Reaching inside for her book and a scroll, her fingers brushed the hilt of her dagger. Zeth had given it to her for protection. The thought of him made her frown but she shook her head to clear the thought. Careful not to touch the blade, she pulled it out. If she needed protection...she would be ready. She tucked it into the top of her boot....easy to reach if need be. She thumbed through the pages in her book until she found what she wanted...whispering the words on the scroll....she found herself near the bridge in the dark land. She looked around carefully before closing her eyes to concentrate on letting the wolf in her come forth. She knew she was not safe in her human form here, lest Vash be about.
Putting her nose to the ground she tried to pick up Ebon's scent. She ran through the city to the inn, but could not find him. Following back the way she had come, she crossed the bridge and made her way to the hall. He was not there either. Her hunger could not wait any longer. She knew of the camp to the west, and made her way there....she had to feed. She stayed within the trees to avoid being seen and it wasn't long before she could smell them, and within a few steps she could see them. She lay low watching...waiting. Finally her chance came when one of the elven women ventured too close. The others did not notice when she sprang out from her concealment. The elf had no time to utter a scream before her teeth sank into her neck, cutting off all sound. She dragged her meal away from the camp before the others noticed...staying low to the ground. Savoring each bite, her hunger began to dissipate. Once finished and satisfied she quietly made her way back to the bridge...she would wait here for Ebon. She sat down and began to clean the blood from her fur....then she heard first she thought it to be in her mind as it had been the other night....but it came again....a woeful, longing howl.....definitely not in her head. She whimpered softly. Her human mind tried to quiet the wolf, but it seemed not to heed her. Before she could silence it, the wolf let out a saddened, responding howl. Knowing it may be too late, she ran....away from the howl.

Zeth heard the wolfs howl form off to the north, he knew that voice. Before he could pull his mind together to control his own wolf. He had transformed into the form of the wolf and was racing across the sand heading north towards umbra. Zeth was not in control and worried about leaving his house open like it was. The massive wolf had plowed through the steel doors of the house leaving one hanging from its hinges the other laying in the front yard.
The wolf ran His nose into the wind he had her scent now. He tracked her and followed her. He came to were she had fed. then he followed her thru umbra. Zeth could do nothing but watch thru the wolfs eyes as he ran. the wolf stopped cold in his tracks and pawed at the ground. he raised his head and howled, then he listened. She knew she had to run...she ran through the city, her heart racing. Why couldn't she control the wolf? She paused on the east bridge leading out of Umbra...long enough to hear the woeful howl not far behind her. He was following...she knew he would...her eyes searched for somewhere to hide. Not being able to control it, the wolf howled again. She looked to the opening in the mountain....she ran for the darkness. Ebon had ran as far as he could. Now, out of breath, tears frozen to the side of his face, he fell gasping for air. ‘Why me?? Why was I picked? You gave her to me, as if she was a trinket of your affection! I loosened the leash that bound her and set her free, yet in her dreams, she is still bound to you! Why? Why?’
The fierce wind blew Ebon's hair as wolves howled in the distance. Using a tall oak tree for shelter, he hid from the world around him.

“You have set her free, so accept your fate!” And then the winds stopped. Ebon picked himself up and returned home. Setting by the fireplace, he stoked the fire, staring at the embers, as if in a trance. “You have set her free, so accept your fate!” He heard it again her howl, she was beckoning him to her. But why did she run so fast and far only to call out again. Zeth tried with all of his mind to regain control over the wolf. But he ran on nose to the ground he was on her scent again she crossed the bridge and turned south. Her scent grew stronger and the wolf ran faster. He would soon catch up to her. Zeth knew that if he could ever regain control he could not let this happen again. He needed to be in complete control for a time now or at least until he could figure out what was going on. He the wolf would have to be caged and he knew the person to do it. but at this moment he was just a passenger in the wolfs body with no control. The wolf was driven by desire and lust and a need so great to see her again that he was not thinking right.

Slipping into the cave, she found a dark corner behind a rock and lay down quietly. In her mind she was struggling to keep the wolf quiet again. His scent grew stronger and she knew he was coming. She had nowhere left to run and tried to move further back into the corner.

The wolf ran as hard as he could her scent was getting ever stronger to him. He was running so hard that when the trail ended he ran right past it. he turned around and found the spot that it had stopped. there was a cave. He knew she was in there, but why did she not come out to greet him.
Zeth took advantage of the lapse in the wolfs thoughts to take back control of his mind. He transformed and pushed the wolf back into the farthest reaches of his mind. Zeth stood staring at the entrance to the cave. He knew she was in there. He held back the urge to call to her. Zeth turned he knew it was for the best, he started to walk away. He stopped in his tracks he was this close to her again but did not dare see her. Zeth turned and walked back to the cave entrance he had to, it could not be helped. He had to see her to touch her.
Zeth knelt in the entrance to the cave. As the words formed on his lips a sharp pain struck him in the back of his head. it was not a blow from out side but a strike from with in. The words on Zeths lips turned to Hisses. he felt himslef slammed hard to the ground and pushed back deep inside his own mind. This was the first time the Snake had taken over like this and as with the wolf Zeth was no longer in control. The Snake paid little attention to the scent of the she wolf in the cave it went off to the south in search of heat for its cold blooded body.
She heard him near the opening of the cave, and shivered. She wanted to will herself back into her human form but she feared being seen. Keeping low to the ground she crept to the edge of the rock where she could see the opening.....he was there....he was in his true form...she watched him kneel in the opening and she longed to go to him, but knew it best to stay hidden from view. She watched as he slumped to the ground and her eyes grew wide watching the new transformation...she moved back into the corner more fearful than before. She would stay until she was sure he was gone....
She wasn't sure how long she hid in the cave...she could no longer sense him and her body ached from crouching in the corner. She slowly got to her feet, with nose kept low to the ground she began to move for the entrance....she sniffed the ground at the opening where he had been...she could smell the wolf...him...and the other. Her eyes darted left and right searching for the direction he had gone. Inside she still longed to go to him....but he had....changed. She whimpered softly. Her human mind sensed the danger yet the wolf was strong and persistent. She raised her head and howled into the wind.
Being careful no one was around to see...she shook her hair out as she transformed back to her human self. She pulled another scroll from her pack and whispered the words written on it. She stood in front of his home....she frowned when she saw one of the doors laying in the sand, the other barely attached.

“What had happened here?” She stepped over the threshold....he wasn't here and she worried. She knew she shouldn't be here, but she needed to see know all was well. She climbed the stairs to his living room and curled up on the couch. It wasn't long before she fell into a restful sleep.

Zeth had tried to recall to his house, but something was blocking him from getting there. He transformed into the wolf and put his nose to the ground. It did not take him long to pick up the scent of the snake he followed it heading back the way it had come from. He Was now running in an area he knew and he was running as hard as the wolfs body would let him.
This time the wolf and him shared the body it was like it had been in the past. The wolf sensed the danger and the urgency of what they were doing.
Just then as Zeths house was in site, He heard it. The howl of a female wolf. He knew who it was, and Zeth was afraid. He felt the wolfs mind coming to the front, Zeth tried to push it back, but it reassured him all was ok. Zeth relaxed and let the wolf come forward. The wolf stopped running and stood with his nose in the air. then he howled, it wasn’t that lonesome howl from before. This time the howl was commanding. Zeth knew that the wolf had told the other of danger and to stay away but he could still sense the pain and longing in the wolf for the female that called.

The sound of his howl woke was not part of a dream...and it was close. Unlike the saddened howls from earlier, this one frightened her...what if he did not wish to see her here? A part of her wanted to run, to get as far away as possible...yet she stayed her ground...she needed to know he was alright. She sat up on the sofa and waited for him.

Zeth froze in his tracks, He stood just outside of his house. Her scent was very strong she was close. His eyes scanned the ground around the front of the house and there in the sand the paw prints of a wolf. they where smaller than his own. The wolf in him let out a growl, she had came here anyway after he had warned her. Zeths mind and the mind of the wolf raced, He needed to get into his house. But with her there he was not sure how safe it would be for either of them. The wolf let out a series of barks and yelps then dug his clawed paws into the sand he headed off towards the north towards Umbra and hopefully help.
She heard the growl echo up the stairs, then the commanding barks which followed. She should not have come. She slowly pulled her book out of her pack with another scroll. Thumbing through the pages...she found what she was looking for, “I know where I need to go.” wiping a solitary tear from her cheek she whispered’ “ Kal Ort Por” She knew Ebon would worry, and possibly Zeth when he could not pick up her scent...but the growl.

She willed the wolf to come forward and crawled into the cave, making her way deeper through the tunnels. It was full of dangers here but she cared not. She found the tower hidden within the tunnel and pushed the door with her nose...sniffing at the air....there was food here, she would be fine.

As he ran north towards umbra Zeth was getting madder by the second. He had entrusted her to Ebon to keep her safe, where was he and what was he thinking letting her come here. Zeth knew she could be stubborn and hard to deal with. after all she was a woman and a free minded one at that, But Ebon should have known better. Zeth had not had chance to tell any body yet that he knew what his sickness was and that it would not affect Dae. So why did Ebon let her come?
Finding a quiet corner in the tower, she curled into a ball...she would eat later, she was tired for now. The tower in the cave offered protection....she would no longer hear the woeful howls that beckoned....she would no longer be drawn to them ....or him....if she could not hear him....She willed herself to blend with the shadows in the corner before allowing herself to close her eyes.

She woke after a few hours feeling the hunger growing in her. It had been a while since she feasted on the elf and the pain in her stomach steadily grew. She got up from the corner and began to sniff around the tower. She could smell the creatures here. Evil...yet still, they would sustain her hunger for the time being....

It did not take long for her to have one pinned...ripping the flesh from bone as she feasted. Finishing with the mage she ventured out of the tower to stretch a little...crossing the bridge she began to sniff around. Seeing an object laying on the ground she ventured closer to it. Shaking her hair out, she transformed into her human form, she leaned down, picked up the object and looked at it carefully....her collar....

She placed it in her pack shaking her head slightly, “I am safe here.” She did not sleep comfortably...her dreams were haunted , woods, Zeth, Ebon, caves, voices, howls. She awoke with a start, barely grabbing the edge of the chair before she fell. Looking down she saw the freshly picked flowers beside her. Picking up the vase she carried them to the table nearest the window. Hearing noises above her, she knew Ebon was awake. She had made a decision on at least one thing troubling her...she found a blank scroll and quill in one of the drawers and began to write,
‘Do not worry Ebon, for I have not gone far....there is something I must do. I will not allow anyone else to be harmed over me, and I shall do what is necessary to prevent it...I shall return.....I hope.....Dae’

Placing the quill back in the drawer, she gently lay the scroll on the bed where he would surely find it. She pulled her book and a scroll from her pack, whispered the words she was learning to know by heart...she found herself where she needed to be....she made her way over the bridge, heading for the one place she knew the Matron would eventually appear...

"IronClaussen, come!" Ebon yelled. Where is that blasted beast? he wondered before even thinking that his brash voice would startle Dae, asleep in the chair below. Surely she was awake by now though, it was afternoon.
"Dae, IronClaussen down there?....Dae?" There was no response.
Rising from his stone table, Ebon descended the stairs and entered the bedroom. There on the pillow was a scroll of which he picked up and read.
Do not worry Ebon, for I have not gone far....there is something I must do. I will not allow anyone else to be harmed over me, and I shall do what is necessary to prevent it...I shall return.....I hope.....Dae
"AHHHH! BLAST THAT STUBBORN WOMAN!!! I tell her not to leave, but she leaves!! I tell her, If you leave, you'll get hurt, and still she leaves!! SHE DRIVES ME MAD!!!! I love her!!"
IronClaussen curled up in the corner, pressing himself as far against the wall as possible.
"You could of at least grunted, worthless beast!"
He wanted to run out the door...he wanted to find her trail and follow her... he wanted to run out the door, find her trail, follow her, protect her and bring her home.... he sat in the chair and worried, got up and paced the floor and returned to the chair... "Stubborn woman!"
He sat, and worried, then paced the floor and worried more...If she has not gone far, then it should not take her long to get back...should it? "Stubborn woman!" he mumbled.
He kicked things and he tossed things...then he returned things to there places...just because he was upset was no reason to be messy.
"Where is she?" he yelled. Had she gone back to the Dungeon of Shame? Not likely, as Lord Orion had seen her there last night and had surely alerted the Matron. Had she gone to find Zeth? Nay...his growl had put a fear into her...not likely."
Ebon the re-read the scroll Dae had written. I will not allow anyone else to be harmed over me, and I shall do what is necessary to prevent it...
He remembered telling her that she must give her allegiance to the Matron or she would die...GREAT DARKNESS, SHE'S GOING TO THE MATRON!!!
True, I gave her freedom...true, I said she could come and go as she pleased...
The door slammed loudly at SanBlackenblue...
If the Matron sees her alone without my accompaniment, we are both dead
It had been her decision to swear fealty, to vow to protect the kill for her...

They both stood behind her silently listening as she spoke her vow of loyalty.

The Matron spoke firmly as she addressed them...Dae will stay with me.

Neither had said a word, only nodding.

The Matron led her out of the building to her home. Showing her where she would stay, the Matron turned to her....

Do you love Ebon?

Dae could only lower her eyes...He is aware of how I feel...yet I don't believe Zeth is

Do you love Zeth?
Dae sighed heavily. How could she explain what it was she felt...

She needed to make a choice, and she knew what it would be...

Zeth had sworn his fidelity to the Matron for the second time. The night had gone better than he had hoped. Dae was now a member of Umbra, and was under the protection of Ceinwyn herself. Ebon was acting a little weird but hey this is Umbra we are talking about.
Zeth stood looking at the mess in his house. He would pick one item up only to set it back down, he had no idea of where to begin. Cleaning his house of the evidence of yesterdays tantrum would not be a easy job. He made his way up stairs and into his bed room. There was not even a spot on the floor clean enough for him to lay down on. The bed was ruined beyond repair. He would have to get another one tomorrow. Zeth transformed into the wolf and headed up to the roof of his house. It was a beautiful night and the cool air would do him some good.
The wolf made his way around the roof looking for just the right spot. Once he found it he sat and stared up at the nights sky. A peace was over him, a peace he had not known in days. He laid his head down across his paws and closed his eyes. The wolf almost grinned, He sat up and turned towards Umbra. He could not resist himself. He raised his head and let out a howl it was the first howl in days that had been joyful.

Zeth had enjoyed hunting with Ebon and Dae in shame. He had watched the female wolf as she attacked her victims. He had marveled at how her muscles moved under her fur, she was powerful. Zeth spent more time watching her than he did partaking of the slaughter that was at hand.
On the other hand Dae had tried twice before to tell him something and both times they had been interrupted. Zeth had an idea of what it was she wanted to tell him but he still wanted to hear it from her.
On there next meeting Zeth invited her back to the Wolfs Den, It had once been her home also. They sat and talked for a few minutes. Zeth knew how he felt about this woman he knew that the wolf in him longed for her and so did the man. Zeth stood up and walked over to where she was sitting, he knelt in front of her. "Dae..... I". He could not say it, finally he just blurted it out Dae I love you." and then he waited. There on his knees the seconds seemed like hours waiting for her response.

She sat on the couch looking down at him as he spoke his feelings. Briefly she was rendered speechless.

Zeth...I...I love you too. She felt relieved to say it and lowered her head as a single tear rolled down her cheek. I was afraid you did not feel it too was her answer for the tear.

Zeth explained slowly to her his feeling of wanting to hold her and kiss her, but because of his illness was unable to. She nodded in understanding. Perhaps someday he would be able to cure himself....

Zeth was furious, every time he introduced his salvia to any thing the same results. Dead came to what ever his saliva touched. The snake that now share his mind was unlike the others, it had affected his human form.
Zeth would not normally complain about his animal forms lending there senses to his human form but this was different. His salvia was just as toxic as the snakes venom. This cause him great pains for he longed to hold Dae in his arms and kiss her. But as for right now that was impossible for him to do.
Zeth thought for a long while what if I give her the snake also would our venoms neutralize each others or would we kill each other, what am I thinking I can do that to her not again.
Zeth looked up at the ceiling of his lab, I guess I will have to love her from afar

Zeth could not sleep the events of the night played over and over in his head. How could any human being be treated that way, Zeth had done horrible things to humans himself, but they where his enemies or just stupid people not his own flesh and blood. Zeth went down to the living room and stood at the door the little girl was, curled up on the floor beside the fire pit. He stood there and watched her breathing. Zeth had been making his way from the bank to the western bridge. He was slowed on his way at the sound of a girl screaming. As he got closer to the group of people he noticed a small girl of no more than 8 or 9 years of age screaming for her mother to stop it. As Zeth stopped, he realized what was going on. Her parents where trying to sell their child. Zeth started to walk off but when one of the would be buyers ask if she was a virgin, something in Zeth snapped. Before he knew what he was doing Zeth had upped the bid on the little girl to one thousand gold pieces. The thought of that bald headed little man having his way with this child made Zeths stomach churn. Zeth had done some horrible things in his life, he had even feed a child to a beast, but that child had been a light bringer. This child was an Umbrian. Zeth had taken the child back to the Wolfs den and put her in the spare room.
Zeth covered the girl with a cloak, and went down the stairs. He tried to find something to do in his lab to take his mind off the nights events. He could not seem to clear his head so he decided to take a run.
Stepping out of the freshly repaired front doors of the wolfs den. Zeth transformed into the wolf and headed at a slow trot towards the north. It felt good to run and soon the wolf was running as hard as he could. The smells of the night rushing into his nostrils the wolf ran, he was happy. When he hit the road Zeth turned north. As he went through the elven encampment, he barked scaring the sleeping elf on watch. Zeth thought about circling back around for some night time fun but decided against it. He ran west just off the road, before long he came to the orc fort. Zeth stopped here he would pay a visit. As he moved with his belly on the ground getting closer to the orc who was standing in the road, a shadowy form appeared just behind the orc. At first Zeth thought it was Dae out doing a little night hunting herself. Then the form moved off towards the west and the entrance to the cave mouth. The form of the wolf turned and looked right at Zeth, then walked into the cave and disappeared.
Zeth skirted around the orc fort out of sight of the orcs on watch and entered the cave from the south. He kept his eyes, ears, and nose open not knowing what to expect. As he rounded a bend in the cave there she sat. It was the form of a wolf, but different, it was almost as if she was transparent. Zeth approached to within ten feet of her and sat down never taking his eyes off of her.
She was the first to speak "greetings" Zeth nodded his head in recognition, then it dawned on him that she was using the language of wolves.
There is a female of your kind, she was here the other night and we talked" she said as she watched him.
Zeth turned his head to the side and looked at her, You mean Dae?"
Yes I believe that is her name, She longs to be with you. She loves you deeply, even more than she will admit." she paused to look around.
She stepped closer to Zeth "I know of you condition, and I can help the two of you."
"What do you know of me, and why should I accept help from someone I do not know." Zeth said. This wolf, or what every it was knew to much for Zeths liking.
She stood and glided the distance between the. “Do not fear for I mean you no harm. I want to help you and the female be together. I have a potion that will enable her to with stand your kiss."
She now had Zeths full attention, as his ears perked up.
She smiled as a book appeared on the ground at her feet. “In this book is the instructions on making the potion and its ingredients, follow it to the letter, or death will take her from you." She smiled as only wolves do and then turned as if to walk away. She turned back around. "You will have no problems getting her to take it but the second kiss will be a challenge." With that she was gone.
Zeth stood looking first at the book then at the place where she had stood. He pawed at the book it was real. Zeth transformed back into his natural form and knelt beside the book, he slowly picked it up and opened it. He read the pages and a smile crept over his face. Finding some of the ingredients would not be easy, but if it would allow Dae and him to be together again then he would move mountains to get them. Zeth slammed the book into his pack and quickly transformed back into the wolf. As he made his way back towards the mouth of the cave a howl came from behind him. It was a eerie sounding howl followed by "Tell your female that Lily sends her love." Then all was quiet.
Zeth ran as hard as his wolf legs would carry him. He had forgotten of the orc standing watch in the road out side of the cave. Zeth ducked his head and ran right at the back of his legs. The orc flew into the air and flipped over backwards slamming hard to the ground on his face. Zeth never slowed his stride until he had reached the wolfs den. Transforming he went inside and straight to his lab. He read the book from front to back who knows how many times.
Zeth awoke his face laying in a book. Staring at him was a little girl, she looked into his eyes and smiled. She turned and walked out of the lab. Zeth just watched her walk away. He stood and stretched his tired muscles. He returned to look at the book again and started reading it again.
The little girl returned with a plate and a glass of water, she sat them on the side of the table, bowed to Zeth, and walked out of the lab.

Zeth sat watching the mixture in its bowl. Every now and then he would stir it. The sands in the timer where just about to run out. Zeth put on a pair of leather gloves and readied the flasks to receive the potion. when the last crystal of sand fell Zeth removed the bowl from the flame and poured it carefully into two flasks. Zeth turned to look at Kasshy who was standing at the end of the table, holding her breath. "It is done!"
Kasshy gave a little clap. "ok now what do we do?"
"well now we wait for Dae to show up, then Her and I drink these potions and........" Zeth let the sentence trail off, for he did not know how to finish it.
Kasshy looked around the lab and then began to pick things up and put them back in there place. she moved around the room cleaning up after them. She stood staring at the book case in the corner for a moment then spoke. "Sir, Thank you for letting me help you with this, I know it means a lot to you." She turned around to face Zeth. "No one has ever taken the time to teach me anything." She looked down at the floor as tears started to form in her eye's. "Sir I know you bought me from my parents, and that I am your property, but you have made me more at home here than I ever was with my parents." She ran over kissed him on the cheek and ran out the door of the lab.
All Zeth could do was stare at the door, what he had done to deserve that was beyond him. Zeth shook his head. The thought raced through his mind. I will never understand women, Old, young, they are a mystery to me.
Zeth stared back at the two flasks setting on the table the potion had turned a dark red color. Zeth wonder how long it would keep before it needed to be drank. He closed his eyes to rest them and it wasn’t long before dreams over took him and he slept.

Dae appeared at the side of the wolf's den...slowly emerging from the shadows. Making her way to the front she slipped in the door...everything seemed quiet other than the swishing of a broom overhead...shaking her head and smiling slightly she tried not to laugh at the thought of the little girl who had been creating a whirlwind in her efforts to keep Zeth's home tidy. He certainly did have his hands full with this one.

Dae had met Kasshy but once it was briefly the other morning. She had been hurriedly trying to pick up after Zeth before he awoke. Kasshy had mentioned Zeth had been cooking....creating an awful smell...

Dae made her way up the stairs, there in the living room was Kasshy...sweeping and muttering to herself. Dae watched her silently, grinning slightly.

Still trying to clean after him I see. Kasshy jumped slightly at the words then relaxed when she saw Dae. Where is Zeth, he awake yet?

Yes. she said nodding her head, He is downstairs waiting for you... She smiled then wrinkled her nose slightly. He has something for're s'posed to drink it...

Dae half-smiled...the potion...he must have been able to create it. Nodding to Kasshy, she made her way down to the lab. Looking around she saw the two flasks sitting on the table...and nearby...Zeth....asleep. Quietly so as not to wake him she moved to the table and picked up one of the flasks...moving it to her nose she smelled it. Although not a savory odor, it was still not as foul smelling as she had suspected after seeing the list of ingredients. Placing the flask gently down, she walked over to Zeth. Leaning down, her lips brushed his cheek lightly and she whispered softly Let's hope this works...

She silently slipped out of the lab and made her way back upstairs...she would get to know Kasshy a little more while Zeth rested...

She decided to head out for a playful hunt. She had been working quite hard lately and her mind still mulled over her encounter a few days earlier with another wolf. Although initially it had appeared as a unicorn...a creature Dae felt great discomfort around. Nearing the orc fort close to the cave, she once again spied the wolf. Instinctively she knew it was not Zeth. They made eye contact and an understanding between them occurred.

Dae knew Lily had spoke to Zeth. Now to see if he could do as Lily instructed. Both wolves howled as they went separate ways...Lily back to her shadows, and Dae back to her hunting...she worried about this...concoction Lily spoke of. Would it work? She would have to wait until she spoke with Zeth again...

She was to meet Zeth, he had a surprise for her, and this made her curious.

She checked the drawers in her old room and found what she was looking for. Shaking it out, she looked over the black dress. "Well he said there was no need for armor." she spoke to herself. She removed her armor and folded it neatly and placed it in her pack. Stepping into the dress she turned to look at herself in the vanity. "Not exactly my preference." She smirked at her reflection. "I guess it'll have to do."

She began her walk to Umbra. Her mind searching for thoughts of what the surprise could be. Heedlessly she wandered into Sanctus , making her way to the darkness of the caves.

Within sight of them, a figure stepped out from the shadows. Upon seeing her, he growled. Gesturing with his hands he let her know she had betrayed him for the last time. She folded her arms in front of her and glared. She attempted to pass by him to enter the cool darkness of the cave when she felt the first blow to her back. She fell to her knees as a second and third came. Reaching into her pack she felt around for one of her toys. Feeling the prongs of her war-fork she pulled it out and got to her feet. She turned to face him, her eyes gleamed with defiant anger. She swung at him but he dodged. Swinging around she felt another blow to her chest. She dropped her weapon and clutching her chest fell to her knees again trying to catch her breath. It was the opportunity Vash needed to strike one last time. She fell face down on the road.

Struggling to lift herself up on her hands, she turned her head to look up at him.

He once again made gestures with his hands and growled....she understood this to mean he was done with her.

She slowly got to her feet and picked up her war-fork. "This is NOT over, Vash." She glared once again.

He pointed his spear at her throat, yet she stood firm, then aiming it to the caves he snarled indicating for her to go.

With one final glare she turned and slipped into the cave...hiding in the shadows. She waited for the sound of his footsteps to fade then made her way quietly to the hostel in order to clean herself up. Her carelessness had caused her attack and she wanted Zeth not to notice anything was wrong. She got some water and started cleaning the dirt from her face and hands. She brushed some dirt from her dress and ran her fingers through her hair. With no vanity nearby she could only hope her appearance was presentable.

Clenching her jaw she took a deep breath, "He will pay for this."

Sensing she was running late she opened her book, "Kal Ort Por". She stared up at the Wolf's Den and took a breath to help compose herself....
Zeths noticed the bruises on her back. His mind raced who had done this to her and when. He knew that Dae and himself had sparred the day before but he had not hit her from behind and he had not hit her hard enough to leave marks on her.
Zeth Had, Had a surprise in store for her. but after seeing her back he could not go thru with it and his plans changed.

*Grunts, growls and huffs* Satisfied that his portion of the story is recorded, he goes back to searching for the messenger with all the wanted posters of him.

Zeth had set the time and the place, and now he waited. He was nervous, this potion that he held in his hands held Dae and his future in it. She walked in right on time.
Zeth was take back at her beauty he had never seen her in a dress before. Then again Zeth himself was dress different, not in his armor but in a fancy red shirt black pants and black boots.
They both where very nervous. It had been a long time, since they had spent any time together. Zeth handed Dae her potion and took his, He counted down from three and they both drank the potion.
It worked, and they spent the afternoon together catching up on time lost. As Dae prepared to leave the wolfs den, Zeth noticed that the color had let her face. She had to grab onto the wall to keep from falling. Zeth was worried about her. He told her to get home as fast as she could. Zeth set out to find Lily, She was the one who had given him the instructions for the potion in the first place she should know what was going on.

She left the Wolf's Den and made her way back to the Matron's house, stopping every so often just to take a deep breath and wipe the sweat from her brow. Her stomach pained and she clutched at it tightly holding the pain in.

Reaching the house she quietly opened the gate and sat on the steps briefly. Her head spun and she felt nauseated. She could feel her cheeks flush warmly as she struggled to keep back what she knew was inevitable. She crawled up the remainder of the steps.

Entering her room she pulled herself up on the bed. She would rest briefly, she would feel better after that. She closed her eyes and let sleep take her...

She woke after a long rest not feeling any better....her cheeks were warm making her head swim...she wiped the sweat from her brow and sat up in the bed. No sooner had she done this, when her stomach began to lurch...she barely had time enough to throw her head over the side of the bed.

This was not good, what was wrong with her, she had been fine...she met with Zeth, she had drank the potion with him, he kissed her and she returned the kiss, they spoke in length....then she didn’t feel right.

She lay her head back on the pillow and tried to think, her face felt too warm and she struggled to clear her thoughts.

She sat up slowly with one thought...the potion! Had it not worked correctly? She clutched her stomach trying to hold back the nauseating wave fighting to emerge.

She knew she must speak with Zeth, see if he found Lily...she pulled the blankets off her legs and immediately felt a chill as the air hit her bared legs. She pulled the covers back over her and lay back on the pillow again. She had no energy to get out of the bed...she would wait, he knew where she was and if there was something wrong he would find out from Lily

Ebon silently walked into the Matron's house and slipped into the room of which he had spoken to the ill Daemonela the previous night.
Seeing her pale form, he shuddered, his eyes tearing up. "Dae, can you hear me? How do you feel?" There was no reply, she lay there motionless.
"I will avenge ye, my dear" he softly said as he kissed her hand and went out the door.

Zeth had looked everywhere he could think of, But he could not find the ghost lily. He sat at the entrance to the cave that lead to Sanctus, he waited and watched. he was back among the trees so the orcs would not notice him and if they did all they would see was a wolf laying in the bushes.
Zeth had been searching for lily for going on two days now and still no luck, he was tired and every muscle he had ached. He did not know how many times he had been back and forth between Umbra and this spot. His mind wander to Dae how was she. He had not seen her since she had left The Wolfs Den. He wanted so badly to go to her but he needed to talk to lily.
As his eyes grew unfocused her words came back to him. "The first kiss she will give willingly, the second will be the challenge."
Zeths eyes popped open, Lily knew it was going to make her sick. Its not fatal because if it was there would not be a chance at a second kiss.
Zeth pushed the wolfs body as hard as he could running right down the middle of the road he made for The Wolfs Den he had to grab something before he went to see Dae. He busted through the doors of his house changed into his human form and ran up the stairs. Grabbing what he needed he crammed it into his pack and raced back down the stairs. As he ran he transformed back into the wolf. and ran for the Matrons house.
As he ran a thought occurred to him, Where did his pack go when he was in wolf form, or any other form for that matter?. He stopped and looked his self over as best the wolf could do. his pack was no where to be seen. but as he knew when he changed back to his human form it would be right there on his side.

Lily watched as Zeth entered the matrons house, her work was over here. It was her time to move on and find herself a way back to the realm of the living. She knew it would all work out for the lovers, patience is all they needed. She had been watching both Zeth and Dae for a while now. Lily pushed aside her piece of stale bread she was pretending to eat. She scurried off and slipped into a crack in the wall as fast as her little rat form legs could carry her. Down a drainpipe and into the forest she ran. With a puff of smoke she was back to her true unicorn form and running full gallop back to where she thought she belonged...

When she awoke again she felt considerably better...not as weak or warm as before. She sat up slowly in case the nausea took her off guard again....but it did not come. She swung her legs out from under the covers and stretched as she got off the bed.

What was it that made her so could not have been the worked...she was still alive. Shaking her head, she decided best to wait until she spoke with Zeth. He was smarter than she and he would have the answer. For now there were things that needed to be done ..and taken care of.

She reached for her pack and flipped it open. There was her kryss...hooking it in her belt her mind wandered to the thought of Vash. She clenched her jaw as she spoke to herself, "I will even this out, old friend."

First there was work to do...she left the house silently and made her way into the city.....

Zeth took his place in the thicket by the entrance to the cave leading from Umbra to Sanctus. The Matron had given orders for Lily to be brought to her and Zeth would do just that. Some thing the Matron had said to him was still ringing in the back of his head. "Love has made you soft".
Zeth would show her she was wrong. Dae and him together would make the best pair of assassins Umbra had ever seen. That he would promise anyone. Zeth sat and watched the mouth of the cave.

Ensuring she had everything she needed, Dae headed west on the road leading out of Umbra. She remained in her human form for she did not fear encountering Vash again.

Her hand brushed the kryss at her side and she grinned. She passed the brigand camp seeming disinterested with them...she had her mind set on one goal...finding Vash...

As she neared the orc fort she slipped behind the trees at the side of the road and started for the cave leading to Sanctus....
A familiar scent hit Zeths nose. I was Dae and she was close. He grinned only as a wolf can do. She must be feeling better if she was out and about.

She was almost to the opening of the cave when she stopped...she sensed she was not alone...closing her eyes and focusing, she willed the wolf to come forth....her eyes darted left and right searching...she sniffed the air...the scent was strong, Zeth was very near.....keeping her head low she followed where the scent led her...she had not seen him since falling ill, was he still waiting to find Lily?
She finished her duties keeping watch.....the hour had grown quite late and she was tired. To her the evening had seemed quite eventful. More so than she had grown accustom to.

She smiled slightly to herself recalling her conversation with the Matron earlier regarding the Wolf's Den. She was going home. Home? She had never really considered anywhere to be home yet she felt safest in the den.

Thumbing through her book she found what it was she was looking for....pulling a scroll from her book she whispered the words that would take her there.

She looked up at the building...just days ago she had been here as a visitor, now she was here to stay. She made her way quietly into the house and listened carefully. There was no sound.

Making her way to the third floor she peeked into the bedroom...Zeth lay sleeping, it almost appeared as if he were smiling in his sleep. She felt no urge to wake him.

She silently descended to the living room and stretched out on the bone sofa. Smiling once again to herself she lay her head down and let sleep come to her....
Zeth rushed home he was still feeling the affects of the pain spike he had received from the Matron, but his mind was busy on what had to be done. He entered The Wolfs Den he looked around everything was spotless. He walled through out the whole lower level. Kasshy was doing a great job of keeping the place clean. Zeth stopped at the base of the stairs, how did I manage with out her.
Zeth went up the stairs and looked into the living room, she was not there he walked into the hall and looked in the only room in the house she was forbidden to enter. Not there, he reached the third floor and headed to where he thought she would be. She wasn’t in the study either. He turned and noticed the door of the treasury open just enough to let the light out. He crept to the door and opened it just enough to peek in. The she was Laying on the floor on her stomach she was carefully stacking coins into equal piles. Zeth did not know How long it was he stood there and watched her. He finally cleared his throat, Kasshy lost in the coins she was stacking jumped at the sound knocking over several stacks. She jumped to her feet and turned to face the door. "I.......I was just looking at it...I wasn't.......going to take any". she stammered.
Zeth stood in the doorway "I know that, you have done a great job here so far." He stepped past her, and picked up a hand full of the coins off the floor. Zeth took Kasshy hand and Place the coins in her hand. "these are for you to buy yourself something with."
Kasshy just looked down at the coins in her hand, then looked back up at Zeth all she could do is smile. She walked past him and started out into the hallway grasping the few coins tightly in her hands.
"Kasshy we will be having another to join us here shortly". Zeth said as she walked out the door.
Kasshy turned around, "I will make my room ready for them when shall I expect them?"
I am not sure but tonight, oh and you don’t have to give up your room for them. they will be sharing mine."
Kasshy looked at him "So that red headed woman is coming here to live?"
Yes she is." Zeth said looking at her. Her change in her demeanor was instant.
"I guess she will be the new lady of the house then?" Kasshy almost spat out those words. And with that she turned and stormed off down the hall way.

Zeth awoke to the sound of the front door being slammed. He jumped out of the bed, and reached for his cloth they were not on the floor where he had left them. He looked around for them and noticed his room had been cleaned. He found a pair of pants in one of the draws and put them on. he ran down the stairs and headed into the living room. Then down the stairs to the bottom level.
Kasshy was busy sweeping the floor, and mumbling under her breath.
"Dogs in the house tracking up my floor!"
Zeth stood at the bottom of the steps watching her. Then he could not hold it in any longer. What are you talking about?"
She looked up at him. "You need to keep your dogs outside. this is the second time they have been in the house."
Zeth looked at her, "I don’t have any dogs!"
Kasshy looked up at him, "well there were foot prints all over here this morning, they went from the door to your lab."
"Those were my foot prints on the floor." Zeth said.
Kasshy looked down at his feet then back up at him. "Sir there is no way you could leave dogs foot prints."
Zeth sat down on the Steps. "There are some things you need to know if you are going to stay here.". Zeth tried to figure out the best way to tell her. "Ok the only way to explain this is to show you."
Zeth transformed right there in the mud room. Kasshy eyes got wide as she stared at the wolf standing in front of her. Zeth slowly transformed back into his normal form.
Kasshy clapped her hands. Do it again, do it again."
Zeth shook his head. "You will see the wolf enough in the future." Zeth sat back down on the steps.
Kasshy jumped around all excited. "You are the one my parents told stories about. They told us kids that the Matriarch had turned a man and a woman into a werewolf and she made them hunt at night for children who had been bad, and that they ate all the bad children in umbra." Kasshy still jumping around and laughing.
It was the first time Zeth had seen her smile or heard her laugh sense she had been there. "What is so funny?" he ask her.
Kasshy got very quiet then looked around to see if they were truly alone. "Well" she said with a grin coming across her face. "there is this girl that lived beside me, she was always picking on me because my parents did not have money like hers. She would always tell me that the Matriarch and her father were close friends and one day her father would be very important man in Umbra." She pause only long enough to catch her breath. "well now I work for one of the Matriarch's pets."
Zeth was not sure he liked the way she had said pets but he let her continue.
"I wonder if you could pay her a visit one night and rip her throat out for me." She turned her head to the side and batted her eye lashes at him.
Zeth had never had servants before, but he was sure this was not how it was suppose to work. "I don’t just run around ripping peoples throats out for the fun of it........Well not normally. But I am not going to rip the throat of some little girl out just because she mad you mad."
Kasshy looked hurt, but then her face lightened up and she got a look in her eyes that scared Zeth. "There is another like you?" she ask sitting down on the steps beside him. "It’s a girl right..... Is she pretty, will I get to meet her. does she come here often. I bet she would understand and rip Dianna's throat out for me. Women understand these things much better than men do."
To Zeth her whole last sentence had sounded like a hive of bees buzzing. He sat on the steps and just looked at the girl. Shaking his head he stood and started back up the stairs. As he climbed the stairs Kasshy said in a loud and commanding voice. "You need to wipe your feet before you come in next time, wolf or man don’t track up my floors!"
Zeth walked up to his study and locked himself in he sat in his chair, “What was I thinking, I have brought another monster into my house.”

Zeth sat on one of the bone couches in his main living room a pitcher of cold water pressed tightly between his legs.
Zeth Had been a part of a kidnaping plot, All had gone well Up until he was left with both captives. With the lady Penny M'real on his shoulder out cold. And the Lady Gywnevre M'real in front of him at knife point he moved thru the caves that lead back to his home land. Lady Penny M'real was not a heavy lady. but her unconscious body was dead weight and flung about as he walked. Zeth did everything he could to keep his face hidden from Lady Gywnevre. For she would surely recognize him at once. As they needed the exit to the caves Zeth remembered the orcs. Thinking to himself I hope they are all busy else where. But know such luck As soon as He exited the cave with his to captives there in the road stood an orc warrior. With Penny M'real on his shoulder and Gwyn in front of him Zeth was limited in his choices he pushed Gwyn out of the way and with Lady Penny on his shoulder charged the orc. Zeth used Lady Penny's feet and legs to swing at the Orc who jumped back for this unusual weapon. In that split second Zeth cut his throat and then drove his dagger into his chest he pulled the dagger out and turned to regain control over the other M'real woman. As Zeth turned to grab her, Her knee came up and caught him in a place no man should ever be hit. Bright lights flashed in Zeths eyes, vomit rose in his throat. And the wind rushed out of his lungs, all at the same instant. Zeth doubled over dropping to his knees, dumping the lady Penny to the ground. The Lady Gwyn did try to drag here family member away but Zeth still had hold of her ankle. Zeth didn’t know if it was the orcs or the fact that she that she could not free Lady Penny from Zeths grasp. But she ran off to the south.
It only took Zeth a few seconds to realize he was in trouble the doors to the orc fort opened and out came a party lead by a orcish mage. Zeth grabbed the unconscious Lady Penny M'real threw her over his shoulder and as fast as he could manage ran He could feel the heat from the mages’ fireballs striking his and Lady Penny's back. but he kept running. When he got a safe distance away he put his captive down and tended her wounds. Then his own, Zeth had never been so glad to see another Umbrian in his life He turn over his prisoner to Beldin and bent over trying to ease the pain in his groin. It was a long and painful walk back to the wolfs den that night.
Gwyn sat in M'real Castle, shaken and out of breath.

Why had they taken her and Penny? And why did he allow her to get away?

She had never struck a man with such force, nor ran as fast before.

She tried to replay the events over in her head....
She had been with Penny, consoling her....she had convinced Penny to come to the hostel for a bite to eat. She realy disliked seeing her so upset and void of emotion. Nodding silently Penny agreed.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by a man in white from head to toe. She had met him but a day earlier....Beldin...he had said his name was. She politely nodded and smiled to him in greeting.

"So unfortunate we should be meeting under these circumstances." He spoke to her glancing to Penny and another man leaning against the wall.

She furrowed her tiny brow and asked, "Which circumstances?"

Looking around he commented on the lack of animal control present in Sanctus. She looked around and took note of the puppy and the wolf that had wandered in to town, but paid more attention to the man in front of her.

He bade a farewell to her and seemed to fade into the shadows. The man against the wall stepped in front of Penny...he seemed to know her. This was someone Gwyn had not met before and she felt unease before him. He exchanged words briefly with Lady M'real and then nodded in a direction behind Gwyn. Before having a chance to turn she felt an arm come around her and the sharpness of a blade at her neck. She began to reach up for the arm and heard a low voice, "Don't move!" Her eyes began to fill with tears. She struggled to see who was behind her, but was held firmly in place.

She watched in horror as the man in front of them used the hilt of his sword to strike Penny rendering her unconcious.

"Penny!" she screamed as the man picked her up and flung her over his shoulder.

The man started towards the caves with Penny's lifeless body over his shoulders.
"Move!" Gwyn felt a nudge from behind her and slowly began to move in the same direction.

Once inside the cave, the man placed Penny down and instructed the other man to carry her. They spoke few words yet enough for Gwyn to hear the voice of the one who had placed the knife to her was familiar....her mind struggled to place it.

Continuing through the caves they made it to the opening near the orc fort. The man shoved her to the side as he charged at the orc attempting to assault him. Seeing the orc had been swiftly dealt with he picked up Penny once again and tried to grab Gwyn's arm...Closing her eyes tight she swung forward with her leg. She was not sure where it had connected but seeing him keel over she knew it was a good kick. She tried to grab at Penny to pull her from the man but he was quicker and much stronger.

Seeing more orcs approaching and realizing she was unable to fight this man, she ran, the tears streaking her face as worried about Penny. She would get back to town and tell someone.

She waited sometime before returning to Sanctus, lest the man was still about. Finally feeling assured she made her way back and entered the courtyard of the castle. Sitting on the bench she tried to catch her breath.

His voice? She knew his voice. Although she had not heard anger in it before. Her eyes widened as she realized who it was...who it could only be. But why? Why would he wish to harm her? They were friends were they not? She looked down at the grass beneath her feet but not really seeing it as her mind filled with questions.

She heard him come in but remained in bed. When he did not come upstairs she slowly got up and walked across the cold floor to the door, making her way down to the living room.
She noticed the pitcher between his legs first and raised her brow. Running her fingers through her hair she asked, What happened to you?"

He remained on the couch not saying a word. She sat on the couch beside him and studied his expression. It was obvious he was displeased. She did not push him further to answer, he would tell her in time.

Zeth looked over at Dae, he was still in great pain. You know we have dueled in the past, right? Well we kidnaped two of the M'real women to night. Zeth winches in pain as he takes deep breath.
In all my fights I have been cut stabbed. I have even been struck by lighting, but never has anyone stooped so low as to hit me, where this woman did.
Raising a brow once again, her face solemn, she spoke softly, trying to suppress the anger she felt building. She kicked you.... pointing to the pitcher between his legs, there? And who were these M'real women? Which one did this?

She folded her arms in front of her and waited for an answer from him.

"Well it was a knee actually, and oh yes she did!" Zeth answered leaning his head back on the couch.
"It was that Gywnevre M'real that did it." even speaking about it made him wince with pain.
Hearing the name made her blood boil. So the little waif can defend herself....or so she thinks. An evil grin crept across her face.

Don't worry, Zeth. Her time will come. For now take care of that nodding to his lap. I think for now, you should maybe get some rest, I'm sure you'll be fine in the morning. As you said, you've suffered other injuries before. You're not going to let a little elf get the better of you are you?

Turning on her heels she headed back up to bed.
Zeth tried to comment but could not think of anything to say. he sat on the couch for a little while longer then, walked crawled his way to the bed room.
Dae was asleep, Zeth as quietly as he could got undressed and climbed into bed.
"Dae you asleep?" Zeth asked nudging her with his elbow.
Mhmmmm was the reply he got.
"You know elves have knees like titans hammers"

Duvessas’ Tales
(as written by Tatinana Skyfire)

She sat alone watching the goings on at the Umbra bank, her crystal blue eyes dancing back and forth as she watched the different beings pass her by. Not many seemed to notice the little mouse she had shifted her body into. She sat nibbling on a rotten piece of cheese she had found in the corner of the Inn. Her thoughts took her back to her former “life.”

She could remember the taste of the sugar cubes as they would give them to her in her unicorn form, her mind filled with the kindness they didst bestow upon her. After all she was the queen’s “pet” Things were different then. Then one day it seemed she was no longer wanted, no one had time for her, they would simply turn their noses up at her and walk away. Yes the queen was missing, yet no one seemed to care. She took it upon herself to go out and search. Many days passed as she searched but her owner was nowhere in sight.

Suddenly a sharp stinging pain raced throughout her mind, her scream echoing in the forest. Yet another and then another of the pains raced through her body. The intense pain blurred her eyes, she tried to walk but only took one step before falling to the ground. She lifted her head and saw the arrows in her side. “Who would do such a thing?” she thought as she heard the crunching of leaves and branches.

“We got it!” said the hunter to his friend.
“To bad I don’t like the taste of Unicorn.” the other replied.
“Just leave it there to rot.” spoke the first.

She lay there, dying slowly, her eyes closing for good. “She couldn’t die. Her friends would save her! Her spirit would lead them to her body so they could save her!” she thought to herself. Her ties to her “owner” would keep her spirit in this realm, but for how long...

Days turned into weeks as she would appear to her “friends” as a ghost. Yet they would nay seem to try to even gather the will to help her. She new time was growing short. With all her spirits will, she gave instructions to them to help them resurrect her. They seemed to begin to gather the ingredients for the spell, but alas, they failed. It seemed, no she knew then that they didn’t care.

She floated back to her now decaying body and watched.

Days passed as she roamed around the lands. She may be a ghost, but there was someone that could help her. She caught a scent in her ghostly nostrils and began to follow it. It was a woman. She wondered why she was in such tears. The woman spoke her name, “I am Dae.”

Her spirit was fading as she looked upon her barely recognizable body. Through the woods she heard a whistling. The man stopped and stared her right in the eyes. “What is it that troubles you oh neutral one?” he questioned. She used the last bits of her energy to tell the man her tale. The man promised to gather what was needed to revive her. Of the man ran to collect it all. A day passed, then another. She was about to give up all hope and just let the last bits of her energy slip by. Her willingness to hang on was becoming painfully true to her, that no one cared.

Moments later she heard the heavy foot stomps of a being rushing towards her. She was not afraid, her eyes lit up instead. The man who made his promise, kept it. He quickly began to enchant the words while setting up the items he had collected. She was going to be resurrected!
Something was going on, her body was changing and she could feel it! The ceremony was working! She was fully reformed as the man spoke the last incantation. She felt alive yet, she was different, extremely different. She was no longer the neutral she once was. Her anger and disgust followed by her thoughts of revenge filled her mind, consuming it. She was now what she was meant to be, as she heard the man say with a smirk upon his face. “Come back to your TRUE form and spirit!”

This she had done. She was no longer the neutral she once was, she was her true self, a changeling, a dark sinister creature consumed by it’s need for revenge. She thanked the man with the only thing she had ever had to her name.

She felt the mans’ hot blood spurt from his chest and throat as her claws pierced thru him easily. Her hunger overtook her even before the man died fully. Her sharp teeth tore into his flesh gouging out a huge mouthful of his flesh. She heard his screams of pain and death, they only fueled her onwards. The hot thick blood trickled down her throat, her hunger would be quenched. She devoured every bit and bone of the man. Her belly full, yet she still hungered, hungered for revenge, for a place that would welcome her with open arms, for friends...

She walked slowly across the lands, her past a vivid image in her mind, an image she despised with great disgust. Suddenly she remembered the words of the matriarch of umbra, “She is welcomed here, leave her be.” “Would she still welcome her there? Would she?” she thought as she turned south and headed towards the moongate. “There is only one way to find out.” she whispered under her breath. Her muscles contorted and twisted as she switched to the form of a wolf and began to run.

... Gwendlyn felt the pleasures of the “Dark” man for many of hours in her cave hide-a-way. Her cries of pleasure and ecstacy funneled out from the caves mouth into the leaves of the trees, there it was lost in their deafening softness. Gwendlyn was completely lost in the pleasure she felt from the “Dark” man. Never had she felt like this before, it was as if it was a dream as her body reached climax after climax. The smell of sex filled the cave hide-a-way like a thick cloud as the shadow of the “Dark” man had it’s way with her. Time slipped passed, yet deep in the cave, it seemed liked it was not moving at all. After what seemed to her like only a couple of hours, the shadow lifted from above her and dissipated into nothingness. The smell of sex filled her nostrils as she turned to her side and closed her eyes. She did not feel as uneasy as she did before, she felt different, fulfilled, like her purpose had been found finally. She would seek out this “Dark” man when she awoke, however long it took, but for now, sleep embraced her tenderly...

...Alone she sat, her eyes wandering across the faces of the many people that passed her cage. Nakita sat crouched in the corner, unsure of what was happening. Her young master walked up to a finely dressed gentleman and spoke at length with him. Nakita strained to hear anything her young master was saying, but the sounds of the dock area easily thwarted any chance of that happening. Scared and alone she sat in her cage, barely clothed except for the leather strap “shorts” she wore, her studded leather bustier and her metal collar complete with it’s chain that her young master lead her around with. Thirst gripped her throat as the heat of the day found it’s way to her. The thick dust from the dirt lingered around her like a cloak, making her thirst grow even more. She cried out to her young master for water, yet it was to no avail. The noise of the people at the docks muffled it amongst it’s clamor. Nakita struggled to move herself and her heavy cage towards the water trough where the beasts of burden drank. Bit by bit her unending strain against the heavy cage moved it ever closer to her goal. Many minutes passed as she moved it to within her fingertips reach. With a mighty grunt and groan she moved it close enough to dip her hands into the water. The lukewarm water touched her lips and her dry tongue, it’s warmth made it’s taste undesirable, but yet she drank it. Several hands full slipped down her dust laden throat. The sound of her cage door and the familiar tug upon her neck from the chain told her that her young master was back from his meeting with the finely dressed man. She crawled towards her young master and kissed his booted feet. Beside them came another pair of boots. Finely made these boots were as Nakita watched them stop about a foot from in front of her. She could hear her young master clearly now as he discussed a deal, she guessed, they had started across the way.
“Aye, I told you she was strong.” her young master boasted, “Just like I told you she was. She is well trained also as you see.” Nakita listened as she held her kneeling bow in front of her young master.
“Yes she is a fine one indeed. I shall take her then for the price we agreed upon then.” spoke the finely dressed man. The clatter of a pouch filled with coin passed over her head. She knew what that meant. Nakita slowly leaned back onto her knees and stood up. Her scantily clad body glistened in the sunlight as she stood there, her eyes upon the ground at her feet. “You do have her well trained. I shall pay you the other half once I have looked the slave over for myself.” he finished saying.
His soft hands touched her face and pressed against her jaw. Like a horse being sold or traded for, Nakita looked up at her potentially new master as he opened her mouth. The finely dressed man peered into her mouth looking at her teeth, softly he nodded, content with what he saw. His hands and fingers poked and prodded her every inch as he examined her. She lowered her head as her young master and the finely dressed one sealed the deal. For several minutes they conspired before she heard a piece of parchment being exchanged and her chain being handed over. She was no longer property of the young master, but now of the finely dressed man that now owned her.
“May the ship I traded you for her serve you well young sir. I am sure my new slave will be of as ample use as that ship has been.” spoke the finely dressed man.
Nakita’s heart raced, she knew not of what this new master of hers wanted from her, what behaviors he expected, or anything he would want from her. She trembled slightly as her new master lead her towards the docks. She knew not what was coming next for her, she was scared...

...Gwendlyn awoke the next afternoon. The smell of sex had all but drifted away, but as she inhaled deeply, the faint traces of it remained there still. As she slowly stirred from her bedroll, she looked down across her body. Her armor was not off of her, this puzzled her. She knew what she had felt had to have been real, or had it been? She slipped her hand under her armor to her vagina, her fingers found her vagina wet, extremely wet, like she had sex. She did not remember redressing herself, or for that matter, even undressing last night. Her head spun still with the orgasmic pleasure she had experienced. Out slipped her hand from under her armor and into her pack to grab a cloth. As she cleaned herself she looked around the cave hide-a-way to see if there was any evidence of the goings on last night. There was none as she tossed the wet cloth near the fire pit. A few twigs and some dried grasses and the dying fire crept back to life. Gwendlyn tossed the sex soaked cloth onto the flames, it sizzled and popped from the wetness for a few moments before it was consumed. She made her way to the caves’ entrance, the heavy rain outside making it impossible to see very far. With a heavy sigh she pulled a bunch of vines that she had woven over the entrance and made her way back into the belly of the cave. At least she had a little food to satisfy her grumbling belly for now. With a heavy thump she sat down on her bedroll and removed her armor. She thought for a moment and finished removing it all and started back towards the caves’ entrance. ‘At least I’s can freshen up a bit, even tho it will be mighty cold.’ she thought to herself as she peeked through the woven vine cover.
She pushed it slowly aside and backed herself out of the cave. The heavy cold rain hit the skin of her legs and backside like little bits of ice. She could feel it running down the crack of her ass, and down across her slit. The cold water made her holes clench closed tightly. She pulled the rest of herself out and stood up. The cool water soaking her hair and licking at her face before making it’s run down her chest to her quickly erecting nipples. Water poured off them like tiny waterfalls. It was a cold rain, but refreshing, rejuvenating. She rubbed her hands all over herself to take the dirt from her skin. By the time her hands reached her slit, she was very aroused. With a quick look around, she spread her legs a bit and let her fingers slide across her slit. A sweet soft moan escaped her lips, the rain did not feel as cold, now...

...Nakita followed her new master off the docks and into the city streets. His walk was quick and with purpose, as if to get through the city quickly before being seen. Nakita walked fast behind him, keeping up with great ease. Over several bridges of stone and onto a wooden bridge he lead her, not slowing once until they were over the bridge. Her new master lead her onwards following a river west. They neared a large home on the rivers’ edge and she heard a sigh of relief from her new master.
“Finally we are home my pet.” he smirked. “This is where you will live until I deem otherwise.”
Nakita nodded solemnly as he lead her inside. Nakita looked around the place and saw all the statues and different items in glass cases. She listened as he told her of her duties in his home. The normal things people expected from a slave is what she heard, cleaning, washing, gathering firewood, and on and on. Nakita nodded and started to do what she was told to do. Inch by inch she began to clean the dust covered artifacts in her masters’ museum. She could feel the eyes of her new master upon her as she went about her tasks. She had to make sure everything was perfect, she did nay know if her new master was a cruel one yet...

...Gwendlyn slowly made her way back into her hideout and pulled the covering over the entrance, her white hair dripping wet. Slowly she made her way back to her bedroll and the small fire. It’s warmth was a welcome feeling to her chilled flesh as she sat down next to it. She sat down with a wet thump and let out a relaxed sigh. The cold rain was invigorating, she stoked the fire to warm herself up. Her food stock was low, she knew she would have to go hunting or to town soon. She lay down as the fire crackled and popped and closed her eyes. Gwendlyn thought about the previous nights goings on, trying to make sense of what truly went on. Was it just a dream, or did it really happen, the thoughts jumbled back and forth in her head like the currents around Serpents Hold. Tomorrow she would head out to continue her search for this “Dark” man and his minions. She had to find him, she had to know what her dreams truly meant. But where to look, the realm was vast, and many places were dangerous for a lone traveler. She would have to be very careful, more so then before. There were beings that could sense what she was, and they would attack her upon her entering their village or city. It would be very dangerous indeed, but she was driven to find out the truth, to find out if she was able to give birth. All her life she believed she was not able to, but her maternal side was rearing it’s head. As if it was her time, as if she could. She knew only what one old gypsy had said to her once before she feasted upon her, that she could only be complete with the one known as, “The Dark One.” Slowly clues from people, and her own feelings and dreams would lead her to her destiny. Gwendlyn remembered the sweet taste of her blood as the gypsy’s words faded into eternity. Destiny was leading her towards the “Dark” man. Her time was now to find out, to find her true destiny, and she was ready to find out what it is. Tomorrow she would head out, unless the rain continued as hard as it was. She would see what tomorrow brought, for now, she would rest. She let her mind wander as she laid naked on her bedroll...

...Tatinana sat quietly at her desk. She sat staring at her ink stained fingers. Her mind still slipping back to what had happened to her. Her fear of it happening again kept her locked up in her self made prison. She continued to scribe her magical scrolls, some of them so dark and evil it even made her twinge in fear. She never sold her scrolls, she would trade them for things she needed, ink, regnants, blank scrolls, quills and food. Most of the trading was done through Gwendlyn, but when she was away, Kayla would journey out for her to make the trades. Tatinana would never leave her “prison”, not even to relieve her bowels, she would use her chamber pot and slide it through a panel in the door to be disposed of. Gwendlyn had been gone for some time now, Kayla knocked upon Tatinana’s door softly.
“One moment.” spoke Tatinana. Kayla could hear the rustle of the parchment scrolls as Tatinana gathered them up. She waited for her to slide open the panel, bag after bag of scrolls slid out through the small opening. Kayla slid them to one side to make room for the rest. Tatinana slid the panel closed after slipping out a piece of parchment with what supplies she required. Kayla looked at the long list and sighed heavily, it would take her quite a bit of time to gather all that was upon the long list. Kayla carried the bags down to her pack mule and tied them on.
“At least a month to gather all these things.” Kayla sighed as she looked over the list. It would take her at least two weeks to get to Umbra and back alone. Kayla readied herself and took the reigns of her pack mule and headed out. She looked back at the cabin and sighed. ‘At least she is safe in there’ she thought to herself as she slowly walked down the road.
The road twisted to the left and Kayla could no longer see the cabin. Her pack mule in tow, she walked onwards towards Vesper, at least two days away, depending on the weather.
Tatinana slipped back into her chair and unrolled a parchment. With pen in hand, and a quick dip into the ink, she pressed the quill to the parchment. Magical words and symbols flowed easily from her onto the quickly forming magical scroll. She was only truly away from her fears, anger, and her thoughts when she was scribing, which is why she got into it so deeply, to forget, to escape...

... Gwendlyn laid in her cave hide-a-way, her flesh bare of armor or cloth as she turned to one side to add some more bits of wood and grasses to the fire. It’s hungry heat filled the cave as Gwendlyn laid there watching it’s dance. She felt something touch her back and bottom, she turned quickly to see, but nothing was there. ‘Could he be visiting me once again?’ she thought to herself as she turned back to the fire and watched it’s dance. Again she felt a hand touch her from behind, this time she did not turn or move, she would just see what was going to happen...

... Nakita went from room to room, floor to floor, cleaning her new masters’ home. Sweat dripped down her face and glistened on her flesh. She could feel eyes watching her, yet she continued to do her work, she did nay want to displease her new master. The sound of a door closing behind her startled her as she cleaned the meeting rooms’ main table. She turned slightly to see whom had entered. Her new master smiled warmly and headed towards her. Nakita bowed deeply as her drew nearer.
“Continue your work.” he bellowed as he sat down at one of the small writing tables. She quickly went back to her cleaning, her sweat increasing as she hurried to finish. “Ye seem to be uncomfortable. Perhaps I need to make you more comfortable when you work.” he grinned devilishly.
Nakita lowered her head and uttered, “As you wish master.” She didn’t know what he meant by the comment, but she knew if she questioned him, she might get beaten. She turned back to her cleaning and picked up where she left off. Moments passed and she felt her masters hands upon her back. She sighed silently.

“Nakita stand up.” he ordered. She quickly stood up. She felt his fingers start to undo her leather outfit. Her top slipped to one side and he tossed it to one side. Next she felt his hands run tenderly over her flesh down to her leather shorts. His nimble fingers quickly loosened them and he slid them down to her feet. “Step out of them.” he ordered. Nakita quickly stepped out of them. “There, now you will be much cooler.” he grinned.

“Yes master.” she replied and went back to her cleaning. She could feel him staring at her as she cleaned, but she continued on. His heavy footsteps as he gathered her leather outfit and tossed them into her tiny room where she slept made her sigh in relief. Her sigh was premature, she heard his heavy footsteps coming back towards her. The sound of his trousers hitting the floor let her know what to expect next. She moved her one hand to brace herself as she continued to clean the legs of the table. His warm hands lightly wrapped around her waist. Nakita waited for what seemed like an eternity for what she knew was coming next. His manhood pressed against her slit lightly, he paused as if he was thinking twice, but then he slid himself into her moist slit. Slow, deep thrusts followed, Nakita groaned slightly as his thickness pressed ever deeper inside her. She could not resist the urge anymore and let go a long deep moan of pleasure. She turned her head to look back at her new master as he kept his passionate thrusts very slow in and out. She could see the pleasure filled look upon his face as he thrust in and out of her slowly. She knew she was mostly safe from any beating while he was mating with her. She repositioned her hands and braced herself once again to keep herself from falling forward from his thrusts. His hips slapped slowly into her backside, her slit soaking wet with her slick juices as he worked her into orgasm after orgasm. Her mind flooded with pleasure and passion. His thick manhood slipped out of her dripping slit as he told her to lay upon her back and spread her legs. Nakita did so quickly, she could see his thick throbbing manhood slowly draw nearer to her slick slit. She watched as his white manhood slid into her dark body, it’s sight made her shiver in pleasure. She watched as he slid in and out of her ever so slowly. It’s sight driving her further and further into a wild desire. She let out a scream of orgasmic bliss as she watched. She looked up briefly at his face, which was covered in pleasure and contentment. Surely he was pleased with her reactions to his ways of mating with her she thought. His faced contorted and he let out a loud moan of pleasure. Nakita could feel his hot seed explode inside her wet slit. It’s feeling sending shivers of pleasure throughout her body with each explosive pulse. Her master leaned forward and kissed her lips passionately. Nakita was taken aback by this for a moment, she had not expected him to do that to her. Her lips kissed back, his tongue slipping from his mouth into hers. His tongue caressing hers as he kissed her deeply. Nakita followed suit, her tongue moved with his. She could feel his manhood growing once again, he was not finished with his new slave it seemed...

... The next morning Gwendlyn crawled to the entrance of her cave hide-a-way. The rains had not slowed one bit, she could not even see three feet from the cave. With a deep sigh she backed herself to her bedroll and the fire. As she neared them she felt something press against her from behind, she could not move back into the room. It was as if whatever it was, was holding her from entering. She turned to look behind her, the fires dim light outlined a figure of a man. It had to be him she thought, she was in the only way in or out of the cave. She stopped pushing back. She felt his hands grab her hips and he pulled her a bit more out of the tunnel, she could not move her head to see what was happening behind her now, her body blocked all but what she could see between her legs, and that was not much. She tried to move forward a bit, but the strong grip didn’t let her move even a little. Gwendlyn growled, “Let me move or I’s have your ghostly head!” She could hear his laughter, she tried to struggle, but suddenly she felt a familiar feeling, she felt his manhood slide inside her. The feeling of pleasure raced through her body. He had put her under his spell, the “Dark” man laughed in satisfaction. Gwendlyn sighed softly, she would let him have his games with her, she knew inside her heart she was meant to be with him, and she could feel he knew he was meant to be with her. His slow passionate thrusts slipped in and out of her womanhood. The feeling driving her into orgasm after orgasm as he made love to her. Her cries of pleasure echoed in the tunnel as he mated with her. What seemed like hours passed, she heard his howl of pleasure as she felt his seed explode inside her body. It’s hotness filling her womanhood with every pulse. She felt his hands release her hips, she tried to move backwards into the room, but as she did hands of stone grabbed her body, arms and legs, not allowing her to move at all. She looked between her legs, she saw him stand from his kneeling position behind her. Before she could say a word, she saw someone, or something else kneel behind her. She tried to scream to stop whatever was about to take her, but as she started to form the words, her voice was silenced. She could not speak at all. She looked between her legs, the greyish blue skin she saw in the fire light could not be mistaken, it was that of a troll. Suddenly she heard the “Dark” man’s voice bellow out, “Take her!” his words all but spoken were followed by the thrust of the trolls massive sexual member tearing it’s way into her womanhood. She tried to scream in pain, but all that came from her mouth was silence. The powerful thrusts of the trolls sexual member slammed in and out of her repeatedly for several minutes, her eyes opened wide in surprise and shock as the troll released it’s seed inside her. Massive spurts of seed filled her womanhood, she could not believe the amount that was filling her, she thought she would be explode, surely some would end up coming out of her womanhood, but yet none did. She could hear the “Dark” man tell the troll to get away, as she watched it stand and walk away from between her legs, she saw another creature take it’s place. It’s pale green skin was barely visible in the fire light as she felt it’s long skinny sexual member slip inside her body. She watched between her legs as the Orc mated with her and got up. As soon as it was away another being took it’s place. Ogre, mongbat, imp, daemon, and many more took their turn filling her womanhood with their thick seed. After all had finished she saw the “Dark” man kneel behind her, she felt his manhood slip inside her. She could hear his moans of pleasure grow louder as he neared orgasm, she heard him speak softly, “With the mating of all my minions to the one that shall carry the seeds of all I control, may so our son keep the same control that I possess!” As he finished his words she felt his seed explode inside her, it was not as before, it’s warmth and feeling was different. Her body quivered and shook in orgasm as he emptied his manhood contents inside her. Her eyes glazed with ecstacy. She felt the stone hands release their grip on her and she moved herself backwards into the room. As she looked up from all fours, she saw him standing there above her. She looked around the room and she could see the menagerie of creatures and beings in the room. Her eyes blinked as she looked at the room it’s self, she was not in her cave hide-a-way, she was in the great hall of the “Dark” man’s keep. She looked up at the “Dark” man, she could see his devilish grin as he looked down upon her.

“You think you are dreaming my love?” he spoke softly to her. Gwendlyn nodded slightly. “Nay my love, this is very real, but you shall have to finish your journey to our realm. For now you carry my seed, if you are truly worthy to bear my child, you shall find your way to our kingdom. Only then will the spell be complete, and our child will grow inside you as in your dreams.”

“I’s will find ye me love. For I want nothing more then to bear this child for us both.” she said with a fang filled smile. Her eyes black as pitch as she stared at the “Dark” man’s face. She could see his clearly, she could feel it’s warmth as she caressed it.

“Now take her back Kain, she has much traveling to do.” barked the “Dark” man.
As she paused and turned to face him, “And why did you let them all mate with me my love?” she questioned.

She saw him give a smirky grin, “Ye will understand when the times comes along my darling.” and with that Kain spoke some magical words and grabbed her arm. Before she could speak again she was back in the cave room laying on her bedroll naked, with Kain kneeling beside her and his hands upon her belly. The look of happiness on his face, and then in an instant, he was gone. Gwendlyn looked down at her womanhood, she almost didn’t believe what had happened. Her womanhood showed no sign of all the seed that had been put into her, how strange she thought, as she laid back on her bedroll she looked down across her body. Her belly was bowed out slightly, it was never like that before she thought. She pressed lightly on her belly, it was different feeling then she remembered, it was harder, and not her belly at all, more like her womb. She remembered the “Dark” man’s words, “With the mating of all my minions to the one that shall carry the seeds of all I control, may so our son keep the same control that I possess!” Gwendlyn smiled softly, she knew now why her stomach area seemed swollen. She slowly sat up and pulled her armor on. As she did she noticed a long strand of hair clinging to her inner thigh, she picked it up and looked at it closely. A smirk came across her lips, she had her first clue on which way to head...
... Tatinana busied herself with her scribing. She paid no attention to noises outside her self made prison. Her heavy door and covered windows made her feel safe and secure. She worked her ink stained fingers well into the late afternoon. She snacked on some dried meat and fruits for some nourishment. As she did she heard a loud thump outside her door. It startled her for a moment, but she dismissed it quickly. Another loud thump and she grew concerned, then another thump and another, as if someone was taking an axe to her door. Tatinana readied her magical words, but her concentration was interrupted as she saw the shiny blade of an axe crash through her door. She quickly recovered and cast the first spell to come to mind, the stones appeared magically in front of the door. She knew the spell would not last long. But every moment she could keep the invader at bay was better then any alternative. She readied the spell again, as the stones from the first wall fell and disappeared. She began to speak but her voice was silenced, she could not speak a word. The magic the invader used was one she remembered well. It was the same powerful magic that she had felt the last time she was attacked. She never thought he would come back, but he held true to his promise of coming back for his “toy.” Fear grew in her heart as the axe finally took the door down. She saw his face once again, Clive had returned for his “toy” and he did not look like he was happy at all he had to go through to get to her.
“So you thought you could hide behind closed doors my little toy?” he grumbled menacingly. “You will learn again that you can not stop me from what I desire.”
Tatinana felt the tears fall from her eyes as she stood there, unable to resist his magical hold upon her, even tho she had practiced ever since his last attack. She watched as he motioned for her to head to her new bed. Thou she tried her best to resist, she felt her legs moving her towards the bed. With a twist of his wrist she laid down in the bed with a thump. He had her in his complete control once more, and she knew what came next. He walked slowly towards her with knife in hand, again with the skill of a tanner and tailor, he deftly cut her leather armor from her body. She laid there as he pulled the clothing and armor from her pale skinned body.
“Ahh just as I left it, tho... Where is the child I gave you last time?” he glared at her. “That was the grave I saw outside!” His face grew angrier and angrier. “Well this time I shall not allow you to destroy my creations. I shall make you have two this time, and they will not be able to be harmed by any means.”
Tatinana felt the tears stream from her eyes as he moved between her legs. Against her will they parted for him with ease as he moved his hands apart. She watched as his manhood grew to full length as he rubbed it on the outside of her womanhood. His evil smile made her shiver in fear, “Ahh just as sweet as I remembered it.” Slowly he slide it to her opening, “Now to play with my toy.” he smirked. Tatinana felt his engorged manhood press slowly into her womanhood, the feeling of disgust raced through her body as he started his slow sexual dance in at out of her. She cringed in pain as he pushed it all the way inside, tears streamed down her cheeks to the pillow below. Her womanhood throbbed and vibrated in time with his slow, forceful thrusts. She could not believe her womanhood was betraying her so. For what seemed like forever he slid his manhood in and out of her womanhood. Tatinana looked at him with disgust and hatred on her eyes, his evil smirk turned to one she remembered very well, his contorted expression was quickly followed by his long deep groan of pleasure as his manhood released it’s contents deep inside her body. She felt his warm thick seed pulse time and time again inside her body, she was barely able to keep from vomiting all over herself. He looked down upon her with a contented smirk and began to fondle her tender breasts with his coarse hands. She tried to move to stop him, but his control of her was far to great for her to break. His rough fingers caressed her clit, slowly rubbing it in tiny circles. Her body tensed slowly, she could not believe what was going on with her body. Several seconds passed and her body began to tremble violently. Her barely audible moan of pleasure escaped past her lips. The pleasure was intense, her face caked with tears, her mind filled with disgust. Her pleasure was quickly ended as she felt him slip his coarse fingers inside her womanhood. He slowly worked them in and out, only removing them to taste her juices that he had collected on them.
“Such a sweet taste.” , he said with a twisted smile, “I will enjoy my time with you once again my toy.”
Tatinana cried, her tears streaking down her face and onto her pillow. She was helpless against him as he thrust his erect manhood back inside her soaking wet womanhood. She felt his powerful hips thrust hard against hers. She knew he would keep his word this time. He would make her once again with child. His sexual dance started once more as Tatinana cried and cried. She knew he would be there, filling her womanhood time and time again. She could feel his hard manhood sliding in and out of her womanhood as he groaned and moaned in the pleasure of her disgust and pain, her tears where like sweetness to him. He made her move and watch as he mated her. She could see his hard manhood slowly disappear inside her body and then slide out, only to be slid back in over and over again. Tatinana felt like she wanted to vomit as she watched, she could not look away, his magical grip on her held her eyes on her womanhood and his manhood’s assault on it. His manhood coated with her body’s juices. His thrusts deep and purposeful churned her juices to a frothy white. She felt his hips jerk forward, pressing deep as he could. His warm seed exploded inside her womanhood, she could feel it’s warmth filling her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and onto her milky white breasts. Their glassiness glistening in the light of the candelabra, she watched as he leaned forward and licked their saltiness from her breasts. She watched as he slowly ran his tongue roughly over her tender nipples, it’s coarseness feeling like the bark of a tree. Her body seethed in pain when she felt his fangs bite into her right nipple, she could feel her hot blood flowing from the bite. Clive suckled slowly on her bleeding nipple like a baby. His fingers wandering over her womanhood and her backside, and then he would force their roughness into one of her two openings and then out and into the opposite hole. Tatinana could not control herself any longer, the feeling of queasiness was too powerful, her vomit launched from her mouth. It’s putrid smell coating herself and her attacker Clive. Clive lifted his head from his suckling. An evil grin rolled across his face as he smeared her vomit all over her body. He grabbed her legs and lifted them above his shoulders. Her back bent up as he leaned forward placing his hands on her wrists. She watched as he guided his thick manhood to her wet, frothy opening of her womanhood. His slow push just into the opening was followed by a devilish grin and then a massively hard thrust into her. The loud slapping sound of his seed-bags and hips as they slapped into her backside filled the quiet room like the sound of a drumbeat. His pace was hard and steady, every thrust with the soul purpose of forcing his manhood as deep as he could into her tender womanhood. Her body betraying her with every one of his thrusts as it’s juices made her womanhood slicker for his assault. She felt the tears dry on her face, she could no longer feel the tears on her face, the numbing feeling of his rhythmic pounding was all she could feel now. His rough lips pressed against hers, she felt his rough tongue as it forced it’s way past her lips and ran across her tongue. His tongue danced in her mouth as he continued his relentless pounding on her womanhood. Tatinana gave up, she decided to just let herself find out what others felt when they were being mated with. She stopped trying to resist Clive’s assault.
She could see his evil smirk on his face as he pulled his lips from hers, “Ahh finally my toy has learned not to resist her owner. Now let yourself feel the pleasure of being my sexual plaything.” Tatinana nodded softly. At first it was hard for her to stop fighting the sensations her body was feeling, but slowly, as she relaxed her body and mind, she started to feel the sensual pleasure of his hard thrusts deep into her body. Her legs on his shoulders softly gripped his rough skin as he thrust in her harder and faster. She could feel her womanhood vibrating and throbbing from his manhood’s in and out dance. The feeling of pressure in her womanhood grew, the feeling was one she had felt before, but this time she did not resist feeling it. Clive could see the pleasure growing in her face, he thrust harder and faster into her. Tatinanas’ face flushed as she felt the orgasm build to the point of exploding.

Clive smiled evilly as he watched her, “Yes my toy... feel the pleasure...” His words comforting, egging her on.

Tatinana could not resist the feeling anymore, her body trembled and shook as she orgasmed. The intense feelings coursed throughout her body. The pleasure filled her every fiber of her body. She watched as Clive thrust in and out of her now sopping wet womanhood. She watched as his face contorted with the pleasure of his own orgasm. The sensation of his warm seed entering her body made her shiver intensely. Her eyes lit up brighter and brighter with every pulse of his manhoods’ release of it’s seed inside her. She had let go of her resistance, she no longer feared Clives’ desire to mate with her. She knew it would be pointless to resist him, and she knew she could not fight his overpowering magic. Perhaps this was the man she was destined to meet after running away from her fathers’ tower prison, and her prearranged marriage to some far away prince she had never met. Tatinana looked up at Clive as he smirked down at her. She could see his satisfaction of beating her resistance in his eyes. She managed to let out a teeny tiny smile.

“My precious little toy, how I’ve longed for this moment with you. Now you can bear my children and enjoy them with me. If only you had let yourself realize my power over you before.” he said with a wicked grin. Tatinana just nodded softly to him. She watched as he moved her legs from his shoulders and moved his manhood to her tender, milky white breasts. He laid their combined wetness between them and smiled down at her. She looked at it laying there and felt him move forward a bit more. She could feel it pressing against her lips, it’s softness throbbing lightly against them. She knew what he wanted now, her lips parted slowly, he moved it slightly more forward. The taste of their combined juices raced across her tongue as she softly sucked it in as he moved more forward. Her tongue caressing it as she softly suckled on it. She heard his moans of pleasure and began to suck a little faster. She could feel it begin to swell in her mouth. It’s softness turning ever harder as she suckled on it. The feeling of it growing in her mouth was weird, never had she felt anything like it before. With a slow rhythm his hips slid his rock hard manhood in and out of her mouth, her tongue caressing it as it entered and left. She looked up at his face and the pleasure upon it as she suckled on it.
Clive smiled down at her, “Yes my pretty toy, just like that. Your warm mouth feels so good on my cock.” as his words faded she could feel his manhoods’ throbbing increase. His breathing grew heavier and shallower, his face contorted with pleasure. She sucked a bit harder on his manhood, she heard his loud groan of pleasure, she felt him thrust forward, his manhood going so far into her mouth and down her throat making her gag violently. The thick milky liquid exploded from his manhood and into her throat, she gagged and could do nothing but swallow the liquid. She swallowed hard to take the first throat-full down, Clives’ hips jerked back and forth slightly as his seed pulsed into her mouth and throat. She could not keep up with the flood of his seed, it leaked out of the corners of her mouth and down her cheeks. She tried as hard as she could to swallow every bit, but it was impossible because he had thrust his manhood so far into her mouth and throat. Clive pulled his manhood out from her mouth with a pleasurable grin. He looked down at her cum covered cheeks and smirked. He moved off her chest and laid down heavily beside her. Tatinana tried to lick the drying cum from her cheeks, but it was to far for her to reach it all. She could hear Clive sigh in pleasure, and then silence. His breathing slowed as he fell asleep next to her. Tatinana closed her eyes, her body still vibrating from her orgasms. She relaxed and drifted into sleep, she would get some rest before he awoke...

...Gwendlyn looked at the coarse hair she had found on her inner thigh, it was a troll’s hair, it’s greyish black color could only be from the trolls just south of Minoc. It’s dark coloring kept the troll warm in the cool winters of Minoc. She gathered her stuff and filled her pack and tied her bedroll to it. She crawled her way to the caves’ entrance and moved aside the covering. The cool morning air greeted her with a refreshing tingle. It would be a good day to travel. She placed her fingers to her lips and let loose a loud whistle. A few moments past and she could hear the mournful sounds of her ghostly mounts cries in the distance. It’s ghostly hooves thunderous sound growing louder as it drew ever closer to her. She could see it’s ghostly form crashing through the underbrush, dried leafage raining down behind it. It came to a stop in front of her, she reached up and patted it’s ghostly neck. With a quick step and a jump she landed on it’s back and grabbed the reigns.

“We be off towards Minoc my old friend.” she said as she nudged it to take off, it reared up waving it’s front hooves in the air and spun halfway around on it’s hind legs. It’s massive front hooves slammed onto the ground and it took off at full run...

...Nakita could feel her new masters’ hands tenderly caressing every inch of her supple skin, the sensation was unfamiliar to her. Never had a master of hers done such a sensual thing as this to her. Others had touched her flesh, but only roughly and without the feeling that she felt from her new masters’ touch. She actually enjoyed his touch as he slid his thick cock slowly inside her. His slow, passionate movements made Nakita feel sensations she had only experienced briefly with former masters. She could feel the pleasure building in her body, his slowness increasing her passion, her desires. His warm caresses and passionate thrusts of stiff cock made her feel so special. She looked into his eyes as he stared down at her. She could see the love in his eyes as she softly worked his cock in and out of her ever wetting pussy. Her body quivered and shook in tiny orgasms, but they were nothing compared to what she could feel building inside her as her hips thrust up to meet his.

“My sweet little slave girl.” he moaned sweetly, “You shall serve me quite well indeed. Your gentle acceptance of my desires are a welcome change.”

Nakita smiled warmly, “Your wish is my command my master.” Suddenly she felt him begin to slam his cock harder into her, she could not control herself anymore, she let go a wild cry of ecstacy. The cry filled the empty hall, echoing around the entire place. Her body shook and quivered from her orgasm. As her eyes opened she opened them to see his smiling face looking at her with pride across his lips.

“I see you enjoyed my present to you my sweet little slave.” he said proudly. Nakita nodded softly, her passion and desire showing in her eyes and on her face. “Soon I will release my seed inside your sweet cunt, would you like me to do that to you?” Again Nakita nodded, she wanted to show him her willingness to do whatever he asked of her.

“Nakita want tu please you master, Nakita am falling for you.” she said with shyness. She watched as the smile on his face grew bigger at her words.

“My little slave has pleased me, but I require more from my slave girl.” he gently whispered in her ear as he laid on top of her, his hips slowly rising and falling between her wide open legs. His slow steady pace matched his tender kisses on her neck and shoulders.

“Nakita do as you wish master, Nakita am yours to do with as you want.” she whispered back between her moans of pleasure.

Her master lifted his head and smiled at her, “Then I shall see if you are truly ready to give me what I desire from you.” His thrusts grew a bit faster as he held himself up over her, his face filling with pleasure, “I shall sow my seed in your garden my sweet little slave, lets see if it is fertile enough to grow something for me.”

Nakita looked at him in disbelief, did he just actually say he wanted her to bear a child for him? She could not believe he said that to her, “You wish for Nakita to carry you babuu?”

Her master looked at her confused for a moment, “If by babuu you mean a baby, then yes, that is what I wish from you. You will give me what I wish for...” His words momentarily cut off as he groaned in an ever growing want to release his hot cum inside her body. “You will give me a child, this I command”

Nakita smiled warmly and nodded happily. His face twisted slightly and he let out a primal groan of orgasmic bliss as he thrust his pulsating cock hard against hers. His cock spewing out hot blasts of cum deep inside her body. She cried out in pleasure as she felt it pulse deep into her wanting pussy. It’s feeling sent her into yet another orgasm. Her legs wrapped around his waist pulling his hips harder onto hers, his cock spewing blast after blast deeper inside her pulsating pussy. He collapsed onto her with a moan of absolute pleasure. His cock throbbing as it pumped out every drop inside her. Nakita held his hips tightly to hers, her arms wrapped tenderly around his torso. She knew now this master was different indeed...

Chapter VI
--------Gwendlyns’ Search--------

Gwendlyn slowed her ghostly mount to a steady walk. The long journey to Minoc would be several days, there was no need to tire themselves both out. The road ahead was long and treacherous, they would need their strength incase something came along that they needed to get away from. The ghostly steeds’ heavy footsteps resounded through the woods as the pair made their way onwards. She smiled warmly as she thought back to what had happened the night before...

...Tatinana awoke suddenly. Clive had moved from his position beside her and put his head between her legs. His coarse tongue ran roughly from the bottom of her womanhood to the top, it stopped at her clitoris and began to twirl slowly around it. Her eyes widened at the feeling, the pleasurable feeling sending shockwaves to her brain. Her breathing increase as she could feel the ecstacy building up inside her. Her light moans of pleasure quickly grew louder as his tongue danced and twirled around her clitoris. She watched between her legs as his head held just above her womanhood for his tongue to perform it’s dance. Her ecstacy began to overcome her, her body trembled violently as she cried out in orgasmic bliss. Clive looked up from between her legs, his face covered in her frothy juices. Her milky white breasts heaved as she breathed heavily from her orgasm. Slowly he climbed on top of her. His face wet with her juices only inches away from her own. She watched as he drew his face nearer to hers, his nose lightly touching hers. She could feel his manhood grinding up and down her drenched womanhood. The feeling of it sending shivers deep inside of her womanhood, making her yearn to feel it inside her. She had let herself truly go, she let the sensations fill her mind and carry her into ecstacy. His thick manhood ran up and down her slick womanhood for several moments more, she could not take it any more, she looked up at him with a begging look in her eyes. His evil grin ran from ear to ear as he looked into her eyes.

“You want it now don’t you? You want to feel my throbbing cock inside your milky white body don’t you?” he growled devilishly. Tatinana nodded, she still was unable to speak. She watched as he slid his manhood back and aimed it towards her womanhoods’ opening. He smiled down at her, “You give your flower to me freely, wantonly, I am happy to see you like this my little toy.”
Tatinana nodded softly, her eyes glistening as he pressed his manhood slowly into her wanting womanhood. Her long moan of pleasure as he slipped it in slowly deeper and deeper reverberated against the walls of her room. Its’ thickness and length filling her wet womanhood completely. He slowly started his dance in and out of her body, her mind was on fire with the sensation. She could feel her own hips moving slowly up and down in time with his. She was finally free of her fears, no longer would she be scared of what he did with his “toy” as he called her. She knew his words he had spoken of her inability to harm any child he gave her would hold true. His magic was far greater then her own, and she knew it. She did not want to bear any more children, but she knew she had no choice any longer, he would have his “toy” and she was just that...

... Gwendlyn sat lazily upon the back of her ghostly steed. Its’ thunderous steps lulling her to sleep. She had been traveling all day, her eyes drooped heavily. The cool chill of the night slowly crept up on her, making her shiver. She pulled the reigns of her ghostly mount stopping it in its’ tracks. She slipped of gracefully, her boots kicking up some road dust. Gwendlyn sneezed loudly several times. She lead her ghostly mount towards a small clearing where she gathered some kindling and wood for a campfire. Several strikes of her flint and the dried grass caught fire, she slowly blew it into a tiny flame which grew quickly as she placed it under the pile of kindling. The soft crackle and hiss of the kindling echoed against the tree-line. She carefully added ever bigger pieces of wood until she had a good campfire burning. She unrolled her bedroll over some soft grasses and pine branches she had gathered while she gathered wood for her fire. She laid on it heavily, her eyes heavy with sleep. She looked towards her ghostly mount with a smile, “Until tomorrow my friend.” with a loud neigh it reared up and disappeared into the smoke of the fire. Gwendlyn smiled softly and closed her eyes. The crackle of the fire mixed with the songs of the crickets and the howls of the owls. 
Her eyes blinked heavily with sleep, never before had she traveled such a distance before. Darkness slowly drew over over her, enveloping her in its stark embrace, caressing her in its creeping blackness. Quickly slipping towards the comfort of sleep, the distant, passing lights faded from her, leaving her to the blissfulness of slumbers embrace.  She could see his face, beckoning, coaxing her, drawing her to this "Dark man" and the final answer to why.... why was she so drawn by him. What did he know about her, what powers did he possess over her to make her yearn to find him, no matter what the cost in money or lives,

---------- Xena's Tales--------

...His eyes wandered slowly over her form. She could feel his stare, burning upon her skin, right through what little clothes she had on. Her smile, timid, afraid, unsure of why she, of all the girls there, had caught his eyes. True the simple bit of cloth they had given her to wear barely covered much of her, it was obviously for a girl much shorter, and less endowed then she. Slowly he moved onwards, looking at the others, but she could feel his eyes glancing back at her again and again. She sighed in relief as she saw him slip around the corner.
  Suddenly she was jerked back, the collar upon her neck biting into her flesh. The sound of the chain rattling loudly as she was yanked to the back of the cage, rang in her ears. She did not know what was going on, her fingers clutched at the collar, in a futile attempt to pull it from her neck. She was quickly bound, hands and feet, and pulled from the cage. His eyes fell upon her once again, a cold smile upon his lips, the chain, her chain, was handed to him, she was his now...
...Silently she followed him, the heavy chain connecting them, bonding her to him weighed heavily on her. Her eyes cast to the ground, her only sight, her own feet and the cobblestone street beneath them. She knew not his plans for her, or what was in store.
  His pale skin glowed in the sunlight, even as covered up as he was. His hat had a wide brim that covered most of his cloaked shoulders, the only skin naked of clothing, was his face and the back of his neck, both of which were covered in the hats shadow. It was a sharp contrast against hers, her ebony skin dark as the night itself...
...She had been taken from her home on the arid plains of her homeland, collared and stripped of her life, the only one she had ever known. Thrown into the hull of a ship, chained to the floor, stacked like cards of wood, only a mouthful of water ladled every third day by a collared slave woman in a white shirt and tattered long skirt. There they laid, day after day, barely able to move, scared...
...Through the winding streets she was lead, the sights and sounds new to her, making her jump and tremble in fear. Her eyes darted from strange thing to strange thing, her mind racing, overwhelmed by it all. The only comfort to her, the heavy chain linking her to her new Master. She hurried quickly behind him, not wanting to be to far away in case one of the strange things was to come after her. She was scared of him, but even more so of all the strange things around her. Her pace quickened, keeping close, yet far enough away to not trip on him.
  Her eyes kept going back to his pale skin, she had never seen such a color on a person before. It was as if it glowed even in the shadow of the hat, it fascinated her immensely. Down more streets they went, growing further and further from the docks. Farther away from her only way back to her home on the plains. She was lost for good now...

...In front of her stood a large house, one big enough to house her entire tribe.  His voice boomed like thunder as he spoke, telling her this was now her home. Her body shivered in fright as he yanked the chain between them, almost dragging her off balance completely. She could see the other slaves going about their work in the vast yard just beyond the heavy gates. She saw no one like her there tho. Most were light skinned, or slightly tanned. The feel of their eyes felt heavy upon her. It was as if they had never seen the likes of her before, it made her feel small, insecure. Her steps hastened, she wanted away from the prying eyes as soon as possible.
  He led her onwards, towards the huge house, parading her in front of them all.

...She gently takes the kettle from it's resting place. Her eyes wander over it and heads towards the water, quickly filling it. She spins gracefully on her heels and heads over to the fire, hanging the kettle over it to boil....
 Her eyes quickly spot  a bowl and cup, grasping them carefully she heads back to the water to throughly wash them both. Deftly her fingertips the fresh repcloth onto the bowl, scrubbing it clean. She holds it to the sunlight, inspected it for any bit of dirt that might remain. She smiles warmly and places it on a big piece of rep cloth as she turns her attention to the cup for the other Mistress, repeating the same, careful cleaning as the bowl before....

She gently lifts the bowl and cup, now covered in another piece of repcloth so that she doesn't touch them, she heads back to the "kitchen" to begin preparing.

  Her soft, nimble fingers  flatten out a fresh bit of repcloth onto the counter. She kneels gently and rummages a bit for the tea leafs. Grasping a bunch she brings them to the repcloth and  lovingly crumbles them onto it. Softly her fingertips lift the corners, folding the repcloth tightly around the crushed leafs. She takes a bit of string and ties the repcloth tightly. A smile slips across her lips as she tenderly lifts it and turns to the kettle, placing the tea filled repcloth in to seep. Her attention turns to the "salad" she was asked to make.....

Sable smiles as she  gathers up some katch, olives, onions, radishes, carrots, peppers, and some pea pods. Wrapping them up in some repcloth she heads over to the water to wash them throughly. Her gentle fingers  shiver in the cool, crisp water as she washes the ingredients  carefully. A giggle slips past her lips as she shakes the water from the ketch, it's droplets  dancing in the air like tiny diamonds.

  She quietly finishes the washing, heading back to the counter in the "kitchen". Trembling fingers, bit from the cold water shiver as she unwraps them from the repcloth. She sighs heavily, seeing that the knife is chained to the stone. "How does one expect a girl to wash this thing" she mutters to herself under her breath. She turns to grab another bowl and hurries off to fill it with water to wash the knife....

She hurries back, grasping the knife and placing it in the bowl of water. Her fingers wrapped tightly in a bit of repcloth, she proceeds to throughly clean the knife. It had looked to her like it had not been cleaned in a long while.
  Satisfied with its now cleanliness, she looks to the kettle, it had not yet begun to boil thankfully.
 Her eyes turn to the bowl she was to serve the Mistress with. Her eyes slowly inspect it for any imperfection, a piece of sheer cloth run along the edge and over it's entirety. A warm smile crosses her lips as she places it down onto a tray.
   Laid out before her was the ingredients  for the salad, she began with the ketch, chopping it up into bite sized bits and tossing it into the cleaned bowl. A gentle tune softly rises from her, it was but a gentle hum, but it always made her smile. Swiftly she dices up the onion, carrots, radishes and other ingredients placing them into the bowl also. Her eyes spot two spoons which she grasps and heads to clean. She heads back and stirs the salad up with them. She  taps her chin, "Oh! that will do nicely!" she thinks  to herself. She kneels down to find the boiled vulo eggs. Quickly she slices them and adds then to the top of the salad....

Sable gently places the salad filled bowl onto the tray, covering it in a fresh repcloth and turns to the Bazi tea. The steam raced into the cool, crisp air, her eyes watching it swirl in the air. Taking a fresh cloth she carefully  lifts the cup she has chosen for the Mistress. Her green eyes study the edges and surface, confirming what her eyes saw was true with a bit of sheer cloth, she nodded approvingly and placed it upon the tray.

 The heat of the kettle felt good against the cold air, she carefully lifted the lid, letting out a big billowing burst of steam into the air. It's warm, tender touch caressing  her face, making her smile. She placed the lid back on and  slowly pured the tea into the cup. It's steamy tendrils reached up into the air in their slow, curling dance. Quickly she added sugars to tiny bowls and  matching spoons for each after having throughly cleaned and inpected them for any imperfections....

Her soft, gentle fingers grasped the tray, lifting it gracefully. She ran through everything in her head once again, checking it for any mistakes. Her eyes studied the tray a moment, a soft nod to her head, "Right down to some  pastries for the Mistresses to enjoy" she smiled to herself. And off to the Mistresses she went.

She slide gracefully to her knees, back straight, thighs tightly pressed  together, her head lowered to her breasts, tray offered up for the  Mistresses' approval......

Sable smiles warmly, holding the bowl of salad  first to her chest, whispering a delicate prayer. She lifted it up, gently kissing the bottom of the large bowl of salad before  holding it  out to the Mistress, "I hope and pray this food brings you strength and happiness Mistress."

Sable smiles delicately, her fingertips softly caressing the hot cup of  Bazi tea  first to her chest she whispers a silent prayer, then she lifts it, softly kissing the bottom of the cup, "I hope and pray this drink warms you and quenches your thirst Mistress."...

......The chill of the morning air  bit into her dark, ebony skin. She had awoken early to begin her chores, an early start would  get  much of them done at a decent time she thought. Quickly she grabbed a basket and  lashed  some rope to it, sliding it onto her back and adjusted the newly fashioned rope straps....

 ... She could hear the distant  thump of an axe being  put to tree, a smile slipped across her face, there would be plenty of wood soon for the fire to do it's slow, dance of destruction upon. Her hair glistened in the  cool morning  light as she walked  towards the camps front gates....

...Down across the bridge she went, her bare feet  trembling at the coolness of the wood, feeling it's stinging bite upon them. A gentle tune, one she had heard played many times in the tavern when she worked  outside in the garden of her former Master and Mistress, hummed upon her lips happily.....

.. The sound of the axe grew steadily louder, it seemed to thump in tune  with the music she hummed. The small clearing growing closer, the smell of cut wood  filling her nostrils, it seems  she was not the only early riser this day.....

... Through the soft fern underbrush she went, gracefully  swirling around  this tree and that tree, steadily going forward to the clearing. She could see  the glisten of his skin as  he stood  upon the trunk of the fallen tree, the early morning light catching it  just so. A soft smile slipped across her lips.....

... She loaded the basket quickly, stuffing it full of the cut wood, its smell wafting around her head, invading her nose. With a bit of a struggle she managed to get  the heavily laden basket upon her back, the home made straps digging into her shoulders. She paused a moment, looking to the figure upon the tree truck, swinging his axe with a graceful pride.
  She turned away, adjusting the heavy load upon her back and  headed back to camp.....

... Load after load she carried back to the camp, each time returning for a new load of the  fragrant wood. Her eyes would wander  over  to the thrall as he chopped away. Her hand  lifted, shielding her eyes from the  ever  brightening sunlight. She gazed up, trying to figure out who the  figure was, her  eyes squinting in the bright  morning light......

 ....Another heavy load of logs stacked on the ever growing pile. Her mind drifted  to the sweet sounds of the forest as she strapped on the basket and headed back for another load. Ever so softly she began to hum once more, a made up tune she took from the forest itself. It made no sense or reason, but it put a spring in her step. A few moments later, she arrived back at the clearing, the familiar thud of the axe now silent, just the rustle of the fallen leafs in the gentle breeze. She took off the basket and began to load it carefully....

.... The rough hand grasped her by the hair and collar from behind. She tried to shriek, but  nothing came out, his  lips where upon hers. Her eyes wide with fear, looked  at the person before her, kissing her, it was familiar.
  She could feel his grip tighten on her hair and collar, yet it did not cause her pain, it felt... erotic. Timidly her  delicate fingertips reached forward, running over the sweat covered chest she had seen glistening in the sun. There was nothing  she could do, her  pleasure slave training  took over....

...His rough hand caressed her silken skin, pushing up her camisk as it traveled slowly upwards. Her hair fell upon her back like a hundred thousand tiny whips, her nipples began to harden. She could feel his manhoods' bulge against her  heat and belly, its touch making her moan with desire. She watched as her camisk fluttered to the ground, the sound of his kilt greeting it as it landed....

....She felt him slowly, passionately  press deep inside her warm, moist depths. A long, pleasure filled gasp rushing past her lips and into the sweet, cool air of the day. Her eyes once blinded by the bright light of the day, now shielded by him, began to regain their focus. Her eyes widened as she saw his face, it was rix, the camp thrall she had met not long ago. His eyes were filled with passion and desire as his hips  slowly  pressed forward and just as slowly withdrew....

 ....She had told her former Mistress  before she abandoned her, that she was do for a visit  with the Green, but that seemed to have not concerned her former Mistress in the least bit. She had not received the bitter  tasting slave wine  for over  7 hands + one Passage Hand (month and a half approx.) but it did not seem to phase her former  Mistress. Now  there was nothing she could do about it.....

....In and out  his slow, rhythmic motions continued, his eyes looking deeply into hers, her own locked to his. The smell of his scent  coursed  through her nostrils, burning  deep in the primal depths of her mind, She did not understand this sensation, this feeling....

....A low, primal growl rattled deep in his chest  like a distant thunder, her body convulsed, taken over  in an orgasmic tidal wave....
.....and then she felt it.....
.... A growing warmth deep in her warm, trembling depths.....
                                       .....His seed.....
       ...... pulsing....
                                                                           .....filling her......
..... like that she had felt from the Masters she had  pleasured before......
                                                                     ....only this time.....
                    .......there was no slave wine in her........


...The crew where ready. They needed supplies in a big way. The ships supplies had dwindled down to scraps and morsels. Blackbeard set his sights towards the town of Yew. The fat sheep farms would surely have enough fresh meat for himself and the crew, along with the wool they could take to trade elsewhere for other supplies.

Dusk drew upon the ship like a curtain as the Queen Anne's Revenge slipped slowly into the bay near Empath Abbey. Silently the crew slipped from her decks and off to the sheep farms with cutlass and dagger in hand. They dare not make a sound as they slipped into the pens and slit the throats of the sleeping sheep. Making quick work of their task at hand they tied the carcasses together throwing them over their shoulders until they could barely walk and headed back to the ship.

The deck slowly began to pile high with the hundreds of sheep carcasses the crew gathered late into the night. Blackbeard grinned devilishly as the last of the crew returned from the other farms with both wheat and vegetables. The loving embrace of the night had caressed them truly this time. The hungry crew readied the ship to make way and made for open sea.

As dawn approached, the sound of the sheep bones splashing into the sea and the smell of the meat cooking could be smelt everywhere on deck. The wool of the sheep stuffed safely away in the hold, the crew feasted upon their ill gotten breakfast.

Days passed as they sailed down the coast towards Skara Brae. The lamb supply being dried and salted and stashed away in barrels, the crew set their hunger for more supplies loose towards the unsuspecting Skara Brae.

The ship sat just off the shore as the crew and Blackbeard rowed ashore. The mid day sun glistened across their sweat covered backs as they pulled the boats ashore. The goal lay half a day walk away, the rich vegetable farms and cotton fields.
The crew herded together a few stray horses they could find and strapped packs onto them, they were ready.

As they walked on towards the farms the crew grew ever more quiet. Their senses on full alert as they reached the first farm. The sentries kept watch as the crew began to gather every vegetable piece they could find. Like a well oiled machine the crew filled their arms and walked to the pack animals and stowing the plunder on them.
From farm to farm the crew and Blackbeard went, meeting no resistance from the farmers as the crew took the their crops. Blackbeard grinned as he stroked his beard. He knew his ship and crew would soon be rich with profits as they approached the cotton fields.
Like an army of ants the crew swarmed upon the cotton, gathering arm loads and stuffing it into sacks. Blackbeard watched as a farmer burst through his homes door, pitchfork in hand in a futile attempt to protect his crop. The cold steal of a cutlass stopped the farmer quickly in his tracks as his neck met the edge of the blade. The farmer dropped his pitchfork and swallowed hard, yet nay said a word, he turned and went quietly back into his home.
The crew and pack animals, loaded to the breaking point, walked back towards the ship as the thick of night fell upon them. The crew and Blackbeard seemed to just vanish into the darkness as they headed to their ship.

Morning found the ship and crew resting lazily upon the deck as the ship sailed westward into open water. Blackbeard proudly congratulated his crew on their fine work as the ship sliced through the waves. Blackbeard had a new sight set, Moonglow.
The wheat fields there and the cotton fields would truly give his crew several months supply of wheat for bread, and fat pockets of gold from the sale of the cotton to other cities.

The Queen Anne's Revenge anchor splashed into the depths as the crew boarded the rowboats. They had anchored on the southern end of the island where few of the island naval vessels ever sailed.
The crew as usual made their way quickly to the fields and gathered the wheat and cotton in quick fashion. The rowboats hauling load after load back to the Queen Anne's Revenge and the awaiting crew there.

The early evening found all aboard the ship and the hold filled with the lot from the three cities. Blackbeard and his crew sailed towards Vesper and the black markets there to sell their plunder. With nay a sight of a ship in the spyglass Blackbeard yelled out to his crew,
"The seas be ours me hearties!"


...Xena smiled warmly. Her soft silken fingers gently lifted  the knife and fork. Ever so gently she sliced a thin sliver from the meat. Slowly she lifted the nearly see through slice to her lips and placed it upon her tongue. The soft, tender meat blanketed her tongue in it's warm embrace, sending shivers though her body. Her tongue retreats into her mouth quickly, tossing the sliver of meat to her teeth........

...Slowly, tenderly her teeth began to crush the sliver, embracing it lovingly between them. Her eyes brighten as her tongue moves it slowly to the back of her mouth and coaxed it down her throat. A gentle, nearly impossible to hear moan rumbles in her chest. Ever so gracefully she cuts another paper thin slice and repeats the process...........

 ....Tiny sliver by sliver she whittles away at the tender, juicy bosk steak.  It's softness caressing her teeth with every bite, holding her tongue hostage with it's sublime taste. Her stomach growls with ecstasy with every swallow, eagerly awaiting the next swallow to fill it's emptiness. A gentle smile painted upon her lips while her eyes watch Mistress's hair dance gracefully  in the air........

.....A cold dreary day greeted Blackbeard like a cruel mistress as he stood at the bow of the ship. The wet dreary day started his day all wrong he thought as he yelled to the crew to run up the mainsail. The cold rain stung his face like a thousand fingers poking at him as the ship lurked forward. His eyes blurred as the wind came across the bow of the ship forcing the rain into them relentlessly. Today just did nay seem his day Blackbeard thought to himself. The day was not fit for man or beast, yet he stood firm. The tiller-man turned the ship slowly to the wind and the wind caught the massive sails billowing them out with great strain. They were underway finally.

The ship sped it's way across the sea with vengeful lust and Blackbeard and his crew made great time to the waters of Yew. Lookouts posted on all four corners of the ship watched for unwary vessels as Blackbeard lit his pipe. They were on the prowl.

"Ship off the port bow!" Rang across the deck. Blackbeards' frown turned upside down to a smile as cold as ice. He turned to the stern of the ship and pointed to the ship, the tiller-man quickly spun the wheel towards where he pointed, the hunt was on. Crewmen readied their weapons as they drew ever nearer the small ship. It was an easy prize to take, but a prize none the less and this was their first in days. The abandoned ship gave its self freely to them as they manned it with a small crew to follow behind Blackbeard and the rest of the crew.

Onwards they sailed to the southwest towards Moonglow and Nujel'm. The pair of ships sailing together in a line. Blackbeard and a few more crewmen transfered over to the smaller ship and sailed slowly into the main port.
Ship after ship they passed, most with guards posted on deck. Blackbeard grumbled in disappointment. As they slowly turned the ship as if heading for the smaller docks one of the crew spotted two unguarded ships on the fishing dock. The small maneuverable sloops would be great for running down medium sized ships.

Blackbeard and a portion of the party lept onto the docks and scurried onto the unguarded ships. They quickly raised the anchors and cast off the mooring lines. The sails rose to the heavens as they pulled away from the docks.

"Three in one day, now that makes up for the foul weather we had earlier!" Yelled the crew and Blackbeard as they sailed quickly to the mouth of the port. Off to the north they pointed the ship so meet up with the Q.A.R.

The four ships sailed off towards Tortuga, the crew and Blackbeard richer then they ever imagined would have ever come from such a cold, dreary day...

.......Hunting was good, the pile of hides overflowing in the wagon. A warm smile upon her lips as she looked to her hunting partner. Off she would go, taking the wagon east to the train station to be taken to the big cities. She looked to the other wagon, the dried and salted meat stacked and lashed tightly. Slowly she climbed up into the seat, her hands gripped the reigns, lacing them between her fingers for gentle adjustments. One last look around as she propped her rifle against her leg, her pistol in her lap. A snap rang out as she clicked her tongue to the horses....

.... The wagon groaned and creaked, the hooves of the horses dug deep into the ground as they strained against the rigging. Wagon wheels bit into the dirt, slowly lurching forward, turning like the seasons. A long ride ahead awaited her. She settled into the seat, leaning back against the soft bear fur. At least two days to Amiville, provided the wagon held up under the weight. The sky above glided by delicately, the trees began to slip by with a gentle wave, yet not a single word....

...A warm tune came to her lips, breaking the groans, squeaks and creaks of the wagon. The sounds seemed to fall in time with the whistle that raced past her lips, creating the background music. Her lips curled up into a smile as she whistled on, the music echoing in the distance. The load of meats would surely sell well in Amiville and the other towns along the way..........

.....She carefully washed her hands. Softly she bent down, her legs rubbing tenderly together as she grasped the sack of flour, hefting it to the table. Her nimble fingers quickly untied the cord and gently reached inside. The cool, smooth flour engulfed her hands as she took out several handfuls. She turned swiftly, taking a hold of two tarns eggs and a pitcher of water..............

....The delicate texture of the eggshells she caressed in her hand danced softly across it's skin. Lightly she tapped on the shell as she held it to her ear, checking it's freshness. A swift, but gentle tap of the shell and it's gooey contents was reveiled. Her fist made a hollow in the middle of the flour. In went the first egg, and then the second. Lovingly her fingers wrapped around the handle of the pitcher of water. A puff of flour stirred into the air when she added it into the hollow in the flour.........

.....The slimy texture of the eggs squeezed through her fingers, it made her shudder lightly. Slowly her fingers worked the concoction, it slowly becoming sticky, clutching to her fingers, bonding them together. Scraping her fingers with her others, she added a bit more flour to the mix. Her palms pressing into it, massaging it deeply. Her eyes watched as it slowly took form. It's texture changing, becoming firmer, pliant. Her mind wandered, hands kneading it sensually as if it was a Master's body she was caressing. She could not help herself, ever so lightly her her pelvis began to grind against the hard table, her heat starting to ache.........

..... The dough became firmer, feeling more and more like the the strong muscles of a Master's flesh. Ever so lovingly her nimble fingers pressed into it's firmness. Her hands dancing across it's surface, molding it into the likeness of a Man's back. She could feel her loins yearning, begging to feel the pleasure of a Master as he took his from her heat. Lightly her fingernails dragged across the dough's surface, leaving their marks of passion across it. Her face became red with lust, she could feel her heat dampening with every press against the hard table against her pelvic bone. Oh how glad she was that the other girls were out doing chores elsewhere today, that her Master was busy with his scrolls clear across the house.......

.....She was alone, no one would ever know. She quickly washed her hands and let her fingertips glide across her collar. The texture of it sending shivers. Tho she may be collared, owned, possessed, the feel of the collar upon her neck opened her, entranced her. Never had she felt so.... "free". Free to release her true nature, free to be... herself. No training in the world could teach her what she knew in her heart, what she was, who she was, how she needed to be. She needed to feel her total submission in it's entirety. Her fingers slid down across his property, caressing the gentle lines of her collar bones and down across her chest. Fingertips floated over her soft, silken skin of her breasts towards her rock hard nipples. A gasp rushed past her lips as her fingertips brushed across them, knowing they now were his. Down across her trembling stomach, it's heat burning at her fingertips they danced, knowing it was her Master's. The fire in it longing, craving, consuming her in her hunger to serve......

....Eyes darted from side to side, a quick turn of her head to look behind. Giving her legs a chance to part a little wider in her stance. The touch sent shock waves throughout her entire being, making her moan, making her squirm. Deftly her fingertip pressed against her special spot, gently circling it backwards and forwards, causing her to growl with desire. Her legs began to tremble like a shaking bowl of pudding. Light whimpers raced past her lips driving her mind deeper into the upcoming ecstasy. Her other hand grasping hard onto the heavy table, digging her fingernails deep into it's surface......

.....Only if they truly knew what being owned did to her soul, what pleasures the feel of the collar upon her neck made her feel..........................

.....How it gave her a sense of purpose, a sense of pride.......

....How it unlocked, her beast within.............

....Again she washed her hands, the smell of her ecstasy wafting lazily past her flared nostrils. She turned back to the dough, blushing as she looked at it's shape. Again her hands stroked the dough's shape. A playful pat of the backside in the dough, the shape disappearing with every motion of her hands.
She let the dough rest a few before cutting it into two halves and placing them into loaf pans. She turned and opened the heavy iron door of the oven and slid them in carefully. It's heat biting at her skin. With a creak the heavy door closed. She was done, in more ways then one.........................

.......She quickly moved to the well to obey Mistress order promptly. Hurriedly grasping the bucket and filling it. She lifted it over her head and gently poured it onto her head. The biting chill of the cool, crisp water trickled down across her face and shoulders, glistening brightly against her skin as it flowed down across her burning flesh. It's cold sting bit into the freshly opened wounds from the slavers whip as it danced it's stinging coolness around the high welts and bits of torn flesh. She looked down, watching the now pink water from the blood that leaked from the fresh wounds on her back, dance down her inner thighs and calves, wrapping around across her shins and slipping between her toes.
Her body shivered and shook, her eyes closed with the erotic caress of the water. Slowly she slid her hand across her face, scrubbing it clean as best she could, missing not a spot. Soft, nimble fingers danced slowly down to her neck. Gingerly she wrapped them around, rubbing firmly to remove the dirt and grim of the day. The fresh whip marks burned and throbbed on her back. She seemed to enjoy it's pain as it raced through her mind.

Slowly down, her fingertips danced across her heaving chest. Her nipples hard and aching as her mind replayed the Mistress's whips caress. A long, sweet moan of ecstasy escaped her lips as her fingertips traced along her breasts supple skin and across her erect nipples, each finger reluctantly drawing slowly away from her nipples.
She rubbed and caressed her breasts, rubbing them clean with the palm of her hand. Down across her belly she continued, washing herself throughly.
Her eyes darted from left to right, up and down and all around the kennels, not a soul in sight....

...Her fingers slipped past the bar of her chastity belt to her trembling heat. Ever so gently she let the very tips of her fingers dance down the outer lips of her heat and back up, quickly finding her special button and rubbing it in small, reversing circles. She bit her bottom lip to stifle the pleasure filled moan that welled up in her chest. Her body ached for release like she had experienced at the receiving end of Mistress's whipping. Her fingers worked deftly as she hurriedly pleasured herself before anyone came back to see what she was doing.
A loud gasp of ecstasy escaped her throat and lips, her body shook and shivered as the orgasmic wave raced through her body. She looked around worriedly, she quivered with fear that someone might have heard her cry of pleasure....

...Quickly she dunked the bucket back into the water and poured it over herself, hurriedly washing away the signs of her heats sweet nectar. Down her thighs and across her toes her hands and fingers works to wash away the sweat and grim. She tossed her blood red hair back, it's wet strands feeling like thousands of little whips as it landed on her back. She shivered softly....

She had finished cleaning herself as Mistress had instructed her to do....

She slowly ran her eyes across her body, double checking she had not missed a single bit of grim. A soft smile embraced her lips as she slowly stood up, her hips swayed side to side, her fingertips tracing seductively along her soft curves. "Mistress will be pleased I hope." she whispered softly to herself....

......She could feel the warm sun upon her face, the deep green of the freshly sprouting flowers as they pushed their way slowly out of the soil. A warm smile came across her face. Spring was coming, tho very slowly. Soon she would be busy planting seeds in Mistress's fields so that there was plenty of food for the winter. The soft, cool breeze made her delicate silks that she was given, dance and twirl. They floated like a cloud across her body, their delicate softness causing her to moan and shiver lightly...

...She hummed delicately, raking the fresh smelling grass free of debris. A happy little tune, one she knew not the words, but remembered every note. Like tiny rubies, her hair glistened and gleamed. The sun's light making sparkle like the flames of a fire as the cool breeze tried to carry it off.
The fluffy clouds skated slowly across the rich blueness of the sky. She laid back against a tree, it's barren branches looking like thousands of long, skinny fingers that were trying to reach the gentle clouds just to touch them once....

...A gentle sigh, lost to the soft, cool breeze escaped her supple lips. Her gentle spring green eyes, lost in a sea of sky blue, dotted be the soft whiteness of the clouds. It had seemed so long since she finished her chores, but the sun told a different story as it danced in her eyes, caressed her face...

...Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Granting but a brief pause in the thing she loved most of all. Quietly she sat, the cold ground beneath her skin robbing the heat from her legs. Goosebumps dotted across her legs, giving them a soft textured feel as her hands ran across them, sending a devious shiver throughout her body...
...there she sat...
...for what seemed an eternity...
...sipping some redberry juice... the sun kissed ground... it sparkled in her soul...

.......She could feel the sting in her soul. Chained to the post in the corner of the house. Forgotten it seemed until one of the other girls came along with a bit of gruel and some water. Her heart broke every time she heard a girl called to serve. That is what she was trained to do, wanted to do, needed to do...

...Hours turned into days, days into weeks, time stood still for no one, for it had no Master or Mistress to control it. Body frail, muscles cramped from lack of use, she was withering away, fading into the distance. She knew her mistakes, she knew even more her fears. She strove for perfection in herself, something she wished for more then anything. So that she may serve the Master's or Mistress's every wish...

... Not even the sun, as it shown down upon her wasting form seemed to warm her anymore. It's once warm embrace was now but a memory to her, laying there, unwanted, unneeded. She missed the light feel of the sun's caress, how it warmed her body, filled her with life. But now all it brought was cold, unfeeling sorrow as it danced across her delicate form, stripping her of her beauty, lick by lick...

...Oh how she wished to serve again, to please, to obey, but it seemed it would never be...

...just wasting away...
...dieing slowly... time marched...

......She sat there in the corner, unmoving except for the trembling she was doing in the strange place. Her eyes darting back and forth in the strange room. The sunlight slowly fading, robbing her of her sight, of what might come in the darkness...

... The cool chill of the night's embrace surrounded her, caressing her body with it's long, lanky fingers as it slowly crept up her ankles. She cringed back quickly, straining her eyes to peer into the darkness to steal it's secrets. But yet it marched on, it's slow, methodical advance upon her curled up body. Making her fear, making her worry...

...She could see the other kajira, laying haphazardly upon the lush pillows and furs their Master had placed out for them. The gentle sounds of sleep floating up into the darkness, tearing deep into her. She knew not what was going on, she felt alone, lost in a sea without a bit of wood to cling to, as the darkness kept up it's advance. She watched as the darkness took the sleeping kajira into it's chilling embrace, consuming them hungrily, little by little...
...until she was alone...
...the darkness advancing to consume her also... complete...

.......She sighed heavily as she knelt on the straw, her nostrils flaring as it's soft, sweet smell danced into them. Softly her fingers ran through her hair as it's smell carries her away into a daydream....

...Her eyes closed softly as the warm morning suns rays kissed her skin gently. Letting it's warm embrace surround her as she swayed softly to the distant music of the tavern. Her mind drifting to the thoughts of dancing for her Master or Mistress for their pleasure, to serving their every need.
She could feel the soft straw under her knees, licking at her soft, supple skin, a gentle moan escaped her lips. She could not stop it, the caress of the suns embrace, the gentle licks of the straw coupled with it's sweet smell, the distant music in her ears, intoxicated her...

...Tears formed in her eyes as she knelt there, looking at her grey band on her arm. It was only a dream, a dream she knew may never come true because she could not learn as well as the others.
Slowly the tears trickled down her cheeks, softly clinging to her delicate skin as if reluctantly wanting to let go. Down across her jaw it clung before it dropped from it and splashed against her breast, sending little droplets across it...

...Oh to only feel the pleasure of giving a Master or Mistress her unconditional service for their pleasure and desire. That is what she wanted to do the most....

...But she could not...
...her grey band on her arm reminded her of this...
...ripping her soul slowly from her...
...tearing her apart inside...

.....She did not understand. Her eyes wide with fear as she looked at the hem of her Mistress's flowing gown. Her whole body trembled as she listened to her Mistress's command, "You will remain here Xena and serve and respect this home as if it where my own."
The words cut into her worse then any blade could do, piercing deeply into her soul further then any arrow could, her mind raced with thoughts. Had Mistress sold her to this house? Was she just on loan? Did Mistress no longer want her? She did not know as she responded the way she had always to her Mistress's beautiful voice, "Yes my Mistress."
Her voice trembled as the words slipped past her lips. She was so confused...

...She looked slowly around the new place, trying to see where everything was in case she was to serve the needs and wants of the Master she was being left with. She could feel the rough old wooden floors bite into her knees as she knelt there, legs opened, back straight and tall, the backs of her hands laying across her soft, supple thighs, her breasts bouncing slightly as she nervously inhaled and exhaled...

...She heard the Master's voice boom like a crash of thunder. Her whole body shook as he instructed one of his kajira to take her up to where the slaves slept, "Yes Master" the girl spoke quickly. Xena's heart raced as her eyes left the hem of her Mistress's gown...

... "This way, come." spoke the Master's kajira. The delicate voice like that of a soft, morning rain spoke. She followed quickly to the room. "You can sleep here on the rug with us" her voice sang softly. Xena was unnerved, frightened, her insides shaking. She spotted a corner of the room and headed to it without a word...

...She had lost all her gracefulness and she dropped to the floor quickly, drawing up her knees tightly to her chest, pressing them hard against her breasts. Her arms wrapped around her legs tightly, her fingers locking around her wrists tightly as she pulled her legs tighter to her chest.
The soft feel of her knees and thighs embraced her lips when she lowered her head to them. The pounding of her heart vibrated against her thighs, the warmth of her legs upon her lips only a tiny bit reassuring. Her spring green eyes darted around the room, trying to take it all in as they scanned every detail of the room...

... There she huddled, withdrawn, lost, afraid. Her ears listening intensely for the beautiful harmony of her Mistress's voice to call for her to come to her heel...
...There she waited...
...her ears aching, longing to hear her voice call for her...
...silently withdrawn into the fetal position...
...yearning to see the hem of her Mistress's gown once more...
...racked with fear...

( The back story )
Come sit friend, let me weave you the Tale of White Rose....
Many moons ago, in a small town she was born to a simple farmer and his wife in the state of New Jersey. Her father had promised the owner of some land his first born daughter for his son in exchange for a debt he owed.
When she was of age, she was married to the son, who had a feeling, a calling as the son called it, to trap and hunt. He packed their wagon and headed west to follow his dream. He taught his new bride all he knew of the trade. She quickly adapted and would go with him everywhere.

One night, two winters ago now, as they sat in their little cabin they heard outside a great roar of a grizzly bear. Her husband had gotten into the whiskey and was quite... intolerable at times
He grabbed his six shooter and ran out after the giant bear. She tried to stop him but only met with the butt of the gun to the side of her head.
When she woke up the next morning she went looking for her husband who had not returned.
The cold air bit into her face as she searched. Then she saw him, half eaten in a small clearing.
Tears froze to her cheeks as she leaned down and kissed his forehead, the six shooter was empty, all the shells spent.
She picked up the empty gun and headed back to the little cabin and packed their things into the wagon. But she knew she could not go back home
She took to the only trade she knew and tried to make a living......

Two winters has passed since that day. She survived on her own, growing more confident in her abilities every day. She traveled to Colorado and set to trapping and hunting in the area.

   Chapter VII

............The Capture........

...She sighed softly as she secured her bedroll to the saddle and slung the saddle bags over the horse. Out again to check her traps, hoping this time there would be some better luck. Trapping had been slow now that winter had set in deeply.

One foot in the stir-up and a quick bounce and up into the saddle she went. A soft pat on the horses neck as she whispered to the horse, "Let's get them checked fast so we can both get warm again." A gently nudge with her heels and off she went, heading to the first set of traps...

... "Empty" she sighed heavily as she pulled the reigns and headed to the next set. The bitter wind stung at her face like hundreds of tiny needles as the horse trudged onwards. It seemed her luck had taken a turn for the worse. Trap after trap, each emptier then the next it seemed. Collar pulled up and over her face as best she could to fight the biting pellets of ice as the wind crashed against her body. A few more hours of this and then back to the warmth of the saloon she thought...

...She pulled her mount to a halt at the next set of traps. Blood... fresh blood and the trap was sprung. This could be a good day after all she thought. She slipped from the saddle. The fresh layer of ice crunched under her boots as she landed. Step by step, the ice covered snow cracked under her boots as she followed the trail of blood. The sound of the blowing ice pellets rang aloud against her jacket collar with an almost deafening and constant ' thud thud thud '. The trail was fading fast in the storm as she looked around for the next visible trail....

...She looked up from the ground a moment to get her bearings, her eyes blurred from the whipping wind. What was that? She tried to focus hard. Her ears told her more then her eyes as she heard the lever of a Winchester crack next to her. Her blurred eyes slowly coming into focus now. She was surrounded...

... Her eyes widen as she saw the barrel of a Winchester aimed at her face. Up went her hands, her shotgun fell to the ground with a crunching thud. Her mind raced, her body shook with fear, what was going to happen she wondered. A sharp pain ripped through her head and then..... blackness.....

.... Head spinning, eyes blurry, a low, throbbing and pulsating ache on the back of her head. 'Where am I?' she thought to herself. She tried to reach the back of her head, but she could not move. Arms stretched out, legs tied, unable to move. The blackness quickly returned....

...The cool taste of water hit her lips. She licked it slowly, enjoying it's welcome taste. Eyes slowly opened, the bright light of the fire stinging them. Focus came slowly in the smoke filled tepee. The soft smile of an Indian woman greeted her. She tried to speak, a cough stopped her words in their tracks. A sip of water as the Indian woman helped her sit up quenched her parched throat, chasing away the cough...

...She looked around the room and then down at herself. She was in different clothes. Her bloomers gone, replaced with a buckskin skirt and top. How long had she be out for? Her mind raced trying to remember....

... She woke once again. Her head pounded less, she didn't know what was going on anymore, or even who she was. She looked at the faces of the Indians. They seemed to be keeping an eye on her, like she had done something wrong, but she didn't know what...

...They spoke to her only in their language. She was like a child, learning what things were all over again it seemed. Slowly she learned, everything so new to her. Timidly she spoke to one of the women that treated her more like her own. She asked her why all the others looked at her differently...

..."You are different in the color of your skin White Rose. This is why your brothers and sisters look at you in that way." the Indian woman spoke softly. She looked down at herself, it was as if she was truly seeing herself for the first time. She didn't know what to make of this, "Who am I ? she said in a whisper.
The Indian woman spoke up with a tender smile, "You are White Rose. That is the name the chief has given to you my sister."
She just nodded slowly, "That must be why, I am different." She looked at her pale white skin with a heavy sigh, "White Rose indeed." .....

... Days turned to weeks as "White Rose" learned her place in the tribe. The chief kept her chained to a heavy wooden post that was driven deep in the ground, her ankle linked to it by a length of heavy chain. She did not think twice about it. She was told by the chief it was for her own protection, so she could not be stolen away by outlaws or by other tribes...

...Weeks turned into months and the winter grew colder. She would sit quietly in the tepee with the other women and make clothing from the hides, baskets and other needed items for the tribe to survive. They would sit for hours singing songs of the ancestors as they wove blankets with intricate designs. Night would fall and the chief would hurry the other women out to their own tepees...

...Sleep came easily under the warm hides. She would pull them over her head and enjoy the musky scent. Her eyes closed quickly but just barely when she felt a quick, cold chill as if the hides where lifted. Groggily her eyes blinked and then popped open. A rough hand touched her soft, supple skin. She pulled the hides from over her head and looked to where the hand had come from, it was the chief...

...Her eyes wide, she did not know what was going on. Never had anyone from the tribe touched her in this manner. She looked up nervously as the chief positioned himself over her.
"It is time you serve your tribe as a woman should my White Rose. " Is all he spoke. She nodded softly as her hands timidly caressed his skin. She knew what he meant by his words, and she was ready, she wanted to, for the tribe...

... Morning came to the peaceful village. She awoke, still entwined from the nights event. His hot breath racing across her flesh like a river. Her body trembled softly with every breath.
Everything seemed different that morning. The sun seemed brighter, the snow whiter, the chirping of the birds crisper....

...She hummed a soft tune as she slowly stirred breakfast, the women in the tribe busy with their morning chores. Her breath turned to mist as it met the cold morning air. The flap of the tepee pushed open with a heavy swish of the hairs of the hide when the chief stepped out from it. Her smile grew, the mist of her breath swirling around her face as she saw him stand up fully and stretch. The lazy morning sun's light danced across the camp, making him but a silhouette to her eyes...

...Morning drew to a close and the day slowly opened. Life was good in the village, her home, the only place she seemed to remember, the only way she remembered herself, at least. She felt at peace with those she now called her brothers and sisters, her family....

...She could feel the cold, brisk air of the day as it danced through her hair. Slowly she continued to scrape the bits of flesh from the buffalo hide that the braves had hunted. The soft words of a song dancing from her cold lips. Nothing went to waste from the giant beast. The meat lay on the racks, smoke slowly embracing it's guest. The bones being turned into handles for knives and other basic tools the village needed....

...The village stirred slowly. Everyone busy with their daily tasks as the children huddled around the fire playing a game only they seemed to know, life was, peaceful.
Flurries swirled and swayed in the air as they fell from the heavens, landing without a sound upon her hair. The smell of cooking hung in the chilly air, making her tummy rumble. Lifting her body up as she sat on her knees and toes she let out a gently sigh of happiness. Her hand went to her belly unconsciously and gave it a soft rub. She could feel a soft flutter inside her body.
Was it the hunger from the smell of the food cooking? Or was it the precious gift the Great Spirit had placed inside her womb, She did not know....

... A bit of bread, a slice of meat, warm smiles of the villagers, all felt so wonderful as they gathered together for a bit of lunch. The braves told the tale of the hunt, how their bravery brought the great buffalo down to provide for the tribe. The children listened intensely, the women smiling and giggling softly to each other as they spoke of the braves.
Happy, peaceful, simple, one with nature, one with each other...

This is how the tribe lived. How the tribe survived...

...Their eyes cut into her. Had she done something wrong? It seemed to her all the women of the tribe were upset with her, but she did not know why. She just shrugged it off and went back to her work. With a warm smile on her face she picked up her basket and headed off to gather kindling for the fires. The crisp air turned white from her warm breath as she hummed a tune...

...The shaman had told her she was with child earlier in the day. Her eyes sparkled and shined brightly, she was serving the tribe as the chief had said she should. When she had told him of the shaman's words, his smile was as wide as the horizon.
The gentle snapping of twigs as she broke them to fill her basket, echoed through the woods like a rifle shot. Still she hummed happily as she worked...

...Hands grabbed her from behind. Her eyes covered, her mouth gagged, arms bound behind her. What was going on? She tried to scream for help, but the gag was to secure. Horror filled her mind, body shook like a leaf in the wind.
She could feel her hair being pulled and yanked, the sound of a blade cutting through it resounded in her ears. Who was doing this? What were they going to do with her? Her mind raced in a thousand different directions...

... She could feel the cold blade as it was dragged across her scalp. The cold air bit into the skin on her head. It seemed like an eternity as she lay there, bound, at the mercy of whomever was attacking her. After what seemed like forever, she was let go. She lay there trembling in the cold snow, a voice whispered in her ear, "You wait to uncover your eyes or you shall not live to see the sunset." Her hands were cut loose. She just laid there, motionless, tears soaking the blindfold as she wept...

...For what seemed like another hour she just laid there, shivering, sobbing, her fingers lightly touched her head. Her hair was gone, all but a strip across the top. Slowly her cold fingers untied the blindfold. Her tears had frozen to it. She got up slowly, looking at the ground. There, laying in front of her was all her golden hair...

... She gathered her hair and placed in in a pouch on her side. "Who would have done this? Why?" she thought to herself. But she could not find an answer. Slowly she gathered her basket and headed to the river. As she looked down at the water, her fingertips moved from her belly to her head. In the clear water she saw what had been done...

... Slowly she made her way back to camp, mind racing, cheeks frozen with the trails of her tears. What would the Chief think? Worried, scared, confused, onward she walked, slipping quickly into the tepee, hoping no one would see what had happened...

...The flap closed, the sting of the smoke making her eyes sting. She could see him sitting there, smoking his peace pipe. She quickly hurried herself to the kindling, placing it to dry in the warmth of the tepee. She could feel his eyes on her as she worked...

"White Rose, who did this to you?" his voice bellowed. She knelt down and began to weep. Her tears raced down her cheeks as she told him of what happened. He listened quietly, not a sound or movement.
Tenderly his hand reached out to hers, it's warm, reassuring touch made her feel warm inside. His gentle words reassured her that justice would come to those who did this...

...Night fell quickly, the winds howled outside the tepee like a lonely wolf. The warmth of the hides embraced her as she slowly pulled them over herself.
Tomorrow is a new day...

... Time seemed to stand still at the village. Days turned to nights, weeks into months. She looked down at her belly when she felt the fluttering inside. Her hand softly rubbed across it.
Her eyes sparkled, a warm smile upon her lips. This was all new to her as she made the morning meal for the still sleeping Chief...

...No longer was she chained to the post, the chief had removed it the night before. He called her, "his". This she was truly. She carried inside her his child, she was his by all rights. The smell of the food filled the tepee as she flipped some eggs she had gathered out in the woods the day before. Meat sizzling along side as she hummed a soft melody...

...She watched as he stirred under the hides, a soft giggle escaped her lips as he untangled himself from their warm grasp. She could see his skin tremble as it left the hides warmth. The cold winter wind lapped at the tepee, making it shudder slightly. Rolled hides lined the edges on the tepee where it met the ground, the snow piled against it from the outside. It was warm in there. She stirred the embers and placed some more wood on the fire, breakfast would be ready soon...

... He slowly pulled on his warm fur clothing and buckskins. Out of the tepee he went, bow and quiver in one hand, the other carried his rifle. A hunt was needed for fresh meat for the tribe. His voice cracked loudly in the chilled air as he called upon the warriors to join him...

...Slowly she woke up, the cold winter wind licked at the tepee's sides, making it sway and flutter. She pulled the warm hides up over her head and closed her eyes, ' To cold to get up this morning! '
But alas, she knew she had to, something more powerful then sleep needed her attention...

...Out if the warm covers and into her heavy hide cloak she climbed. "Mother nature" was calling her. The moccasins crunched the fresh fallen snow under her feet as she headed for the tree-line. The only thing more powerful then sleep could drag her out into the clean, crisp chill of the morning air...

...The morning sun glistened and twinkled across the white snow, dancing along it's blank canvas, making the world seem even more beautiful then before.
She splayed out her heavy cloak as she squat down and leaned back slightly against a tree. Her warm breath danced a romantic waltz with the chilly air every time she exhaled...

...Today they would move, to their winter camp in a warmer part of the land. They would follow the deer and buffalo south into the warmer lands.
The whole camp came to life, tepee's began to turn into just pole skeletons as they rolled the hides for travel. The brisk air licked at their faces and hands as they hurried the work along...

...The mid morning sun gleamed in the sky as the tribe began it's journey south. It's light playfully skipping across the snow like millions of tiny gems. She followed behind the warriors with the other women, horse in tow as it dragged the tepee and the chief's belongings along behind it...

... South they went, the snow disappearing behind them as warmer air asserted it's grip on the land. She could feel the sun's smile kiss her face softly, it was a welcome feeling...

... For about a week they traveled, the warmer weather taking it's hold on the land firmer and firmer as they headed to the new area the chief spoke about. She smiled happily, no more cold mornings...

...Travel was slow at times, each day seemed to be nothing but walking. Day drifted into the night's cool embrace like lovers into each others arms. They were nearing the new village site. She could hear the warm winds whistling through the trees, the soft gurgle of the river as they arrived. The beauty of the landscape filling her eyes, taking her breath away...

...Work was hard under the hot sun, the tepees rising quickly as the village worked together. Even the children lent a hand, gathering kindling and wood for the campfires, gathering stones to ring them.
She looked towards the river with a gentle sigh, "Soon" she let out in a whisper...

... The warriors gathered together, hopping aboard their ponies, they were off. Off to get fresh meat for the tribe. Work quickly gave way to rest, as the women of the tribe headed towards the river's edge. They watched as the children splashed and played in the clear water, giggling, talking, smiling. She slowly stepped into the water, it's clear coolness engulfing her feet, wriggling it's way between her toes. Life was good for the tribe...

... Time seemed to stand still as she slowly rubbed her little belly. Never had she felt anything like this before, the soft fluttering in her belly, the involuntary movement of her hand protectively over it, her clothes fitting tighter. Her smile on her face grew bigger each day it seemed...

...Still the days carried on. Chores never stopped. From picking sweet berries, to checking the fish traps in the river and scraping hides, each day seemed a fresh start.
Ayashe, a medicine woman of the Cherokee would come to the village once a week. She would bring things to trade, flints, herbs, and other things she could easily carry in her pack. White Rose would smile when she saw her. Ayashe would take her into a tepee and place her hands softly on her tummy. The chants would be soft and gentle, relaxing her entire body...

...She always felt much better after the visits with Ayashe. She seemed to have a glow about herself for the rest of the day when she knew everything was going well.
Back she went to her chores, for in the village, everyone worked together, for the greater good of the tribe...

... She could feel the cool, crisp water caress and lick at her skin as she waded into it slowly. It's gentle touch slowly climbing up her body as she stepped into it's chilled embrace, engulfing her in it's life giving flow.
Delicately she swam through, her mind wandering from this to that, letting all her worries flow downstream, the freshness of the future still heading towards her from upstream...

... Night fell upon the peaceful village. The thick smell of the evening fires filled the camp as they gathered around them, telling tales of hunts and stories of the tribe.
Darkness embraced the thick woods. The music makers of the night began their concerto, adding their part to the stories ambiance. She laid back against a big pile of hides, her fingertips tracing over her swollen belly, her ears and eyes transfixed to the story tellers words and actions...

...His rough hands slid slowly across her delicate skin, making it shiver softly. She could feel their rough, hard callouses as he traced them along her body's curves, she knew his touch well. Her own fingertips danced across his chest like tiny feathers, feeling the familiar cut of his muscles, the ripple of them as they moved above her...

...Morning came, she slipped from the warmth of the furs and headed off towards the river. There in the early morning sun she watched as the horses drank from the river. Her eyes wandered across their glistening fur as the warm sun danced across it. A warm smile came across her face as she washed the clothes. Their gentle neighs and snorts singing a song to the wind as she listened...

...One caught her eye, it's black mane rustled in the gentle breeze, cascading down across it's body as it softly landed silently. It's one back hoof was white as snow, on it's snout a long white triangle. She watched as it shook it's mane. Like thousands of feathers caught in the wind it floated back down, sparkling like diamonds in the sun...

... Her eyes watched the sun dance across the raven colored horse, watching it dance and sparkle like tiny flecks of gold dust. The crisp, cool water felt good upon her skin as she slipped into it, her eyes carefully watching the horse. Oh how she wished she could climb upon it's back and ride, letting the wind race across her face and rush through her hair....

...Timidly she moved towards the beast, her eyes locked onto its eyes. The cool, clear water splashing against her calves, pushing against her every step. She held out her hand tenderly, showing the creature she meant no harm. The big, brownish eyes looked deep into hers, their piercing gaze looking straight into her soul it seemed. She watched as the horse lowered it's head slowly, it's hot, moist breath swirled around her hand, warming it quickly. Quietly she waited, watching, her other hand protectively guarding her swollen belly...

...She watched on, not backing away or showing any fear, as the raven colored horse slowly sniffed her. Carefully she watched, the heavy breath of the beast surrounding her belly, embracing it warmly. With a softness of a feather she felt the horses large muzzle rub softly across her stomach. Tenderly her hand ran across the strong neck, a smile upon her lips....

...She felt the baby kick, making her twinge in discomfort. The whinny of her new found friend seemed to be one of happiness as her hand gently rubbed her belly to sooth the child inside. She turned to head to the bank of the river, towards a large rock to rest a moment. Deep inside she knew the time was growing short, The little one inside her would soon come into the world.........

.......The Hunting Trip.....

...The wagon was finally loaded. Bo and Vicky checked the ropes one last time before he helped Vicky into the seat and climbed in. Grabbing the reigns he let out a "Yahh!" and snapped them. The wagon's wheels creaked to life as the horses started to pull. The hot breath of the horses steamed from their nostrils as they pulled the wagon slowly down the main street in town. They had packed enough supplies for at least a month, and where on their way.

The town faded slowly away behind them as they crossed the open plains. Their destination, unknown. They were out to find hides, where ever they could find them.

The wagon jerked and swayed as they rode on. The cold weather nipping at them both harshly. Vicky climbed into the back of the wagon to find the buffalo fur she always kept handy. Their eyes locked for a moment as she draped it around herself and Bo as they rode on. Her cheeks blushed hard as she saw his warm, gentle smile when she snuggled against him.
"Just so we's don't freeze ta death. " , she said softly. His warm smile making her blush harder. She had not been this close to a man since her husband passed some two years back now. Her eyes widened as she felt his arm wrap around her tenderly.
He turned his head towards her and smiled softly, "Just so we don't freeze to death."
It felt good to be held, even if it was just for warmth. Her crystal blue eyes stared off into the distance.

She grabbed the reigns from his hands, pulling the horses to a halt quickly. She had spotted something in the distance.... Buffalo! She sprung from the warmth of the hide and his embrace and hurried him along. They needed to set up camp quickly.

The cold air filled with the steam of their breaths as they set up camp. The odd pair grabbed their rifles and trudged quickly through the heavy snow.

The crack of the rifles resounded in the cold, crisp air. Shot after shot they fired, dropping buffalo after buffalo. The smell of the gunsmoke filling the air as they fired into the herd. With every shot, a buffalo dropped. The gunsmoke hung in the chilly air like a fog. Thirty buffalo dropped, today was a profitable day indeed. Vicky grabbed the horse team and pulled them behind her. Bo lead the way, rifle in hand. She pulled off her jacket and drew her knife. Time for the hard work to begin.....

Hours passed, Bo quickly learned how to remove the hides. Sweat dripped from both their brows as the sun continued to rise. The work was hard, very hard, but the profit was worth it all.
She laughed, "Don't dare mess up that thar hide Bo!"
She could see his eyes and his playful smirk, "Don't make me skin you instead" he chuckled.
The noon day sun seemed to slip quickly into darkness as they dragged the last of the hides into wagon. The smell of the blood hung heavily in the air as they continued their work. A few swipes of her blade and she cut a hunk of meat for them to eat for supper.
The temp began to drop quickly. Bo set to starting a fire as Vicky pulled a stew pot from the wagon's side box and filled it with snow. Bo laid back, exhausted from the day's work as Vicky put the pot to boil over the fire.

The smell of the stew filled the crisp air with a comforting warmth. Vicky watched Bo's eyes droop slowly as she filled a bowl with stew.
"Eat up, You'll need your strength to finish the rest of them buffalo tomorrow." she chuckled.

"Yes ma'am." is all he replied as he took the stew. Bo quietly thought to himself as he ate the stew, 'Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try hunting and trapping after all.' His eyes grew heavy, sleep the only thing on his mind as he climbed into the tent.

She sat down and slowly ate her stew, thinking of the work they had left for the next day....

...............His Mistress´ Voice............

.......She had been restless for a while, he couldn't have but noticed when standing guard at the Smugglers´ Gate, he knew the signs and the tempting pull of Her voice. Soon somewhere a sailor, be it a lonely fisherman or a sea captain, would decide to face Her waves, despite his colleagues warnings, ignoring the little voices in his head or simply because he had a family to feed.
He had felt nervous then, close enough to hear Her voice, yet just out of reach.
But how could he ever really be out of reach? Her touch reached everywhere, the springs and rivers, the kitchen sink, his cup of tea...even into his very blood. Faintly, easy to resist, it still was there, like a whispered promise across a room or a whiny nag from next door, however Her mood struck Her.
She hadn´t given up, probably never would, just being there, waiting, biding Her time. But some days Her call would be more insistent and She would reach out to Her children, Her mates. Days like these...

He pressed closely against the Southern City Wall, his fingers curled into a piece of cloth that carried her flowery scent, his anchor into his new being.
Her call had pulled him here, he couldn´t have stayed away; close enough to hear Her voice yet far enough to resist... hopefully.
His eyes watched Her ever restless body to the east, even here, far away from where She took Her tithe, chose Her playthings, companions and loves the signs of her fury were unmistakeable. The storm would rage out there, shredding sails and breaking masts, more to the south, it seemed. A good sign, most likely no-one he knew would find his way to Her this night.

And suddenly, with a satisfied moan carried upon the winds, it was over. His hands clutched the tattered remains of a brightly coloured skirt to his face, filling his head with peace and the strength to move away, away from Her who he once called his love to the one that was his Love now, his anchor, the founding stone of his new self.

*As written by Stewan Seagull about the Sea and T'lara.*

.........................A Tale of Ryan Greystone.............

Night brought forth it's dark fingers as Ryan walked forth into it's blackness. The dreary sounds of the creatures rang forth throughout the cold forest. He had traveled for to long, he would have to make camp in the chill of the night. Flint sparked against steal as he lit his torch to stay off the nights' blackness. A suitable spot, somewhere high and dry he looked for, with none to be found.
Disheartened, Ryan braced his torch into the limb of a tree and began clearing a spot for his bedroll, this place was as good as any he thought. His heavy boot steps crunched through the foliage as he gathered fallen branches and logs for his fire. Such a recruit mistake, he thought to himself as he dragged the gathered wood behind him. To not make camp before dark was not like him, his thoughts were else where. Someplace far away now...

... Sun shined through her golden locks of hair as Ryan held her in his arms. She was the one for him, his one true love for the rest of time. The smell of her hair as it fell across his face, still lingered in his nostrils. This day could not get any better he thought, everything was perfect. Hand in hand they strolled through the dirt covered streets of cove and across to the Altmere. They were going to their favorite place to sit and talk at the edge of Coves' boundary. Things had been quiet, peaceful, never did the loving couple think of what would change their lives forever would find them on this perfect day...

...The fire of his campsite slowly began to grow, it's deadly dance of flames creeping up the bits of twigs and bark like a Way-watcher on the hunt. It's warmth slowly spreading as it's hungry flames slowly devoured their prey. He slowly added more food to the ravenous flames while laying out his bedroll over some pine branches. It was not his best work, but it would have to do for the night. Another log into the fire, his pack crumpled up underneath his head, he began to drift off. Off to a simpler time, a peaceful time. He twisted and turned on his bedroll, his eyes turning back to the flames...

... Flames lept from the forest, the loving couple turning to run away from the flames. Their feet taking flight as they gripped each others hands tightly. Out of the smoke Ryan felt a sickening thud slam into his chest. His lovers hand wrenched from his as he was forced back by the blow.
His eyes barely able to focus after the massive blow, he looked up as he heard her terrified screams above him. His eyes struggling to focus, her screams blood curdling, he felt a heavy foot against his chest. It felt like a giant hoof as his hands tried to stop it from holding him down. As he looked up towards her cries for help he came face to face with what held him down, a Minotaur. It'd foul breath crashed against his face, robbing him of his next breath. Fire filled it's black eyes as it stared down at him. With a heavy snort the minotaur stood up and held his prize high in the air above it's blackened horns. With a mighty swish of it's hoofed foot it sent Ryan across the open field and into the brambles. He could feel the heavy footsteps as the minotaur walked away with his love...

... The crackle and pops of the fire echoed in his ears as he laid there not able to sleep. He was healed now and had sworn to retrieve her and bring her back to Cove where she belonged, no matter what the cost. Tears formed in his eyes as he thought of her, his heart aching for her smile. It drove him forward, kept him focused on his task. Years of fighting came back in a flash on that grim day, never would he let them fade into the background again.
The moon cast its' eerie shadows amongst the trees, his weapon clutched in his hand, Ryan finally drifted off to sleep.

Morning climbed slowly through the blackness as Ryan stirred in his make shift bed. The early morning dew sprinkled as far as the eye could see, greeted him as he awoke. Rubbing his eyes and with a great stretch he turned to the dieing fires' coals, now blackened and gray. Stoking it up with fresh food and a soft blow from his lips brought the fire to life once more. A bit of tea and a few stale muffins made for a bland breakfast. But he could waste no more time to complete his self imposed quest. Hastily he rolled up his bedroll and kicked dirt upon the fire. Onwards he went, deeper into the woods after his prize.

Hours passed into days as he searched for the minotaurs lair. His heart heavy with the thought of finding her dead. Step after step he trudged on, deep in his soul he had to know, and avenge her either way.

Something did not feel right, the forest was to quiet suddenly. Ryan gripped his weapon as he brought it out to his side. All of his senses were on high alert as he crept forward. Eyes dashed to and fro as he moved carefully onwards. This feeling was not new to him, many a battle with the Yewish Way-watchers had honed his alertness. Nothing moved, not even a leaf as he stood there.

A mighty crash and a thunderous roar came at him from his right. The sudden shock as he felt the Minotaurs' spear pierce through his side stunned him. His eyes wide with disbelief and pain, never had a wound been this deep before. The familiar snort from the minotaur rumbled through his ears nearly drowning out a delicate voice. Her voice, still she lived, his face grew a peaceful smile. He heard her delicate voice once more as his eyes met hers for the last time.
"We shall eat well tonight my love" she said. A low grunt and a heavy snort filled the air as Ryan looked to her, her belly swollen with child, the beasts child, was the last he saw of her. With a mighty grunt the minotaur thrust the spear. The spear raced through his innards and out the other side...

...his journey ended...


Rose stirred slowly, her head pounding from the battle upon her ships deck. She slowly opened her eyes, but only a blackness surrounded her. There was no light to be seen anywhere. Slowly she tried to stand, only to be stopped abruptly as she did. Cold metal bars greeted her hand in the blackness. She followed them around, searching for the opening of her small cage. Her fingers found the heavy chain and lock that held her in. The rancid smell of vomit and feces filled her nostrils as her senses slowly came to her, the heavy feeling of fear and heartache pressed at her from every direction. Aching from head to toe, she laid there on the cold, wet ground, trying to figure out what had happened.
What seemed like hours passed, she couldn't take it anymore, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Nothing, not a thing at all except her own voice screaming back at her. Had she been left there, thought to have been dead? Her mind ached as she strained to see and figure things out.
The cold dampness dug it's fingers deep into her body, making her hurt even more. The blackness rang out with noise, the sounds of keys rattling against a wooden door pounded in her ears. "Someone had heard my scream and are coming to rescue me." she thought to herself. The latch of the door slapped open, the creak of the hinges sent shivers down her spine as it opened. Light tore into her eyes as it peeked out around the doors' edge, quickly she shielded eyes with her hand.

"Ahh good, Our "guest" is finally awake." the heavy voice chuckled. The bright light from the lantern tore into her eyes like a dagger. She shielded her eyes as her eyes tried to adjust to the sudden siege from the light. Two pairs of hands grabbed at her as the sounds of the keys rattled against the metal of the cage and lock, the sound of the chain clanging against the bars echoed throughout the cave.
With little effort, the hands that gripped her pulled her from the cage, dragging her across the ground. Her clothing, tattered and torn did little to protect her bits of exposed flesh as it scraped and scratched across the rough floor. Her eyes barely began to slowly adjust to the light. she could see the cave walls and ceiling, her heart sank. A gruff voice grumbled as the hands shackled her to a heavy wooden beam. Her eyes adjusting more to the light as she started to look around. A blindfold stripped eyes once more of lights.

"Where is your treasure?" bellowed the gruff voice.

"What treasure?" she responded.

"You lie! Tell me where you hide it!" yelled the gruff voice as she felt a searing rush of pain across her face from a gloved hand. The metallic taste of her own blood bit at her tongue as she spat it out.

"I have only what was on my ship." she replied between spits of blood.

"I desire your most precious treasure you speak of in your diary you useless woman. Give me it's location and spare yourself even worse then you just received." growled the gruff voice. Rose knew what he spoke of as he mentioned the words, but she could never tell him that it was not gems or gold that was the treasure, but her only true treasure, her innocence. For what seemed hours, the gloved hand hit across her face and body as she continued to plead that there was no real treasure, she even resorted to telling the gruff voice it was her books that she called her most precious treasure. But it was to no avail, a heavy hit from the gloved hand knocked her out...
She awoke slowly in the dark cave, her eyes almost half swollen shut from the torture she had received. The rancid smell of vomit and sweat filled the air. She could hear the screams over the cracks of whips as she looked around in the dimly lit cave. The distant flickering of lanterns and torches cast shadows across the walls. Rose sat huddled in the corner of her rusty cage, her body aching. Was this how it was going to be, what were they going to do to her, these thoughts raced around in her cloudy mind. She could barely think straight.

What seemed like hours, she sat as she tried to clear her mind, but as she relaxed and started to gain ground, the aching, a crack of a whip, or a scream of agony would stop her. A loud crash of a door shook her to her core. Bright flames of a torch ripped into her eyes through the darkness. The familiar rattle of keys and the raking of the metal chain on her cage filled her ears. They were back. Rose felt the strong gloved hand grab her ankle. With seemingly little effort, the gloved hand pulled her from the cage. Two more sets of hands grabbed a hold of her arms. Her eyes slowly began to adjust to the bright light of the torches. She could make out the shape of the man who had a hold of her ankles, but could not see much detail.

The gruff voice resounded in her ears as the gloved hands forced her against a heavy wooden beam. The blow nearly knocking the wind completely from her chest. “So, are you going to tell me now where your treasure is, or do I need to continue hurting you until you do?” Roses’ mind raced, she knew what would come next. She had no true treasure like what they sought, only her innocence, her purity. The snap of the whip in the air made her jump. They were not satisfied with her truthful answer to their question. Pain raced through her mind as the sting of the whip ripped deep into her backs flesh. Screams of her own agony ringing in her ears. Lash after lash tore into her body, she quickly lost consciousness…

Rose awoke once again in her cage. Dried blood held what was left of her shirt to her torso. She lay face down on the cold stone floor and bars of a cage. This was not the same cage she had been in before. Slowly she opened her eyes, the dimly lit room barely visible. The shapes of vials and flasks danced in the flickering light as she tried to sit up.

“Ah, good. You are awake.” spoke the gruff voice. Rose turned towards the voice, but saw nothing. She looked around trying to see the owner of the gruff voice but to no avail. “You wrote of your treasure, and I desire it, give it to me and you will not be harmed anymore.” the gruff voice continued.

“I told you the truth, there is only my writings and family. That is my most precious treasure.” she spoke with a ragged breath. Suddenly out of no where came a heavy blow. Her head screamed with pain as the blow landed on the top of her head. With a sickening thump she hit the floor of her cage and then, blackness…


The sea was calm that morning, warm tropical breezes billowed the sails of the ship. She was very pleased with herself that she was on schedule to make her delivery later that evening. Rose peered through her spyglass that William had made for her out across the vast sea. The sea was no new place to her, but these waters she nay sailed in many years. She could see the palm trees standing tall against the yellow pillow of sand, "Nujel'm..." she sighed heavily to herself. It had been sixteen years since she sailed even remotely near that island. It pained her so to do so now. Slowly she scanned across the sea, she paused looking towards the rising sun, a faint hint of something had caught her eye. "Just a bird." she whispered to herself after looking into the ever brightening morning sun. She tied the spyglass to her side and walked across the deck, her heart was heavy with sadness as she looked over the railing. "This is where we were when the sea took you from me my love." as she spoke she pulled a purple rose from her pack. Her eyes closed as she softly said a prayer and let the rose slip from her fingers and tumble into the sea.

"Capt'n Pirates!!" yelled the crewman in the crow's nest. Rose turned quickly towards the rising sun. Her hand shielded her eyes against the blinding light, a black image appeared in front of it. Rose hurried the crew to take arms, she did not know what to expect from pirates in these waters, nor did she want to take any chances. Slowly she slide her heavy war hammer down her fingers, it's sickening thud resounded in her ears as it hit the decking. She bellowed out commands to the crew, rigging sung, sails drummed and wood creaked in agony as she continued her frantic turn towards Nujel'ms' shores. Out of nowhere came a loud boom, water rained over the deck. Then another and another, Rose yelled to return fire. The pirate ship grew ever nearer, the heavily loaded ship could not outrun them. she and the crew knew it was time to stand and fight.

Swords sliced through the air, clubs drummed against flesh as the pirates landed on board, the heavy crash of her war hammer resounded like thunder. But their defiance was futile, the pirates were pushing even herself back towards the port side of the ship. All was lost, and she knew it oh to well.

A day passes by and the now empty ship floated closer and closer to the sandy shore, a local fisherman had watched the ship meandering towards the reef. He quickly sailed to shore and pointed out the ship to the city guards. An hour passed, then three, as without warning the city guards clambered aboard the ship, the deck slick with blood. Broken crates lay strewn around like dismembered limbs of some unknown sea creature, the smell of death filling their nostrils. They searched the ship and only came across Roses' journal, they could now search for any of her family.

Weeks passed as they did before on the Yates farm. Sabrina worried about her sister Rose. It was not normal for her to not drop in weekly, worry filled Sabrinas' blue eyes. Sabrina would walk along the shoreline, to catch, hopefully, a glimpse of Roses' ship in the distance.
Later that afternoon as Sabrina and her parents sat down for lunch, a heavy knock rattled the door. Her father stood up and went to answer it.

The door closed with an errie creak behind him as he stepped out to speak with the person. A pain filled yelled ripped through the house and shook Sabrinas' entire body. The smash of her fathers' fist startled her and her mother as it crashed into the door. The door slowly opened, the shadowy figure of her father stood there in the opening, unmoving. Sabrina looked to her father with a worried look in her warm blue eyes, "Is everything okay daddy?" she murmured out. Slowly he drew nearer, his hand clutching tightly some papers as he slumped into his chair. His normally boisterous voice was now sullen and filled with sadness as he told them of the news.

"NO! She can't be gone!" Sabrina screamed as she raced towards her bedroom. The news of her sisters ship being found covered with blood and no one aboard tore at her heart. Her father sat heavily onto her bed and handed her a parchment with her name written in Roses' handwriting, "This is yours Sabrina." was all he said. He slowly stood and walked out of the room. Sabrina clutched at the scroll, reluctant to open it, but inside she knew she had to.

Dearest Sabrina,

If this letter should ever reach you just remember one thing please, that I love you my dear sister. As you have received this letter it means only one thing, that I am gone to visit my beloved husband who we spoke of many times of when we were together. I write you this for one other reason, it is because I leave unto thee all that was mine when I was there. My ships, my trading company and all my assets are now yours. I wish this so that you will have a way to take care of yourself and mother and father as I helped take care of you three. Please do nay cry for me Sabrina, for I am now happily with my beloved and prepare places beside me for you all to join me when your time comes.

I love and miss you and all our family,
Rose @--}----

Sabrina folded the parchment neatly as she sniffled, trails of her tears stained her face as she began packing her things. She was off to Trinsic, to gather together all her sisters things together, and carry on her legacy...


...Her spring green eyes blinked in the bright sunlight. Slowly she  lifted her hand, shading her eyes, scanning the town carefully. Timidly she stepped off the stage coach her  bare foot pressing onto the sun warmed  dirt of the road. She quickly drew  her shawl over her head and covered her face, she did not know how people would react around these parts if they saw her......

Taken by Mambas...a Slaver's little treat...unwrapped, left nude...what fate would I meet?...chained to a owner towering high...hope the Mamba's not hungry...not really ready to die

Towering, dark skinned...with ivory teeth bright...she'd taunt me hard...that first heated night...a room's fire raging hot...heat cutting to the bone...alone she'd left me...pondering lust 'fore I'd go home

Soon we'd go back there...fresh prizes to claim?...take her as my trophy...swap victory for shame...dragged her home as MY own...displayed for all to see....ENJOYED IT IMMENSELY...just between you and me

A slaver staked down...topless, shown for all...pathetic resistance she made...enraged at my gall...rough skin touched tender...she'd twitch as I stroke...wonder if she thought...I'd give sweet Chocolate a little poke

But Gor's reigning a bit more restrained...our story's just a song waiting a refrain...but I will tell you this...I should have said so from the start...I truly enjoyed licking...MY little Chocolate Tart!

.......I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou....

      The free bird leaps
on the back of the win
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hillfor the caged bird
sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of another breeze
an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

......Xena Bathes.....

She quickly moved to the well to obey Mistress order promptly.  Hurriedly grasping the bucket and filling it. She lifted it over her head and gently poured it onto her head. The biting chill of the cool, crisp water trickled down across her face and shoulders, glistening brightly against her skin as it flowed down across her burning flesh.  It's cold sting bit into the freshly opened wounds from the slavers whip as it danced it's stinging coolness around the high welts and bits of torn flesh. She looked down, watching the now pink water from the blood that leaked from the fresh wounds on her back, dance down her inner thighs and calves, wrapping around across her shins and slipping between her toes.
  Her body shivered and shook, her eyes closed  with the erotic caress of the water. Slowly she slid her hand across her face, scrubbing it clean as best she could, missing not a spot. Soft, nimble fingers danced slowly down to her neck. Gingerly she wrapped them around, rubbing firmly to remove the dirt and grim of the day. The fresh whip marks burned and throbbed on her back. She seemed to enjoy it's pain as it raced through her mind.

 Slowly down, her fingertips danced across her heaving chest. Her nipples hard and aching as her mind replayed the Mistress's  whips caress. A long, sweet moan of ecstasy escaped her lips as her fingertips traced along her breasts supple skin and across her erect nipples, each finger reluctantly drawing slowly away from her nipples.
She rubbed and caressed her breasts, rubbing them clean with the palm of her hand. Down across her belly she continued, washing herself throughly.
  Her eyes darted from left to right, up and down  and all around the kennels, not a soul in sight....

...Her fingers slipped past the bar of her chastity belt to her trembling heat. Ever so gently she let the very tips of her fingers dance down the outer lips of her heat and back up, quickly finding her special button and rubbing it in small, reversing circles. She bit her bottom lip to stifle the pleasure filled moan that welled up in her chest.  Her body ached for release like she had experienced at the receiving end of Mistress's whipping. Her fingers worked deftly as she hurriedly pleasured herself before anyone came back to see what she was doing.
  A loud gasp of ecstasy escaped her throat and lips, her body shook and shivered as the orgasmic wave raced through her body.  She looked around worriedly, she quivered with fear that someone might have heard her cry of pleasure....

...Quickly she dunked the bucket back into the water and poured it over herself, hurriedly washing away the signs of her heats sweet nectar. Down her thighs and across her toes her hands and fingers works to wash away the sweat and grim. She tossed her blood red hair back, it's wet strands feeling like thousands of little whips as it landed on her back. She shivered softly....

 She had finished  cleaning herself as Mistress had instructed her to do....

 She slowly ran her eyes across her body, double checking she had not missed a single bit of grim. A soft smile embraced her lips as she slowly stood up, her hips swayed side to side, her fingertips tracing seductively along her soft curves. "Mistress will be pleased I hope." she whispered softly to herself....


...Quietly she tended to her tasks. Her lips a gentle smile upon them. It was not a very hard task, but she eagerly did it without question.  The heavy bucket strained her arms as she carried it from the well towards the plants in the garden...

..She swayed slowly as she  knelt beside the rows of plants and flowers, their delicate aroma filling her nostrils with their fragrance. Slowly she ladled the water from the bucket  and gently poured it around the base of the first plant.  The dry soil turned from a  pale beige to a rich, deep brown. She  ladled some more around the plants base and gracefully moved onto the next...

...Hours went by as she gave each plant a drink. Making sure that each one received the proper amount to quench it's thirst.  The cool, crisp water from the well dripped onto her silken skin as she ladled it out to each plant. She  looked back over her task with a proud smile.
 "Mistress will be happy..." she whispered to herself. Her smile grew bigger at that thought. All she wanted to do was make her Mistress happy. To please her anyway she could...
    ...That was her purpose in life....

  Slowly she swept the floor of the kennel's main hallway. Her eyes watched as the brooms bristles danced slowly across the floor. Her mind  fixed on her task. She could hear the distant music of the tavern and hummed very quietly along with it.  Softly, Sensually her hips swayed while she worked...

...Not a speck of dirt did  she dare miss. She was told to make sure  the floor was free of any dirt or pebble as they might dirty or hurt the feet of the mistress  or of any free  that may come in. She would not fail in her task, for she took pride in serving her mistress. Her hands slid across the brooms handle as she  twirled around dragging the broom across the floor...

...Hands gripped the broom tightly as she continued her sweeping. The scrape of the bristles across the floor echoing in the empty hallway and against the walls, she was almost to the end.  Her hips swung left then right, she seemed to glide down to the floor as if a leaf floating down from a tree. Quickly she gathered the dirt and disposed of it. She looked across the floor  of the main hallway and smiled softly. With broom in hand she began to sweep once again back to the beginning...
                  ... She did not want her mistress to think she had not done her chore properly...

....Xena's ears perked up quickly. The alarm bell was ringing in the city! Quickly she pulled on her camisk and raced to the door. Her heart pounded with fear, her eyes wide and scanning from side to side as she peeked out the door...

...Like a flash of lightning she bolted out the door, remembering what her Mistress had instructed her to do if she had heard the bell. Her hair danced in the wind as she raced towards the fortress. She leaped over a barrel they lay in her path, obviously knocked over in the panic from the alarm. The slap of her bare feet against the stone road quickly went silent behind her...

... The heavy door of the fortress swung open as she raced towards them, the yells of the defenders commanding her inside with great haste.
  The heavy door slammed closed behind her. Her breath labored, her heart pounding...

   ...She was safe....

.....Xena and the fire….

...Her nose twitched and itched as she slowly gathered the straw from the floor of the kajirae cage. It's dry, musty smell attacking her nose. Her eyes watered and teared as her nose itched fiercely. Her soft, gentle fingers rubbing at her nose calmed it for a bit as she continued her given task...

...Her arms full she took the first batch of the old, stale straw towards the back  where a fire was crackling lazily. She stood there for a moment, watching the flames sway and swivel in their dance of destruction. Her hips swayed slowly with the flames, her heart pumping a bit faster as she imitated the flames slow sensual dance with her  body...

... Quickly she laid the straw onto the flames, a slow white smoke billowed and swayed from the fire beneath. She could feel her now empty arms flow softly with her hips. She knew if she was seen doing such could mean the whip, but she could not help herself....

... The flames leapt up through the dry straw, it's heat licking at her body, caressing her, enticing her. She could feel herself being drawn towards it's hunger, it's seductive lust to feed.
  She stopped suddenly, the sting of it's fiery lips biting deep into her hand. Her hand pulled away quickly on instinct, yet the dance of the flames and smoke kept luring her closer...

...It felt as if it had been hours as she stood there, the flames slowly dying from the now ashen straw. She turned away from it slowly, reluctantly, and headed back towards the kennel. Quickly she gathered more of the musty straw into her arms until they were full several times. Each time  she would feed the flames hunger, each time  letting it's heat caress her body, envelope her soul.

  The last of the straw gathered in her arms she headed back out to the seductive flames one last time. Her heart raced at the thought of feeling it's hunger for her, to taste it's thick smoke upon her lips as gentle as a baby's kiss, to watch it's enticing dance in her eyes.... once more...


      "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" screamed Daya as she flung her head back in pain. Lozen would have been in the tipi watching and helping out as she was told, but the screaming frightened her. She clung on to her father's hand and hugged her body around his muscular leg. Cochise watched the tipi flap nervously for any sign of one of the women to come out and tell him some news. He was a tall, broad man, with a muscular build and very dark skinned. He looked calm and brave on the outside, but on the inside he was anxious and about to jump out of his skin. He reached down to squat next to six year old Lozen as she started hugging his leg tightly and tugging on his hand. He took her in his arms and they both watched the tipi and waited for any news.
            A cloth was dunked into a large wooden bowl of cool water, squeezed out, and was placed upon the brow of Daya. Ominotago, a helping maiden, softly dabbed the damp cloth along Daya's sweaty brow and flushed face. She wiped away the wet hairs that were sticking to her face and rubbed her shoulders gently.  Daya groaned and breathed heavily as she took a small break from the pushing. Her aunt held her head as she gave her a sip of black cohosh tea.  The assistant medicine woman examined Daya and told her that she was almost there. Daya looked at the young woman and panted, "Wait... I can not go on..". The young apprentice looked into Daya's scared, tearful eyes and said, " You know better than anyone that the spirits will guide you and are helping you right now. You can do it, Daya. We are almost there! Now push!". She started chanting a prayer for a healthy and safe delivery for Daya and the baby. The helpful maiden and Daya's aunt chimed in as they held Daya's hands. Daya readied herself and subconciously grabbed ahold to the sleeve of Ominotago, the young maiden. She took a big, sharp breath and pushed with all her might, tears streaming down her face.
    Cochise and Lozen waited nervously outside of the tent. A few people from the village had gathered around and had shown Cochise some support one by one - giving him words of encouragement, a pat on the back, a congratulations, or a prayer. They stayed around talking amongst themselves about their first borns and families. He was grateful to them and even though he was awaiting the birth of his third child, he could not take his eyes off of the tipi. He heard his beautiful wife begin to scream again and felt Lozen jump (because she was startled from the scream) whilst she was still cuddled in his arms. He hugged her a little tighter and towards the end of his beloved's scream he heard the small, precious whimpers of a baby. Cochise's heart began to pound as all around him became quiet except for the baby's voice which grew from a whimper to a cry. A few seconds of silence passed - which felt like a life time to Cochise - and out from the tent came, " Yayayayayayayaya!", from one of the women and a following, "Yayayayayayayayayaya!!!!" and cheers from the men and people who were near by the tipi. Lozen's father exhaled and smiled brightly as she turned around to wrap her arms tightly around his neck in excitement. He picked her up as he stood up and with his free arm thrusted a fist into the air, celebrating with the rest of the villagers nearby and the women in the tipi. They came to him again and congratulated him. He could not wait to see his beloved and his new child. The assistant medicine woman came out of the tent drying her hands and walked over to Cochise. Her face was full of joy. Congratulations, you have a little sewer.
    Cochise earnestly thanked the apprentice, quickly said a silent prayer of thanks to the Great Spririt, and rushed into the tipi with Lozen in his arms. Once inside, he put Lozen on the floor of the tipi and went quickly to knelt beside his wife and new baby. She was laying on her side with one arm cradling the baby's body, adoring the tiny infant. The baby was small, but healthy. Cochise didn't say a word as he watched the baby girl suck on the tip of her mother's pinky finger. They looked at eachother, smiled lovingly, then back at the baby. Lozen came up hesitantly curious and knelt behind her mother's back, looking at the baby from over her head. "She tiny, U-tsi," Lozen said, leaning in slowly. Daya knodded her head and said, "This is your baby sister, take good care of her," and Lozen nodded in obedience as she smiled at the tiny baby. Then Daya said, " This is my little one."

  " You will make a great healer one day, and be respected among our people", said Ayashe's mother Daya, "Your sister will too, even though she denies it." Five-year-old Ayashe crinkled her nose and shook her head rapidly in disagreement as she sat next to her mother. Daya was organizing her herbs and leaves and calling each one's name to Ayashe. "You really should be doing your chores, little one. But since you are here, no time will be wasted." Ayashe didn't care for learning the names of the medicines, but she enjoyed being next to her mother. Her mother was soft, warm, and smelled of cinnamon, sage, and firewood. She was of a medium build with wider hips and and she had an almond-tan complection. She loved to play in her mother's long, thick, wavy, black hair. She always kept it in one braid and the lengh of it went almost to her knees. Ayashe picked up the raven rope of hair off the tipi floor and begin with to fiddle with it. Daya looked at Ayashe and said, "Ayashe, are you paying attention?"
    Before Ayashe could respond they both heard the celebratory cries of a couple villagers. Ordinarily, Daya would have continued teaching Ayashe and would have looked out their tipi at a later time to see what was the celebration was about. But Daya dropped her plants and quickly ran to lift her tipi flap. Ayashe looked at her mother looking intensley to and fro for a couple of seconds. Daya saw what she had been waiting for, and she saw what she had been so anxious about. Her eldest daughter, Lozen, had come home.
    Lozen was picked up and carried quickly by one of the men of the village to their tipi. She was and looked famished. Her hair was knotted and her clothes and skin were dirty. She was very week and faint. She layed in the man's arms as if she was lifeless. Daya sprinted out to Lozen as fast as she could, leaving little Ayashe behind. She met up with the man carrying Lozen and said, "Lozen!" as she touched Lozen's head while walking quickly back to the tipi. The man said to her, " Do not worry Medicine Woman, she is alive. She walked into the village by herself and just stood there - about to faint. I ran and took her in my arms before she did." Daya sighed with relief. People noticed and began to walk along with them to the tipi, asking what they could do to help. Daya ordered, " I need a tub of water, firewood, and food." The people scattered to get the things that Daya needed.
    They got to the tipi where Ayashe was waiting outside of the closed tipi flap, with a worried look on her face. She then began to cry because she noticed whose body they were carrying. As they lifted the flap and brushed past her, Daya said, " It's alright Aya." She then moved some of their belongings out the way and fixed some pillows up for Lozen to lay back on. The man set her gently on the pile of pillows and asked, " What can I do to help?", and the medicine woman replied," Send word to my husband that his eldest daugther is home from her vision quest." The man nodded and quickly left out of the tipi.
    Ayashe was still in tears as she stared at her older sister with deep sadness. Daya opened her arms to Ayashe and beckoned her to come near. She was knelt and she put her hands on Ayashe's shoulders and said, " Look at me, daughter. Lozen nis not dead. She is fine, she is just really really tired, alright?" Ayashe nodded her head slowly as her crying started to subside. "Now I need you to be a big girl and help Utsi and u-lv, yes? Can you do that for me?", Ayashe nodded her head again and Daya dried her tears with her sleeve. "Hand me the sage smudge stick next to the plants we were learning, sweet daugher." said Daya. As Ayashe went to get the smudgestick, she began to began to take off Lozen's dress and look for any injuires. Lozen had dried, crusted blood on the corner of her mouth, but that was all the blood that her mother saw. Ayashe tried to hand her mother the smudgestick, but saw that she was busy with Lozen so she kept in her hands and watched carefully. After she undressed her, she put a blanket over her and took the stick from Ayashe. "Go get me a cloth, little one," said the medicine woman. Little Ayashe went and hoped to find a cloth in the same place she found the smudge stick. With the smudge stick in her hand, Daya lit it in the dying campfire. She blew the end of the stick and began waving it around Lozens body and head and herself, saying a prayer to the spirits.
    As Daya was smudging sleeping Lozen, one of the women that asked to help out scratched on the tipi and peeked her head in the flap. She carefully set down a small tub of water as not to disturb Daya's prayers. As the woman waited for further instruction from Daya, she went over to see what Ayashe was looking for and found a big cloth for her. The woman then whisper, "Hold this for your Utsi until she needs, yes?". Ayashe nodded and watched her mother smudge pray over Lozen. The woman looked over and saw another cloth and quietly retrieved it. She then dunked it in the warm water she brought and squeezed the water out. A scratching noise came from the tipi and a man's head popped slowly and before he opened his mouth to speak, the woman with the cloth looked at him and put a finger over her mouth. He realized what was happening and he mouthed to the woman that he set the firewood outside the tipi. She thanked him silently, put the cloth back in the water, and went outside to retrieve the fire wood.
    Lozen's mother ended her prayers and smudging and put the smudge stick in a bowl. She looked around and realized that someone was here because she saw a tub of water wtih a rag in it. Ayashe held out her cloth to her mother and Daya smiled at her as she took it. She dropped the cloth in the water and squeezed the water out and began to wipe down Lozen's dirty body.  The woman came back in with the fire wood and smiled at Daya. "Wa do, my sister," said Daya as she bathed Lozen. The woman poked the fire with a stick from the fire wood then proceeded to add wood to the fire so it would not die out. She grabbed the other cloth in the tub of water and helped Daya clean Lozen. Ayashe sat quietly, wanting to help out, but she did not say anything. The women spoke quietly amongst themselves as they washed Lozen. A few minutes had past and another scratch was at the tipi flap. "Come!" said Daya. Before the flap opened, Daya made sure Lozen was completely covered by the blanket. A young maiden enter the tipi and said, " My mother told me to bring this to you,". She carried a big basket of hot steaming food. Daya thanked her and told her to sit it down next to the woman. The young woman sat it down, smiled, and left. "Wow that is a lot of food!," chuckled Daya, "You may have as much as you want, my sister. You as well Ayashe." Daya tried to awaken Lozen to eat, but she did not wake up. She was quietly snoring which told Daya that she was resting peacefully. As the others ate, she put a small pot of water over the fire to make some tea for Lozen when she awakened. She knew it might be some hours til she woke up, so she ate, keeping her eyes on her.
    Several hours later, Lozen's eyes began to slowly flutter slightly open. She looked all over the tipi without moving her head and grinned when she saw her little sister sleeping at her feet. Lozen sat up looking at herself in a clean sleeping dress, barely remembering the last thing that happened to her. She saw a cup of steaming next to her and had a feeling it was for her and so she took a sip. She took a sip too fast, not forgetting how hungry she was but forgetting how hot tea was and caughed the tea out of her mouth. Ayashe woke up and gasped when she turned to look in her sister's direction. "Wozen!" she cried out as she went over and pounced on her sister with a big hug. Lozen laughed and almost dropped the tea from her little sister's excitement. She sat the tea down and gave her sister a loving hug. "I so happy you woke, Wozen!" exclaimed Ayashe, "Utsi would... wait! I go get Utsi!" Little Ayashe ran out of the tipi to go find her mother. Lozen giggled and noticed some meat, corn, and soup in a basket. She crawled over to it and ate it all. She didn't care if it was cold, to her it was delicious.

  She awoke near her campfire, barely but smoldering coals now.  The cold morning chill dug its claws deep inside to her bones.  How long,  she thought, how long had she slept.  The question lingered in her mind as she carefully added some shavings to the embers and gently blew air towards them.  She slowly looked around, taking in her surroundings.  It seemed like nothing had changed from first glance. But didn't it?

 Pouring some water in her metal bowl, placing it to the fire to heat she looked around again. Eyes blurry from awakening just moments ago had started to clear. Armor creaked as she turned slowly,  letting her eyes meticulously survey things near and far. 

...Walking into the rare ingredients store, the wafting smells drifted heavily in the air. For behind a shelf  the Chemist appeared.
  His mucus filled nostrils snuffed as he wiped with a kerchief, before his nasally voice spoke, "What can I do for you today?" quickly followed by a loud ear piercing sneeze and blowing on his huge nose. Almost 2 minutes later and four kerchiefs tossed in basket. 
Slowly she raised her head,  "I's be needin' Mandrake, 'n Blood Moss." She watched  as the Chemist waddled down to two crates. Pulling out a few leather pouches, counting.

 "There we go M'lady,  that is one hundred silver pieces. " , in his nasally sniffling voice. His warm polite smile making her light giggle with that bright red nose of his. She tossed a small pouch on the  counter, quickly grabbing the bundle of ingredients under her arm and headed out.  

The bright sunlight pierced her eyes, lifting her free hand to shade them.  Ah the warm embrace of the sun's caress, slightly made another smile creep across her face. Securing the bundle with a few light pats, onto the next stop, the blacksmith.  Battles have damaged both blade and guard.  It was not a truly long sword, but with it in her hands,  the blood rained. A loving rub on her mount, "Did ya behave ya'self? Hmm? Aye, ya be a good one, that be sure." A tight strapping to the saddle with the bundle of ingredients, then gracefully hopping on…

...Softly the warm tendrils of the morning sun gently brushed against her face. Placing warm, loving kisses across it as she slowly turned towards it. The morning chill ripping throughout her body made her shake uncontrollably as a cloud lazily strolled across the sky. A loud sigh, tugging her blanket around her shoulders and pulled out a cattail from her pack. Hands shaking, pulling off a few finger-fulls of the fluff and placing it in the cold campfire ring and adding a bunch of small kindling. Digging for her flint and steel, she looks around her campsite, blowing the warm air from her lungs into her hands because of the morning chill. The scratching strike of the steel on the flint  woke  a few birds it seemed as she lit the fluff, the flames slowly growing. Adding bigger pieces of tinder to the quickly growing life of the fire grew. Time to grab some of the new beans she had gotten from Nuj'lem and grind them up the best she could, before setting it in a metal container of water and onto the newly formed bed of coals. Ears quirked. The snapping of a distant branch capturing her focus for a moment, 'just a deer' she thought. Turning attention back to the campfire, rubbing her hands slowly next to the dancing fire. The tiny trail of steam begins to lazily drift upwards to the clouds. Her eyes wandering gently upwards along the tiny trail...